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Dark vs. Light Event


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This event is as insulting as the ending of Mass Effect 3.


...and that's the bottomline, cuz Stone Cold said so.


Sadly I have not got that far in ME3 yet, but trust me, I hear about it everywhere, and I have no doubt.

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Since you seem so interested in what I am doing, I am in the middle of building a house on another game so I check back here to take a break from my house building.


Satisfied now?


Oh! my mom likes the strongholds here and that's one of the main reasons she plays, she can spend hours at night just sitting and decoing. Me? I threw stuff everywhere for the conquest bonus and left rofl. What other game? If I can ask, don't have to if you don't to. :)

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Am I in the minority for actually being excited about this event? I've cleared out some old toons to make room. My old guild might actually reenergize itself from the way things are sounding - everyone working together to do the event with new toons instead of sitting around on their capped ones. We are excited for the 28th to get here.


I'm excited about doing the Vector romance again with another female agent. Maybe I will actually romance Doc this time on a Jedi instead of smacking him down - or perhaps I will roll a male and romance Kira for the first time! The excuse to play the class missions again is welcomed even though I just spent 5 days doing a SW from 1-50 only to delete her to do it again starting on the 28th!

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Back on topic,


While I do not agree with some of the ideas or demands that some players make to set a better course for this event, I do wholeheartedly agree that the current iteration fails at even being an event.


I was or used to be under the impression that an event is suposed to be fun for all if not most interested parties within the game it's tied to... Forgive me if somewhere along the lines, "Fun" or that elusive feeling called "enjoyment" were no longer a prerequisite in gaming.


What we hope for often isn't what we get; But hypothetcially speaking (writing), I think this could have an acceptable scenario for most of us.


- Unique "New" Rewards:


While alot of the rewards look nice (imho), when Bioware stated that the keyword for the "to be awarded DS/LS Companions" was "NEW", I was already feeling sceptical. Blame past experiences for that.


*Current Iteration*; A Red Zabrak Female for DS & A the first possible Chiss Companion for LS. Both looking like I could easily remake them in the character editor and dress them up exactly the same.

My opinion; Bland and Generic. The only + is that there is no Chiss companion yet and she doesn't even look nice... (again, my opinion)


*What Could have Been* With some effort into fiddling with skin/hair colors/tattoos/eyes in the excisting races Bioware could have introduced us to A Zeltron Companion // A Pantoran Companion.


Only slightly and acceptably different in terms of resources (even if the Hero Engine keeps being a thorn in the side in those matters). But Lorewise completely different and with an arguably newer vibe to it.


Additionally and perhaps unintentionally, it might also open the debate to adding said races to the SWTOR repertoire consequentially.


*Actual Event Objectives* Rather instead of doing what content already has been made available for years (with some exceptions), A mite bit of actual new content turning this into an event of it's own right wouldn't have been out of place here?...

I think it is needless to say alot of people, myself included, were hoping for at least a little bit of new interactions.

Perhaps even some puzzles to solve. Even if not the *WHOLE* event consisted out of some new content, it would have been a plaster on the wound if at least *SOME* of it was.


What deffinitely *SHOULD* have been done in regards to the community is taking forms of objectives from all walks of LIFE in SWTOR


- RP ;

Objectives concisting out of interacting and visiting locales often frequented or suitable to those interested in RP.

Objectives concisting in dealing/interacting with ingame resources useful to those interested in RP.


Objectives concisting in parttaking in Novice forms of Raiding.

Raider related objectives; Operations / Flashpoints / Eternal Championship (Raid mechanic practice).

Having programmed in event related bonus objectives within the Raids could already have turned it into a bit less repetitive objective to complete. From puzzles to finding easter eggs within a set Operation and/or number of Flashpoints.



Objectives within the Warzonescene could have been quite original and been made to distort the usual run of the known warzone objectives in fun or challenging ways. Keeping in mind however how the base objectives can often be confusing to many new players.


Randomly thought of in 5 seconds example (so excuse any poor quality, this is just for the gist of the idea)...;

EG; Odessen Warzone now has a *RANDOM BOOST* with some unique random effects. Find them all (Use each at least once (random)).

"Sudden Death Boost" Everyone can randomly Die & Respawns for 60 seconds. (Message: [playername] was kille by Random).

"All or Nothing Boost" Randomly Activates all Control Points or Deactivates all Control Points for the remanider of the round.

"Reset Boost" Re-randomises all active/inactive points in the current round.

