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Everything posted by Analyst

  1. And yes, there is always a possibility that Marr's flagship is quite a modified one, akin to Vader's starfighter. Remember, that ship was able to ram through several capital ships and stay intact enough to preserve lives within itself. Perhaps it was modified directly for Marr, so it may be inferior, but quite better under the command of that very Dark Lord.
  2. Antilleses tend to disagree, I would say.
  3. Was there time to summon and coordinate them? Alliance was light with the ships at the moment, which is actually quite logical. Infantry and many companions stayed on the planet to protect it from possible invasion. They hardly could do something against the ships in space.
  4. Analyst


    Why Koth is among the betrayers? He has just left the room after Senya departed, clearly angry, but has not done anything yet. Though, as I understand, he behaves differently if you make him leave earlier.
  5. Analyst


    Points 1, 2, 4 and 5 prompt me to think that you are joking.
  6. The idea of Valkorion and Vitiate being different persons breaks a bit at the fact that Valkorion in his conversations confirms him being the Sith Emperor - addressing past events, knowing Empire well and so on. Yes, he may have pretended to be Vitiate, but I do not see the reason for that. If you propose two powerful individuals to serve you, it would be very counter-productive to say "I am the person you hate and you came to hunt down". The other thing is that Darth Marr recognizes his Force imprint immediately. I am quite sure that a Dark Councillor, proficient in the Force, is highly unlikely to make such a mistake. Moreover, a Force-using character confirms that, and at least Warrior and Knight have met the Emperor in Voice body. Consular and Inquisitor could see his Force imprint on Yavin and Ziost. So it is unlikely. Unless they are repeating Revan feat.
  7. I doubt that it may be called a DLC. Anyway, you can summon your companions through Alliance base terminal, but they will not count as returned in-story. And the story is not nearly finished, just to say.
  8. Sorry for answering after such an amount of time. The problem is that in TOR era there are no clone commandos and clone army in general, no CIS and war against it... so nothing featured in Republic Commando will make sense in this era. The music is possible to add, because it is not specific for RC, it is thousands of years older then GAR and Deltas, except for the word of "Coruscant". It belongs to the different culture that has already given us many decorations.
  9. Actually, no. You are supposed to act serenely and in harmony, but not to make everyone so. Doing so will be violent, and contrasting with the Order policy.
  10. It would be difficult for him to discover. As I remember, the essence of Sel-Makor and Voss Voice were in different places. Another question is whether the Knight could recognize the Emperor in different body and with Sel-Makor's aura around.
  11. Arkanian species may fit any class, as I see it. They are not naturally aligned with anyone.
  12. Decorations specific for that game will make no sense in TOR, I should say.
  13. For some reason people seem to assume that Tai Cordan can send Balmorran help only through official channels, and so Saresh can block it. Which is wrong. Remember, Cordan and the Balmorran Resistance have great experience of shadow resource movement, of smuggling various things to the Imperial-controlled planet. Smuggling something outside his own planet will be much easier.
  14. If Valkorion and Vitiate are the same person, then his born species is certainly a Sith Pureblood. As the early years of his life are well-documented in the Old Empire.
  15. Yes, that is the case. Balmorra was quite a major point in the Imperial-Republic struggle. One may not know the name of Cole Cantarus or General Hesker - despite being very active on Corellia, they are an agent and soldier. But Tai Cordan is a planetary leader, so he is nigh-impossible to miss. That reminds me, by the way. During the Republic planetary missions on Corellia, we hear nothing of Darbin Sull. I understand that we-as-Imperials could have killed him, but he is not mentioned at all, which is strange.
  16. A Sith may clearly have noble goals. The methods of achieving said goals are completely different matter. About Marr - yes, he is a good leader. First of all because in comparison with Vitiate, he is not indifferent to the Imperial people and he is able to limit his own ambitions. As it was said before, he went on survey and hunt - not to battle with overwhelming foe. And taking into account that Marr simply could not trust the Republic, it would be dangerous for the Empire to divert forces from other places.
  17. Actually, the Emperor having Voices is not a secret for the knowledgeable - at least for Council level. Otherwise Baras would not be able to make his bid for power. What can be a secret is the amount of Voices and the effect of their death on the Emperor himself.
  18. Unfortunately, we are not given the evaluation from Theron and Lana. And they simply must know who Tai Cordan is, I cannot imagine any of them not to know by obvious reasons. And you are a bit incorrect about "none will know". Only Consular interacted with Cordan directly - but that does not mean that all the others know nothing about him. They have visited Balmorra and, as I presume, listened to the news. That is the same as to say "only Knight has met Darth Angral, so no other character knows that he exists".
  19. Hm, why Rakata design? Eternal Fleet as described does not completely suit their style of technology, as it seems to me.
  20. Not necessarily. First, we do not know what she is doing now and how. Second, there was too little time. What should Acina do before acting against the Eternal Empire and to have victory, not pyrrhic one? - Restore the damaged Imperial economics to the acceptable level at least; - Restore human and technical casualties; - Restructure the government system which was based on Dark Council before and find suitable government members; - Most possibly deal with those Sith who did not want to see her on the throne; - Perform espionage operations against Zakuul - to find weaknesses and understand the enemy; - Develop an effective strategy and various countermeasures to the strengths of Zakuul; - Deal with the Republic interference, possibly all the time. Granted, it is more an Intelligence task, but such things should be reported to the Empress, as to the Dark Council before. Five years are not really great amount of time for all of that. Even Thrawn, being a genius, dedicated major part of his time not to the war effort itself, but to gathering intel about enemy, analysing the enemy and gathering resources (Katana fleet, clone army, K'baoth, ysalamiri, Noghri and others). I am not saying that Acina is necessarily brilliant and that she will be shown in that way. I am just pointing out that we know too little about her actions to judge anything.
  21. Maybe not "beneath her" but "not suitable for her". Acina is a technologist, as we may assume, not a hunter. And while a PC deals with search, she works with information, provides analysis and intel and does the whole analytical part, while a hero works with action part. And she seems to be quite good with it.
  22. I really hope that she will get a plot return. After all, she is a master slicer, and now we have a certain computer problem to deal with.
  23. I would prefer them to sell her as smart. The idea of "power rules" is everywhere in the setting; it would be quite good to see someone who rules because of pure intellect, not because of supreme power. Granted, Sith society is about power. But Acina is strong already, otherwise she wouldn't have qualified for the Council.
  24. The fact that she survived all the other Councillors is a good statement itself. I have yet to see her incompetence, because before KotFE we interacted with her only through the Seeker Droid missions. Yes, we do not see her being powerful - but there is no real evidence of her being weak. The fact that she does not seek the Seeds herself is not a proof of weakness, of course. Interesting enough, as I understand, there would have been no problem with Vowrawn as Emperor - and there is evidence of him not being extremely powerful and weaker than PC.
  25. It is interesting to know that battle droids, weapons and people hardened by guerilla warfare suddenly equal to "nothing". And I also agree with the post above.
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