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Recent story driven content is destroying the essence behind the Republic side.


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I would like to hope that this is not the only thread in complaint over the story driven content that has transformed over the years since 'The Shadow Of Revan' showed up.


I myself play republic based characters. Most of the way through the original content all the way to finishing the main story, things are balanced and make sense. Deviations in the main story line happen, assisting other factions, etc, but the battle lines are clearly drawn.


Once I started doing the new Revan content, I found that more and more the new 'Allies' were becoming the enemy we fought so hard to defeat previously. The mission content continued to have practically more conversations with Imperial 'allies' than with my own Republic side - as this increased, the enjoyment of the story line continued to decrease. After x amount of hours of putting up with this seemingly constant content, I finished yavin and decided to do no more of this type of content, leaving the Eternal Empire untouched.


To quickly go into a little reasoning here: I get the whole 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' approach, and it does not work here. The Imperial and Sith values have not changed, they are still the arch enemies of the Republic. The values of the Republic have not changed, they are still standing for the light side and doing what is right for others. To mix these two together to fight a common enemy when you are mixing good and evil that have been at war for ages is absolutely ridiculous, unbelievable, and certainly annoying in game to experience. All I wanted through half of such content is an option to end my characters interaction with the Sith, or even so far as to be able to fight them. And lastly on this particular note, what exactly would the end result be in such an impossible and ridiculous alliance once the war was over? The end result would be the Empire executing a well laid out plan that was developed during the "Alliance" which would result in a potentially devastating ambush against the Republic forces.


Honestly, this new story driven content Bio-Ware has created deviates so far from the Star Wars theme that really it almost seems like it is not even Star Wars anymore.. why not call it something else at this point, like Mass Effect 5000?


Even the constant picture based advertisements for the recent content by Bio-Ware don't even seem to attempt to properly display the Republic sided characters, they sometimes seem to be made to look just like the Imperials in their overall theme?


I will say, that it seems the 'new' content can lend itself only to a degree to the Imperial based players, as of course the Imperial sided values certainly would be more compatible to making use of the situation in order to benefit overall from it, and even be able to 'put up with' the undesirable allies in order to devise a plan though it all that could lead to both the end of the shared threat *and* the end of the Republic. Honestly what bothers me about this, is that this can mean that the game may actually be turning off Republic sided players and therefore be more catering to Imperial sided players. Again, what is UP with THAT - Why not just rename the game, because that is Not the original theme of the game nor the Star Wars theme.


Bio-Ware *did* do a good job Imo on the original story driven content in general Imo in this game - And what things are turning into now is just a Shame.


I just re-rolled a new Jedi, and the original content is nice, but I know now to stop it once the main story is finished, because to me, that is really where the good content ends.

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What do you expect? For the story to be based on our character, their class, their faction, and/or their personal beliefs? Pfeh! Gufaw! The very notion! /s


But seriously, they definitely do have a heavier bias towards imp characters, especially Lana who may as well be the poster girl for the game now. I mean, just look at how involved Lana was in chapters 1-9 of kotfe compared to her pub equivalent Theron, who only shows up at the end of chapter 9 as more of an afterthought than anything.

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Well the story is bad and it is only getting worse.


For starters their emperor story is completely messed up. The premise is that Arcann wanted the throne, but their is many times between the Knight and warrior story, where the Emperor has been incapacitated for long periods of time. So it makes little sense that he would wait to strike until the outlander arrives, for the record I always hated that outlander bs. Now to the fan boy Revan even that made no sense. In the original game the Emperor kept Revan alive to learn the secrets of the starforge, however in fallen empire, it is clear that the Emperor already had access to that tec. This made plain via the eternal fleet. So again another original story making no sense. This also shoots the Revan expansion in the foot at the same time.


As for who gets kicked in the nuts the most it is clear the Empire. The Empire should have been taken over by Malgus instead they kill him off for the sake of the Republic players. The Emperor should have been left untouched, but for the sake of the Jedi player base he was struck down by the knights. Honestly its been a bad run of story for quite sometime. Malgus being killed off was a bad idea but what came after was far far worse.

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I really like the alliance.


