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SW:Rebels Season III


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It feels like it is all a build up to a season finale with Thron

Thron isn't just testing the rebels and studying their reactions but how his imperial commanders react and adjust to the rebel terrorist tactics.


That is what the rebellion is. Terrorist trying to undermine the Empire through hit and run tactics. Thron is the latest Commander put in charge to counter the rebels and end the suffering against Empire interests.amd allies :p


Nah Thrawn is taking a back seat to Maul in terms of the biggest of the bad.



The mid season finale in 3 weeks is about Maul and his connection to Ezra. And I think it's quite clear it's building up to a Obi-Wan vs Maul finale.


Thrawn I think is going to carry over more into the next season, I think season 4 will be the last though given the current time period

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Nah Thrawn is taking a back seat to Maul in terms of the biggest of the bad.



The mid season finale in 3 weeks is about Maul and his connection to Ezra. And I think it's quite clear it's building up to a Obi-Wan vs Maul finale.


Thrawn I think is going to carry over more into the next season, I think season 4 will be the last though given the current time period


It is looking quite unlikely that there will be a season 4 of Rebels. Season 2 and 3 were confirmed around the time of the previous season's premiere, season 4 has not and there are fairly substantial rumours of a new animated series made by Filoni and crew already in production.

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It is looking quite unlikely that there will be a season 4 of Rebels. Season 2 and 3 were confirmed around the time of the previous season's premiere, season 4 has not and there are fairly substantial rumours of a new animated series made by Filoni and crew already in production.


Freddie Prinze mentioned they recorded some voice lines for season 4 I believe, I'm confident we will see a season 4 otherwise I think this current season would be more serious and less intro stuff for Thrawn...

Edited by Newyankalt
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Sounds interesting. A whole new animated Star Wars series full of interesting new characters for Reddit to believe are Snoke.


Can't help but smile, I do recognize your sentiment.


I got a nagging feeling though, don't know if it's the mere knowledge that this serie's not Filonis anymore or if its just that we're taking some steps backwards. I thought "commandos" were fairly decent then this pops up, sure, some nice space battles is always good to watch, but the overall impression, nah I don't know. it is, well, mixed actually. It started of spectacular, but now, it lost it's purpose somehow.


I hope the midseason finale is going to set us up with a great big cliffhanger though, we're still missing the promised building up to Rogue one and some other stuff.


Don't know if there's gonna be a season 4, in any case if Filoni is going to continue like he's done with Rebels previously, and if this indeed is the last season of Rebels, then I'm certain we've not seen the last of the Ghost crew..

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Yeah i found that episode a tad boring. I mean doesn't it say some where that a Squadron is made up of way more then 3 members. 3 members are just punks acting tough & hanging out. A Squadron is: an operational unit in an air force consisting of two or more flights of aircraft and the personnel required to fly them.

a principal division of an armored or cavalry regiment, consisting of two or more troops.

a group of warships detached on a particular duty or under the command of a flag officer.

a large group of people or things.



Yup 3 punks acting tough. AHH ha, IRON SQUADRON my Waste air shaft..... :D

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Yeah i found that episode a tad boring. I mean doesn't it say some where that a Squadron is made up of way more then 3 members. 3 members are just punks acting tough & hanging out. A Squadron is: an operational unit in an air force consisting of two or more flights of aircraft and the personnel required to fly them.

a principal division of an armored or cavalry regiment, consisting of two or more troops.

a group of warships detached on a particular duty or under the command of a flag officer.

a large group of people or things.



Yup 3 punks acting tough. AHH ha, IRON SQUADRON my Waste air shaft..... :D


Hence Sabine commenting upon seeing it was only 3 people in one ship.

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Maul was a Character that the fans by the time of the PT's, after some odd 17 or so years of exploring the Expanded Universe, knew there had to be a back story to, and as a EU fan I think it was inevitable to ask the questions about Darth Maul, who he was from the start, his origin, his fall to the Dark side and so on.


The big difference between the two tho seems to be that Maul embraces the Dark and cultivate it while Vader is misguided and seduced in his intentions to use the Dark side as a tool.


Side Note:If we gonna get a Boba Fett stand alone it's gonna be real interesting to see the retcon on that one!!


Yep, Vader is a story cog in his own right, but has more screen time and thus more substance. Not just a scapegoat.

Most Maul pre-TCW stuff I dug up was low-grade fanfiction (including smut) and stereotyped appearances in some novels and comic books. Hopefully Geroge puts him some more to meaningful use before he decides to kill him AGAIN. *fan tears*


I'm skeptical about us getting Bobba Fett stand alone. SW Universe will be probably moving forward after SW VIII.

Edited by Johrun
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Another filler, as expected, but it does get points for Hondo being in top comedic form.


Next week looks like it'll start ramping up finally.


