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Rate the Light Dark side event


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0-10. "We hear your petition, dear community. So we are adding new content next tuesday, all u have to do is level up 8 toons all over again and run all the stories u already know. If you do this, we´ll give you special rewards and tittles"


Remember me to not play ever EVER again a Bioware game please.

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I don't write reviews of restaurants where I have not eaten. I won't "rate" this event other than to reiterate that it has not inspired to cut short my summer SWTOR vacation. I don't plan to "vote with my wallet" ... I remain subbed during my breaks. But I shall vote with my time. A devalued currency, these days, to be certain.


Assuming I would not resume playing SWTOR before my scheduled return, this event could have had two possible effects on me:


(1) Wow, what a great event. I wish I was participating and I will regret not getting all that cool swag!




(2) Meh. I'll miss out on the swag, but it's just not worth the effort. Oh well.


It's shame they went with #2, but it ain't the end of the world ... or the end of the game.


No Groundhog-Day-Mageddon for Thor. :(

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6/10, and I'll explain why;


I'm never one to be negative on the forums and I'm not about to start now. The event is GREAT for someone who started a few months ago, that crew that came along when KOTFE launched. It offers very nice incentives to explore the gamut of this game.


For the players who are a bit long in the tooth, it offers very, very little. Even the shinies are not that worthy if you have quite a lot of unlocked CM goodies. And the new companion is probably just another cosmetic skin. Maybe, just maybe, the new companion comes with a story arc like Treek or HK-51, but I'm not counting on that, and even then it might not be worth the effort for these veteran players. Companions are a dime a dozen these days, after all.


I'm somewhat in the middle ground. I'm not that veteran (started playing soon after Hutt Cartel became free to all subscribers), and I am most certainly not a begginer. But then again, I was never a CM heavy spender, and there's a lot of content I've yet to touch, like some Flashpoints and all Ops. So FOR ME the event has some value. Plus, I happen to like companions. The more, the merrier.


Why give it a 6? Because it holds value to me.


Why not give it a higher grade, then? Because I see the event for what it is, or at least for what I suspect to be -- a clever way to use old content and keep the new playerbase engaged while spending very little money and dev time.


TL;DR: I'm playing the event, I'm not that negative about it, but I understand the old guard saltiness.

Edited by Dbohrius
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I'll probably do it anyway because I do want some of the titles and I happen to have a lot of time on my hands this summer. But this is insanely inconvenient for me: -1. I have to either buy new slots: -1 or delete characters: (value uncertain, I have to see if anyone is ripe for deletion).


Event is designed to bring in new players: +1 (Okay, yes it would be nice to have new players learning their class from level one and participating in group content. Which brings me to my real issue.)


Event requires participation of old players to be successful, but does not give any recognition or benefit to old/experienced players for participation: -6 (I find this baffling and offensive. Why won't BW just acknowledge my efforts? Do they really think people are going to magically learn how to do HMFPs and ops without other players? How is this supposed to get new players and old players working together when old players are basically being told not to do this event? "Delete a character." "Do ops." So I should delete a non-ops level character? To make a new ops character? WHY DO YOU THINK I HAVE THAT CHARACTER YOU JUST TOLD ME TO DELETE? This is insane, seriously.)


I have characters with cargo bays full of things to sell on the GTN. I'm not deleting those either. And low level crafters who are 550 already and know important schematics. Usually with cargo bays full of gear. And my legacy bay is full of mats and legacy gear. That's what happens when you have a lot of alts. But now I have even less incentive to level characters I already have if I want to participate in this event. So I have to do all the things I already did over again. Again. And if I want it on my main legacy, I have to do it on the same server because the titles are legacy. Sure, no one is forcing me to do this event at all. I could just skip it. But I kind of want to, I just don't see why the event was designed to completely ignore (and penalize) the existing level 50 legacy that I already have. I don't like the concept of seasons and disposable characters. This irks me.


It's all right there in my Legacy window. All my existing achievements. Let me pay (coins or credits) to unlock them for the LvD character or something. Give me free character slots. Something. Yes, I am being demanding here. Why not? Clearly I'm not going to get anything just for playing! And that makes me really angry. All these years of playing nicely, and it just doesn't count for anything. Where is the incentive for established players to participate? Why was it so hard to integrate existing legacy information into this event? Why do the players have to ask about this? The data exists, why isn't it being used? Why?


