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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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1) from what was said the character that finishes the last objective in a level gets the achievement (legacy wide) along with packs.

2) Yes see

3) Companion/vehicle is unlocked for all characters on account, delivered at end of event

4) Do you mean the packs? they are BoP but can be unlocked in collections, if you mean the armor we get Idk.




Seems to be the case

Champion level is gonna be a pain..


Those are almost all going to be somewhat annoying. Especially if the packs are BoP.


Getting the TFPs done is going to be a chore.

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I wonder how many players will join the event and do again all characters... Most of SWTOR players are veterans who's already got all chars. I bet 20% of players will participle the event, or these really bored.:rak_01:


If "most of" the players are veterans to the point of having completed all class stories, then the game is in trouble, no matter what. That would indicate they are not attracting new players. It would also be at odds with the data we do have.

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After reading what all I would have to do to get the rewards my general response is best summed up by Emerson Cod from Pushing Daisies


Mild language warning for sensitive types




Having finished pretty much everything but the Valor requirement several times over, I have no real interest in doing it again, especially when the levels are tiered. So what if it means I have no influence on the alignedment of the rewards. Light sided or Dark sided has no bearing for stuff that is going to end up stuffed in a vault, or sold on the GTN/ vendor. And let’s be honest here. I used the ship droid rewards, used the legacy flight suits as a way to move mods around, and I detached the Nico blasters from the mail on 1 toon. I probably mistakenly detached a few mistakenly and then stuffed them in a vault. The bulk of the remaining stuff is still attached to the mails since I lack the interest and the space to retrieve it. I can only speak for myself, though I’d tend to think I’m not the only one.


The only event reward I’m moderately interested in getting is Master Ranos. A Chiss Jedi might make for an interesting story. Miss Maul has absolutely no interest to me.


EDIT: I removed my previous question... From what I've read elsewhere these are PVP style season rewards and not like the HK sub rewards. No thanks.. Wake me when it's over.

Edited by kimiko_tomiyama
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Only even remotely hard part of Champion tier is Valor rank 5 which btw is very easy to get. When you finish your first warzone you're already at Valor rank 2-3 even with just "I'm not good at pvp but I try to do something".


Legendary tier on the other hand...


No I didn't mean that :p

I play on Tofn have characters with 100 and 80+ valor but that was old, now there are no queues for days and have to solo all flashpoints, Valor 5 is very easy yes.


Don't care about the final tier never going to be able to do it.


I don't know of any that can be soloed at any of the group settings, unless you have a healing companion at rank 50 and are just that good at switching between DPS and running like a mad person for a kolto station. I do know that quite a few of the tactical fps can be done with two people, with high ranking (I'd suggest rank 35+, depending on the flashpoint) companions, though.


The question I'd have to ask would be will they require the fps to be done as random flashpoints using group finder or can we either pre-form a group and do specific ones using group finder, or if we can just run in at their physical entrances with a friend, after choosing the tactical version. It'll be interesting to find out.


Still not sure I'm going to participate. Still feeling very overwhelmed by this whole cluster... of an event.


Thanks, I will try to get a comp to level 50, now need to pick the best class for solo.

Edited by Azareya
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I'd like to just voice my opinion even though I dont think it will matter...


I'd really like for this event to have the option of being done on toons already created. Let me re-do the class stories on the toons that I like and already have. These toons are dressed the way I like, with the colors and armor that I purchased, with the gear that I earned, which level syncs down to any planet I must now go do. I've always wanted the option to re-do a class story on a toon, especially one of my mains. Now is the time to make that a valid possibility! Please.


I'd be fine with killing 50 mobs here, 50 mobs there again. As long as you let us use the toons that we already use and love. They are the reason I stay subbed to this game. If I want new characters... I'd play a new game.


I'm also willing to compromise. I can see us creating one new toon for each faction going to level 50 or something for the building of light and dark side points. Otherwise, I think the new toon being required for everything is crazy.


Thanks for reading.