I think it is a shame that Hondo looks nothing like the tough piratelord from the clonewars...

I miss the feel of a greater conflict as it was with the previous series.

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Fulcrum revealed and they were who we thought they were :cool:



But I have a bad feeling about this.



I'm seeing things going bad for Fulcrum leading to a inevitable rescue mission which will go even worse when Thrawn thwarts it.



Loved the "gotta make it convincing" scene :) Really hope Kanan gets his shot at him.

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I know that Thrawn's been letting the rebels escape at the end of every episode, but we should remember that line in the season opener. He wants the rebels to become the architects of their own downfall. He clearly knows that Kallus is going traitor and is waiting for the right opportunity to use that against them all.


I'm pretty hyped for the next half of the season. If there isn't a season 4, perhaps Thrawn is the reason why these characters don't show up after A New Hope.

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Think we're in an upward trend again, a decent episode, but that said, season 3 can't really cash in on the promises the first episodes of this season set up. For me the opening and closer of season 2 is the best we've seen from this series on a whole.


I've been comparing TCW episodes with Rebels S1 thru the early s3, in structure the old TCW episodes despite their 20 minutes limitation felt like "Small" movies, many episodes of Rebels have that same feel, those also have the Filoni trademark, and that's the kinda story telling I prefer. My hypothesis is that that feeling have been less present on the latest episodes and therefore felt, well, less good.


Fun to see that our speculations were right; and, yeah, I agree, Thrawn knows!!


Wonder if we're going to see those new fighters in Rouge one, but can't help to feel that we're presented with som odd canon breaches here, don't remember seeing any shielded tie-fighters in the OT, the Death Star should have been crowded with those . . . or the second half of S# will explain that or Rouge One, or . . . nope ran out of options there!

Edited by t-darko
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Yeah I really liked the latest episode, I feel like this is what we come to expect all season.


Thrawn was awesome as usual but it looks like he's finally putting a plan into motion. Seeing Lothal again was honestly refreshing, I used to hate that it was only Lothal 24/7.

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Wonder if we're going to see those new fighters in Rouge one, but can't help to feel that we're presented with som odd canon breaches here, don't remember seeing any shielded tie-fighters in the OT, the Death Star should have been crowded with those . . . or the second half of S# will explain that or Rouge One, or . . . nope ran out of options there!


The "shielded TIE fighter" for those that don't know is the TIE Defender, which was made to out-compete Rebel Alliance ships in New Republic era and was extremely effective, considered the best TIE fighter ever built. It had a hyperdrive, ion cannons, and shields, but were as fast and maneuverable as the TIE Interceptor.


Now they're in the new canon, and the advantage of shields is something Thrawn would definitely see in such a fighter.


That being said, my issue with Episode IV is why they didn't send 3000 of their 7000 TIE fighters against the 30 or so Rebel ships. I would love to see that explained in Rogue One...


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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The "shielded TIE fighter" for those that don't know is the TIE Defender, which was made to out-compete Rebel Alliance ships in New Republic era and was extremely effective, considered the best TIE fighter ever built. It had a hyperdrive, ion cannons, and shields, but were as fast and maneuverable as the TIE Interceptor.


Now they're in the new canon, and the advantage of shields is something Thrawn would definitely see in such a fighter.


That being said, my issue with Episode IV is why they didn't send 3000 of their 7000 TIE fighters against the 30 or so Rebel ships. I would love to see that explained in Rogue One...


~ Eudoxia


I don't think there is one besides "Imperial Arrogance" which is a pretty weak reason I'm afraid.

Edited by MadDutchman
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The "shielded TIE fighter" for those that don't know is the TIE Defender, which was made to out-compete Rebel Alliance ships in New Republic era and was extremely effective


The TIE Defender was (originally) designed and deployed in limited numbers during the Galactic Civil War, years before the New Republic.


They've effectively taken parts of the story for the game TIE Fighter, and used it for Rebels - Thrawn (Vice Admiral in the game) and his involvement with the Defender programme.

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Looks like The Ghost is getting a cameo appearance in Rogue One (my money is on it being a nice Easter Egg rather than any sort of canonical appearance, but still pretty cool).


Well Filoni has stated on multiple occasions that the Ghost crew could still be around during the movie time, so it very well could be them.


But ya, it could just be a ship of the same design, just as a nod to Rebels.

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They've effectively taken parts of the story for the game TIE Fighter, and used it for Rebels - Thrawn (Vice Admiral in the game) and his involvement with the Defender programme.


Maybe hinting at a possible new-canon version of the TIE Fighter and X-Wing games? :eek:


Looks like The Ghost is getting a cameo appearance in Rogue One (my money is on it being a nice Easter Egg rather than any sort of canonical appearance, but still pretty cool).


The presence of the Hammerhead Corvettes suggests that it is indeed Phoenix squadron which would make it the Ghost.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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