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Chapter 15 - Your Opinion? (Spoiler.. duuh!)


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Is any one else disappointed that the Gravestone didn't get to take a shot at the eternal fleet? I mean they KNEW it was coming. Why not have a big old blast from the omnicanon waiting for it?


Wasn't the gravestone having some major mishaps while you were fighting the GEMINI Captain? Even if they thought they repaired it, it would of been better to test it at a safer location.

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Spot on comment. I didn't care much for this chapter. Arcann and Vaylin have to be the most inept leadership in all of Star Wars if they let a droid usurp them as Emperor and High Inquisitor.


I was hoping the betrayal would be from someone else on the team- that would have been more shocking. Someone like Lana or Theron selling out to Arcann, for example, could have made more compelling drama. Scorpio was WAY too predictable. Imagine the possibilities of an angry Scorpio thwarted by an inside team member.


The only thing I have trouble believing is that Scorpio will spend a lot of time on that throne. Are we supposed to believe that Arcann and Vaylin, two of the most powerful force users in the galaxy, are just going to sit back and let Scorpio stay plugged into that chair?


Chapter XVI - beginning cutscene

The door to the Eternal Throne room is thrust open, and Arcann and Vaylin walk toward Scorpio dispatching every Skytrooper that comes toward them like a child who kicks his toy soldiers away. Vaylin raises her hand and force pulls Scorpio from the throne, plunging the droid onto Arcann's lightsaber.


Goodbye, Scorpio.

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I liked the chapter. No problems with the bonus mission either. Just went to all indicators on the map and got it.


The end surprised me. I didn't see it coming. Furthermore, I wonder if she is still with me or against me now. We will see.


The choice I had to make was not nice as it was obvious what would happen. At the end, my choice was logical though.


What I didn't like was that my char looked so shocked and scared in some of the cutscenes. She is neither anymore after all these years. The things happening in this chapter are her normal every day life. Business as usual.

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Well at least we know what Season 2 will be about. My guess, Vaylin betrays Arcann, and either kills him or help us kill him. Then we ally to remove Scorpio in Season 2. Which I won't be subbed to play.


The story is to weak. Like who didn't expect Scorpio to betray us at some point. And a Jedi wouldn't have taken her on as an ally to begin with. The moment Scorpio "died" I knew she transferred herself into the Captain. That was obvious.


I man com'on BW.. step it up. I feel like I'm watching a movie that should be in MST3K

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I liked the chapter. No problems with the bonus mission either. Just went to all indicators on the map and got it.


The end surprised me. I didn't see it coming. Furthermore, I wonder if she is still with me or against me now. We will see.


The choice I had to make was not nice as it was obvious what would happen. At the end, my choice was logical though.


What I didn't like was that my char looked so shocked and scared in some of the cutscenes. She is neither anymore after all these years. The things happening in this chapter are her normal every day life. Business as usual.


Played through a second time and still couldn't get the bonus. Blasted door drops as soon as you hit the corner! :t_mad:


Yeah, I'm wondering the same about Scorpio. I've played the ending two different ways and it really is not clear what her motive is. In one, she acknowledges that we had an "agreement" and that she reached her goal first. She doesn't say that she won't help us anymore. In the other, it is even less clear, as she explains what happened, but never says a word against or for us.


The strangest thing about the chapter is that certain part of my outfit seemed bound to one spot in cutscenes, which made for some really interesting effects as my cape or "front hangy thing" stretched all over the place. :t_eek:

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Played through a second time and still couldn't get the bonus. Blasted door drops as soon as you hit the corner! :t_mad:


You still get credit for that one. The one you probably miss is right after meeting up with Senya affter SCCORPIO bites it one of those orb droids activates skytroopers that come out of a doorway at the end of the hall. There is a marker in that room with a skytrooper you can activate.


If you sneak past that floating orb droid you'll miss it.


Yeah, I'm wondering the same about Scorpio. I've played the ending two different ways and it really is not clear what her motive is.


Well, by the outcome we get she sure isn't on our side anymore. If they turn around and have it that she is on our side then it will be disappointing because if she still is on our side then why the hell didn't SCORPIO turn the eternal fleet on Arcaan's flagship and destroy it the moment she had control?

