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Heroic payout nerf


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Just as I was starting to be nice on the forums, you guys go and pull this.


EA/BW, your stupidity and willingness to absolutely screw your loyal subscribers seems to know NO bounds. First you screw us with the event by not making any rewards retroactive, and now this? Absolutely PATHETIC. And don't give us any garbage about "it was accidentally omitted from the patch notes". Just be adults and admit that you tried to stealth this past us, and you got caught. I can tell you're software people and not economists. Gongrats, idiots. You just KILLED the economy. It's ok though, I'm sure the credit farmers will just LOVE you for this.


You guys seriously need to get your act together and stop screwing the people who are paying your salaries. Wake the hell up.

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TBH this will only increase the number of people buying from spambots which will only increase the number of bots/macros which will only increase the number of credits I make because I get them selling companion gifts which I'd bet several mil that the spambots are the ones eating them up.


~ Eudoxia


Lol bots/macro users aren't the ones buying your gifts. They can go to the gift vendor on fleet and buy the cheap grade 2 gifts and go the whole way to lvl 50 influence. I think its like 600k for around lvl 30 influence and 5 mil for lvl 50 influence. Easy to do when you have a macro pressing a key on your hot bar for hours.

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I'm going to call it:


They're trying to crater this game...But in favour of what, exactly?


That new StarWars MMO I've been hearing distant rumblings of?


That won't work:


At least not if EAWare has anything to do with it, I know there are a lot of us who will never want anything to do with these clowns ever again...


So, can one sell a license before its term expires?


Or is it that these people really are that bloody incompetent?

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Look at the prices on the gtn and it's clear that the inflation of the credit in game has gone nuts. There are just too many credits and therefore insane prices like items going for 50 million or more, some over 100 million.


And those prices went up dramatically since 4.0 ..Clearly people have too many credits, so now we get less of em.


Well, you see, that's not Bioware's goal:

  1. Make drop rates for desirable CM items by increasing their rarity or making it so you can only get them if you're insanely lucky with a chance cube drop.
  2. Players, having spent a lot of real money on the packs to get trash from chance cubes, price the desirable items into the stratosphere.
  3. Nerf the rewards for heroics, so that players have to grind more heavily to earn credits to pay the high prices on the GTN.
  4. Players, seeing that the only viable way to earn the tens of millions of credits they need for the items they want is to sell stuff on the GTN for millions, turn to buying more CM packs in the hopes of getting rare items to sell.
  5. Rake in all the extra money from the vicious circle above.
  6. Receive a bonus from management for improving the cash flow of the game by coming up with a way to get players to buy more cartel packs while making the packs deliver less and cost more.

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Well, you see, that's not Bioware's goal:

  1. Make drop rates for desirable CM items by increasing their rarity or making it so you can only get them if you're insanely lucky with a chance cube drop.
  2. Players, having spent a lot of real money on the packs to get trash from chance cubes, price the desirable items into the stratosphere.
  3. Nerf the rewards for heroics, so that players have to grind more heavily to earn credits to pay the high prices on the GTN.
  4. Players, seeing that the only viable way to earn the tens of millions of credits they need for the items they want is to sell stuff on the GTN for millions, turn to buying more CM packs in the hopes of getting rare items to sell.
  5. Rake in all the extra money from the vicious circle above.
  6. Receive a bonus from management for improving the cash flow of the game by coming up with a way to get players to buy more cartel packs while making the packs deliver less and cost more.


but the best method of credit generation in the game for the last 7+ months is the opening of treasure hunting lockboxes and vendoring the items inside. they left this in the game so there should be a healthy supply of credits for people to gather.


most of what you said is true but they know not everyone can afford cartel coins so they always leave a good source of credits in the game like treasure boxes.

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Hey folks,


I just wanted to pop into the thread and confirm that the Heroic Mission Rewards were reduced. This wasn't intended to be a "stealth change," but it was missed from the patch notes and we apologize for that. We are working on getting it added to the notes soon.


