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Rate the Light Dark side event


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I'm not ungrateful, I think it's a poorly thought out event. Much like a poorly designed $5 handbag you buy off the street. looks good from a distance, until you inspect it closer.


The alternative is nothing. Id rather have something. The event is not some right.

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I'm not ungrateful, I think it's a poorly thought out event. Much like a poorly designed $5 handbag you buy off the street. looks good from a distance, until you inspect it closer.


Especially using rewards that people spent hundreds to thousands to obtain in game, from the CM which is pretty stupid tbh

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The alternative is nothing. Id rather have something. The event is not some right.

The alternative is to actually create something NEW. This game isn't a gift to us, it's a service we PAY for...right now, the investment we make, which should go towards development, is obviously NOT going there. This is, by far, the laziest attempt to pretend there's something "new" that I've ever witnessed. EVER!!! Our money isn't a right either...nor is our loyalty...plenty of people prove that daily lately.

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The alternative is nothing. Id rather have something. The event is not some right.


No, the alternative would be making an event that works for the entire player base. And yes, that lovely little 'it's not a right', yup, your right it isn't a right. So what? Wouldn't you rather have something that works for everyone, instead of a specific set of players? Or do you not care about the other players who have been here for 4 and a half years and see this event as disregarding them? Nothing for the loyal players who have put countless hours into their main characters?

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0 / 10, or maybe -10 / 1000000000.


The idea that we're going to create new characters from scratch for this, or that we're going to play those characters out LS or DS just to get some "rewards"... whatever. Not bothering with this any more than I'm bothering with KotFE.

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idea - 10, i think its good to tie all the various aspects of the game together into an achievement like this

implementation - negative freaking 1 million. Its unfathomable how they could screw over long time players in this manner and not consider that many of us do not have available character slots.

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So, here is the point that most people are really missing here. There doesn't have to be an event at all! This is just pure gratis for us, but everyone is ungrateful. No one said they had to do any event, but if it is something fun and extra for us to do, and we get rewarded too boot, then I say bring it on.


They are doing this because they have no new content until season 2 drops and they want you to keep paying.


This is not out of the goodness of their hearts they are a business and want $$, do they have to do this hell no and I would rather they didn't. Everything a veteran player has achieved is ignored because they want to have them keep paying to repeat content they already competed months or years ago. If it wasn't about bribing idiots to repeat content as if it was a replacement for new then they would allow retroactive achievements. But they know there are idiots out there living in their parents basement claiming benefits that will keep subbing to repeat the content and if they allowed existing achievements in that person may realize they already had met the requirement and didn't need to regrind 8 characters and would stop subbing.


This is bribe and not an event, so do they need to bribe people to repeat 5 year old content, sure they do.

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idea - 10, i think its good to tie all the various aspects of the game together into an achievement like this

implementation - negative freaking 1 million. Its unfathomable how they could screw over long time players in this manner and not consider that many of us do not have available character slots.


Not just long time players, but those that also supported the game buying the CM packs as well, they're basically giving free CM packs in game that people spent good $ on

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1 out of 10. The 1 represents the rewards as that is all the content being created.


Encouraging us to abandon our now useless stable of toons and create 8 new ones which we'll most likely delete is a travesty. We are made to cannibalize ourselves like the cultures of Easter Island. Our fully decorated strongholds and guildships monuments fading in the dust. That's great come November some of you have the new companion and tank but guess what your guild since launch is now defunct so you have nobody to show off your toys to.


Looks like EA has been taking all the money made with our cartel pack purchase and funneling it into Visceral's Star Wars project. This would perfectly explain the diminishing retrograde aspect of L v D.

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No, the alternative would be making an event that works for the entire player base. And yes, that lovely little 'it's not a right', yup, your right it isn't a right. So what? Wouldn't you rather have something that works for everyone, instead of a specific set of players? Or do you not care about the other players who have been here for 4 and a half years and see this event as disregarding them? Nothing for the loyal players who have put countless hours into their main characters?


They didn't have to make an event at all. You can't please everyone, period. Someone can find something wrong with every event, so would you rather them have none?

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Meh, 5/10.


It's lazy and I'm disappointed that there isn't any actual content introduced (beyond the new datacrons). OTOH, I do not feel insulted by the "event" the way that many others seem to. IMO, it doesn't in any way take anything away from the game, it just fails to add much new other than some swag (some of which does sound kind of cool). I'll probably play along and roll a new toon or two, but there's no chance I'll worry about the highest tier. And, honestly, that's ok with me. But it's certainly nothing to get excited about.

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No, the alternative would be making an event that works for the entire player base. And yes, that lovely little 'it's not a right', yup, your right it isn't a right. So what? Wouldn't you rather have something that works for everyone, instead of a specific set of players? Or do you not care about the other players who have been here for 4 and a half years and see this event as disregarding them? Nothing for the loyal players who have put countless hours into their main characters?


Also, these players are no longer their targeted demographic. The ones that pump the most money into the game are, and their values are much different then our values as vest. Things change, so we can either adapt or get left behind, but either way, you can vote your displeasure with your wallet. I'll sit and wait for you to make your decision, cause otherwise it just rightless complaining.

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Also, these players are no longer their targeted demographic. The ones that pump the most money into the game are, and their values are much different then our values as vest. Things change, so we can either adapt or get left behind, but either way, you can vote your displeasure with your wallet. I'll sit and wait for you to make your decision, cause otherwise it just rightless complaining.


Not really so much for the ones that spent the $ on the game as well cause they're giving CM rewards for this event, which I highly disagree with and I bet many others as well

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Also, these players are no longer their targeted demographic. The ones that pump the most money into the game are, and their values are much different then our values as vest. Things change, so we can either adapt or get left behind, but either way, you can vote your displeasure with your wallet. I'll sit and wait for you to make your decision, cause otherwise it just rightless complaining.


Actually it is my right to complain. I pay for the service, I take umbrage that they would thoughtlessly throw away a revenue source. You can sit and do what you like, as can I. I can tell them about a mistake they are making. You choose to think that people leaving the game is good for it, I do not.

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Also, these players are no longer their targeted demographic. The ones that pump the most money into the game are, and their values are much different then our values as vest. Things change, so we can either adapt or get left behind, but either way, you can vote your displeasure with your wallet. I'll sit and wait for you to make your decision, cause otherwise it just rightless complaining.


So those that have been around since launch, not counting if they purchased the DDE, CE or whatever, who have spent over $800 per account, many of which also purchase CC on a regular basis aren't the targeted demographic? If they aren't a high consideration then something is definitely wrong.


And who does that leave? New players? Free to Play or Preferred players? Yeah, they've really spent a lot on the game, haven't they? :rolleyes:

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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0/10 for me. I'll not be participating in this event. I've been here since day one, quietly getting on and enjoying what I'm into. This upcoming "event" is just too goofy and just isn't for me. I feel your pain Founders. :(
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They didn't have to make an event at all. You can't please everyone, period. Someone can find something wrong with every event, so would you rather them have none?

They didn't though make anything though, this event is nothing more than them reading off metrics in the fall.

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They didn't though make anything though, this event is nothing more than them reading off metrics in the fall.


You know what, the event could be to actually pad those metric numbers so they can show EA increased player engagement in time for the quarterly financial reports for EA. Take it a step further and maybe assume that this is the devs way to trick EA into giving more funding to the Bio dev team.

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