Edited by Drachehexe
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Well, by the outcome we get she sure isn't on our side anymore. If they turn around and have it that she is on our side then it will be disappointing because if she still is on our side then why the hell didn't SCORPIO turn the eternal fleet on Arcaan's flagship and destroy it the moment she had control?


Scorpio has always been about self improvement, "evolving" if you will. Taking over the eternal fleet and turning her consciousness into the hive mind of the Gemini was just the next step.


Would've been awesome for my agent to walk up behind her right before she accessed the terminal and stuck a restraining bolt on, but no.


You would think the Outlander and co would've ordered Odessan evacuated by now since Scorpio knows all about that, but that would make too much sense.


Since Scorpio knows all about Odessan already, it's a good bet next chapter will be trying to fend off/save our own people from either Scorpio's skytroopers or Scorpio will "drop hints" to Arcann about Odessan and we'll end up fighting him off there. Eventually making us turn to the "escape pod alliance" we just found once we abandon Odessan, or not since that would require some consequences to be accounted for.

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:mad: I just unsubscribed this because of this chapter. That is what I am thinking about it. The blatant sequel hook in this chapter which will lead into a completely unsatisfying cliffhanger ending next month. I was with the story until this point but I am just done now. Sure we may resolve matters with Arcann and his sister next month but so what? The next threat already looms on the horizon. Maybe I will pick this up again if the story ever has a semblance of a satisfying ending at some point. If not this is it. No story that is told today can ever end it seems. Everything has to lead into something else to continue the milking process. I am so tired of that.


P.S. Boy am I happy I never wasted time with Alliance alerts of Star Fortresses. I would be even more pissed realising it means nothing.

Edited by x-flashblade-x
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I'm gonna agree with other posters... Scorpio won't sit on that throne long at all.


We don't know IF her coup included wiping out the entire legion of Zakuul Knights, or just those 8 in the throne, but we can conclude she does not control the Knights. There is without a doubt a civil war raging on Zakuul right now.


The only thing protecting the bunker housing the Gemini frequency are those toaster oven skytroopers.


While Scorpio might be a serious threat, her fleet is vulnerable, and her skytroopers just fodder. Scorpio can know when we're coming, and she still has nothing to prevent us from taking out the Gemini frequency.

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As a chapter and content I really liked it, I liked bordering an enemy vessel and fighting through, the area were well done and the mob spawn felt right for what was going on.


The only let down as far as the chapter was having to listen to SCORPIO vs SCORPIO or SCORPIO blab on as I'm making my way through the vessel. I've never found her to be a very good companion, I'd rate her with Skedge and that ilk. So to have to listen to her through a very enjoyable chapter was annoying.


All in all I'd rate it 8/10. It felt like we were doing something meaningful in the war, its only taken 15 chapters to get there and I wont say its worth the wait but its nice to be there now.


However as far as the story arc goes, its become really really bad. The overriding theme of the first 9 chapers (or maybe 3-9) is the Gravestone, we got a chance against the Eternal Fleet cause we got the only ship to go up against it and WIN! WOOT. So then we park it.


The next 5 Chapters its all about the Gemini Frequency, we can take control of the Eternal fleet and WIN! WOOT!


Then in Chapter 15 we learn the gravestone is pretty naff against the eternal fleet vessels and either gets a pummeling against one and flees against the fleet. Turns out the Gravestone is crap. Not to worry last 5 chapters Gemini Gemini Gemini we will use plan B. Only plan B is no good cause the most obvious betrayal of all time was an obvious betrayal and there is nothing you can do about it!


It feels like the writing team are trying to do the kiddie version of Game of Thrones. Now I like Game of Thrones for the mature story telling where stupid people get killed, but I can't deny they spend scene after scene setting things up only for it to go wrong and everyone to be back to where they started only probably worse off having to rely on a host of new characters to force the story on as all the originals are in a bad way.


