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Why do you subscribe?


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I have a weird hunch. I'm a bit of a Sherlock Holmes, you know. Have this instinct that credit cap is a motivator for you.


I know I know, how could I possibly figure that out? It's elementary, my dear watson. I'm just that good. :rak_03:

The funny part is that during nearly two years as Preferred, I never even came close to the credit cap. The most I ever had at one time was about 140K. Yet now, well, that's a different story. One of my characters just dropped 70 million for boots and tunic to finish the Satele Shan set. OK, it was in separate transactions, so the most she had at one moment was "only" 42 million, but even so, that's 300 times as much as I had at the most when I was Preferred.

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Just wondering why you guys choose to subscribe. I will be honest, I have barely taken advantage of such bonus' like playing operations, and unlimited warzones. (high-level missions?! don't know what those are). I seem to honestly stick to the great storyline and just earn as many credits as i can and use that to my advantage on the GTN.

Why did you subscribe?


I've subscribed since launch. Beta tested and pre ordered the collector's edition because I love KoToR 1 & 2 (though I did hate the turn based combat).


This MMO should have launched with patch 1.2 but EA are money whores and they tanked their own release just like they did with Warhammer. I fully blame EA for this game going F2P.


50 cents a day is basically what you spend............who can't afford 50 cents a day??? C'mon, F2P peeps are horrible.


If you're not under the age to legally work in your state and/or have a credit card or have crazy parents you should sub, period, nuff said.

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That is why i subscribed and the group content is a nice plus, even though i don't really run the ops, since done em all and it does get kinda boring repeating the same ol' fights ad nauseum for slightly better gear which doesn't even matter since i spend most of my time level synched downwards. :cool:


(also, credits i suppose, i occasionally like to buy some of the nicer things, like flashy sabers, crystals, armor sets and can't really do that with 350k cred cap preferred players have)

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been playing since swtor first came out.

had a sub most of the first year then life happened and i couldnt play as much so let it lapse.

then free to play came about....i sub'd again//made a mess load of money to buy everything i could.

so now as a preferred player my only set backs are credit cap, item mailing and just a couple other minor things.

so when i was playing alot (new content) i would sub...when just doing a bit here and there i would lapse and be preferred.

nowadays though since kotfe came out and me being a fluff whore i stay sub'd.

most time i just get a time card online form some wheres or just sub direct from website.:D

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What the hell?!


I gotta say, I'm kinda perplexed...so many people are subbing because of the credit cap, not the game...??


Chances are that the other stuff matters too, but it's not worth mentioning to them because this reason by itself is enough for them to stay subbed. If the credit cap was raised then the other stuff would come up more prominently I'm sure.

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Because I enjoy the game and $13 a month is a small price to pay for unlimited entertainment. While free to play is an option, there are too many limitations plus I want to see continued development of SWTOR which requires money. So my subscriptions helps support the continued development of a game I enjoy.
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Because only with sub I can wear articfact gear....And level up faster, And you know not be limited.


you can buy one time keep forever unlock for the artifact gear


that said..


even with all the unlocks preferred gets bothersome. credit cap, constant reminders to subscribe, limitations on quest rewards, etc. that and occasional whim of thinking I'm going to do something so I subscribe... and then end up not doing it :/


honestly though, I'm reaching a point I've hit some years in WoW, at release of Cataclysm. (that would be when I stopped playing and paying completely for a few years)

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I subscribed to play KOTFE and stayed sub for the HK mission but I regret the decision. If I learned anything from the Dark side vs Light side event its that there are numerous game breaking bugs in 5 year old content.
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What the hell?!


I gotta say, I'm kinda perplexed...so many people are subbing because of the credit cap, not the game...??


Credit cap is probably the biggest obstacle to typical gameplay. I'm sure they'd miss plenty of other stuff, though there are unlocks for most of it.


Access to the story should be #1, but you don't care for KotFE, I understand that you'd still have a need to remove credit restrictions.

