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Can anyone give an educated guess on the life of swtor?

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I love this game and have been playing it for many years now, but I really don't want to spend any more money on it if it's nearing the end of its life. I don't want this game to shut down, but can anyone give a good educated guess on how many years we have left of swtor? I was hoping the new movie would bring in a lot of new players, but now with the complete lack of new operations and content other than KOTFE story, I'm getting a bit nervous.
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I love this game and have been playing it for many years now, but I really don't want to spend any more money on it if it's nearing the end of its life. I don't want this game to shut down, but can anyone give a good educated guess on how many years we have left of swtor? I was hoping the new movie would bring in a lot of new players, but now with the complete lack of new operations and content other than KOTFE story, I'm getting a bit nervous.


No, no one can. People can pull figures out of their.... Hat... but that is about it.

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how would anyone here be able to give an educated guess? these decisions are made at random and even if the developers knew, they aren't going to say so due to probable contract clauses. yes this game is going to die. no, nobody knows when. these threads are ignorant.
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My guess is 25 years - by then, we should be able to upload our consciousness into computers and actually be able to enter the game à la tron. Well, you all might be able to, but my toxic consciousness will probably trigger any anti-malware software, so it will be difficult for me to join you there.
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I love this game and have been playing it for many years now, but I really don't want to spend any more money on it if it's nearing the end of its life. I don't want this game to shut down, but can anyone give a good educated guess on how many years we have left of swtor? I was hoping the new movie would bring in a lot of new players, but now with the complete lack of new operations and content other than KOTFE story, I'm getting a bit nervous.


I forgot where I saw it but last I saw there was a list of top grossing MMORP and swtor was top 5 for the yr so as much as we think this game is dying its not

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I think it was mentioned that there was a 10 year licensing deal at the beginning, but that was in a time before EA acquired the right to produce all Star Wars games.


It would be nice to see Disney/ Lucasfilms/ EA/ Bioware (the licensing is nestled in such a long chain ;) ) give a sign of long term commitment. I realise that MMOs shut down all the time, I also realise that when such a high value IP is involved you want to minimize competition.


But saying the company will provide a legacy server or two (one American, one European) past the point of license may give some of the player base more of an incentive to invest.

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I think it was mentioned that there was a 10 year licensing deal at the beginning, but that was in a time before EA acquired the right to produce all Star Wars games.


Popular internet pointers said it was initially a 5 year license with the option to renew of course. But then in 2013.. EA and Disney signed a 10 years exclusive game license agreement for SW IP for all but a narrow segment of mobile games.


So, given that SWTOR continues to stay in the top 5 ranking for pay to play games (which is has.. as has been discussed several times in the forum here)... it is reasonable to assume the game will run at least through 2023. Of course it will be "dead" to some players way before that as they rant and quit over the game somehow offending them .. but that is a separate dramatic discussion entirely.

Edited by Andryah
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If Bio-Mal-ware continues to give it's loyal customers a gigantic middle finger at every turn, I'd say no more than a year.


This game is at the point of needing server merges (AGAIN) and yet Bioware still doesn't value it's customers. If it weren't so ridiculous, I'd say they are purposely trying to tank this game...

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Flippant answer: It's undead, if you want to look at all the "SWTOR IS DEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAD" threads.


More thoughtful answer: It'll die when it dies. No one can give an accurate guess because, no one can see the future. Some MMOs only last a few years, others keep going with no end in sight, and others fall somewhere inbetween.


If SWTOR didn't have SW in the name, I doubt the gaame would have lasted this long. It would have been made as a series of Single Player with Multiplayer options games and DLCs like Mass Effect 3. And a lot less cool looking stuff (YMMV on what looks "cool").

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There's really no way to give a strong answer. Even BW itself, with all of their metrics, can only discern so much and they're not about to hand out their projections.


Thing is, the possibility of an MMO shutting down is always present. It's always possible you will lose the shinies you've invested in. If you don't like playing with that knowledge, then I'd advise against investing much in any MMO.


But (real talk) your life is much the same. It can end at any time. The difference here is, there are other things you can spend your money on that give you more control over how permanent they are. But, MMOs also offer something those more permanent institutions don't, which is the community of it and the experience of participating in the evolution of the game with that community. So there's advantages and disadvantages, ya know.

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The game has already peaked.


Before this game I played SOE's Clone Wars Adventures/Free Realms. Towards the end of both titles, SOE's team for those titles came up with events which featured dailies utilizing pre-existing content that rewarded extremely rare and discontinued gear.


SOE had different issues than Bioware: The costly vaporware known as EverQuest Next, losing the Star Wars license, Disney's acquistion of Star Wars which lead to the phenomenal Clone Wars series cancellation.


The Old Republic has rather expansive environments, literally dozens of Flashpoints and Star Fortress dungeons, and nearly a dozen Operation Raids.


The most popular flashpoints and operations are the two or three easist ones (Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace, Czerka Labs) and no one plays on pvp servers or instances.