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I have been in this game for 1.5 years now and while i haven't gone through everything (i've done a few hm fp and some mid level hm ops, some pvp), I work and don't have the time to put all the effort into doing this event. When i first read this i was very upset and I was a little excited to try this event before this announcement came out. The way it was presented was you choose what side you want to play (light or dark) and compete against each other. the only place light or dark side comes into play in this is reaching lvl 5 and that's it.


here's how i hoped this event would go. They would have you go pick up a quest, you can pick this up on any toon (old one or new lvl 1 you made) and then you choose what side you want. then that choice locks in legacy wide. then they should have made each tier a point system.


For example: Tier 1 is 1000 Light/Dark Side points

Start a new toon and level from 1 to 25 is 1000 pts

and so forth.


but make it to where things in each designated tier is optional (except maybe for the first 2 tiers) that way no body has to do anything they don't want to. in that case lets say you have to do 20 different hm fp and you get 3000 points to complete them but if you don't want to do the pvp (where you have to get valor rank 5) then guess what i have to do another 20 hm fp to get another 3000 points. and maybe i keep doing those and the other things in the tier so many times until i reach that tier level.


I understand why they want you to do this on a new toon (so everyone can be on the same playing field). but even with all the achievements i have completed I wouldnt' want to do things I've already done and got credit for. So this seems a big slap in the face to people who have been playing as long as i have and especially to the more veteran players than me. it is also a slap in the face to players who have filled all their slots and eric and bioware literally tells people they have to delete toons or go to another server and create 8 new ones. This is no way to market or do PR people!!!


and you actually think that a lot of new people will try this when we hear in the forums or in general chat that new people cannot get through EC, tacticals or sm ops. and those new people that can accomplish these things are going to look at the amount of work they have to do and they aren't going to do this.


Most of us have jobs, family and lives bioware! and it is the summer too, you should have just brought back for the summer the casino event again. This is by no means an event. For the amount of effort you have to put into this event, no new end game content, this is not worth for some silly or mediocre cosmetic prizes. no thank you, i won't be doing it. :mad:

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As much as you intentions are good, look what will this event do to the game! You are actually suggesting for people to queue for a warzone and screw things for their teammates just because they don't like PVP. It wont be done in 1 day, you know. Meaning that for the full duration of the event warzones will be filled with chat-ignoring "don't-really-care" guys. And I didn't even mention what will happen to GSF, people will just queue and not spawn, since nearly no one vote kicks anyway...


My less harmful suggestion for people who fear (or call it however you wish) PVP, is to treat it like a GF ops or flashpoint with pugs. At least in this forum players shouldn't have problem with ops or flashpoints or PVP wont be their only complaint. So its just an ops with simple objective, nearly no tactics and no one will cast blame on you (long as you don't place yourself as a guard and fail, but you don't have to do that), just be among the whole group and do your thing (damage/ heal/ spam taunts) and remember that if you die, unlike versus bosses you get back in the fight in a matter of seconds (1 minute, max). Even if you die before you manage to do anything, Remember that it is your character dying (oops, fainting, since you get up after that), not real life you :D. Taking things in proportions and knowing that losses are rewarded as well should save you from any harmful reaction [but don't queue ranked, of course. All the problems you described can actually exist there].


Don't get me wrong, I believe the requirements for this event are ridiculous and slap veteran players in the face (I think you can find me around page 50-60 here). Heck, half this huge forum are people complaining about this event's unfairness toward veteran players and many are planning on leaving the game because of it (and even more can be found in private guild sites, I personally just saw another one) and I hope BioWare rethinks it before release (or you know what? after release, make a patch to change the things people complain about, such as retroactive recognition of crafters and story completions, leveling, and so on). But as I know BioWare for quite some time they are a lazy bunch who don't care about the players' comfort and fun and therefore constantly make such mistakes, so this was my suggestion for people who dislike PVP in the probable sad case that BioWare don't rething the whole thing...


