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Rate the Light Dark side event


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Well, since my first post on this thread (was on page 3) was "terminated" by some bot...


So again...


If i could decide between this event and cancer, i'll take cancer.


My little sister died of bone cancer a few years ago, on my birthday, leaving behind 2 very young children and a heartbroken family. I don't even have words for the utter contempt I feel for you right now - just thank everything you hold dear that you are hidden by the anonymity of the internet. There are lines you don't cross, ever - this is one.

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Well as someone beyond the normal "veterans" (i.e. beta tester and playing since) I have to say I dont mind this "event" much.


What needs to be changed is;


1) 8 classes to 50. This is just rediculous.

2) World bosses. Not every server has the population to support a chance for everyone to be able to find a group since the mobs are not up 24/7.


Rest is doable with 2 character slots (or one if you chose to delete the first char at 65) and should not be much of a problem if you give us 4-6 months to get the objectives done.


Oh, and ofc you need to add 2 character slots to each account for this "event". You can not expect paying subscribers to have to put in even more money into the game to participate in an event.

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I would say 1 because the only reason I would probably do this is because I haven't actually gotten to other classes like the jedi sentinel or the jedi consular. I've already did the Jedi Guardian but not two of the jedi consular classes. I haven't done Sniper, sith warriors, and the sith isquisitors... inquisitors... whatever you call them but imperial agents bore me. It's too dark and gloomy for me to even step into that enemy faction. Bleh.


Anyways. I wished it was done on my commando that's already maxed on it's level. I don't like restarting new characters that I've already roled. Bioware/EA should've done a replay thing for our maxed out classes but with challenge mode. But then again, they wouldn't because some of us realize that the stuff they've done with the game design is repetitive and cliché like renaming and retexturing enemy npcs and using repetitive animations with the same stunts and gestures, as well as camera pans and one liners.

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My little sister died of bone cancer a few years ago, on my birthday, leaving behind 2 very young children and a heartbroken family. I don't even have words for the utter contempt I feel for you right now - just thank everything you hold dear that you are hidden by the anonymity of the internet. There are lines you don't cross, ever - this is one.

I am so sorry for your loss...and I couldn't agree more with you.

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Well, since my first post on this thread (was on page 3) was "terminated" by some bot...


So again...


If i could decide between this event and cancer, i'll take cancer.


You should be embarrassed that you ever typed such a ridiculous statement. I lost my mom to cancer. It took seven years of hell for her to pass away. It took you 10 seconds to write something so insensitive that it goes beyond comprehension. If you ever have the misfortune of going through cancer, you will be on your knees praying for your salvation to anyone who will listen. :mad:

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Obvious ploy to pad their numbers by luring back veteran OCD completionists to mix with the trickle of new players and make starter zones seem alive again. They can slap new achievements and rewards on the same old content, but I'm not doing the grind again. The event was so depressing in its lack of creativity that it prompted me to reinstall ESO --which I quit after the its first month-- to see what they've done with that over the past couple years (seems a lot better now, tbh).


After playing swtor religiously since launch, lately the only reason I log in is to run some NiM raids during their scheduled blocks. I do that because I like the people, and the content is still kind of fun because it's challenging. The rest of the game has just been "meh" for the last year.

Edited by KaiserTNT
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My little sister died of bone cancer a few years ago, on my birthday, leaving behind 2 very young children and a heartbroken family. I don't even have words for the utter contempt I feel for you right now - just thank everything you hold dear that you are hidden by the anonymity of the internet. There are lines you don't cross, ever - this is one.


Totally agree! I've also lost both family and friends to cancer.....you do *not* joke about it.....period.

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To rate this 'event' 1/10 would be an insult to everything else I've ever rated 1/10 before.


I have played this game since launch, am a founder and collector's edition owner, and been a faithful subscriber who has spend thousands on their Cartel Market because I love(d) this game. There are lines you don't cross as a developer, and charging your loyal customers for access to the rarest and most sought-after items in the game and then turning around and handing those same items out like candy to solo questers crosses them all. Two weeks ago, I was perfectly at peace with the amount I'd spent on this game, because I had received value for it. That investment has just been rendered null and void in one update.



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I'm an alt-o-holic.... I've spent the last 5yrs making alt after alt and playing thru the OG stories. I've run through all the chapters of KotFE with about 20 characters. This "event" should be right up my alley... :confused: ...


The problem is I can't use any characters I've already invested time and money into, and I will I have to play on an "off server" where all I have is a stronghold.....ERBODY BROKE!


I'm giving this "event" a 2/10.... I'm keeping my sub active, but I've also got other games to play while waiting on KotFE chapt 16 & season 2.

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To rate this 'event' 1/10 would be an insult to everything else I've ever rated 1/10 before.


I have played this game since launch, am a founder and collector's edition owner, and been a faithful subscriber who has spend thousands on their Cartel Market because I love(d) this game. There are lines you don't cross as a developer, and charging your loyal customers for access to the rarest and most sought-after items in the game and then turning around and handing those same items out like candy to solo questers crosses them all. Two weeks ago, I was perfectly at peace with the amount I'd spent on this game, because I had received value for it. That investment has just been rendered null and void in one update.




I call bs. If your truly all the things you claim to be then an event that doesn't cater to you specifically is NOT the only reason you're leaving

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I rate it 11/10.


Entirely because of all the whining over it.


Not every thing done in this game has to cater to you. Best part of this event, you don't have to participate in it if you don't want to. And if you want the rewards, participate.


My favorite whine is that one about already having 16 65s. Like, who actually has that kind of time, but can't be arsed to do it at least once more?

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I rate it 11/10.