I made some other suggestions in other threads, but I have another one to throw out there: Give a reward to non LvD characters for running with LvD characters. "Someone in your group has not yet completed the achievement for this flashpoint. On completion, you will receive one LvD box as a special reward." (A different game I play has this mechanic. It works really well.)

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0 of 10. I have never seen any MMO pull this kind of crap and I have been playing them for close to 20 years. Rehashing old content, making current legacy progress meaningless with the hopes that players will simply be happy grinding everything they have already done all over again is B.S.!


Can't wait to see how they spin this event as a "Positive Community Reaction" in their next dev blog. :mad:

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I enjoy leveling characters a lot. I enjoy running (old) flashpoints and ops. I enjoy partaking in most of the content this game has to offer. I could see myself appreciating getting some rewards for doing things I enjoy...


Except I'm out of slots. I don't have characters that are trivial to me. If I did, they would already have been deleted to make room for something more interesting. I only have characters that I would not want to lose that all use items or titles that I earned or paid for.


I could create some more characters on other servers.. I already play on other servers occasionally, but I have no use for BoP or Legacy rewards on servers other than my primary. I could delete some characters that I cared about just to create some throwaway characters to be able to play this.. but I don't think I have to explain why I won't.


Raise the limit of characters per server and perhaps I'd be more generous, but when even for someone who would gladly go through most of that content again it is a frustrating exercise of figuring out which hoops to jump through, they messed up.



Edited by cyrusramsey
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0 of 10. I have never seen any MMO pull this kind of crap and I have been playing them for close to 20 years. Rehashing old content, making current legacy progress meaningless with the hopes that players will simply be happy grinding everything they have already done all over again is B.S.!


Can't wait to see how they spin this event as a "Positive Community Reaction" in their next dev blog. :mad:



Maybe this is just the corporate culture at Bioware... look at how they reacted when fans didn't gobble up ME3 with all its nonsense and the rotten ending. Maybe Bioware really is this tone-deaf as an organization... maybe Bioware just has its head so far up its own corporate bunghole that it can see its own teeth at this point.


Do the people involved in coming up with an event like this (or KotFE, or the "endings" of ME3, or whatever) REALLY believe that it's great stuff, or do they just fear for their jobs and keep repeating the corporate talking points?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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If it was retroactive I would be more for this. I am not rerolling any more characters to play the same material over and over. This is a lack of creativity from supposed creative professionals, plain and simple.


I now realize why the heart goes out of so many MMOs: the core team moves on. The resources to create new content dry up and those left to keep everything alive are barely treading water. I get it. But wouldn't it be better to enlist your community if you are running out of ideas or resources for content?


How can you say KotFE was so amazingly successful if you lack the resources now to keep yourselves from having us grind again and again until you can announce the next part of some chapter by chapter single-player story.


Some day game design students will study the CU in SWG, the pandas in WoW and a lot of the decisions in this game lately to see how designers shoot themselves in the foot.


Eric, I used to listen to you and Samm's podcast for months and months before you came here and the game launched. I know "events" like this are not what either of us had in mind before launch. I know you are not the lead developer but please speak on our behalf that this is not something EA should do to its players.


/2 credits

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A lot of people think this event and I really don't like using that term, this bribe is a disgrace.


It will be interesting to see how EAware view their customers, if they will bother to respond to the criticism of this bribe or they will ignore their customer base as idiots and push ahead with it regardless.


Experience suggests they don't think very highly of their customers, point in case calling this an event, however the game is hardly a massive success and annoying a large portion of your current players may not be the best way to proceed.

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Sure, I would have loved new content. But hey, maybe this will spark some life into lowbie Warzones on Jung Ma (that haven't popped in months), or even GSF. My guild also has a lot of new players (yes, even Jung Ma picks up fresh blood), and I'm hoping it will entice some of them to stick around longer than they would otherwise : )

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Ranges from 8/10 for new subs to a -10/10 for long time subs/founders.


Still amazes me that Bioware continues to rehash, reskin, and repackage content, brand it with "new" and there are people that fall all over it. I guess as long as they keep waving "Star Wars" in front of it, mystical powers take over.


More bland comps to add to a horde of already useless ones. More "packs" of cartel stuff we already have/already in the game that people will probably assume gives them a good chance at the rare drops (it won't). Make more alts. Replay the same stuff, blah blah blah.


