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Im still making huge profits from slicing... The Truth about Slicing


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I like how everyone uses this argument.. knowing they picked slicing for the "money" you didn't sacrifice anything what mats are you buying exactly? what did you pick up slicing, underworld trading, and cybertech? are you spending a HUUUGE amount of credits to buy your green mats off the auction house... please any smart person would have picked a similar combination

Problem is there are no mats to buy on GTM ... so it ain't that smart.

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I think the real motive is that slicing was not intended to be used as an end game profession. While leveling and collecting nodes it's fine but once you hit 50 you should be using a crafting profession or going back into the world to farm nodes like every other profession has to do to be profitable. If everyone could make money by slicing without working there might as well not be other professions because who would level them?? It doesn't make sense and it would be detrimental to the economy.


Crew skill missions should be used when the time to gather the material would be disproportionate to the amount needed. You need 1 metal send a companion. You need 50 you better fuel up the ship. They are not an economical alternative to bulk farming materials. That is true for every profession. If I can make money without effort what motivation is there for me to collect patterns and craft materials and place them on the auction house and wait for them to sell?


yeah, how about you learn something about economics, dude!


if everyone would make money by slicing and nobody would level other professions, the one's who do slicing at some point would want those items from the other professions - and guess what: the one person who actually did level one or more of those other professions could put his items on the market and would have the opportunity to put any price on them whatever he would like to - since there's no competition.

and if he then makes hundredthousands or more of credits, guess what, more and more ppl who did slicing would begin to craft items...


so, yes, please, tell us something about economics...

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So let me get this right... People flood the forums whining about slicing, so they do something about it so people whine twice as hard? LMFAO THIS IS A VIDEO GAME GET OVER IT! IMO slicing should have been taken out to begin with and this would never have been an issue..



People are just pissed cuz everyone who had early access is sitting on a gold mine (760k here) and they didnt get a chance to exploit it... I dont know what ppl are talking about negative returns, you are doing it wrong... Im still making huge profit, just about 30% less then before... Put the effort into figuring out the skill rather then crying about it, and you would still be making a ton of money for doing almost nothing...


Take slicing out completely IMO, save everyone the tears! Slicing makes no sense.. If you want money for not crafting go farm like in every other MMo, go play the auction house.. Spoiled *** little kids....


To all the ppl still slicing and doing it right, keep the secret, we will laugh all the way to the bank!


This is the most schizo rant I've ever seen.

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Problem is there are no mats to buy on GTM ... so it ain't that smart.


If you're a slicer, why do I believe you're the only one who can actually use this argument *i picked up slicing sacrificing a skill so I have to buy my other mats*


anyone can tell you who has looked for mats is there aren't enough on the ah to work with atm.

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yeah, how about you learn something about economics, dude!


if everyone would make money by slicing and nobody would level other professions, the one's who do slicing at some point would want those items from the other professions - and guess what: the one person who actually did level one or more of those other professions could put his items on the market and would have the opportunity to put any price on them whatever he would like to - since there's no competition.

and if he then makes hundredthousands or more of credits, guess what, more and more ppl who did slicing would begin to craft items...


so, yes, please, tell us something about economics...







but, people, by and large, are stupid (see all the whining to nerf slicing as proof). and gaming companies tend to bow down to the moronic masses of whiners.


oh noes! you made some monies!


really? i guess if someone wasn't a complete moron; then, they'd gather in the world as they did missions, craft their items... then put extra mats AND crafted items on the market and make tons more than slicing.


but. people are stupid. and whining and screwing games up is much easier than being intelligent.

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I dont think your going to win this arguement. I understand what your saying and how much money can be lost in many of the other professions. I really do.


What your not getting is that those Schematics and Missions are extremely rare. And they are a role of the dice kind of thing. Just happens.


Slicing is a skill that is designed to directly create credits. Why else would you have nodes that drop nothing but credits and missions that drop credits.


Now when you have a profession entirely based on creating credits that no longer does that you have a broken profession.


Yes, Slicing needed nerfed. But not by the extreme in which is was done.


And for those of you who are reading this and are like "Well what about the F*ing Augments" I would agree with you if the market for this was stable. But it is almost entirely depended on someone receiving a critical on crafting.


Maybe that is what needs fixed. Add more Augment Slots and drive up the need for them. Then Slicers can get a return on planet and through Crew Missions.


I totally agree with you, Shammus!


it's ok to be for or against slicing - if economics would be that easy to figure out - what is right and what is wrong, we wouldn't have a global financial crisis...


anyway, as you say, this profession - regarding the lockbox-missions - is broken by now. instead of balancing the skill out, bioware just killed it. seems highly unprofessional to me, from my point of view, and I hope that they do something about it in the near future.