Sorry for any confusion.




It makes doing heroics no longer worth the time. I don't know who approved this, but I'd say they need a reality check.

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Hey folks,


I just wanted to pop into the thread and confirm that the Heroic Mission Rewards were reduced. This wasn't intended to be a "stealth change," but it was missed from the patch notes and we apologize for that. We are working on getting it added to the notes soon.


Sorry for any confusion.




And we should believe you because you have been so honest in the past right? Your posts hold zero weight with your customers any more. :rolleyes: Every time I see your smirking face I wonder how you keep your job. I would have fired you along time ago eric.

Edited by ErikSun
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The logic employed by the few who support Solo Heroics reduction: Solo Heroics have inflated trade network prices. Yet Grouped Heroics, which still yields considerably more credits - was left intact to promote MMO group aspect of game.



The Solo Heroics reward reduction is too much of a major change to slip through patch notes cracks.


Bioware would rather you create more characters for the Light vs Dark event than do Solo Heroics. The goal now is not max out any of your current characters but grind out multiple ones (for free rare packs) seemingly only to get new character metrics up.


I am pro-Light vs Dark event, I just don't want to be penalized for not wanting to participate.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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And we should believe you because you have been so honest in the past right? Your posts hold zero weight with your customers any more. :rolleyes: Every time I see your smirking face I wonder how you keep your job. I would have fired you along time ago eric.


Wow man... that's harsh.


It's not his fault his bosses give him this **** to tell people.


~ Eudoxia

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Most likely. Like I said before, I'm not stating it as fact.....but I am very inclined to believe this. :mad::mad::mad: Also....random question....are in the guild of the same name on JC? Just asking is all, because I'm curious. :D


No not in the guild, but it sounds like it has a good name! ;)

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And we should believe you because you have been so honest in the past right? Your posts hold zero weight with your customers any more. :rolleyes: Every time I see your smirking face I wonder how you keep your job. I would have fired you along time ago eric.


And yet another one that would probably cuss out the paperboy because he got bill in the mail. :rolleyes:


It's not Eric's fault. It's his bosses that are making these idiotic changes.

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No it won't because they only nerfed solo runs, not group runs. Group runs are much faster and much more rewarding.


~ Eudoxia

As it should be in an MMO. Why can't players just accept that an economy is important in an MMO and nerfs are necessary?

This has Contraband Slot Machine and post-4.0 companion nerf written all over it - clearly the players in this thread are not rational and think the devs need to cater to them personally. Let me tell you, I'm not 100% happy with the state of the game either but I'm realistic in that I know devs can't always focus on my interests.


The credit payout was clearly too high, as has been discussed over the past months, and it was left this way for too long. It was to be expected that it would be nerfed because it caused players to stop doing dailies and events, and it drove up GTN prices. (which may be good for Cartel Market sales but is bad for the health of the game)


Yes, it is strange that they didn't change group payouts but I imagine that this is not an easy change (since this affects bonus quests across the whole game, not just heroics). And their stats probably showed that the majority of players are doing heroics solo, so just nerfing the solo credit output will be enough to stop inflation.

Edited by Jerba
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Well, you see, that's not Bioware's goal:

  1. Make drop rates for desirable CM items by increasing their rarity or making it so you can only get them if you're insanely lucky with a chance cube drop.
  2. Players, having spent a lot of real money on the packs to get trash from chance cubes, price the desirable items into the stratosphere.
  3. Nerf the rewards for heroics, so that players have to grind more heavily to earn credits to pay the high prices on the GTN.
  4. Players, seeing that the only viable way to earn the tens of millions of credits they need for the items they want is to sell stuff on the GTN for millions, turn to buying more CM packs in the hopes of getting rare items to sell.
  5. Rake in all the extra money from the vicious circle above.
  6. Receive a bonus from management for improving the cash flow of the game by coming up with a way to get players to buy more cartel packs while making the packs deliver less and cost more.


