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After PvPing in this game for over 4 years ive seen just about everything you can see in this game's PvP. From poor matchmaking to tryhards who have to do just that to support their arrogant egotistical nature. But now, its just come to the point where this game losses another veteran pvp player. In fact this game's PvP was almost the only thing that kept me in it, but these last few weeks just show not only how toxic alot of the community has become, but also just reinforces the belief that BW just doesnt care about us anymore. Before you say im just a little butt hurt nerd, im not. Ive played in PvP as just about every single class, i know what their good at, what their not good at, and most things on how to counter them. And to some they might say i need to lighten up, but i cant because I am a firm believer in that PvP should be a forum for honorable combat among players and that what we have right now is just a shameful display. So unless BW performs some serious magic and turn this game's PvP into something that is actually worth playing, consider probably one of a few non-stealther players to have gone up in 1v6 fights and win to be done and staying away from this PvP. And unless you have something constructive to say, leave it out. This PvP community is toxic enough already
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After PvPing in this game for over 4 years ive seen just about everything you can see in this game's PvP. From poor matchmaking to tryhards who have to do just that to support their arrogant egotistical nature. But now, its just come to the point where this game losses another veteran pvp player. In fact this game's PvP was almost the only thing that kept me in it, but these last few weeks just show not only how toxic alot of the community has become, but also just reinforces the belief that BW just doesnt care about us anymore. Before you say im just a little butt hurt nerd, im not. Ive played in PvP as just about every single class, i know what their good at, what their not good at, and most things on how to counter them. And to some they might say i need to lighten up, but i cant because I am a firm believer in that PvP should be a forum for honorable combat among players and that what we have right now is just a shameful display. So unless BW performs some serious magic and turn this game's PvP into something that is actually worth playing, consider probably one of a few non-stealther players to have gone up in 1v6 fights and win to be done and staying away from this PvP. And unless you have something constructive to say, leave it out. This PvP community is toxic enough already


Sad to see we are losing yet another veteran player 😢


I know the forums started to get a little toxic when Jeezee came back in the last few weeks. Before that, things actually seemed good for once and lots of us were helping newbies.

I know on Harbinger the toxicity had dimissed a lot in the last 4 months when a lot of the ranked community bailed.

But now that Bioware seem to be ready to bring season 7 to an end, I guess a lot of those people are returning to get their rewards.

It's a real shame because now all the newbies who had originally been put off because of the toxicity will quit too and tell others not to bother. Just when I thought we'd turned that around and quiet a few pvers had started to say how fun PVP was and there really isn't that toxic behaviour they'd all been warned about.


Can I ask, which server are you on?

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With Legion just around the corner - offering a massive update to pvp, things could be looking up in WoW if you like to pvp. PvP has no future in this game - the endless nonsense Bioware have thrown our way has proved that.


With no Cartel coin value in PvP its now rock bottom on their list and whilst grateful for 1 map after almost 3 years(I don't count Arenas as they serve no purpose) - Odesson is poorly thought out and designed.


It isn't easy to accept that PvP is now full of ultra casuals who for the most part are ultra bad - or guilds who form pre-mades and think that they are all conquering by stomping pugs and are there only to farm numbers without a thought for the objectives - or the defender calling for help several times.


Bioware should just go ahead and rename this game to Star Story as it has nothing to do with Star Wars at all. Not even their boring solo story chapters.

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I'm not in wow and I won't be. you have to understand blizzards class design philosophy is to make delibertae inbalances. They figured out along time ago that people might say they want fair fights and gud fights, but they actually don't. they want to pwn. Thats why the twink battlegrounds never pop in wow and all the lowbie pvpers just use heirlooms to pwn noobs in the leveling bgs, then delete the toons and mail the heirlooms to their new alt.


this is why certain specs are and will always be punching bags in wow. At least in swtor I dont have the devs actively consipiring to fk me over.

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What u want if 10 dev's do cartel market and 1 work at pvp (I realy don't know what's his job about 8 hours every day, may be u know?).

2012: low slash 4m range, rail shot 30m

2016:low slash 30m range, rail shot 10m


I realy don't see BW work with pvp community. And we never seen pvp dev's. make live conference.

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I'm not in wow and I won't be. you have to understand blizzards class design philosophy is to make delibertae inbalances. They figured out along time ago that people might say they want fair fights and gud fights, but they actually don't. they want to pwn. Thats why the twink battlegrounds never pop in wow and all the lowbie pvpers just use heirlooms to pwn noobs in the leveling bgs, then delete the toons and mail the heirlooms to their new alt.


this is why certain specs are and will always be punching bags in wow. At least in swtor I dont have the devs actively consipiring to fk me over.


All this said I'm still thinking about picking up my "Punching bag" Enhancement Shaman..... I don't like the WoW genre even close to as much as Star Wars....But that's all SWToR has.... It's Star Wars...