Hmm.....your right. I'm sorry, didn't think all the way through it. And reading over, yes your view point is better. Whats sad is people say "Hey I'm new, never done this fps/ops/pvp/gsf. what do I do?" they get cussed and called very nasty names, and then it gets passed around the word of mouth and then people are scared to even queue and not even try said content. I say this to all new people that join when I meet them (at least in the guilds I'm in) and they say "Hey sorry for a newb question?" or "Hey sorry another dumb question?" I say, "Only stupid question is a non asked one........unless its asked by me, then its most likely stupid." It has helped at least some people be ok with asking questions, even if they are stupid and the more people learn, the easier and faster things become for everyone else.

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The flames about this event are about a thousand feet high, not just in these forums but also in social media.

I thought for sure I'd log in this morning and see a post that some of the requirements were lessened.

This would be a great opportunity for them to show that they listen to their customers and care.

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The flames about this event are about a thousand feet high, not just in these forums but also in social media.

I thought for sure I'd log in this morning and see a post that some of the requirements were lessened.

This would be a great opportunity for them to show that they listen to their customers and care.


Hahaha, remember the Slot Machine fiasco? Outrage over the forums, over social media ... yet Bioware didn't care.

Remember the Companion nerf and later not so nerfed? Same story.

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My plan for legendary:


do all 6 toons)









do flashpoints requirement to get them all to lvl 50; since we don't need to worry about any particular order. Do all crew skills requirements as well. possibly some pvp / gsf requirements in here as well. if rakghoul event appears then i'll do it on one of these toons.


do last 2 but keep them to level 65





lvl them to 65, have one do LS5 and one do DS5, since diplomacy doesn't count for this. i'm considering keeping these 2 and one of the priors in order to make it work. do eternal champ and event requirements with these toons. Definitely saving the operations and expansions for these two. Basically wrap up all remaining achivements with these toons.


Diplomacy doesn't count for the overall lightside/darkside points that are being counted for the companion competition. Diplomacy will still help you get t5 light and t5 dark easy and fast.

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You know, given how easy it is to level in this game now I might actually go for getting the companion unlock since it seems to have only three requirements: 1 republic toon to 65, 1 imperial toon to 65, round 5 of eternal championship. I might be able to handle that. However, I have a few questions:


1). Can this be done and credited on my main server? I currently have 9 empty slots so I'm good for space.

2). For the eternal level do I have to accomplish every task on the lower tiers as well?

3). Just to confirm, if I unlock a companion it becomes available to all toons on my account, yes?

4). Are any of the gear rewards legacy bound?


1. Yes, in fact you really only need 3 empty slots 2. When I was reading I thought you had to complete previous tiers before, but josephxp has made a another fourm, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=886350 that explains the event, go read it. Its very helpful and it smoothed some of my anger towards this (not all but some) And he said that you can complete them in any order because they are tracked by achievements, so yes, yes you can. 3. Yes every character on every server, even new ones made after the event is done (remember you have to get the Eternal tier to get the companion, and the companion is not coming till the end of the event, and is also determined by the overall lightside darkside score not on your own personal score.) 4. So far all of the gear rewards are legacy bound and the pets and speeders will go to every character just like the companion. (The "Best of" lightside/darkside packs are all BoP so those are not legacy bound) Hope that's helps and may the Force be with you :) EDIT: forget what I said about reason number 2, just saw the twitter post by Eric, its ruined *cries* you MUST complete the previous tiers before getting to the end tier *cries so much* well...back to the raging lol:mad:

Edited by Lakemine
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Maybe someone already asked it, but I didn't see an answer to this in the Dev Tracker and I'm too lazy to read through the whole thread.


So, simple question: Do we need to do the achievements in any specific order?


Like the earning 1 Million credits one is on the legendary level, but you probably will have earned them way before you get to that step. So if you still haven't earned say champion level, will you still get that achievement regardless?


Josephxp has said you can do them in any order. There is no dev confirmation atm. But finding out you can do them in any order because of them being achievements? oh happy day! :D EDIT: Ignore everything I typed here, Eric posted on twitter you MUST complete the previous tiers to get to the next tier.