So we have child friendly story telling 'Darn you, you betrayed me!' *fist shake*, couple with chapter (month) after chapter (month) of story where the antagonist (player) is told what to do by his commanders and most the success are due to getting lucky and recruiting some allies while failing to achieve what he/she was planing. With a deep feeling of pointlessness chapter after chapter. Which will probably lead to an incredibly anticlimatic final chapter this season. Not because it wont have you killing Arcann but because after 16 chapters comprising of mostly fillers and failures you kill him in a lightsaber duel not too dissimilar for chapter 8. Letting to a question of why the hell couldn't I just kill him in chapter 8 but had to spend 7 chapters failing to achieve much to get back to this point and win.


So for the overall story arc I'd have to give it 2/10. Far far too little progress and far too few chapters building to an epic battle. While far too much time plodding along into an obvious betrayal that rather than I never saw that coming is instead met with why the **** didn't I get to do anything about it. I constantly say I don't trust that droid but I lead it straight to where it wants to be and don't have a back up plan.

Edited by Costello
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So we have child friendly story telling 'Darn you, you betrayed me!' *fist shake*, couple with chapter (month) after chapter (month) of story where the antagonist (player) is told what to do by his commanders and most the success are due to getting lucky and recruiting some allies while failing to achieve what he/she was planing. With a deep feeling of pointlessness chapter after chapter.


Yes...this exactly!! ^^ I think that's the one thing that's really annoyed me about the last few chapters of KotFE...the fact that I feel like my character is just being tugged along through one bumbling storyline after another. I mean, heck.....your character is the Wrath/Voidwolf/Darth Nox/etc, one of the most powerful of his/her kind in the galaxy, with a soft of mind meld/power tap from *the* most powerful being the in galaxy....and you've got this group of people around you going "Go here, do this" with the assumption that you are some sort of paragon of good who is going to dispose Arcann and save the galaxy. And you get quest after quest to build up your grand army towards this goal, only to be thwarted by your own people forcing you to make bad decisions ("Go out in the woods and commune with Valkorian....but we won't wait for you to return before going on this vital mission", "Let this psychotic android access to the game-changing ship and let her have her way with one of the most important components of winning this war (that by the way, you might not even honestly care about...you just want to kick Arcann off the throne and rule, or say 'screw it all', go hunt down your still-lost husband/wife and settle on some backwater planet somewhere)"


The more I play, the more KotFE reminds me of DA2.....BW took a good thing and messed it up there too by putting the storyline on rails, taking away companion customization, and reducing your character choices. I can only hope that they'll get their stuff together and turn things around.

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Got to agree that this chapter was just stupid. Boring fights and an even more boring plot (at least in the sense that nothing happened we didn't see coming). If it hadn't been so obvious, maybe it would have been less boring... maybe. Big maybe.


The loss of SCORPIO doesn't bother me much - never liked her, barely ever used her even on my sniper - but a forced companion loss is arguably one of BW's worse ideas for this game. And that's saying something. No offence, BW, but the KotFE content just seems to be getting worse each patch. And not just story stuff - the mess with the SW comp (forgot his name, lol) being only available through evil route, the complete lack of any side stuff in this patch. And don't even get me started on this new Light v Dark event. Interesting, but the hell if I'm playing through another char (or bunch of) having recently ground my way to legendary status. Granted it's just my opinion though. To each their own, I guess.


Gone off point though. Companion loss is actually a good idea on a whole, and something the original game lacked - you shouldn't be able to do anything you want without your companions turning against you if you go totally off the rails. But you shouldn't force companion loss. Like with Koth - you go too evil, he rages and leaves. But at least it's because of your choices, not a forced event. I'm hoping there's a way to get SCORPIO back, if only for the sake of the option being there. But I can't really see her surrendering, and if she takes a lightsaber to the head, who'd be able to repair her?


The only good thing I felt in this chapter is the fact it's showing an increasing split between Arcann and Vaylin. Combined with the loss of the fleet, I'm kind of hoping we'll get a chance to ally with one or both of them in part 2. And I'm not just saying that because I want Vaylin comp *Cough* :)

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:mad: I just unsubscribed this because of this chapter. That is what I am thinking about it. The blatant sequel hook in this chapter which will lead into a completely unsatisfying cliffhanger ending next month. I was with the story until this point but I am just done now. Sure we may resolve matters with Arcann and his sister next month but so what? The next threat already looms on the horizon. Maybe I will pick this up again if the story ever has a semblance of a satisfying ending at some point. If not this is it. No story that is told today can ever end it seems. Everything has to lead into something else to continue the milking process. I am so tired of that.


