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Heroic payout nerf


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Truth. This only hurts the solo players, which I include myself in that group. I haven't run heroics at max level in months, but I do them as I level, and this makes them much less worth the effort.

Oh bull lol. Heroics are great while leveling for gear and XP. The credit nerf doesn't mean squat to the leveling toons...it's the end game players who've been starved for content who did these to make some easy $ that this hurts...not leveling players.

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Generally I prefer not to jump on the Bandwagon of Outrage, but unfortunately I do need to add my two cents of disappointment to this thread, in the hope the feedback will get somewhere.


Hopping on a few alts a week to regularly run some Heroics has been my most consistent stream of income recently, and is a good way to pass the time while waiting for a GSF queue pop. Having more credits to spend increases my enjoyment, bottom line. I've been having a blast creating a new guild stronghold for RP purposes, and I've been funneling all of my Heroics money into that project. Having that income more than cut in half definitely hamstrings my plans, and also makes the idea of spending some hours every week to grind those out significantly less appealing.


I'm not sure what the motive was behind this change, but it seems to me like it will do more harm than any "good" that may have been intended. In the grand scheme of the overall server economy, nerfing players out of 500k-1mil credits a week will be an insignificant drop in the bucket. But for each of those players individually, it's a significant blow that limits their ability to get their "happy joy!" shopping fix moment. And it's little moments of personal gratification like that which keep people playing!


Whether this was a mistake or an intentional nerf, I only hope they'll reconsider.

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should it? by this much? you are already "rewarded" for grouping by being able to finish heroics up to 4 times faster
YES! YES! Spoken like a solo player. You think groups form themselves? 1000x's the effort goes into group play as it does your solo play. Group players need to be social, kind, courteous, patient, attentive...solo you can do whatever the hell you like.
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YES! YES! Spoken like a solo player. You think groups form themselves? 1000x's the effort goes into group play as it does your solo play. Group players need to be social, kind, courteous, patient, attentive...solo you can do whatever the hell you like.


no I don't think groups form themselves. but the credit inflation WAS at least in part cause by gigantic payouts from grouping. people didn't group to be courteous people grouped becasue more credits. so what do they do? they nerf the solo payout. as a result - we still have inflation problem, the game that was pushing almost exclusively solo play suddenly wants you to group again, but without any new content added to group for.


I can even guess what the heck they are thinking right now.

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Again, nerf the increased payout for grouping, but in exchange add decos to the heroics and increase the drop rate for said items by grouping. Kills 3 birds with one patch: fixes outrage over heroic nerfs, helps slash inflation on Decos, and encourages group play without discouraging solo play.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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To be honest, this is going to cost them money, not increase cash flow.


I was actually considering buying a coin pack to buy the Yavin and/or Tatooine SH. Between the stealth increase in CM packs, the retarded cost of the 'quality of life improvements', and the ridiculous nerf to Heroics (which makes unlocking the rest of the rooms far more of a chore than it needs to be), there's no real reason to spend RL money on coins.


Should I send them a thank you card for saving me some money? :cool:

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If they wanted to nerf those, then they could have done two simple things:


1) A reasonable nerf to payouts (~20ish per cent).


2) Make them tougher again. Pre-4.0, most [HEROIC 2+] were still soloable on/near-level, but they were atill at least a bit of a challenge --some were actually pretty damned tough on-level-- so they take more time to do.


And, bloody well been honest about it:


A simple blurb in the patch-notes:


"Hey guys, we're going to slow the Heroic gravy-train down a bit, because they are pumping waaaaaaaay too many creds into the economy way too quickly. We'll still keep 'em solo-able, but we have to reduce payouts by [a reasonable amount], and also, you'll need to start bringing your A-game to these again if you want to solo them. No more 90-second face-roll on the starter planets!" (Love, your devs)


Did this never occur to anyone, even once?


**** me, the bumbling cluelessness of these people, how can they possibly be this blinkered about their own damned game :confused:




We have three new potential whole worlds, now, at least:


Zakuul, Odessen, and Darvannis. Maybe add Rakata Prime and Manaan to that, and not even one new [DAILY]/[WEEKLY] cycle for end-levellers to tear through for quick creds? I mean, you can do Czerka in like 10 minutes if you're slow.


