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Please Don't do it again - Dark & Light event - PLEASE DON'T!


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So I personally like this event. Do you know why? Because it gives me something to do, even if it is just a grind, because I've already done everything else.


You're not wrong, you're just willing to settle for sub-par lazy content. I'm not, not when I pay to play the game. As was stated in an earlier post; I pay for a service, there for I am ENTITLED to a game I actually want to play and continue paying for, or the very least my opinion on it.


There needs to be some kind of compromise put in place for the Event. Like, a built in re-roll say, for existing characters. So people who have 16 or more characters (or for people who are at their MAX characters) can restart a character they love and get a "Do Over" without loosing their gear, credits, outfits, mounts and so on. I'm glad they're doing SOMETHING but they're just not doing it right. Because this event isn't just unfair to Long time players like myself its also unfair to free to play and preferred players with limited character slots. Sever character slots are not cheap after all. But I'm sure EA/Bio will take FULL advantage of this fact and cut Character Slot prices for the event duration. Like they'll be doing us a solid for cutting the subjective value of a Digital thing to a slightly more reasonable price, all so we can participate in a mediocre event... Wooo....


#nonsense #EntitledGamers

Edited by dylanggct
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Postponing this event is only option i can think of.


IF Bioware wont change event and make it so ALL can participate no matter what level characters they have or or how long they have played then it is clear message to subscribers - You are not welcome or desired staying here and supporting this game. They rather see new players being bit stupid thinking this is a great event.


If this was EA's idea to recycle all current old content again, then Bioware did good job loosing any trust we had for this studio.

Edited by Divona
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So your choices are.. do the same content and get nothing for it. Do the same content and get something for it. Asking for it to be retroactive is asinine if that was really a problem where were you when they announced during KOTFE you get the new "gear" by running the "Same content"?


So I personally like this event. Do you know why? Because it gives me something to do, even if it is just a grind, because I've already done everything else.


There are other choices. Personally, I picked unsub and log out until there is something interesting to do. I have other things I can do outside of this game for entertainment. If they can't come up with more interesting content and shut down, then so be it. Lack of resources is not an excuse for mediocrity and other companies and games have shut down because their mediocre offerings did not bring in enough money.

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There are other choices. Personally, I picked unsub and log out until there is something interesting to do. I have other things I can do outside of this game for entertainment. If they can't come up with more interesting content and shut down, then so be it. Lack of resources is not an excuse for mediocrity and other companies and games have shut down because their mediocre offerings did not bring in enough money.


If you're going to stay, consider this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=886320


That said, if staying in those who stay can't influence positive change, it may be time for us to leave. I'm getting a lot closer to that every day.

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Players are NOT being forced to participate in the event.


Players have a CHOICE to participate or not.


If the rewards are important enough to a player, then that player must participate, knowing that they CHOOSE to participate to receive those rewards. Heaven forbid that BW actually require players to participate to receive the rewards.


If a player decides that the event is too much effort for too little reward, then the player can CHOOSE not to participate, knowing that they CHOOSE not to receive those rewards.



In before meaningless rodent sarcasm.


players CANNOT be forced to pay BW for this


players are choosing to unsubscribe rather than play this


If the income is important enough for BW then they will rethink their relationship with their customers, because if the players CHOOSE not to pay BW then EA will CHOOSE to shut it down.


TL:DR vote with your wallet. most of my active guild are choosing which WOW server to go to. That doesnt make me at all happy.

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players are choosing to unsubscribe rather than play this


Players are always unsubscribing for one reason or another. And not just this MMO either. The market place is a circular setup of themeparks with the occasional sandbox thrown in. People tire of one themepark and they head to another.. just like in real life with real life themeparks.


Besides... not every threat to unsub = unsub. Some do.. some talk the talk but don't walk the talk.


This event does not appear to be any higher catalyst then any other reason. Some of the more objective players who do not like the event are at least willing to admit that it is not the event per se that is leading them to unsub... but rather the event is the target of some pent up frustrations they have been keeping stifled.