P.S. Boy am I happy I never wasted time with Alliance alerts of Star Fortresses. I would be even more pissed realising it means nothing.


You mean, the story may never end because this is a continuing saga? Oh noes!


Seriously, what would there be to do next if the story "ended?" It would be terrible. There would no longer be any motivation to do anything. I'd get fat sitting on the Eternal Throne and send my minions out to do everything. That is... until another "me" came along. And that would pretty much signal that my time had come. No thank you!


There will always be someone meddling in our plans or thinking they deserve to rule the galaxy. Well, if you want it... COME AND TAKE IT!



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I addressed this in a thread yesterday, sorry I didn't see this topic when I first checked forum!


BUt here was what I had to say specifically about the 3 choices:


My main is a Consular, and Tai Cordan had a big part in the Barsenthor story


The choice between the Imperials, Zakuulans, and Republic (Cordan) was tough.



Here is what I had thought about before and after my decision:





1. I thought they would all survive, somehow but that my last choice would cause me to lose favor with that faction's companions. I didn't assume that the last choice would not survive..


2. The Zakuulan people are among the tragic victims of the eternal empire simply due to the fact they've been disillusioned by the false face of their emperors. Their support for the Alliance(s) against the Throne would be vital, to help cause internal problems for the E. Empire; maybe even another war front. It would be hard to try and influence the Zakuulans any other way besides having an actual Zakuulan (a well known one, for reasons) help make the bridge. Senya might be seen by the Zakuulans to have too much bias/motive in any case if she attempted to serve as that bridge. So I made sure to choose the Zakuulans first -- to save.


3. An Imperial commander, with perhaps a huge network of allies, and at least intelligence on rogue/fringe Imperials would not only be valuable but also their participation would help bolster the legitimacy of the Alliance, and bring up Imperial moral; more incentive to join/keep fighting. It was also a chance to show a token of friendship, or hopes of one. The Alliance, after receiving factions and parties from all over the galaxy, needs to stay healthy--all parts of the body need to be in good order, and bringing in an Imperial commander with such previous renown, I hoped would help me maintain good order in the Alliance. 2nd Choice.


4. That only left the Republic; Tai Cordan as the last choice. I had hopeful assumptions that the 3rd choice would also survive, or somehow even be made surviving heroes. I trusted and knew the character of most Republic characters at this point and seemed the least hesitant to choose them last. One can say that I first thought "Others before yourself" but i secretly believed they would survive, and -- AND a friend of the Barsenthor, that they'd understand and agree it was the right, honourable thing to do.




1. I was shocked and horrified to see what seemed like the deaths of Tai Cordan and his party..he was a close ally and friend of the Barsenthor..


2. The three groups had made their own alliance modeled after ours. It was a huge encouragement! I had expected all three parties to join us.


3. I knew Tai Cordan to be an extremely capable commander and politician. He was one I knew could be trusted because he someone who was generous with trust too. He helped the Republic at a crucial time as well, along with the rest of the Rift Alliance. I somehow feel that if Tai Cordan had survived that he would feel guilty about the deaths of the other party. He would have been determined to, after joining the Alliance, fight hard to justify their deaths. He may even have the thought of wishing it had been him and not the others, that perished-- for the sake of the struggles against the E. Empire. I can't know for sure. In the end, maybe it might speak for the Republic-- not that we kill our own, but that maybe we put others before ourselves. In any case, my role was meant to be The Commander, not just the Barsenthor and not just a Pub. I had to make a decision, not a choice.. -- choices are a luxury for those who can afford to apply emotion and personal motives. For me I think that the only selfish aspect of my decision was that I decided the Republic was the most likely to have the most honorable traits. This is more evident as I tried to justify why their sacrifice was not a belligerent betrayal of friendship.


Forgive me, Tai Cordan >_<


Thanks perhaps in large part to you, -- you and others were able to inspire another alliance to bring down the E.Throne ^^ I hope we will meet again somehow.. -- until then, I'll make sure stories are told of you >_< </3

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The erm twist at the end, left me mostly wondering why? Why on earth was this needed? Doesn't our protagonist already have enough enemies he/she can't win against without the help of half the galaxy?