I'd say this about covers it.

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As it should be in an MMO. Why can't players just accept that an economy is important in an MMO and nerfs are necessary?

This has Contraband Slot Machine written all over it - clearly the players in this thread are not rational and think the devs need to cater to them personally. Let me tell you, I'm not 100% happy with the state of the game either but I'm realistic in that I know devs can't always focus on my interests.


The credit payout was clearly too high, as has been discussed over the past months, and it was left this way for too long. It was to be expected that it would be nerfed because it caused players to stop doing dailies and events, and it drove up GTN prices. (which may be good for Cartel Market sales but is bad for the health of the game)


Yes, it is strange that they didn't change group payouts but I imagine that this is not an easy change (since this affects bonus quests across the whole game, not just heroics). And their stats probably showed that the majority of players are doing heroics solo, so just nerfing the solo credit output will be enough to stop inflation.


And another apologist. Tell me, what do they have to do that people like you stop defending every bone-headed decision they make? I'm seriously amazed by all the bootlicking going on every time one of the employees posts....

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So, the only thing in the game that really incentivised grouping (a normal MMO activity) has now been nerfed so there is no incentive to group. Oh, and while you're at it, you made sure they weren't worth running after you get to 65 as well. What a stupid idea.


I've met a few of these people at Celebration. Nice people, good to talk to. Unfortunately, that doesn't translate into good decision making.

Edited by DanNV
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And yet another one that would probably cuss out the paperboy because he got bill in the mail. :rolleyes:


It's not Eric's fault. It's his bosses that are making these idiotic changes.


Ummm... ok. I am sure Eric needs you to come running to his defense. When you lie, you get called out on it. Stop defending this type of behavior. As in stop supporting liars. :rolleyes: And we don't have paper boys in my neck of the woods. Nice try. ;)


I don't mean to pick on just Eric. I think they should all be canned at this point. All better? :D

Edited by ErikSun
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I'm calling BS on "forgot to put that in there" you hoped it would get lost in the event and new chapter. You(devs) got caught being sneaks and predictably got called on it. These pop in with the bland statements with the typical sorry for the confusion statements are completely unacceptable. Nobody is confused, they are pissed, pretty significant difference.
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Y'know I'm very vocal about the things I think they've done wrong and continue to do wrong. But the combination of factors is seriously making me consider finally ending my sub after being here since beta.


Really Bio? And nice how you don't bother to even mention it in patch notes....That's not slimy at all.


The bs spin on the "new event" in reality being nothing actually new, cm pack price increase, removing the armor vendors on fleet with the legacy stuff they added not long ago....and now finally this.....I think I may be done.


I'll wait to see if they say something about it..like if it's temporary or they revert it back...but I'm sick and tired of seeing BioWare nerf crap that makes people reasonable money (and I do mean reasonable, not excessive) and other bs decisions is the final straw I think.


Just more proof that not only is BioWare Austin, BioWare in name-only...but also that they have no business running an MMO....

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Hey folks,


I just wanted to pop into the thread and confirm that the Heroic Mission Rewards were reduced. This wasn't intended to be a "stealth change," but it was missed from the patch notes and we apologize for that. We are working on getting it added to the notes soon.


Sorry for any confusion.




How dumb do you think we are? This kind of thing happens too often (stealth changes) for anyone with half-a-brain to believe it wasn't intentional.

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How dumb do you think we are? This kind of thing happens too often (stealth changes) for anyone with half-a-brain to believe it wasn't intentional.


And now the collection unlock for items from the Light vs. Dark packs won't unlock. Just pulled a Advanced White Hawkeye crystal and all 3 boxes of tulak hords armor set. Still im loving the packs :D aside that bug

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Seriously? And with no warning? And their excuse is that they "forgot" to put it in the patch notes? :rolleyes:
Exactly lol. This was no accident and it sure as hell was no oversight...it was obviously intentional.


The good news is...nobody is complaining about the "event" any longer :p

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