There is no actual player loyalty to MMOs these days. Players play them if they are fun and worth their time, and they quickly discard them and move to another MMO (or non MMO game) as soon as they tire of the game.


What makes MMOs sustainable these days is a strong core population that delivers planned revenue for planned content updates. Players come and go... all the time. Veterans digging in and insisting they are more special then any other player is folly IMO as it conveys no real advantage to the studio in terms of their ongoing business.

Edited by Andryah
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players are choosing to unsubscribe rather than play this


Players are saying they have/will unsubscribe. That doesn't mean they actually have or will and that doesn't mean their unsub has an impact. If I have 4 months left on my subscription unsubbing now really has no effect so it's not really a "I stuck it to the man" moment. Besides, I bet most of them are back for new KotFE content as it drops.


If the income is important enough for BW then they will rethink their relationship with their customers


Pretty sure they weighed in on the ups and downs. My bet is they've already tallied the number of new subs versus subs lost and it's an acceptable ratio. Of course projections and actuals rarely meet dead on, but if LvD really does generate a bunch of new subs like it's supposed to then people who leave now will come back.


TL:DR vote with your wallet. most of my active guild are choosing which WOW server to go to. That doesnt make me at all happy


So your guild would rather go back to playing the same content there over and over than playing the same content here over and over. There's such an overwhelming amount of logic in that the logic center in my brain just exploded...

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You're not wrong, you're just willing to settle for sub-par lazy content. I'm not, not when I pay to play the game. As was stated in an earlier post; I pay for a service, there for I am ENTITLED to a game I actually want to play and continue paying for, or the very least my opinion on it.


There needs to be some kind of compromise put in place for the Event. Like, a built in re-roll say, for existing characters. So people who have 16 or more characters (or for people who are at their MAX characters) can restart a character they love and get a "Do Over" without loosing their gear, credits, outfits, mounts and so on. I'm glad they're doing SOMETHING but they're just not doing it right. Because this event isn't just unfair to Long time players like myself its also unfair to free to play and preferred players with limited character slots. Sever character slots are not cheap after all. But I'm sure EA/Bio will take FULL advantage of this fact and cut Character Slot prices for the event duration. Like they'll be doing us a solid for cutting the subjective value of a Digital thing to a slightly more reasonable price, all so we can participate in a mediocre event... Wooo....


#nonsense #EntitledGamers


Woosh. That's the sound of something going right over your head. The part I bolded is where you went wrong. I was merely pointing out the problem isn't the event. It's their current model. If this even didn't even come out, people wouldn't be all up in arms about it, and for some reason people are going crazy over this event announcement. What people should be going crazy about is the lack of new content, the fact that there isn't much to do outside of story content, or the re-hash of current content. This isn't me telling you to accept this model or that it's good but complaining about it not being retroactive is completely pointless and even if they made it retroactive it does nothing to currently fix what's wrong with the game. You're all fighting for something irrelevant.

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oh hey


bioware make a decent event which encourages people who havent played certain classes to play them, and get rewarded at the same time- and people kick off screaming about how its unfair they have to work for some items. keep in mind you got blast out a lvl 50 every 2 or 3 days.


i bet youre one of the ones who signed the petition for a second referendum in the uk



if theres one thing ive learned from 15+ years of gaming, its that morons like you exist everywhere. stop with this whiney, entitled child-like attitude and man up. its not hard to level, none of the requirements are even hard. get off your arse and put some work in, or don't play- simple as, really


An insult-laden post just demonstrates that you have no actual argument to make.

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You still don't get it. It is easy, exceedingly easy. It is also exceedingly boring and thus totally uninteresting and not a reason to keep logging in. I don't give a hoot about the rewards at all. Another companion to get lost among the thundering herd of companions I already have. A mount to get lost in the large parking garage full of mounts I already have. I am annoyed that the best they could do to bridge the gap until season 2 was this garbage event.