My main characters are imperial ones. But I am also enjoying playing on republic side. So why not mix them together? If you play chapter XI, Jorgan claims that the republic is not the "light" they were before anymore. Saresh is not the chancellor anymore but every decision gets decided by her and her puppets. Furthermore, he claims that the political system of the Republic turned from democracy to a more or less dictaturship because of the emergency decree made by Saresh. "Since two years there was no decision made by the senate" (I guess it was like that (in german it was like that)).


So I think, the alliance is a cool idea. And to be honest: there is not only the dark or light side of the force.

Even Satele and Marr are partners now.


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I sympathize with your frustration, but I don't agree:



To me, the idea of an alliance and a story that makes the LS/DS boundaries look somewhat foolish and arbitrary is actually in line with classic KOTOR storytelling. It goes all the way back to Revan, who never quite seemed to be dark or light, and was doing what he felt was necessary to get **** done (I think that SoR's handling of this is kind of BS, but that's beside the point).


On top of that, I'm pretty sure there's a mention somewhere indicating that the Pubs and Imps have realized that they were being manipulated by Vitiate/Valkorion to fight against each other. It doesn't instantly dissolve all conflict though and from the way the story is written, the Pubs and Imps are acting in much the same way they always have... secretly plotting against one another. The people you are allied with are the exception to the rule. Most seem to want to simply get rid of Valkorion and the Eternal Empire so that they can get back to their war.


And by my recollection, there are numerous dialogue options to demonstrate your mistrust of your opposite-faction allies. If you are a diehard Republic purist, I can see why you'd be upset, but I just don't see the problem myself.


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Well... This is quite amusing... I am an almost pure Imperial player and I have been ranting for moth to everyone who would hear how the alliance story does not make sense from the Imperial point of view :D

I mean... Skulking in the caves with a bunch of funny aliens while being scolded by everyone every time you do something evil and having to be NICE to people and RUN ERRANDS for them? Not even having an options to force choke or lightning zap anyone? How on earth did my dart Nox turn in to a dart Fluffy? Brain damage from corbonide?

I guess the bottom line is that FE story line does not work for anyone very well... It both prevent Jedi from fighting the evil and the evil guys form... Well being evil. Which indeed destroys the whole premises of Star Wars.

I could have bought in to a short term, extremely tense and strained alliance, with Imperials and Republicans having separate camps next to each other and spending a great time of effort on not killing one another, but this? It's just bed all in all.

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Well... This is quite amusing... I am an almost pure Imperial player and I have been ranting for moth to everyone who would hear how the alliance story does not make sense from the Imperial point of view :D

I mean... Skulking in the caves with a bunch of funny aliens while being scolded by everyone every time you do something evil and having to be NICE to people and RUN ERRANDS for them? Not even having an options to force choke or lightning zap anyone? How on earth did my dart Nox turn in to a dart Fluffy? Brain damage from corbonide?

I guess the bottom line is that FE story line does not work for anyone very well... It both prevent Jedi from fighting the evil and the evil guys form... Well being evil. Which indeed destroys the whole premises of Star Wars.

I could have bought in to a short term, extremely tense and strained alliance, with Imperials and Republicans having separate camps next to each other and spending a great time of effort on not killing one another, but this? It's just bed all in all.

There is one very dark option I know of, but you have to make the right dialogue options to get there.


There's a sequence when you get to send one of Kaliyo, Jorgan, or both on a mission that if you play it out right, you can kill one for disobeying an order.


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I know about that one :) But one " dark decision" does not Sith make - we are talkinga bout a character that tortured people with lightning because they skipped "my lord" in the address, and now all of a sudden?..

It's about a role playing part - after Taris there is now way any Sith would work with a cathar general, or any cathar for that matter with the sith - I did my best to commit genocide of their people AND I did announce that intent on holo translation. I killed every hutt I came across while mostly calling them "slug" and "get it out of my way", I proudly carried out Empires xenophobic policy everywhere barely tolerating the chis as it is and now I am somehow allowing the cathar, the hutt and other random aliens to run the alliance? No amount of wanting Arkan dead would make darth Nox let that stand - changing the leadership would be the first matter of business, be that directly or by plots and betrayals, that is what sith ARE what they DO.

