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Best and worst moments of KotFE so far? Your thoughts [spoilers]


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For myself sadly my the best moment was watching the smug bastard Valkorion fight without a lightsaber. It just looked awesome! As for the thing I disliked most it would have to be the weapon forging chapter. Just a bunch of vague speeches about you need more training, and ultimately all you do is build a new Saber. Not even a second weapon for dual wielders.(Saber or blaster) Albeit a cool looking one at that.
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For myself sadly my the best moment was watching the smug bastard Valkorion fight without a lightsaber. It just looked awesome! As for the thing I disliked most it would have to be the weapon forging chapter. Just a bunch of vague speeches about you need more training, and ultimately all you do is build a new Saber. Not even a second weapon for dual wielders.(Saber or blaster) Albeit a cool looking one at that.


My favorite moment is in Chapter 2 when Valkorion is describing your team as they are frozen in the middle of a battle. I don't know why, but it's just a really neat scene. On top of that, if you look close (on the Pub side at least is where I noticed this), you can see your ship's droid sweeping the dirt on the ground behind them. I don't know why, but it makes me laugh.


Worst moment: Everything involving Kaliyo. I just plain don't like her. Plus my characters (my Agent in particular because she's my main) can only ask about her crew once. She can't even ask specifically about Vector. It's just met with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "But here's this Anarchist. She's cool, right?"

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The montage with the retro music when they're fixing up the Gravestone, particularly when HK keeps shooting those things and they keep popping up. That moment alone makes KOTFE worth it, for me. Just pure cinematic genius and in computer cutscene form.


Also, the moment when the Gravestone fires on the eternal fleet and destroys a bunch of ships. Very satisfying.


Lots of one-liners that are good, but didn't stick in my head. Oh! I remember one, though I have to paraphrase the wording of the exchange, cause I don't remember it exactly. When Koth is all like "3 minutes!" "It's been 3 minutes!" "Uh, 3 more minutes!" Just had such a great Han Solo / Princess Leia feel to it.



Worst is harder for me. There's not a lot that sticks out. I would say, fighting the shadow creatures in the personal growth chapter with Valkorion and Satele/Marr. Having my fill of killing skytroppers and never wanting to see another again. Bosses who "call in reinforcements" every 20% of their damn health (e.g. become immune to damage until you kill the adds).


Basically, "worst" has a lot to do with gameplay mechanics for me, I think.


Story drags on a bit in replays, but first playthrough was thoroughly enjoyable.

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Worst times "oh god, more skytroopers to fight"


Best times: the snappy dialogue is sometimes charming and funny. The story overall isn't any good at all but some moment to moment character moments are what I play it for. And also the whole idea of all the different companions mixing together is really neat.

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Best Moment: Vette's entrance. Even though I knew that she would be returning in that chapter, just the whole exercution of her pretending the missile is about to blow, then being launchd out of it at the last second to laugh at us; before cutting herself off to gasp at the warrior. It was just both emotional and hillarious. Then again, any scene with Gault and Vette is great, they are so good together. I DEMAND A SPIN OFF!


Runner up is the scene in Chapter 14 where Arcann realises hat the Outlander is with the Mandolorians. I swear the dialouge is almost self-aware of the fact that he's in a bioware game. "Wait, the mandos suddenly became a threat? Like they have something to believe - Oh crap, the protaganist is helping them"


Worst Moment: Vaylin. Every moment with Vaylin just makes me groan that Bioware is obviously going to give a lot of focus to her in later chapters. I can't stand characters who are boring/annoyingly stupid.

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Best: Shipbuilding montage with HK-55!


That would get my vote for Best. Loved the bug blasting scene.


Worst: All the knockbacks, but even more annoying were all of those 100m snipers, keeping you in a constant state of combat, in Chapter X. :mad:

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Best: Specifically on my commandogirl main, the swamp-pool/Lana scene. It completely fused my brain, discovering that I had to abandon my plans for her to re-hook with Theron because of a bunch of real-life situation crap that crawled out of the dusty corners of my memory of a conversation two and a half months earlier.


I saw that [Flirt] option pop up, the very first KotFE Lanaflirt, and I stopped dead, unable to click the "friendly non-flirt" option directly above. So she forged a link with Lana and never looked back. Poor AJ had to put up with it when he came along later.


Second best: the construction montage.

Tied Second best: beating the H2 Voss fortress mission with just Lana and my trooperette.


Worst: Being stabbed by Arcann straight after burning him down to 20% without any real difficulty. The whole Eternal Empire thing should have ended in that room in the Scion headquarters, much less in the control room on the Spar, but no, they can't have that.