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If you're a slicer, why do I believe you're the only one who can actually use this argument *i picked up slicing sacrificing a skill so I have to buy my other mats*


anyone can tell you who has looked for mats is there aren't enough on the ah to work with atm.


Exactly ... there aren't enough mats to buy. So it's not really smart to get slicing instead of the basic gathering profession, is it ... You will struggle to level up your craft that way. You can pick up the basic gathering + crafting and sacrifice the mission skill in order to get slicing. But mission skill has other advantages ... gifts, light/dark points, schematics, so you have to accept that.

Also the profit from slicing now is down over 50% ... the biggest benefit of slicing now is you can use it for short cuts in flash points.

Edited by Repefe
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I'm making an overall loss on it now.


Its so bad I've had to stop using it at all and am thinking of dropping it.



Which is stupid as it was only doing what it was intended to do anyway. It was far too early to take any decisions on this, lets face it the economy with regards to crafting and raw mats has not taken off yet.


My crafting/gathering characters are building up the recipies and a stock of mats and as soon as the economy takes off will make a killing, and far outweigh any profits from slicing.


All it is is a nice way to make sure you have enough credits to cover levelling expenses. or for people who dont want the hassle of crafting.


Right now, its a massive overreaction by BW, which is worrying. If they do this to something so trivial so soon, what the hell will they do to class balance issues. I see FOTM being a large part of this game, which is never good.

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Apparently you haven't actually done this.


In reality the system works like this


Just tier one mission costs might cost you 150 credits @ this point after 1 mission you DO NOT have enough items to even sell and if you did no one is going to pay you what they are worth and if you think they will then we're playing a completely different game.


Even if I were to craft a level 1 mod which takes at least 4 components and a flux and its green people aren't going to buy it because they are going to want blues or purples. The actual profit on many of your craftable items is very very small, and even if you vendored it you'd still come out less then you put in.


Another thing is MOST people are going to reverse engineer the item to get better version, or get a return on their mats to use them for leveling. You're only really going to make money of blues/purples and


So lets say I crafted 1 purple level 8 item I spent 300 maybe more using companions to gather then mats this is just the metals.



Not including the countless number of times you'd have to SPEND money in the hopes of getting a purple item.


You're just not going to profit unless you PHYSICALLY gather what you can and cut your overhead costs. SLICING should be profitable if you PHYSICALLY collect the lockboxes, it should not be profitable if all you are doing is sending your companions out to do all the work for you.


I'm sorry if you feel that way, but this is how it works for EVERY other crafting class, and if you don't think so then you obviously haven't been playing anything but a slicer.



then lets not start getting into the competition on the market, you will only be able to undercut any one person so far, because there is a FIXED cost in obtaining anything due to actually having to spend money on things like "UNDERWORLD TRADING" and underworld trading is the only place you should be spending money for example as a cybertech and hope to make a profit.


Ok, and I believe that whatever crew skills you're using SHOULD ONLY BE PROFITABLE IF YOUR PHYSICALLY GATHERING THE MATERIALS. Either way the Slicing missions are pointless they should remove the whole missioning systems completely so everyone will stop whining, I can't wait until I start hearing posts about how crew skill x makes gathering material x too easy or building component Y too simple.


Either way the missions system is broke. And btw no level 1 compnent takes 4 ingredients unless its a rare or artifact don't try to pull wool over the eye's of people who don't use crafting skills.


You should go find another game, like the rest of the people who want to nerf everything to oblivion... Go back to WoW!

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Right now, its a massive overreaction by BW, which is worrying. If they do this to something so trivial so soon, what the hell will they do to class balance issues. I see FOTM being a large part of this game, which is never good.


I can imagine that the thinking behind this is that they can always buff it again if it turns out the nerf was too severe. Ppl having all bank and inventory slots unlocked at lvl 25 thx to slicing may have scared them a little.

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There are people like me out there who have never sliced. And believe it or not you can make money without it. I am level 25 with Armourmech , scavaging and underworld contacts, so far have been able to supply armour to 4 guild members (with no crafting depostis from them), and buy my speeder licence and speeder. Still have over 10k how do i make money well believe it or not by just playing the game going on quests and selling the odd blue item collected. Never went out my way to grind any item required for crafting.


Aim of the game is to have fun I would have thought and not who can be on the millionaire rich list.

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And yet, when I was 28 with slicing I had my speeder with license 200k in the bank, gave armor to several people and crafted an exeptional hooligans armor for myself, because I had money to no end.


Because slicing was redonculous.

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And where do you think will the money the people spend on those crafting goods come from?

There are huge money sinks in the game (skills over 30 cost 15-20k a single one, speeder training, bags, bank slots, not to mention repair bills at higher levels).