The trainwreck continues.

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Needed more new content than some datacrons.

Needed not to completely shut out existing characters from event ("We have a new event!" "For the characters I've come to love over the past four years?!" "No, f*** those guys.")

Needed to substantially change tiers system to encourage participation in maximum number of events.

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look man, delete some lower toons. i mean, if they're low level then it should be easy to recreate them, no? I did last night. And yes, I understand some people just really don't wanna do that. Also, I'm not thinking about the "quality of the event". Here's what I'm thinking about "the prizes at the end of the legendary tier and how best to get to them." It stops me from being angry and gives me a challenge. It's tedious, yes. But it's still a challenge, and probably a once in a lifetime thing I will regret not doing. Bioware doesn't think I can no-life and do it. I'm gonna prove them wrong.


The rewards have been here for a long time and we are supposed to get excited about that? I already have most of them other than the tuning and the newest lightsaber so please again tell me what is so exciting about the rewards.


The mount-nothing that special just another one to sit in my inventory. The armor probably something I would hate as bioware rarely makes good gear they give as rewards.


The companion meh it most likely be the dark one and that one is no different than all the others as you see the companions are based on everyone's choices not just yours.


Deleting-Not doing it. I have no lower toons all mine are 65 and in 216 gear at the very least.

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The rewards have been here for a long time and we are supposed to get excited about that? I already have most of them other than the tuning and the newest lightsaber so please again tell me what is so exciting about the rewards.


The mount-nothing that special just another one to sit in my inventory. The armor probably something I would hate as bioware rarely makes good gear they give as rewards.


The companion meh it most likely be the dark one and that one is no different than all the others as you see the companions are based on everyone's choices not just yours.


Deleting-Not doing it. I have no lower toons all mine are 65 and in 216 gear at the very least.


For someone that doesn't care about any of the rewards, you've spent a lot of time bawling about the event. Js.

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Really, this so called "event" which really isn't an event, is what happens when EA wants more money. This "event" is literally a recycle of everything we have already done. Some people are asking, 'how is Bioware kicking us in the shins?' And I'll tell you how they are. nearly everyone who has played this game for a year or more has played through every class story, has done every op, and has done every FP. Now, bioware is asking us to do that again. And they are calling it an "event." And the fact that this is not retroactive to the veteran players really is a kick in the shins. If we have already done it, why should we have to do it again? There is also literally no new content coming out with this "event." which is a huge issue because we have been begging for new content for years. We asked for a new operation, and this is what we get. It also doesn't hurt to mention that the rewards are not even knew. They are items from previous packs (Another finger to people who have already gone through the effort of getting these items) which you have to pay cartel coins to unlock. So all those 25 toons you have, are not going to have that armor set you just earned from 16 hours of grinding.... Unless of course you pay $5. (which is not even guaranteed, because the rewards are literally cartel packs. Bioware and their precious RNG.... This "event" is literally a grindfest.... I'm putting "event" in quotations, because this really shouldn't be considered an event.


However this event is not completely terrible. It's good for people who have not done this before (New players.) So it really seems to me that Bioware just wants us to leave the house. I honestly think this is one of their worst ideas. Bioware, please have the decency to be considerate, and listen to your players. Because many of us have put so much into this game. I myself have spent hundreds of dollars in the hope that this game can reach its full potential. But every time, I am left in disappointment. (kotfe was good though tbh)


Please sign this petition against bioware to make the event retroactive.https://www.change.org/p/bioware-austin-bioware-please-make-light-vs-dark-event-retroactive-as-possible-until-its-too-late?recruiter=561657164&utm_source=petitions_share&utm_medium=copylink



-Please communicate with your players

-Please allow us to take out dyes without them being destroyed

-Please allow us to unlock weapon tuning through collections

-Make PvP seasons with GSF

-Shorten the PvP seasons... it's been 10 months since the last season ended bioware... really???

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-100/10 Worst idea ever.


It has probably cost a lot of loyal players to this game and caused the biggest community conflict that has ever arose. While it is a new player event it gives no satisfaction to vetereans or players who been playing for awhile and gotten a good majority of the achievements and only forces them to redo the content all over again. It's insulting and a huge slap in the face or a kick in the nuts whatever you wanna call it and it just like EAware is giving all of us the middle finger and saying "Out with the old in with the new."

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