Question: has anyone lost to Arcann in those fights by actually losing? For me, Sorc, Commando, Gunslinger, Guardian and Assassin (dps one and all) have all lost to Deus Ex Machina Man rather than to Arcann.

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Best Moment: I honestly don't know. Some of it is ok, but I'm having a hard time thinking of a best moment. There are several moments that are pretty good, I guess.... Valkorian is usually interesting to listen to, though the retconning is pretty extreme "Ziost is where everything changed for me" (aka wherever the story was headed when we first designed Ziost was scrapped and we went with KotFE instead, but we need to make this guy and Vitiate the same even though they sound and act so incredibly different but we'll just fix that by saying that what happened on Ziost changed him)


Worst Moment: Three worst moments stand out for me

1. Chapter XII and listening to all that prattle from Satele and Marr saying "only if you rule the entire galaxy and are supreme ruler and master of the force can there be peace and happiness in the galaxy" Seriously? Guys, I'm a smuggler. You want a smuggler running the entire galaxy? I think you've been breathing the grass on this planet for too long...


2. Chapter X and the endless state of combat. Holy cow is this chapter so unbearably unplayable! I ran it carefully the second time and realized that what the game was doing was putting you in combat mode with NO ENEMIES even on screen. Then the enemies would drop down out of the sky or suddenly come out of an elevator. I've even had enemies around the corner suddenly jump through the wall between us to engage in combat. What a mindless pointless grind.


3. When it dawned on me that choices don't matter. In the time before KotFE, Bioware touted the fact that choices would matter. As an example they showed that part in Chapter 3 where you can choose to have Lana kill or release the Knight. They would say that choices matter because for example if you had Lana kill the Knight, then later his partner would come and hunt you down. Well guess what? I let the Knight live. And what happened? Later, his partner came and hunted me down!!! Good grief. I think that was the point I mentally checked out of KotFE.

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Truth be told i haven't played one chapter of KotFE yet. I prefer my characters to keep their original companions only. Having the same companions on different alts just doesn't feel right to me. Going to play the story on a LvD character i guess, and maybe i'll change my mind then and play it on a main character.
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1) Chapter XIII: having Vette and Gault running around together is just too much fun. Some of the best dialogue in the game! And Vette with an assault cannon. :D


2) Chapter XII: I liked the dialogues with Satele and Marr. It was a great roleplaying moment for my Sith Warrior. It reminded me of the cave on Tatooine in that it changed the way I was playing the character. Before that I was mostly after revenge on Arcann, where as afterwards I started putting the Alliance first.


3) Chapter X: this was a surprise for me but at the end Koth actually left the Alliance because I let Kaliyo detonate her bombs on Zakuul. I didn't know that could happen and I was quite pleased as I've had no use for Koth on any of my characters.


4) Little Boss: I love Blizz so getting him back was great and the pyromaniac jawa was priceless!




1) Chapter X: not the story but the combat. It's atrocious. Enemies appearing from nowhere, attacking from much longer ranges than anywhere else in the game, or locking me into combat when they're still in the next room. This happened throughout KotFE but CH. X is the worst offender.


2) Alliance Alerts: Other than Little Boss I find these to be tedious fetch quests that aren't worth the reward of yet another "companion skin" I'm probably never going to use anyway. And trying to force me into PvP is a no go.

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Best: Discovering the Gravestone, Ramming Speed!, Valkorian, and finally getting rid of that whiny bastard Koth.


Woest: Chapters 10-15 because: No Gravestone, No Valkorian (except to leave), and no ramming ships into other ships. And discovering the Gravestone was just a prop rather than something usable like a mini stronghold.



Gravestone backstory and Valkorian are THE most interesting things to me of KOTFE. The watered down over exposure of Fake HK is getting tiresome.

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Best: Discovering the Gravestone, Ramming Speed!, Valkorian, and finally getting rid of that whiny bastard Koth.


Woest: Chapters 10-15 because: No Gravestone, No Valkorian (except to leave), and no ramming ships into other ships. And discovering the Gravestone was just a prop rather than something usable like a mini stronghold.



Gravestone backstory and Valkorian are THE most interesting things to me of KOTFE. The watered down over exposure of Fake HK is getting tiresome.


I dont really understand how can Valkorion be more intriguing than Scorpio. She's one of the most unique characters in Star Wars history. What's Valkorion got going for him we haven't already seen countless times and done better too?

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I dont really understand how can Valkorion be more intriguing than Scorpio. She's one of the most unique characters in Star Wars history. What's Valkorion got going for him we haven't already seen countless times and done better too?

I can't speak for others, but for me, the concept behind Scorpio is pretty old and tired. AI that gains self-awareness and wants to seize power and is smarter than everybody else and knows what's best. I watched that years ago when I watched I, Robot, when I watched the Terminator, when I watched the Matrix. And several more, I'm sure.