Entirely because of all the whining over it.


Not every thing done in this game has to cater to you. Best part of this event, you don't have to participate in it if you don't want to. And if you want the rewards, participate.


My favorite whine is that one about already having 16 65s. Like, who actually has that kind of time, but can't be arsed to do it at least once more?


Theirs whining for legitimate reasons unlike your little stab their.


The game doesn't have to specifically cater to us, but when some groups have had literally NOTHING for them to play, tempers flair and patience is worn thin. Not to mention its not because their simply not catering to us, its because the ploy their trying to trick us into. I will NEVER understand how people can defend going through rehashed content when its the same thing, just with a new spin on the rewards. Not to mention its terribly thought out and we have to form little to no attachment to our characters or shape their personality. You want to roleplay as a character or make a specific moral choice? you can't because you need dark/light V. Not everyone is a goody goody or a sadistic freak, most people are in between one way or another making a minor exception here and their. You want to take each character slow and do all the arcs? you can't because the event only lasts three months.


You realize the game has been out for 4.5 years... right? By that time I would honestly be surprised if they haven't had 16 alts unless they only play on a few characters like I do. Not to mention it was actually worth something in repeating it a second time because of the three different ways to play your character and then in between. I could be a honorable Mandalorian warrior who fights for the weak, or a blood thirsty monkey out to kill people, or simply sit in the middle and only do it for credits or a bit of both. I may at times be honorable, but give me the right bargain, and I may consider you alive. At this point all the altoholics im sure has had 40 characters and done every role play option choice, or at least most of them, so theirs little to no reason to run them again other than for additional fluff.

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I call bs. If your truly all the things you claim to be then an event that doesn't cater to you specifically is NOT the only reason you're leaving


"An event that doesn't cater to me?" Are you serious? You clearly didn't read my post. I don't really care about the event itself, or the requirements, or how dead boring it is to re-do everything. That I could live with, and I'd probably even decide to suffer through the bored nights full of blood-shot eyes to get Legendary, as stupid as the requirements are. That said, the fact that they're tearing down the cash shop/quest reward wall and offering some of the rarest, most sought-after CM items as an event reward - items their customers have paid real money for - is the gravest insult they could ever make to us. They're basically telling us our investment into this game is worthless, so I'm simply changing the amount I invest accordingly - 0 value = $0.

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I rate it 11/10.


Entirely because of all the whining over it.


Not every thing done in this game has to cater to you. Best part of this event, you don't have to participate in it if you don't want to. And if you want the rewards, participate.


My favorite whine is that one about already having 16 65s. Like, who actually has that kind of time, but can't be arsed to do it at least once more?


I take it with such a high rating you are racing to complete it. Perhaps when you are done you can come back and say whether your rating still stands and if you are looking forward to it being rolled out next Summer.


That is unless your rating is entirely based on people not liking it, you hating those people and anything that might get them to leave would also be equally good. So lets say that every third person that played the game was randomly perma banned. As that may stop people that you hate from playing this would also be rated 11/10. Cause at that point your not really rating this event but the hope that people stop playing.


All servers but one are light at the moment, perhaps not the best time to hope people quit.

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I would give it a 2 out of 10. If the reward were more thought out I might have marked it higher, but as of right now you often just get random outfit/crystals, even xp boost, on a character you don't want them on. They should have been Bind on Legacy, then I might have given it a three. I do agree that it is kind of uncool to use rare armors people paid money or lots of credits to get as reward but it is limited to one set, unless you pay the unlock it, plus the odd of getting an entire set to unlock is very low.


The main reason for the low score is because this event is nothing but a weak grind of old content. Sure I can do it but if they’re going to make a new event around a new companion they could have at least put in a few new side quest or a new daily area like most MMO do when adding a new event. I would also have given it a higher score if they at least count something, say the classes, when it came to what players had already done. I’m not saying everything had to be count but they could have given vet players some credit for what they had already done. I also don’t like the fact I have to stop working on my characters, just to make a new one for the event. At least they could have allowed us to get credit if we continue to work on pre-made characters we already had. Also it kind of feel like a money grab, hey you don’t have character slot buy them or move and instead of making the items legacy bound they say you just have to pay cc to unlock it. I will say this is my least favorite event to date.

Edited by SithEmpress
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I would give it a 2 out of 10. If the reward were more thought out I might have marked it higher, but as of right now you often just get random outfit/crystals, even xp boost, on a character you don't want them on. They should have been Bind on Legacy, then I might have given it a three. I do agree that it is kind of uncool to use rare armors people paid money or lots of credits to get as reward but it is limited to one set, unless you pay the unlock it, plus the odd of getting an entire set to unlock is very low.


The main reason for the low score is because this event is nothing but a weak grind of old content. Sure I can do it but if they’re going to make a new event around a new companion they could have at least put in a few new side quest or a new daily area like most MMO do when adding a new event. I would also have given it a higher score if they at least count something, say the classes, when it came to what players had already done. I’m not saying everything had to be count but they could have given vet players some credit for what they had already done. I also don’t like the fact I have to stop working on my characters, just to make a new one for the event. At least they could have allowed us to get credit if we continue to work on pre-made characters we already had. Also it kind of feel like a money grab, hey you don’t have character slot buy them or move and instead of making the items legacy bound they say you just have to pay cc to unlock it. I will say this is my least favorite event to date.


Agreed pretty much the worst event in SWTOR history

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I was going to give it a 0/10.


However, after playing with it a bit, I am prepared to revise my score. 0.3/10.


The .3 points don't come from the event, though. They come from interacting with other frustrated players, and making jokes about how this event is better than actual content.

Edited by Andrellma
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