I tried an event like this in Star Trek Online, the Delta Event. I found it exceedingly boring and ended up just not logging into STO until real content was released, which is what I will do here. Already dropped my sub, not going to pay when I am not being entertained.


As a bridge between season 1&2 at least we're getting something and we don't -know- that LD is all that's happening. Last year between Ziost (January?) and s1 we got 12x xp. The year before we got a couple tacticals leading up to SoR. This year has been full of content and releases compared to every other year and the LD is a much more interesting way of hooking newbs than 12x was. Leaving the game just because BW is doing something much more interesting than 12x but that you don't have a use for is fine I guess but it doesn't sound like you have any perspective. If the prospect of a few mos of nothing new happening other than an event you don't care about then you should have been gone years ago. I guess I still don't see it. We're still finishing season 1, where did you get the idea that we were also getting a Gree-sized event (probably BW's biggest and best event so far) and would that really have kept you any more happy between s1 and s2 (Gree lasted 2 weeks the first time)?

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I get that people want new content (which has been KotFE, whether that's to your liking or not).


However, if you are playing SWTOR and deriving enjoyment from it, what are you probably doing? Repeating content: flashpoints, heroics, ops. About the only thing that is somewhat not a strict repeat is PvP. What have you probably repeated the least? The character story missions. Even if you have 40 or so like some people have said, I bet you have repeated the other content many more times. And that 40 equates to probably only around 5 run-throughs of each class story.


I'm not going to go for Legendary tier here, but I will do some of it. The rewards are enticing enough, not to mention the actual interest I have in replaying some storylines, and doing some that I haven't started and/or finished.

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I was kinda ok with this event, but I have been out of the loop by not reading specifics. By itself I still don't think the event is the tragedy it's being made out to by some.


But I just now read that this is supposed to be the 5th anniversary celebratory event. As far as an anniversary celebration goes this event is a tragedy.

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Can someone explain to me, and possibly other relative noobs to the game, what's so bad in this event?

I see hate for it all over but haven't seen the reasoning behind the hate


Some hate it because they feel that they already put in the effort and work years ago and feel screwed that they have to do it again, others are bummed because its simply impossible to do it on their main characters, having to buy extra character slots or create "throwaway" characters is also a big no no. People like to invest time into their character, not simply to rush through it for a shiny or anything, but to progress at a rate they enjoy and like. Their is also a seemingly lack of content in the game, and it gives off a poor vibe if the ONLY THING Bioware can do is simply rehash content rather than create new content. These are most of the reasons I believe, as I been following a few of the threads religiously over the last few days.

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Maybe I can put this event in better perspective. Star Trek Online is another game I play. I have been on that game for years now. But when PWE bought out Cryptic from Atari, the game went downhill from there. game breaking bugs that was around since the beginning are still there. The Skill tree revamp has destroyed many player's builds, The new content has been locked behind a massive time gate, The devs CONSTANTLY nerfing all the player's ship console. The devs idea of making enemies harder is by giving the NPCs large moments of invulnerability, and ungodly amounts of HP. I'm talking in the hundreds of millions. And the devs are still nerfing the players because they are beating their content too fast. That is not all. Their idea of lockboxes only give you a 0.1% chance of getting anything remotely useful, and they practically force you to buy the newest level of ships, because if you don't you will have a nightmare of a time trying to run the content. Should I keep going?


Yeah, the DvL event for SWTOR is actually an event I am excited for.

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Compared to the alternative? Not sticking around to wait for the next season?

That's a logical fallacy. You treat this as it must be either this for veterans underwhelming "meh - what? again what I already did for my alt army?"-event OR doing nothing till next season. It COULD also be some new event - something not yet seen, something new for veterans and new players alike. It does not have to be this way OR doing nothing till next season, you know.