Real response from AustinWare:


"But oh, I'm sorry, we're so intellectually-imprisoned that we just don't know how to do anything anymore beyond re-hashing five-year-old content. Again."

Edited by midianlord
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Why nerft the quest reward, why not the bonus quests? When the credit reward for completing a heroic is the equivalent of 2 green trash drops that is too much of a nerf. I get they are trying to drive down inflation but 7k a pop at level 65? why even do heroics?


I really wouldnt care about this as I make enough money from other sources to not worry about heroics, but the unlock costs of the gifts, and new portable banks are disgusting. Those are per character at per legacy wide prices.


Please move those to legacy wide unlocks. or drastically, and I do mean drastically, reduce those costs. Because at 2 million a pop for a portable legacy bank initial unlock, I'm not even going to buy the initial unlock on any of my toons.


It's just insulting combined with the grind event. Hey everyone, level 8 new toons. Oh and here are some quality of life improvements but we are going to try to force you to pay real life money for them. Stuff like this is what happens when a relatively small numbers of microtransaction whales account for a disproportionate amount of income.


I'm subbed through the end of season 1 but I will be leaving the game for good if this garbage isnt reverted. I am one of the remaining few who went along for the ride with story-only content and no new ops, but being insulted with a grind event and now them basically shaking us down for cartel coins? I've enjoyed the SW content Bioware has put out since KOTOR, but I can't keep following a company that treat their customers like this, that drops info on an unpopular grind event 4 days before release and shoves outrageous unlock costs and economy nerfs into a patch without seeking any input at all. Its their game they can do what they want, but it seems the accountants have taken over and anything nice we get from the developers gets tainted.

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We gotta work on your swing, BW. I think you were aiming for Treasure Hunting and missed. :p


But in all seriousness, this was my main source of credits. Sucks to be me. Now I'm not the type to resort to rule-breaking macros, but there are people who will be pushed more in that direction. I'm not advocating any such thing. I'm just saying, that is the reality of the situation.

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oh bull lol. Heroics are great while leveling for gear and xp. The credit nerf doesn't mean squat to the leveling toons...it's the end game players who've been starved for content who did these to make some easy $ that this hurts...not leveling players.



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It is quite obvious that this was targeted at honest casual players who want to grind their credits to buy vanity items or unlocks. Credit sellers and those who use exploits are just going to continue using their exploits.


If Bioware wants to save this game, this heroics credit nerf needs to be reverted ASAP.

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How come Tux's name wasn't capitalized and instead in lowercase???


On...on a closer matter to the subject... is this now the latest inflation TH nurf thread?


No, this thread is now about cats.


Because who couldn't say "Aaaaaaawwww...." to to a cute little kitty asking for quality cuddle-time with their favourite human <3

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I cant wrap my head around this. No words.. I am planning to unsub asap once chapter 16 of kotfe comes out. Unless they revert this + make hypercrates again 5500 cc at maximum, but it would be smarter of EA, if they also make hypercrates cheaper, so more players are able to afford them. This is better too for bioware because people are happier in that way, what leads to better mouth to mouth commercialising and people willing to stay sub. Changes like these are going to hurt the image of the game a lot. Anyways it did for me now as last straw, all my friends left even my boyfriend. The person at bioware who is responsible for this must realize what he does from a social psychological perspective. Because this is not going to end well if this goes on like this.
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Actually there is something stopping you from doing it: the sheer number of bots doing it.


~ Eudoxia


Exactly. Legitimate players can't efficiently compete with bots, often running with hacks that let them move through the game geometry to cover the same distance in less time, or letting them farm crafting nodes while still stealthed. I've tried in the past with slicing boxes, but it's just not worth it, you end up with far too little for the time spent when you have to compete with bots.

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As someone who has played since the game launched, this is the first time I'm seriously disappointed at BW. The high prices on the stuff on the GTN will remain and the gold/credit sellers will still exist by using their tons of accs and alts to grind.


Unless we use slicing/treasure hunting macro it's not that easy to grind credits.

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