Any disagreements should be met with the lighting zap/force choke from the proper Sith, yet after every dark decision you get SCOLDED by the people in alliance.

A strong, flashed out and believable "dark empire" was one of the biggest strength of SWTOR - among the role playing games in general and mmo in particular there is nothing else quite like it - you are never the actual villain of the story, usually even when games let you do some dark things you are still the hero. It was an unique experience in RP department, and I am very sad to see it gone and replaced with the usual generic "grayish hero that is just going through emo phase".

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I disagree with the OP. I like the evolution of the alliance, shake things up a bit.

The alliance may eventually result in its devolution, resorting back to very dark vs. light non-drama, but I hope not.

I'm dark! I'm light!


Now what?

No mixing, no intrigue, just... a game of checkers. I like the mix.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I guess the bottom line is that FE story line does not work for anyone very well... It both prevent Jedi from fighting the evil and the evil guys form... Well being evil. Which indeed destroys the whole premises of Star Wars.

I could have bought in to a short term, extremely tense and strained alliance, with Imperials and Republicans having separate camps next to each other and spending a great time of effort on not killing one another, but this?


I agree. And if money and time constraints were an issue in trying to make the extra content for both the Republic and the Imperials, then they could have at least just created the "new" enemy where both sides could lead their own separate fight against it while re-using a good volume of the same content for both sides, and then mix in at least a small amount of 'combat' encounters with each others opposing side for added content along the way which would help to keep at least a little bit of the Republic Vs Imperials story content going along with things.


This is certainly not Wow, and I suppose by the nature of the SW title things will probably never properly cater to being able to purely create re-usable content for both sides against a separate 'enemy' force because of different values behind both sides, so Imo there is going to be the requirement for the extra work put in at *some* level to cater to both sides in a lot of content overall.


I remember when I hit Rishi with my Jedi, I was like wow.. what a beautiful planet, and looked forward to doing the missions there. It didn't take that long to start questioning what was going on with the direction of things - From fighting for gangs and doing some missions that did not seem to really be-fit a good sided character to conversing and joining up with Imperials along the way. Really by the time I was done with Rishi, it felt like I was cheated from having a really good experience on what I think is one of the most visually appealing planets I've yet seen. I still feel like it's a shame, and I would have re-visited the planet to do the repeatable mission content for end game stuff, but the direction and purpose behind that mission content really does little for me. Yavin was generally more of a let down in a variety of areas for me, apart from disliking the Pub/Imp alliance content, I was expecting something at least as well done visually as Rishi (not the same in environment, same in overall quality), having previously liked Yavin from SWG, and felt that a lot more could have been done overall.


Maybe they'll end the alliance at some point soon and restore the original base content of which the game used to revolve around. And while they are at it, stop producing generic content that can conflict with either sides default purpose in the game.

Edited by -Sornan-
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KOTFE is not star wars nor will it ever really follow star wars story. its bioware making it up as they go because they havent been given any direction from disney yet.


so its not just pub side the imp side is a horrible mess as well.

I doubt Disney is that hands on here, but when they are, then I have to say I am all for it, since I think the KotFE content feels more like Star Wars then everything we had prior to it. All those pesky quest givers and their meaningless tasks are gone, and I get now a story that resolves around characters and decisions that feel like they are shaping the galaxy while still are based on very old themes. Whoever is in control right now, he or she got the monomyth to work in SWTOR! So, I am glad I don't have to deal with the petty faction fights, but get a epic story, and villains I can enjoy to hate, since before that most opponents where just one-offs, that is not very impresive, but now it feels like the fate of the galaxy is depending on my characters, regardless if I play empire or republic.

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I know about that one :) But one " dark decision" does not Sith make - we are talkinga bout a character that tortured people with lightning because they skipped "my lord" in the address, and now all of a sudden?..

It's about a role playing part - after Taris there is now way any Sith would work with a cathar general, or any cathar for that matter with the sith - I did my best to commit genocide of their people AND I did announce that intent on holo translation. I killed every hutt I came across while mostly calling them "slug" and "get it out of my way", I proudly carried out Empires xenophobic policy everywhere barely tolerating the chis as it is and now I am somehow allowing the cathar, the hutt and other random aliens to run the alliance? No amount of wanting Arkan dead would make darth Nox let that stand - changing the leadership would be the first matter of business, be that directly or by plots and betrayals, that is what sith ARE what they DO.