How many boring Force-using villains can 1 Star Wars game have? Like really? We've had 1-dimendional evil Dread Masters, we had evil Revan twin, we still have Evil Sue Vitiate/Valkorion, there's Arcann who barely has any character, cartoon cutout Vailyn.


I say evil droid faction is much MUCH welcomed change.

Edited by Pietrastor
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've enjoyed all 15 chapters for what they were on day 1, something NEW to do. By the 9th, 10th and even OH GOD 12th (thanks DvL), I'm like 'yeah yeah evil/good, die/live, mind rape/no mind rape, etc etc blah cakes.


I was upset for my Agent because I and her saw the companions she originally had as family, yes including Scorpio. I could see Scorpio betraying the other 7 classes, but not the Agent. Especially not my agent who let her do her thing and let's not forget Scorpio said she'd be there for me and my children.


Now, she's betrayed me, took over the Eternal Fleet and I wasted time and gifts getting her to rank 50. Maybe Scorpio is a double/triple/quadruple agent type and will come back, maybe I'll have to spend all of season 2 trying to kick her *** off the throne. Who knows.


I mean, it's bad enough Tanno Vik, on my trooper, basically tells her he ain't coming back, which made me and my trooper sad. Again, my original class companions were my characters' family. Having them NOT come back for reasons really goes against what they told my character at the end of their story arc.




After KOTFE: Meh...you were gone, there were no legacy imps running around and I thought you were worm food, so now I'm gone and you're on your own, buck-o. :(


I mean, we got a generic Khem Val wanna be. Where is my inquisitor's friend?


Why is it taking almost 2 years to get the majority of my spouses back? So far I got Torian and Jorgan for husbands, I'm still missing 6.


And why am I not getting some small talk with my husbands? I got Jorgan, we hug, we boink, and he's gone. He only mentions us if I tell him don't help Kaliyo or if I'm a ***** and kill him.


Torian, we hugged, hung out watching the sun set and that's it.


And my characters in a relationship with Theron. WHERE ARE MY COMPANION scenes? Talk to him about dumb stuff. Smooch. Have me/him ask to marry the other.


THIS IS BORING. Come on, I play this game for the stories and cutscenes. That means aside from the MAIN storyline, I am also here for Companion storylines too.

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You can open more crates, but can still have only 8 grenades at once.


I also dont like they took away Scorpio because she was one of my high affection crafting companion. Just rip of for people who invested to her. They could at lest let you use her outside of story. It would not matter anyway.


I was expecting a Gemini captain with the same Inf to replace my Scorpio.


According to livestream we'll be able to retrieve "our" Scorpio next month, using the "non-canon companion" retrieval gizmo.

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Y"Go out in the woods and commune with Valkorian....but we won't wait for you to return before going on this vital mission", "Let this psychotic android access to the game-changing ship and let her have her way with one of the most important components of winning this war (that by the way, you might not even honestly care about...you just want to kick Arcann off the throne and rule, or say 'screw it all', go hunt down your still-lost husband/wife and settle on some backwater planet somewhere"


The more I play, the more KotFE reminds me of DA2.....BW took a good thing and messed it up there too by putting the storyline on rails, taking away companion customization, and reducing your character choices. I can only hope that they'll get their stuff together and turn things around.


That bit about communing with Valkorian in the woods. THE most annoying dialogue in the story, Lana asking "Where were you?"


You told me where to go. If I was overdue, why didn't you come get me? Why didn't anyone come check on me? I was less than three kilometers from this room!

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How many boring Force-using villains can 1 Star Wars game have? Like really? We've had 1-dimendional evil Dread Masters, we had evil Revan twin, we still have Evil Sue Vitiate/Valkorion, there's Arcann who barely has any character, cartoon cutout Vailyn.


I say evil droid faction is much MUCH welcomed change.


I agree! I think it's an interesting change of pace to have a major antagonist not be a force-wielder for once.

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  • 5 months later...
For those who have played the new chapter, do we lose Scorpio as a companion? If so, is there a chance she will return or is this a full-fledged betrayal with no turning back?


I quite liked her, and will be sad to see her go.


You should know this by now but either way you don't get her back but you can get her back by companion return console

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