Want to do 45 quests (at 5k creds) to afford lev 40 speeder training (225k)?


You can bet on it that noone wants to grind out mobs for cash anymore, as swtor specially advertised with their crafting system that would NOT force the usual grind for mats and money.


And nope, just collecting nodes will never keep enough money in the economy. It is also a complete joke in regards to my previous point.


Your argument is the joke. People play MMOs to not go outside in real life, now you want to make all your money without going out into the virtual world. "OMG, I don't wanna has to drive around for to get my free moniez!!!!1!" You might actually have to play the game to play the game. I see your point. That is just patently unfair.


They already took out the common sense element of forcing you figure out what items were in demand and set prices for it. Pretty soon you will want to be able to send your crew out to get datacrons because its not fair that people who spent the time to look for them get extra stats.


Games like WoW have a well rounded thriving economy. The most you can get there is about 50 gold per quest. Even as soft as wow has gotten, there are money sinks that cost 100 times that. So don't act like slicing missions were the only way to get money or that there won't be enough money because they fixed a problem with the game.


Players will find ways to get the money they need through flashpoints, war zones, killing critters, and farming slicing nodes (the horror!!) and as the money leaves the hands of those of us who got rich off of an unbalanced profession.


If BioWare wants to maximize their return on investment for this game, they will find ways to supplement the money supply without handing the players the printing presses. They can do this by buffing mob drops, boss drops, or node drops.

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You're missing the point. I can scavenge and turn up a profit with the mats should I choose. But I tend to use those for Armormech so they are usually a loss. With slicing, the boxes and augments are both in the negative atm. On my server level 50 tank augments go for 1500, the missions to get them cost about 2000 so what's the point now. It's just a useless skill because of this nerf.
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So basically, all you people that whined because your crew skills sucked and didn't make you money got what you wanted through this nerf, now our crew skill sucks as well.


Didn't anyone think about complaining that there are too few sellable/useable crafting scematics in the other professions except biochem instead?


But no, it's simpler to just curse the darkness instead of asking for a light.

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OP: Obvious non slicer who was part of the QQing for a nerf in first place, trying to deflect legitamate criticism about slicing being nerfed into oblivion.




100% correct.


Returns are 25% of what they were. Is it profitable? Yes. Is it worth it in its current form? No.

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There is much money to be made in any crew skill. Just at the 1st tier of Archeology I've made over 60,000 credits in the GT and am only level 21.


There is much money to be made in the GT and you may have to put out the 1st investment but you make much more. I also look for stuff people are selling for low profit and re up it.


There is money to be made but it will take effort and willing to put out credits as an investment to make money.

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So basically, all you people that whined because your crew skills sucked and didn't make you money got what you wanted through this nerf, now our crew skill sucks as well.


Didn't anyone think about complaining that there are too few sellable/useable crafting scematics in the other professions except biochem instead?


But no, it's simpler to just curse the darkness instead of asking for a light.



this. It is my firm belief that BW has no clue about how to fix their entire broken crafting system. So rather then bump up the other skills (like they did with classes in beta) they swung the nerf bat.

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yeah, how about you learn something about economics, dude!


if everyone would make money by slicing and nobody would level other professions, the one's who do slicing at some point would want those items from the other professions - and guess what: the one person who actually did level one or more of those other professions could put his items on the market and would have the opportunity to put any price on them whatever he would like to - since there's no competition.

and if he then makes hundredthousands or more of credits, guess what, more and more ppl who did slicing would begin to craft items...


so, yes, please, tell us something about economics...


OMG DOOOOD!!!!111!!!(one)!!


You just solved world poverty! We can just print more money and give it to the poor people and they won't be poor anymore! So easy why has nobody thought of that?!!




I bow to your obviously vast wisdom on the subject, but I would point out that there is not a successful currency on earth that can be obtained simply by asking for more. The hyper-inflation and monopolies you seem to be giddy over are generally regarded as bad things by many people who are much smarter than us. There is a reason for that.


Also, the scenario you describe would never happen. What would be the incentive to sell anything on the market when you can just level slicing in a day and get more money from that without the hassle of levelling a crafting profession and reverse engineering dozens of items to find the schematic you want?

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Oh while we're on the subject to all the slicers out there.. if you want to sell your underworld trading missions I'll buy them..


I will always buy them so pm me if you're on giradda the hutt and want to set up a price I will buy all tiers and want to pay no more then 3.5k per purple 340 missions this price is of course negotiable but pretty close to what I want to pay if you want to work out something mutually beneficial.


If you want to sell i'm always buying.


50k creds a pop. New slicing, new prices.


See the mistake now? Time to drive up mission prices as people stop slicing.

Edited by CapC
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