"I'm on YOUR Side! Boost" Re-arranges team members between the 2 teams within an Odessen Warzone.


Well now that sure would have made that one 'different' wouldn't it?...




"I am so Story" ; Story related objectives, Could have been a ministory tying up lore and background stories related to the companions you are able to gain trough the event.



"Event-boxes"; Detailing a text-based situation (or voiced by npc "X") wherein you have to make a lightside or darkside based decision that counts towards tthe total tally of the events outcome. The event boxes are gained trough the events' custom objectives.


There are more that I could mention, there are more suggestions I could make of how things could have been made differently all with either more or less resource intensitivity from Devs side and/or potentially more or lesser interesting to the player community.

However, seeing how much I already wrote and the feeling that nothing I or someone else suggests in these area's will be heard and/or done anything with I'm going to cut it here....


Things could have been different, alot different. It doesn't take a genius to brainstorm up a few fresh new ideas. (As you can see even I can do it! Sort of... :) )


I wish, things would have been different.


These are all good ideas, and in fact had some of those myself or more and different ones. But sadly...realism breaks all those dreams down. Bioware has been gutted by EA and there are very few people working there. But hopefully EA can hear us and add more staff to SWTOR instead of DA:I or ME4. Who knows, we shall see and hope. :)

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I know right! :D Whats funny is before this forum, I think I only posted like....3 maybe 4 before? lol Read tons of other ones though, just never posted, and yeah the past few days have been a field day for me lol its SO much fun! rofl :D:cool::D


Dark vs Light is more of a forum event then anything... it has killed the game but resurrected the forums :D

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Am I in the minority for actually being excited about this event? I've cleared out some old toons to make room. My old guild might actually reenergize itself from the way things are sounding - everyone working together to do the event with new toons instead of sitting around on their capped ones. We are excited for the 28th to get here.


I'm excited about doing the Vector romance again with another female agent. Maybe I will actually romance Doc this time on a Jedi instead of smacking him down - or perhaps I will roll a male and romance Kira for the first time! The excuse to play the class missions again is welcomed even though I just spent 5 days doing a SW from 1-50 only to delete her to do it again starting on the 28th!


Most likely. I have some free space here and there for it, and the ONLY reason I'm doing it is because I have ODC with achievements (and one time ones are the BLOOMING WORST) So for me, nope not happy nor excited for it. But its nice to see some are. Well....I think most of the people here who have multiple alts....have done each and every class storyline, back again for each opposite AC, and male and female (if you want) an done most if not all of the romances. (There are a few I don't care about, and mainly all the dude ones, but I'm a dude so....yeah that's me) So you being excited for it because you havnt played as much as most of us, is probably who they were targeting with this "event". Which I'm not smacking you, because I understand and wish you luck and glad your having fun, but there are some people that have done ALL of that before and that's why they are not happy.

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Oh! my mom likes the strongholds here and that's one of the main reasons she plays, she can spend hours at night just sitting and decoing. Me? I threw stuff everywhere for the conquest bonus and left rofl. What other game? If I can ask, don't have to if you don't to. :)


It is a solo game called Sims 4.

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This event is not for me since I have already done the content many, many times.


Perhaps some new player will find it fun though :tran_smile:


Yeah, the only reason I'm doing it is....AP hunter and a idiot so....yeah....I have no life *sigh*

And yeah just a few posts before are some people that say this giving them a reason do it, which is good. But sadly I think they are in a minority compared to most of us who have done it....well as many times as we say lol. *leers over at the counter for CZ Meltdown HM at 215+*:mad: But its good to get all the different views, its fun! :D

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just one question.

rewards are same for rep and imp chars?

i do not wants to run both sides all over again


Well to get the Eternal tier you will need a lv 65 republic and a lv 65 imperial. If you don't care about that, then just go for the lower tiers with one side. The titles and achievements are legacy wide. The boxes are BoP and the items from them are BoP but then can be unlocked in collections, IF your lucky enough to get a full set and unlock it. (Which will be complete sadness when you get upper satele on one character, lower on another and the belt and bracers on another, and NO WAY to get the set unlocked.) The pet, speeders and companion are coming at the end of the event and those are all account bound, meaning every character on your account, not just the legacy you did the achievements and event on.