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That's a logical fallacy. You treat this as it must be either this for veterans underwhelming "meh - what? again what I already did for my alt army?"-event OR doing nothing till next season. It COULD also be some new event - something not yet seen, something new for veterans and new players alike. It does not have to be this way OR doing nothing till next season, you know.


This... we need to prove Corporate imperial EA that were not going to accept rehashed garbage and we need actual real group content in a MMO. I'm not asking directly for operations, even those would be nice, but some group missions to run together in a FP or even like the seeker droid will be somewhat nice. Just... uh... preferably not the same flaws as the seeker droid heroic.

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I've played for a couple years, not subbed consistently, but when money was good I'd throw some cash at it for the perks (hated starting a new character without Sprint) and I'm ok with the event. I'm no t crazy enough to to try for the top tier, but I may be encouraged to try some of the flashpoints I've never done. I might even see about OPS, which I've totally avoided. Might b fun to do some of the old (but still new to me) stuff
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I've played for a couple years, not subbed consistently, but when money was good I'd throw some cash at it for the perks (hated starting a new character without Sprint) and I'm ok with the event. I'm no t crazy enough to to try for the top tier, but I may be encouraged to try some of the flashpoints I've never done. I might even see about OPS, which I've totally avoided. Might b fun to do some of the old (but still new to me) stuff


^ Finally a reasonable person posts in this thread :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Some hate it because they feel that they already put in the effort and work years ago and feel screwed that they have to do it again, others are bummed because its simply impossible to do it on their main characters, having to buy extra character slots or create "throwaway" characters is also a big no no. People like to invest time into their character, not simply to rush through it for a shiny or anything, but to progress at a rate they enjoy and like. Their is also a seemingly lack of content in the game, and it gives off a poor vibe if the ONLY THING Bioware can do is simply rehash content rather than create new content. These are most of the reasons I believe, as I been following a few of the threads religiously over the last few days.


Exactly This.

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Having read through this train wreck, three insights:


  • Time Value of Effort
  • Old Players vs. New Players
  • Return on investment


The main complaint most people seem to have is that they have done everything (or most everything) that the event tracks already on another character and should therefore get the rewards.


I'm not sure how the logic on that works. Being able to complete the listed tasks over the course of FOUR YEARS is not anywhere near as impressive as being able to do it in a few months. And the bulk of the rewards aside from the packs are geared more towards new players and non-65 characters anyway.


However, even if that point is set aside, the real truth of the matter is the time value you have already invested in your existing toons is just that -- already invested.


This is, once again, the sort of thing you see in customer retention theory. It's why people get upset when companies roll out special benefits only available to 'new customers'. It sends the message that you do not value older existing accounts. That is certainly not the intent, but that is the message people take away from it.


There is no way for an event like this to not trigger that reaction.


The second issue, the conflict between old and new, is even more divisive. For a player new to SWTOR the event is valuable. To one who is not new, the event is insulting. Unfortunately, new players will tend to evaluate games based on what the majority of the playerbase says and does in the game. Some new players will look at this and wonder if SWTOR will treat them poorly a year or so down the line, others will simply dislike the negativity.


The final issue, return on investment, is the one that triggers the most reaction. I'm not sure how difficult it is to rig up the DvL packs or come up with a handful of armors and one of the ugliest mounts I've ever seen, but the bulk of the event required very little investment or new coding.


As such, any CC purchases made (XP boosts, new characters, people subbing to get bonus XP) is pretty much pure profit. And yet the benefits do not accrue to those most likely to spend -- older players.


How do we fix this?


I think this event is, to be realistic, not going to be altered or changed. However, it would certainly behoove Bioware to figure out a way to have an event that :


1) provides benefits to people who have subbed/played a long period of time.

2) does not require expenditure of CC to be successful

3) Will not infuriate the playerbase


Of course, that is much easier said that done.


Many people feel criticism of the event is unjustified -- I say it depends on where you stand. I never actually bothered with the Smuggler storyline before (Corso irritated me) so this has given me a chance to actually take advantage of some of the benefits. But I am not the usual case.

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