What Valkorion has going for him, for me, is that I can't quite figure out what direction he's going in. Scorpio is predictably impossible to predict "because she's smarter than the stupid humans" (e.g. it's predictable that she will do whatever makes her look like a hyper-intelligent being who knows better). Valkorion is just mystifying. An AI robot seizing power is nothing new to me. A villain who seems to want to destroy everything, but then also doesn't and what is he going for? That's intriguing to me.


I can't map out Valkorion's end-game.

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I can't speak for others, but for me, the concept behind Scorpio is pretty old and tired. AI that gains self-awareness and wants to seize power and is smarter than everybody else and knows what's best. I watched that years ago when I watched I, Robot, when I watched the Terminator, when I watched the Matrix. And several more, I'm sure.


What Valkorion has going for him, for me, is that I can't quite figure out what direction he's going in. Scorpio is predictably impossible to predict "because she's smarter than the stupid humans" (e.g. it's predictable that she will do whatever makes her look like a hyper-intelligent being who knows better). Valkorion is just mystifying. An AI robot seizing power is nothing new to me. A villain who seems to want to destroy everything, but then also doesn't and what is he going for? That's intriguing to me.


I can't map out Valkorion's end-game.

Can Bioware map out his endgame? 'Cause to me it seems they have no clue what they wanna do with him. He's been big part of TOR story since Revan novel came out and there's still no actual concept for his character, motivation and goals other than being overpowered.


As for Scorpio, she's not like I, Robot intelligence or skynet. She's not finding creative workaround for organic-programmed directive of not harming organics, neither is she on any killing rampage or galaxy domination, at least yet. She's on a self-improvement quest and consolidating the technology that's close to her, the Eternal Fleet and Gemini are obviously her 'kind', the story made it clear. She's still quite original even comparing to AIs from all fictional universes out there, not just Star Wars

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Can Bioware map out his endgame? 'Cause to me it seems they have no clue what they wanna do with him. He's been big part of TOR story since Revan novel came out and there's still no actual concept for his character, motivation and goals other than being overpowered.


As for Scorpio, she's not like I, Robot intelligence or skynet. She's not finding creative workaround for organic-programmed directive of not harming organics, neither is she on any killing rampage or galaxy domination, at least yet. She's on a self-improvement quest and consolidating the technology that's close to her, the Eternal Fleet and Gemini are obviously her 'kind', the story made it clear. She's still quite original even comparing to AIs from all fictional universes out there, not just Star Wars

I'm not seeing the originality, but I mean, we can disagree. We don't have to have the same opinion.


I'm sure BW has something rough mapped out for Valkorion already. It's more a question of, "Will it be satisfying?"

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I'm not seeing the originality, but I mean, we can disagree. We don't have to have the same opinion.


I'm sure BW has something rough mapped out for Valkorion already. It's more a question of, "Will it be satisfying?"

At least in the TOR context there's no denying her originality. We've had Revan, Malgus, Dread Masters, Valkorion/VItiate, Arcann/Vailyn. Only the Hutts have not been an evil Force-using Big Bads. I for once welcome an AI villain/antagonist very much.


Will it be satisfying? I would sure hope so, I just question whether there actually WILL be anything more to him. There has not been for the past 5 years or so, it's hard to still keep hoping they have some great idea for his character waiting to materialize

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At least in the TOR context there's no denying her originality. We've had Revan, Malgus, Dread Masters, Valkorion/VItiate, Arcann/Vailyn. Only the Hutts have not been an evil Force-using Big Bads. I for once welcome an AI villain/antagonist very much.


Will it be satisfying? I would sure hope so, I just question whether there actually WILL be anything more to him. There has not been for the past 5 years or so, it's hard to still keep hoping they have some great idea for his character waiting to materialize

Well that I can agree with. I've not encountered a scorpio-like character in SW before.


It will be interesting to see. There are a million directions they could go and probably only a handful that'll be satisfying. I kind of wonder if they're moving toward putting you in a position where you could be the main villain. It would be a big challenge to create and maintain, but it would certainly be a memorable culmination of events in such a moralistic game.

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Best moment : Reunion with Theron. <3

Worst Moment : Had to pick who'll die between Pub, Imp or Zak. :'(


Also, I love it when my Jedi Knight played along with Gault's scheme. "Hope you're a good runner." with such a cute expression lol. love it. :D

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Visions in the Dark was the worst because it doesn't fit non force users at all and my only KOTFE class is a Gunslinger.


I really liked the chapter with Gault and Vette though, I think the Smuggler actually fit in there for once

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