Yet on the forums one would think the state of game is due to the game not being difficult enough and credits are too easy to get.


I support the 4.0 changes to make the game "easier" to navigate and travel the entire TOR environment and gear up companions and characters. The 4.1 and later nerf/reductions which came afterward not so much.


Now I am at the point where I want to see what happens to game when gameplay-earned credits are reduced and problematic flashpoints and operations are left alone.


By the way the fix that would solve the majority of game use problems is called "Cross Server Queuing" or even a few mergers. If we have not seen it by now, we may never see it

Edited by jimmorrisson
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If Bio-Mal-ware continues to give it's loyal customers a gigantic middle finger at every turn, I'd say no more than a year.


This game is at the point of needing server merges (AGAIN) and yet Bioware still doesn't value it's customers. If it weren't so ridiculous, I'd say they are purposely trying to tank this game...


Oh here comes the over reactions and assumptions again... Game dying, subs being treated unfairly....


Get over it, these comments have been around for the last 5 years and will be around for another 5 years as the game goes on

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Oh here comes the over reactions and assumptions again... Game dying, subs being treated unfairly....


Get over it, these comments have been around for the last 5 years and will be around for another 5 years as the game goes on


I don't like how whiney the guys comment sounded, but he's right about needing another server merge. Most of the servers are light to standard.

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Here's the thing: MMORPG's are a safe revenue stream when done even remotely right. Players will stay due to their invested time, and because of their new and old friendships. This means that an MMORPG can run on for over a decade and still have a healthy playerbase.


It's actually not all that common that big name MMORPGs get shut down for no reason at all. There are only a handful of examples I can think of. Warhammer Online was shut down because the game was absolutely horrible. Not even Warhammer fans wanted to play it, and the game was a bugfest if close to no content for two years. The second game was SWG, but that got shut down for SWTOR.


Look at all the current MMORPGs: Lord of the Rings Online has been around for nine years, and the game has recently put out a content patch, and the story is still continuing in P2P expansions. Guild Wars is eleven years old, and the servers are still online and have a somewhat dedicated community. Ultima Online is also still running, and it receives content updates once in a while. That game will celebrate it's 20th anniversary in September next year.


Objectively, MMORPGs do shut down, but it happens less often than we think. Many of the "big name" MMORPGs of early the early 2000's are still around.


With this little rant about current markets, let me make it clear: SWTOR will eventually shut down. However, EA will not shut it down if:


  1. SWTOR is making at least some profit - This is a given. As long as they can turn at least the slightest profit, they will keep the game running. If they can add another chapter of story every month, and they continue to make a good margin, then they will continue to do it. The game is fine at the moment, and it's making somewhere along the lines of fifty million $ a quarter in revenue. That means the game is essentially funding a new SWTOR being developed from scratch every year.
  2. The Star Wars hype has all but died down in a few years - This is due to market coverage. Having a lot of different Star Wars titles on offer increases their overall revenue. Some MMO veterans always get itchy for universe X after seeing a new movie in that universe. I know some people who switched to LOTRO with every Hobbit movie for a month or two. Then they saw a Star Trek movie and switched to that MMO for a month. Then the new SW hype started and they switched to SW games. Offering more titles across a wide range of plattforms and genres offers more opportunities for profit.
  3. The game was overhauled for a new Star Wars MMORPG - Not going to happen during the next two years. Keeping an MMORPG running is considerably less expensive than making a new one from scratch. Nobody will risk spending 200,000,000 on a new MMMORPG when he can keep the old one running for 10,000,000 a year.


So, let me end this rant with a clear statement: As much as many people are vocal about criticism, and I'm one of them, there is no indication that this game is shutting down anytime in the next three years. If the game continues to be between rank three and five of the MMORPG charts, and it makes inbetween 30-50m a quarter, then we will see this game continue with the story development for a long time.

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Very very hard to say, in theory the game can keep going for another 10 years with ease. The problem is what the management wants. Currently they are in low maintanance mode, little fixing, no new content (just story) and repeatable content which is 5 years old and buffed to current lvl.


Overall the developers didnt bring anything into the game, only minor areas and challenges, which is nothing compared to the past addons. However, there were a lot of Cartel Market things added and these bring in the most of money for Bioware, so they can basically earn BIG money and spend little. Make small story content for little money and add CM stuff for big profits.


This way they can last for decades, if the people dont mind just dressing up.

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no new content (just story)


Considering SWTOR is a Bioware game, that IS the content. You may not like it but story is the lifeblood of SWTOR and always has been.

The game isn't in maintenance mode, no matter how many time some restricted niche of the playerbase will claim so.


I won't, however, dispute the fact that the absence of new group content hasn't been good for the game, even though I rarely take part in it (And never stepped in an Op even once in my hundred of hours logged).


You also seem to dismiss the work done on the Level Sync as some minor adjustment. It was much more than that and could easily explain why they didn't have any ressources left for new Ops and flashpoints.

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