Edited by Lakemine
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Dark vs Light is more of a forum event then anything... it has killed the game but resurrected the forums :D


I know! I only have posted like 3 or 4 posts in the past 4 years I have played, this is the most I have ever done these past 2 days and its WAY to much fun rofl :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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The boxes are BoP and the items from them are BoP but then can be unlocked in collections, IF your lucky enough to get a full set and unlock it. (Which will be complete sadness when you get upper satele on one character, lower on another and the belt and bracers on another, and NO WAY to get the set unlocked.)


Exactly. Not only do they want us to grind everything all over again but then tempt us when this happens.

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I have to laugh now. On RE server there are people posting link to a petition to BW about making the DvsL event retro active. In other words, so people don't have to do them on anew toon. and would automatically get the achievements/rewards.


I am asking. What would then be the point? I would instantly be Legendary when i logged on after the patch. Wheres the fun in that?


As far as i'm concerned: If you don't want to do it, then don't, no rewards for you then.

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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




So loyal players who have stuck with this game and already accomplished many of these things do not get credit and have to do it again? What a slap in the face. Screw you too if thats the case.

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I have to laugh now. On RE server there are people posting link to a petition to BW about making the DvsL event retro active. In other words, so people don't have to do them on anew toon. and would automatically get the achievements/rewards.


I am asking. What would then be the point? I would instantly be Legendary when i logged on after the patch. Wheres the fun in that?


As far as i'm concerned: If you don't want to do it, then don't, no rewards for you then.


There are fundamental flaws with the event as its been announced. The retroactive credit idea is not a solution because the framework of the event is not viable. Players are rightfully upset about the notion of an "event" that requires them to go back and level all 8 classes and all 6 crew skills, but the issue isn't the lack of retroactive credit for doing it previously, it's the fact that this "new event" is simply recycling old content and adds nothing to keep players engaged in the game.


Retroactive credit is not a solution, but not because there's no problem to be solved. The event needs to be postponed until it can be reformatted in a significant way that allows players to use their existing characters and the reward system can be redesigned to avoid the glaringly obvious issues inherent in the BoP lockbox system that's been devised (make it a token or reputation system with a vendor like other events for crying out loud).

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So loyal players who have stuck with this game and already accomplished many of these things do not get credit and have to do it again? What a slap in the face. Screw you too if thats the case.



This isn't the first time either, sadly.. New players got another free level 60 token with a certain announcement, while we didn't.

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So loyal players who have stuck with this game and already accomplished many of these things do not get credit and have to do it again? What a slap in the face. Screw you too if thats the case.


If they were to take into account the alignments of the thousands of already accomplished players, the event would be over before it started with no opportunity for either side to have a chance at changing the outcome. I can't be the only one who can see that.


That being said, how does pragmatic 'neutral' alignments come into effect with the event?

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I think this event has probably caused the biggest uproar on this forum to date...


Surpassing the slot machine, and the companion nerf uproar is quite an accomplishment, while probably not NGE quality, this team has maybe gotten a second place award for pissing off your playerbase.

Edited by Degan
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Unsure if this has been brought up or not, and seeing as there are 150 pages (148 of them trolls) of discussion that I'm not about to read through, my question is this: Will players who have previously completed the HK-51 mission have to start anew for the Legendary achievement? And what about those who have not done it? I remember it taking me months to finish due to the ridiculousness of having to find the various items on different planets. I know it will probably piss a lot of "founders" off, but I'm not too keen on re-starting that particular mission if it takes that long to complete, especially with the influx of people farming for the items. I am of the opinion that if they force a new start on the mission that they need to increase the find rate of the items for each planet.
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Unsure if this has been brought up or not, and seeing as there are 150 pages (148 of them trolls) of discussion that I'm not about to read through, my question is this: Will players who have previously completed the HK-51 mission have to start anew for the Legendary achievement? And what about those who have not done it? I remember it taking me months to finish due to the ridiculousness of having to find the various items on different planets. I know it will probably piss a lot of "founders" off, but I'm not too keen on re-starting that particular mission if it takes that long to complete, especially with the influx of people farming for the items. I am of the opinion that if they force a new start on the mission that they need to increase the find rate of the items for each planet.


Buying the legacy-page unlock will score the HK mission. I'm presuming shipping cash to one of your new characters will trigger the cash unlock, since it triggers the regular cash achievement.

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If they were to take into account the alignments of the thousands of already accomplished players, the event would be over before it started with no opportunity for either side to have a chance at changing the outcome. I can't be the only one who can see that.


That being said, how does pragmatic 'neutral' alignments come into effect with the event?


Seems to you need to light or dark netural isn't a choice from what I've seen.

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