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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Heroic payout nerf


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So how about this idea....


Instead of nerfing heroics nerft the amount of credits from their bonus mission for 12k-18k to 5k credits?


Many people like me don't even group up often for heroics, so nerfing the bonus would be much better to then nerfing the actual heroic baseline credits.


I'm sure thats an acceptable comprise.


Yep. If they did that, then I would reconsider resubbing or continuing. maybe.

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for all of you that have given up on SWTOR, might I suggest another game


Firefall http://www.firefall.com/en


It is an awesome game that's been through a rough patch, but don't believe the hate-it's still very much alive.


Tried it.. it gave me motion sickness from how it keeps jumping the camera around. Ditched it after 4 days and haven't looked back.


And even if it were dying, it's an awesome game that you'd never forgive yourself for missing out on playing, by a dev team that, while small, definitely deserves more money sinkage than this one.


and, yeah, there's no lightsabers, but you gotta ask yourself-how often do you really use your jedi/sith?


Every. Single. Day. I don't think there's been a day I've logged onto swtor and NOT atleast toyed with my jedi and sith toons. Even if its just to play with color crystal colors.


That said.. unless they nerfed them too.. back to dailies for me.. now I'll never afford those 30 mill gloves on the GTN or an Akk dog license.

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Hey folks,


I just wanted to pop into the thread and confirm that the Heroic Mission Rewards were reduced. This wasn't intended to be a "stealth change," but it was missed from the patch notes and we apologize for that. We are working on getting it added to the notes soon.


Sorry for any confusion.




Why is it reduced?

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Look at the prices on the gtn and it's clear that the inflation of the credit in game has gone nuts. There are just too many credits and therefore insane prices like items going for 50 million or more, some over 100 million.


And those prices went up dramatically since 4.0 ..Clearly people have too many credits, so now we get less of em.


People have too many credits from 1) buying them, 2) being whales selling CM items at inflated prices, 3) exploited credits from multiple different exploits allowed to go on for MONTHS, 4) using bots/macros to farm Slicing/Treasure Hunting, bots which are never banned or even penalized. I see the exact same cheating bots farming Yavin nodes that I did 6 months ago when I reported them all.


Solo players running heroics are NOT the source of there being too many credits in the economy. The missions are WEEKLIES.

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Far be it from me to defend the decision itself, but let's slow down a second on the "lying" part. What would they have to gain from purposefully keeping it from the patch notes? Of course, they know that we would notice. It would be PR self-sabotage to do it on purpose.


Patch notes, on the other hand... it's easy to miss stuff when working with a lot of departments. Again, not defending the decision itself, but the mistake is perfectly believable and he did apologize.


Then they are incompetent.....which isn't any better than being liars.


It's their JOB to be thorough in the patch notes. And I think decreasing credits earned in heroics is one that might not want to be omitted.


I believe I've hit my breaking point. I've been a loyal subscriber since the game started. Stuck through all the BS they have pulled the last few years. But, I am DONE.


This game just isn't worth all the crap they put us through anymore.


Unsubbed. I wish you all well.

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Because heroics has cause huge infiltration to the gtn bots started running them now. 1 million doing heroic for one world is way to much I have 10 millions credit long time ago that would by you pretty much a gold whole set, now gold whole set go for 100 million heck the sith reclusive go for nearly billion. Yes I hate but heroic has cause serious problem


Then up the drop rates for the rare cool stuff then? Would that fix the prices or no? Like I said, I'm not a economist, but it seems stupid that the more creds people have the higher prices go. For me, the lower prices are, the more I'm going to spend. And the more I'm going to spend, the more I have to play to farm said credits. The higher the prices are, the less I'm going to spend because I have to save up. Seems I'm in a minority then, based on what people are saying is the norm? Just a clarification please, thank you. :)

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People have too many credits from 1) buying them, 2) being whales selling CM items at inflated prices, 3) exploited credits from multiple different exploits allowed to go on for MONTHS, 4) using bots/macros to farm Slicing/Treasure Hunting, bots which are never banned or even penalized. I see the exact same cheating bots farming Yavin nodes that I did 6 months ago when I reported them all.


Solo players running heroics are NOT the source of there being too many credits in the economy. The missions are WEEKLIES.


Exactly, I agree 100% what you said.

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Far be it from me to defend the decision itself, but let's slow down a second on the "lying" part. What would they have to gain from purposefully keeping it from the patch notes? Of course, they know that we would notice. It would be PR self-sabotage to do it on purpose.


Patch notes, on the other hand... it's easy to miss stuff when working with a lot of departments. Again, not defending the decision itself, but the mistake is perfectly believable and he did apologize.


^^^^^^ Truth is the truth and nothing but the truth. (Though if it is the truth they left it out on purpose and then lied about it? Well.....we kinda know where it would go.)

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That is not good too, it hits the normal community too.

Best is to just revert it how it was, and go afther people using macro's.


That should be their focus, yes. (Going after people cheating, which btw is against the EULA, and they did ban a lot of people for the exploits that happened within the 8 months. So they know how to go after said people breaking the rules.)

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I wouldn't mind so much if this was to encourage us to run new dailies. Sorta like how when 4.0 hit, we were encouraged to run the heroics -- which were basically used as a substitute for a new set of KotFE dailies -- because they not only offered more credits, but also excellent leveling gear or KotFE specific rewards, while the rewards of the old dailies were generally nerfed.