Any disagreements should be met with the lighting zap/force choke from the proper Sith, yet after every dark decision you get SCOLDED by the people in alliance.

A strong, flashed out and believable "dark empire" was one of the biggest strength of SWTOR - among the role playing games in general and mmo in particular there is nothing else quite like it - you are never the actual villain of the story, usually even when games let you do some dark things you are still the hero. It was an unique experience in RP department, and I am very sad to see it gone and replaced with the usual generic "grayish hero that is just going through emo phase".

I do see your point to an extent. I think a big offender for DS players is:


The Aric Jorgan recruitment mission. When I played it on my DS smuggler, I recall the conversation going something like this:

Jorgan: I'm going to help these people.

Me: I don't really want to do that.

*Aric Jorgan Disapproves*

Jorgan: Yeah, well I'm going to.

Me: Ok, fine, I'll help.

Jorgan: Ok.


Beyond moments like that, there is an RP argument to be made that you can't just go around being the force choking sith that you were in the empire because you have no powerbase and no support. Most of what you're doing post-Makeb isn't sanctioned by the empire at all and if you piss off the wrong people, the whole mission goes down the tubes and so will you because the thing you're trying to prevent will just happen and that'll be the end of it.


Beyond recruitment missions, you could think of it like:


The KOTFE alliance you're maintaining is self-preservation. Without it, you would easily be hunted down and destroyed. So sometimes you have to be a little nicer to keep people on your side, cause unlike in the past with the empire, there is no big entity that will ensure their lives are hell if they don't listen to you. It's just you and them.


Granted, I'm sure it would have been more fun if they'd managed to give more extensive options to be an oppressive leader and explored the themes of your alliance falling apart, even as you try to hold it together dictator-style, but that would have been a lot of extra work.


As it is, I think the devs were/are constantly dealing with the problem that every game does when it puts the player in a leadership role: How do you guide the player where they need to go, without undermining the feeling that they are in charge?


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There's only so much that can be done when your story goes from having 8 unique cocurrent stories set within 2 different factions to 1 singular story that has to accustom all 8 of those characters. Obviously those who were very attached to the characteristics of either of the factions or particular classes specifically will see KOTFE as way too watered down, no way around it.


At the same time, I'm kinda surprised in this thread just how much people want the same old over and over again. "The essence of Star Wars" means rehashing the same tired tropes way too often.

Edited by Pietrastor
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I doubt Disney is that hands on here, but when they are, then I have to say I am all for it, since I think the KotFE content feels more like Star Wars then everything we had prior to it. All those pesky quest givers and their meaningless tasks are gone, and I get now a story that resolves around characters and decisions that feel like they are shaping the galaxy while still are based on very old themes. Whoever is in control right now, he or she got the monomyth to work in SWTOR! So, I am glad I don't have to deal with the petty faction fights, but get a epic story, and villains I can enjoy to hate, since before that most opponents where just one-offs, that is not very impresive, but now it feels like the fate of the galaxy is depending on my characters, regardless if I play empire or republic.


There is no epic story here sorry to say that. And the entire point of star wars universe is all the epic little stories that are tangled into a net and weave back and forth between the light and the dark side of the force.


KOTFE is a steaming pile of horse flop. just as simple as it gets. they constant go against themselves in story telling even within kotfe there are mess ups. its just poor over all. is it linear and walled yes it is. is it cheap supermarket novel trash it is yes on that one. it is not star wars nor in its current story path will it be because while there is a war they want you to believe is oh so terrible it is not light vs dark.


hence the lame attempt of making you remember it still is all about light vs dark.

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I doubt Disney is that hands on here, but when they are, then I have to say I am all for it, since I think the KotFE content feels more like Star Wars then everything we had prior to it. All those pesky quest givers and their meaningless tasks are gone, and I get now a story that resolves around characters and decisions that feel like they are shaping the galaxy while still are based on very old themes. Whoever is in control right now, he or she got the monomyth to work in SWTOR! So, I am glad I don't have to deal with the petty faction fights, but get a epic story, and villains I can enjoy to hate, since before that most opponents where just one-offs, that is not very impresive, but now it feels like the fate of the galaxy is depending on my characters, regardless if I play empire or republic.