Every existing game mechanic has either been neglected, altered to somehow benefit the Cartel Market or disabled....presumably disabled because they did not want to invest the time to fix the system, not because it could not be fixed.


New story content replay value is pretty much zero..AKA short sighted. Pretty much all loot incentive is gone (Because everything cool is being sold on the CM) except in raids...and Bioware has not released raid content, go figure.


BioWare/EA are so obsessed with the Cartel Market they are making the game unplayable/undesirable....SWToR is like a bad phone app game......


I belong to a PvP/Conquest based guild. PvP is in a past neglected state, ranked is pointless with the cheating and win'trading. Reg's have no match making so it's a crap shoot and almost always way out of balance.


......Oh look they disabled conquest "by accident" but are going to leave it down for a week......Conquest and Weekly alerts keep people busy and online. Conquest/WA break and BioWare decides to leave them down for an entire week...They can't possibly care if this game succeeds and make decisions like that...

Edited by Soljin
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With no Cartel coin value in PvP its now rock bottom on their list and whilst grateful for 1 map after almost 3 years(I don't count Arenas as they serve no purpose) - Odesson is poorly thought out and designed.




"no purpose"? what "purpose" are you looking for? is this because CW cures that one obscure case of cancer so every other map should cure something too?


I mean...really dude. you don't like arenas. that's cool. but look at what you're saying, they "serve no purpose." lmao. they're actually the only format for which you can earn rank and ranked tokens for pvp specific rewards. they let you get pops even when there aren't enough in queue to pop a match on the smaller faction. they're faster than WZs thus being ideal for quick matches. so...like...ugh. whatever. tired of fighting ppl on here.

Edited by foxmob
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"no purpose"? what "purpose" are you looking for? is this because CW cures that one obscure case of cancer so every other map should cure something too?


I mean...really dude. you don't like arenas. that's cool. but look at what you're saying, they "serve no purpose." lmao. they're actually the only format for which you can earn rank and ranked tokens for pvp specific rewards. they let you get pops even when there aren't enough in queue to pop a match on the smaller faction. they're faster than WZs thus being ideal for quick matches. so...like...ugh. whatever. tired of fighting ppl on here.


Arena Reg's without a matchmaking system are pretty pointless...Like the scenario where your team gets 2x tanks and 2x dps and the other team gets 2x healers and 2x DPS....Why?


Unless the healer team just stinks the outcome is decided before the game starts.......that may not be pointless but it is frustrating, you can tell by the amount of people constantly leaving prior to match start. Unless the first person on the team is a healer I have yet to be in a Reg arena that did not lose two players before start.


I'm not even going into how this game is based on the trinity system with no matchmaking........It would be fine if all classes were relatively equal, but they are not.


It's not that arena's should be useless if they were done properly, they just are in BioWare's implementation.

Edited by Soljin
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Unless the healer team just stinks the outcome is decided before the game starts.......that may not be pointless but it is frustrating, you can tell by the amount of people constantly leaving prior to match start. Unless the first person on the team is a healer I have yet to be in a Reg arena that did not lose two players before start..

literally the same problem with every reg map.

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What u want if 10 dev's do cartel market and 1 work at pvp (I realy don't know what's his job about 8 hours every day, may be u know?).

2012: low slash 4m range, rail shot 30m

2016:low slash 30m range, rail shot 10m


I realy don't see BW work with pvp community. And we never seen pvp dev's. make live conference.


People only work 8 hours in a day?! That's the problem. Man that would be heaven.

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"no purpose"? what "purpose" are you looking for? is this because CW cures that one obscure case of cancer so every other map should cure something too?


I mean...really dude. you don't like arenas. that's cool. but look at what you're saying, they "serve no purpose." lmao. they're actually the only format for which you can earn rank and ranked tokens for pvp specific rewards. they let you get pops even when there aren't enough in queue to pop a match on the smaller faction. they're faster than WZs thus being ideal for quick matches. so...like...ugh. whatever. tired of fighting ppl on here.


Arena serve no purpose as its where lack of class balance combines with lack of combat balance. A pure waste of time and given how often they pop now and how often people leave them - its not surprising. Things were much better when it was just 8v8 - including ranked.

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Actually, I'd be fine with the arena environment, last man standing, if it was 8v8 in there. At least it would be more viable than what we have with the current "matchmaking" system.


ha! no. that would be 7v1 and 7v1. if you're the worst player or the weakest AC, you'd just have to deal with 6 or 7 players tunneling you instead of 2-3. the matchmaking problem prevails. you still need supporting roles in proper ratios. otherwise, when ppl say they were globaled, it wouldn't be hyperbole. they really would die in one gcd.