But the thing is, we didn't get new dailies. They don't need to make the heroics less appealing to help herd us towards new dailies that have some shiny new currency/turn-in/unique item as a reward. So now we just have all the old pre-4.0 dailies, which are probably just as efficient at credit making as heroics now but offer no KotFE specific rewards, and the heroics, many of which are probably no longer "worth it" in terms of time vs. credits.


Regardless, while I believe that some nerf to heroics credits may not have been uncalled for, I feel that they went overboard.


Sigh. The recent patches have been kind of disappointing for me. More bug fixing and less nerfing, please! -hides Assassin and treasure hunter under a pile of broken courting gifts-

Edited by Gwena
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Look at the prices on the gtn and it's clear that the inflation of the credit in game has gone nuts. There are just too many credits and therefore insane prices like items going for 50 million or more, some over 100 million.


And those prices went up dramatically since 4.0 ..Clearly people have too many credits, so now we get less of em.


If you think that this cut to heroics is going to, in anyway effect the GTN prices, I think your in for a rude awakening.

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Can we get a statement on why credit gain was nerfed for legit playing while higher credit gain for people macroing crew skills is left alone?




How the hell are you going to nerf heroics and not do anything about an active exploit in game? I can understand reducing heroic's payout but doing that and do nothing to fix macro botting crew skills leaves my mind blown.

Edited by crawforder
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For the love of god how can that get missed in the notes?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! and why do it period?


Whoever is making the decision up there right now is a freaking nincompoop. i would like to say more but decorum prohibits it.


This is without question the most poorly conceived and implemented week in the history of online MMO games.

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Then up the drop rates for the rare cool stuff then? Would that fix the prices or no? Like I said, I'm not a economist, but it seems stupid that the more creds people have the higher prices go. For me, the lower prices are, the more I'm going to spend. And the more I'm going to spend, the more I have to play to farm said credits. The higher the prices are, the less I'm going to spend because I have to save up. Seems I'm in a minority then, based on what people are saying is the norm? Just a clarification please, thank you. :)


You miss the point that they are weeklies + a rewarding way of people grouping up, and a reason to people to relog to an alt and do them again. It keeps people busy. Besides that the big bad of prices going up is people using programms who run on automatic mode, they are called macro programms who are run by bots (robots), who are always online farming credits from treasure hunting missions. That is the real cause. The original design how the heroics where was well done, it is rewarding for solo players + if people are willing to group up then it is rewarding too. So the original design is good, like with many things they make, but then they nerf it and ruin the fun factor for people completely. And we have so many issues in the game now, and people complaining to other people about the game, this makes people more unhappy and leads to people have less a reason to ask friends to join the game or play at all. I think my guild will be severely affected by this. I see myself having no reason too anymore to play now heroics solo. They forget too that a lot of servers have only a few people playing, and those people are all affected, because they cant even find 4 people to group up for heroics... I can not believe they did this. No words. They should instead make people more happy about the game. This does the opposite.

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Hey folks,


I just wanted to pop into the thread and confirm that the Heroic Mission Rewards were reduced. This wasn't intended to be a "stealth change," but it was missed from the patch notes and we apologize for that. We are working on getting it added to the notes soon.


Sorry for any confusion.




This is pretty ridiculous. I, for one, do heroics for the credits and it's my main source of income in the game. I don't play the market (GTN) so I don't make credits there.


Someone mentioned putting the reward credits back the way they were and reducing the group member payout for bonuses (which are still 18k per member for Tatooine heroics while the mission payout is a mere 7k). I usually solo, or duo, the heroics but I have run full groups on occasion. Reducing the group bonus payout would've been the better route.


Maybe you should recommend some biochemical screenings for some of those people that make these decisions.

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For the love of god how can that get missed in the notes?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! and why do it period?


Whoever is making the decision up there right now is a freaking nincompoop. i would like to say more but decorum prohibits it.


This is without question the most poorly conceived and implemented week in the history of online MMO games.


agreed 100%

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TBH this will only increase the number of people buying from spambots which will only increase the number of bots/macros which will only increase the number of credits I make because I get them selling companion gifts which I'd bet several mil that the spambots are the ones eating them up.


~ Eudoxia

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Hey folks,


I just wanted to pop into the thread and confirm that the Heroic Mission Rewards were reduced. This wasn't intended to be a "stealth change," but it was missed from the patch notes and we apologize for that. We are working on getting it added to the notes soon.


Sorry for any confusion.



Thanks, this nerf was much needed and went on for far too long. Now heroics are once again in line with other activities of the game and over time, this will hopefuly decrease inflation again.

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Thanks, this nerf was much needed and went on for far too long. Now heroics are once again in line with other activities of the game and over time, this will hopefuly decrease inflation again.


No it won't because they only nerfed solo runs, not group runs. Group runs are much faster and much more rewarding.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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I disagree you don't punish the player base. Inflation is part of MMO's and at least things were attainable from a pack because of heroics now prices and rarity will just increase even more. Don't expect GTN prices to drop.


Gonna have to disagree, the demand will be lowered than the supplie so item would not be 1 billion because no one can afford it. It has gotten were only bots now can buy the gold rare sets because sith reclusive, tulak Hord on my server are 1 billions credits and who has a billions credit now a day ptetty much bots. I past few month I have seen bots in a group doing heroic. But again I do not like change but imo gtn is nuts now

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