The epic story where we are forced to hire our enemies instead of the bajillions of ally NPCs we've encountered through our class storylines across 15 worlds who already owe us big time and have ready-made backgrounds? In order to fight an empire powerful enough to stomp the entire galaxy, but which inexplicably only holds a single planet? The epic story with lame, cardboard villains who fail at everything as they flail around with no clear goals or coherent strategies, yet somehow are still the greatest threat to everything in the history of ever? Until a random droid takes over their fleet in the most obvious betrayal since Ben Kingsley revealed he was the villain in Prince of Persia and suddenly we have a new most powerful enemy?


Sigh. This isn't epic storytelling.


Instead of 8 classes that all contributed to galactic events in their own unique ways and alternately reacted to, or set up the events of all the other classes, seven of them just died off-screen and The One remaining has to step up and fulfill the Force-focused Destiny that Fate has decided for them. Ugh. And yet nothing we do is particularly epic or even close to the things we pulled off earlier in our stories (outside of one-manning the Heroic SFs, which is pretty cool the first few times, I will admit).


Most of the missions we run now involve hopping around on planets that show the ravages of war and occupation equals business as usual except for a single tower and one mob of badguys standing ten feet from fifty sand people or esh-ka or gang-bangers, in order to recruit people who stand around doing nothing all day into an alliance that does nothing of note other than dig its own grave into the side of a cliff, but is apparently the only organisation capable of standing up to Arcann. LOL wut? All the wealth of the conquered galaxy was on one tiny ship we just robbed with a 3-man team, and when its cashed in, we get like 2000 credits in the mail. We send in six people who openly revile each other with no intel, no air support and no plan for extraction, with two mutually exclusive objectives (to seize or destroy) the most vital target our enemy has. And shock of shocks: they fail.


Arcann's Empire somehow crushed the Empire and the Republic, mostly off-screen, in under a year: two galaxy-spanning superpowers both on a total war footing with more men and ships than the entire population of Zakuul swept aside like so much dryer lint. But the Alliance, with it's less than 100 members, a handful of starfighters and one constantly broken capital ship is somehow going to stop him because the Force helped the Commander build a magic sniper rifle.


Oh, and the undead Emperor, who was bound to us inextricably because of reasons and destiny and The One crap, just up and floated away to "take care of stuff" when the writers couldn't figure out how to have us interact with Satele and Marr while Big V was snarking in our heads. Oh, and we're all Force-sensitive now, too.


The more I think about it, the more KOTFE makes absolutely zero sense. It's like a fever dream. Actually, you know what it reminds me of? A PnP RPG campaign where the DM has allowed the players to become way too powerful and to overcome too many, much too powerful opponents one after the other in rapid succession, and now he's scrambling to come up with ever more ridiculous challenges for the party to face, so he whips out his Mary Sue Emperor and his Mary Sue Secret Empire that's always been waiting in the wings, but paradoxically, they can't seem to out Mary Sue our character, Super Mary Sue.


I'm glad you like it, though. To each their own.

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I don't understand people who go into a game and play only one side. That makes no sense to me.


Valkorian (who isn't Valkorian since that body is dead but its actually Vitiate) rallies against the ideas of fate or destiny then suddenly in the jungle he claims we have a destiny and we're messing it up. Then he leaves.

Edited by RameiArashi
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KOTFE is not star wars nor will it ever really follow star wars story. its bioware making it up as they go because they havent been given any direction from disney yet.


so its not just pub side the imp side is a horrible mess as well.


Thats just not true.


The LucasFilm Story Group is watching and takes care that even KotFE "fits" into the Star Wars Universe.


And, by the way, I saw stranger Star Wars Storys then "KotFE".

The Vong anyone?

The mandalorians as they first appeared in a novel (alongside with Exar Kun)?

Or Supreme Leader Snoke in EpVII?


Hand up:

Does anyone who complains about the KotFE-Story ever, EVER, read a story like "The Golden Age of the Sith" or the Storys about Freedon Nadd and Exar Kun?