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I've played since launch. The game has always been a subscription game to me. I subscribe for the convenience of having full and unrestricted access to everything: my characters, their credits, their gear, the freedom to do anything I want and go anywhere I want. Plus, I am guildmaster. Plus, I believe in paying for the services that I choose to use. I pay for utilities, I pay for cable, I pay for Netflix, I pay for my bus ticket and I pay for postage on my parcels. There is no free lunch, free stuff always has a catch.


^^^ This is perhaps the best response I have seen and completely invalidates the FTP crowd.


No Free Lunch...

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Played since launch when there wasn't a f2p option and have always subscribed since


same here. the game is worth the money. limited WZs NO THANKS!.... and i hate any sort of F2P (well ok B2P is sometimes fine when it come to fps games) with passion.

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Why I subscribe and keep subscribing after almost 5 years...


1. No limits on what I can do.

2. Support the game company so I get more of what **I** want, ie story, cutscenes, expansions, etc.

3. I have 36 toons (2 are event characters), I'm not letting bioware take my characters away because of whatever reason.

4. I like my bonuses I get being subbed, such as my Founder Title, Party Jawa, pre order goodies, cartel coins. As it is, when I make a brand new character from level 1, I get about 43 emails to open with goodies.

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I started F2P because I needed something to escape my "real world" things where stuff was happening that I had little (or any) control over (or so I believed, was living with my parents at the time and my mother's terrified of the outside world, which limited what she deemed was "Acceptable" work for me to do) and to escape my overwhelming depression.


Then I was employed, moved out of my parents' home and started buying timecards. It's what I still do.

When I was starting to subscribe, I had ten characters total across five servers, none at max level for F2P, so the level cap wasn't much motivation. Gen Chat was more a motivator because I'd get whispers asking me where I got X item (okay, Kallig's Mask) and I'd say "I'm F2P, but it was a class mission." Happened a lot, and I enjoyed reading GenChat while running missions (in general).


For the $32.67 after taxes I spend for 60 days of this game, I could buy...


7 six-packs of hard cider from the grocery store (I don't drink beer, shush) OR

Two movie tickets, two medium sodas, two popcorns. Maybe. And likely no refills with refills at $1.25 for a soda and popcorn together. OR

Two, maybe three depending on where, nice dinners out by myself. OR

One pair of jeans regular price. Two if I can get a good sale. OR

Three tank tops and a nice skirt. OR

Two nights at a bar, including food with the booze. OR

A one-way ferry ticket and lunch by going up to Canada. OR

Museum admission and a meal. OR


Clothes aside, this game is $0.50 a day for two month's entertainment. The game's cheaper than therapy, keeps me off the streets at night, and out of the bars at night (Family history + Alcohol on a frequent basis =/= a good idea). And my other reasons are posted at an earlier timestamp.


KotFE is not really a motive for me. I like SoR and before, but SoR could have been better story-wise, but it did have a faction story (same both sides in the end, but it started off different, like Voss planet arc and Tatooine planet arc).

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KOTFE model is why I subbed this time. I'll get the last chapter and go preferred when my time is up and decide if I want to sub again once more info on KOTET comes out. Outside of that, I see no benefits to me subbing as I don't care about the credit cap and I don't run ops or wzs.
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A) really enjoy the game (no other hobbies :eek:)


B) LOVE Star Wars :D


C) access to everything... no hassle, no waiting :cool:


D) similar to above... so many "perks" and QoL options :)


E) NO CREDIT CAP (this is big for me, personally) :p


F) Bonus Cartel Coins for unlocking in my Collections :sy_backpack:


... likely missing some reasons, but those are the top few.



Edited by Johnycat
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I subbed from day 1 (there was no other option lol) and only let it lapse once when f2p came in. Had some time off and when i decided to play for a bit, thought "hey, why not try out the f2p first?"


well after logging in to find my character numbers limited (had to pick 2 iirc) i loaded in on my main. then tried to get my quickbars back. then logged out and subbed, and logged back in.


convenience is where its at

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