Edited by foxmob
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After PvPing in this game for over 4 years ive seen just about everything you can see in this game's PvP. From poor matchmaking to tryhards who have to do just that to support their arrogant egotistical nature. But now, its just come to the point where this game losses another veteran pvp player. In fact this game's PvP was almost the only thing that kept me in it, but these last few weeks just show not only how toxic alot of the community has become, but also just reinforces the belief that BW just doesnt care about us anymore. Before you say im just a little butt hurt nerd, im not. Ive played in PvP as just about every single class, i know what their good at, what their not good at, and most things on how to counter them. And to some they might say i need to lighten up, but i cant because I am a firm believer in that PvP should be a forum for honorable combat among players and that what we have right now is just a shameful display. So unless BW performs some serious magic and turn this game's PvP into something that is actually worth playing, consider probably one of a few non-stealther players to have gone up in 1v6 fights and win to be done and staying away from this PvP. And unless you have something constructive to say, leave it out. This PvP community is toxic enough already


You're way too sensitive man, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen :rak_01:

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Agree. The skill cap is lower than before, base damage is increased relative to the health pool. It used to be the case that I could 1v2 often, or even 3v1 because of the relatively lower damage outputs allowing for a more lengthy fight... Now every noob and his mom can hit 22k (almost 1/3 of health pool) in 1 hit... and with the ridiculous noob-friendly things like hunker down being basically permanent... used to be you actually had to pre-empt when to use it... but now you can just use it all the time... And operative roll in huttball? *** roll is stupid enough normally with the amount of escapes operatives have. Don't even get me started with healers..............


So why not just double the health pool, remove these stupid EZMODE buttons like sorc invincible, hunker down, etc. and we will be back to a decent game.


Edit: also reduce healing output by 75%

Edited by Ewok-Scout
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You're way too sensitive man, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen :rak_01:


I am really not a sensitive person, its just when you deal with the same crap for so long you just have to say enough is enough and really i should have called quits a long time ago, but i didnt. I didnt call quits because i foolishly held out hope that the devs might actually wise up and fix the issues plaguing pvp. But that was nothing but misguided wishing. So i can more than take the heat, hell i can dish it out 10 times over. Im just sick of this, as one person actually stated "mini-game" the devs have in place of pvp. Sorry for actually giving a care about it.

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I'm just trying to find a single reason to play anything but sorc lol..


The satisfaction of playing a different style with a spec that actually has a bit of a learning curve. Honestly i give more props to people who try to play specs that actually take a considerable amount of skill to try and make them viable. Such would be the annihilation spec for marauders and the pyrotech/innovative ordnance spec for powertechs/mercenaries if you can find a way to solve the heat problem. Because honestly those are the folks who deserve the real recognition in pvp because it is not easy to try and make those specs viable in pvp in its current state. Pre 3.0 annihilation maras were wrecking machines, but now since they screwed the whole thing up with the skill revamp in 3.0 and has just made it extremely difficult to get it to be viable. And do not get me started on IO, that spec ever since i started playing has had heat issues, pre 3.0 pyrotech, its pt version, not a lot of problems with resource management because of the 'spam rail shot' rotation, but they moved that over to advance prototype. So thats the reason why you should try something other than sorcs

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I am really not a sensitive person, its just when you deal with the same crap for so long you just have to say enough is enough and really i should have called quits a long time ago, but i didnt. I didnt call quits because i foolishly held out hope that the devs might actually wise up and fix the issues plaguing pvp. But that was nothing but misguided wishing. So i can more than take the heat, hell i can dish it out 10 times over. Im just sick of this, as one person actually stated "mini-game" the devs have in place of pvp. Sorry for actually giving a care about it.


Welcome to the club. I have gone through the same dilemma for several months now, but it is all good.

Once I am done with Chapter XVI I am taking a looooooong break from this game...and I am not coming back unless something changes, preferably for the better as these monthly content releases are just not worth my money.

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This is all too true. PvP is the main reason I continue to play, and it has been getting stale. This new warzone didn't really cut it. They need to do more with PvP than just a new warzone every few years and think okay, we've satisfied the PvP community for a few more years. World PvP was something that basically everyone enjoyed. You didn't have to worry about winning or losing. And now with that gone there is almost nothing left for me. I'd like to suggest that the PvP instances were removed, and every server became a PvP server. Meaning that if you entered an area such as the outlaws den you would be flagged regardless of instance. If you flagged yourself, you would not switch instances but you would be toggled for PvP. All in all, this game is having trouble keeping my interest as the chapters each month are short, and It leaves you with nothing to do afterwards. And with some of the key aspects of why I loved this game in the first place are gone, I really don't have any reason to stay except for my friends that are still here. One more thing, please bring back the mercenaries kolto shot animation back! previous of 3.0. Edited by Cyber-Blade
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but i cant because I am a firm believer in that PvP should be a forum for honorable combat among players and that what we have right now is just a shameful display.


Ah...an idealist. "Honorable combat"...what are you talking about brah? This is a video game. You just got rekt by a 12 year-old with better reflexes who happens to just be better than you at pressing buttons in a timely manner. *high-five*

Edited by DarthOvertone
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