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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What will you be doing for the Light vs Dark event?


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Soooo just found out that apparently you have to finish each tier before moving on to the next. I don't know if I'll be doing this even after all since some of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


Hoping that's not the case. Leveling up two new 65s and doing the first five EC missions is fine, but having to do all the flashpoints and pvp til valor 5....yawn.

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I don't really care for personal rewards with these things but I heard the state of the Galaxy will be altered depending on the outcome and that heightened my interest. This was one of the things they had advertised way back before launch. Planets were supposed to be altered to reflect republic or empire depending on which faction was in control. Don't know what happened then but I'm glad it's here now. I will be propagating the dark side with all character classes. Light represents everything I hate-- Goodie goodies, political correctness, diplomacy, hope.
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I'll do just enough to get the new companions (all tho if they're not customizable like the vanilla companions, I won't even do that because I'll never actually use em.) I don't have time to start over on a new server which seems to be what BW actually wants imo. I honestly think they're using this event as a way to boost populations on dead servers. ;)


Regardless.... I'll maintain my sub like I have for the last 5yrs & play one of my consoles. I've got plenty of games to choose from so SWTOR has never been my only focus.

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I'll probably make a few new characters. Balance Sage and Madness Sorc - those specs (is that the correct term?) seem really fun. That, and the roleplay idea that an emotionless, supposedly-"good" Jedi is draining the life from her enemies...well, that's just too fun to pass up. :p (Yes, I already have a personality and background [and appearance] all set to go for my sage. She's a very odd mixture of a naive child, an emotionless almost-sociopath, and...Cole from Dragon Age: Inquisition. Ssssoooort of...)


And I might even get into PVP. A little. I think the only reason why I haven't, thus far, is my fear of being yelled at. I just want to play a game, have fun, be helpful to my team...not cursed at because I dare to be new at it and inevitably mess up a lot. :/ Wasn't everyone new at PVP, once?


Heck, maybe I'll even try hardmode flashpoints...eventually. I have enough trouble with tacticals. So...maybe not. :p

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And I might even get into PVP. A little. I think the only reason why I haven't, thus far, is my fear of being yelled at. I just want to play a game, have fun, be helpful to my team...not cursed at because I dare to be new at it and inevitably mess up a lot. :/ Wasn't everyone new at PVP, once?


Not if you count those who came from other MMOs so not everyone. Someone like me who's only MMO has ever been SWTOR then yes but others I don't think so cause from my understanding there isn't much difference between them but I honestly don't know.

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I don't see the point. I'm not going to a low pop server and do this all again for rewards I'll only get on those toons there.


I know what they're doing, and its a FAIL. I cancelled my sub yesterday, and I will find a better game to play that doesn't blatantly return to old content for lack of dev.... And screwing over your seasoned vets, really? Its almost as if they want this game to sink below the line so the can mothball it.

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Already planning my characters! In fact, I have screenshots of where I've gone into chargen to make interesting people in the past couple of days, so all I have to do is plug in the numbers on the 28th!


It's ridiculous how much I'm looking forward to romancing Vector again in the female agent storyline. Also - comps will level past influence 10 very easily just by doing the class missions. Less gifts to give!


I'm kind of excited about it, but I'm an altoholic anyway.

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Alas, not playing Star Trek Online :(

It's at least 15 months since I've been able to play it, so there's a bunch of stuff that's new to me... but I still can't get it to work :(

Lousy PoS graphics card :mad:


I haven't decided yet if I'll try for the companion... and chances are that no matter how Goody Goody I am, the Dark Side will win anyway and I'll get stuck with Mrs Maul instead of the cool Chiss lady :rolleyes:


Time will tell.

Got one new Republic character in mind, just not sure which Imperial class I'd fancy starting again and taking to 65.

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I just transferred a character over to another server so I can start fresh there with my Legacy unlocks intact. (And thank you to all the fine folks who clicked my referral link so I got that transfer for free.) :)


And I managed to snag some better names than I had the first time around, so I'm psyched. I'm going to level my Scoundrel first and then probably my Sorceress. Then the others, but I'm not taking them through the storyline since I want to take my time with that.

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I plan to make a Sorc for the Valor & Imperial 65 objectives and a Vanguard for everything else (only going to Eternal level). I deleted my 65 Vanguard some time ago and had been planning to create a insta-60 to replace her but since the event came along I'll do this instead. I haven't logged in much recently so this event is kind of a blessing. Elements of it still suck though.
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What will you be doing for the Light vs Dark event?




I will not delete existing characters, I will not purchase new characters slots, and I will not start over from scratch on another server.


There is absolutely no reason that existing characters should be restricted from use in "events".

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