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I would think it's worse for the Empire, Zakuul is just like the Empire, only more competent, even the emperor is(was) the same, why would they fight it?


Pretty much why all my Imp characters all pretty much took a knee to their Emperor from the start, and my Pubs resisted him.

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There's only so much that can be done when your story goes from having 8 unique cocurrent stories set within 2 different factions to 1 singular story that has to accustom all 8 of those characters. Obviously those who were very attached to the characteristics of either of the factions or particular classes specifically will see KOTFE as way too watered down, no way around it.


At the same time, I'm kinda surprised in this thread just how much people want the same old over and over again. "The essence of Star Wars" means rehashing the same tired tropes way too often.


Here's the thing. The battle between the Republic and the Empire is not in itself something that dictates repetitive content at all. The reason I say this, is because really all that it is, is essentially story. Regardless of whether or not a particular side is fighting some new enemy force or fighting the same old enemy force, or making different alliances, this in all essence, is really just *story* content. If the story content is done well, then the story content is generally *not* going to dictate the actual gameplay quality, because the gameplay quality is accomplished by putting in quality content that is more specifically aimed towards each particular scenario within the "story", regardless of who the enemy is, who allies are, etc. Of course to get into further detail here is generally already known stuff - quality maps, unique and well done scenarios, good missions, interesting and well done characters, etc,etc,etc.


So, put simply, if the story is done well, the overall story behind a game does not dictate the quality of the game play quality, regardless of how seemingly repetitive the base story content may be - the hand worked, detailed, scenario by scenario based game play content dictates game play quality, and also dictates re-usability as well.


On the flip side, if a story is Not done well, then it actually can impact the game play quality, because the scenarios within the story can be swayed in wrong directions. The story quality certainly seems like one of those things where if it is done wrong, it can make a mess, and if it is done right, all it really means is that the hard work put into hand working the gameplay content can be done properly without being negatively affected by poor story content.


Lastly, a simple example is the series of Star Wars movies. The core theme remains generally the same in each movie, but the content is quite different and well done in many of the movies (I say many because I am not a huge fan of a few of them.. what can you do right).

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There's only so much that can be done when your story goes from having 8 unique cocurrent stories set within 2 different factions to 1 singular story that has to accustom all 8 of those characters. Obviously those who were very attached to the characteristics of either of the factions or particular classes specifically will see KOTFE as way too watered down, no way around it.


At the same time, I'm kinda surprised in this thread just how much people want the same old over and over again. "The essence of Star Wars" means rehashing the same tired tropes way too often.


KotFE feels to me -more of a die hard Bounty Hunter/Trooper/Smuggler/Agent fan- as a very Sith/Jedi story. A lot of Force Mysticism/Magic/Voodoo/Stuff going on, and Valky trying to cozy up to the player character as if they all knew each other for a long time... My Jedi Knight makes a lot of sense (one who refused because she didn't want to take orders from him again, one who knelt because he wanted power over the force). My Sith Warrior makes a lot of sense (I have one SW who knelt out of loyalty to her Emperor, regardless of the face and voice, and one who refused because she felt betrayed because of Rishi/Yavin/Ziost). My Sith Inquisitor kind of makes sense (Powerful Sith of a powerful bloodline, member of the Dark Council in a swift rise to power, could make a good host). My Jedi Consular kind of makes sense (Power Prodigal Jedi, already proved powerful against his forces before, I think both alignments join the Jedi Council as well).


Trooper-Agent-BH-Smuggler? None of their stories deal with the Emperor directly. Trooper just fights the Empire, Agent fights Republic (among other things). Bounty Hunter and Smuggler don't necessarily have loyalty to either faction based on their job titles.


But it is likely cheaper and easier (to release a chapter a month for) to just make one single storyline (The Outlander) rather than eight (Champion of the Great Hunt, Voidhound, Bar'senthor, Hero of Tython, Darth Nox/Occulus/Imperious, Wrath, Cipher, Major) or even two (Empire, Republic). I just feel like my non-Force users are being shoehorned into a story that only seems to work well with half the classes.


I personally loved base-game SWTOR, because it had all the classic tropes of a Star Wars story, but it wasn't singularly focused on just Sith/Jedi, so the tropes of a Star Wars story was spread out a little more.

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