Edited by Lakemine
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I would recommend to scrap this, cancel it and back the hell up and rethink it. I think the repercussions will be far greater than when you guys jacked up the companions a while back... and we all know how that turned out.


Also, after thinking about it, I think you guys forgot to add the damned seeker droid and macrobinoculars to all this for good measure :D


Oh! your right! that would have been awesome too! The bi noc storyline was one of my favs, tho it kinda ended stupid but whatever, still fun. And I'm still farming the achievements for them, just takes....like 4 years to get them rofl

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Eric I'm just going to say it,

You know what, screw it! I am going to be that guy that makes 8 BRAND NEW characters. I feel like that would be a worthy challenge. Not the wisest decision, but it might be nice to have a small sacrifice for such a "prestigious" reward.


I will admit, the process of the rewards are a little ridiculous. While I like the idea of having a "Best of" reward system, I do not like the idea of regaining rewards that I already own and/or don't want, ever. These packs are the great example:


Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs

These packs are “best of” packs that are themed around the dark and light sides. Each pack contains two slots. One slot is a “best of” Dark vs. Light item, and the other slot will contain either a Companion Gift or an Experience Boost. Below are just a few examples of what items can be found in the pack:


Tulak Hord’s Armor Set

Satele Shan’s Armor Set

Revan Reborn’s Armor Set

Black/Black and White/White Dye

MSM J-37 Jetpack

Volatile Conqueror’s Lightsaber

Cathar Honor Sword

Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber

Two new Weapon Tunings, Dark-attuned and Light-attuned


Why not do this instead. Leave the XP boost but replace the armor pieces, weapons, or other items with something like the Cartel Certifications that you could get from the previous cartel packs. Add a vendor to the Cartel Bazaar that you can redeem these in for BoP rewards (Yes even make it to where the rewards and be collected and unlocked). Make the new 'currency' Legacy bound so that I can get dyes, tunings, and other things for my other characters. If I get 6 Black/Black dyes from opening these packs, then what's the point? With this, you prevent and/or reduce a lot of "Unwanted" or "Previously acquired" items. I get the reasoning for adding some of these specific items because there are some people who only farm Hypercrates to make massive amounts of credits and boost the price of said items and this will help people get things that are neigh impossible currently. I'd rather not spend upwards of 20M credits to get a helmet or chest piece of some kind, nor do I want to have a chance on getting something I already own and have unlocked.


This method can help in SEVERAL ways:


  • Help people collect missing pieces of armor sets.
  • Prevent unwanted/collected items.
  • Give a more viable sense of completing these challenges.
  • Give a personal feel to the rewards system.
  • Prevent people from getting duplicate rewards.
  • Allow players to redeem the rewards at their own pace.
  • Prevent unnecessary clutter within their bank.


Look, I know a lot of planning has gone into this, but actually stopping to think about how players are affected by these rewards is beneficial to everyone. How and/or what the rewards are is one of the key factors in IF a player will want to participate, and by making the rewards more flexible, you'll more than likely will have a higher turn out for the event. I rather have a assured reward rather than have a 'chance' of getting something I wanted.


This is a very good idea but....it kinda seems like the Cartel Certificates and remember they removed those and have not brough them back....AT ALL. So even though its a good idea, in fact a very good idea as it lets the people know hey its not random YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT! (choices matter right?) Will make people happier with options and not forced to get random armor sets they have already (I have 7/8th of the cartel ones unlocked already so most likely that's all i'll get, like satele or revan reborn or tulak hords, and BOOM I cant give to guildys who need a random piece here and there.) So sad :(

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All the complaining in the world isn't going to stop them from releasing this "event." It's been too long in the planning. They're like Godzilla walking through New York City. They're following their noses and are totally oblivious to the destruction they're leaving in their wake. If people really want to get their attention, they need to "Hit them where it hurts." In the wallet. Cancel subs & stop buying CC's.
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I don't know of any that can be soloed at any of the group settings, unless you have a healing companion at rank 50 and are just that good at switching between DPS and running like a mad person for a kolto station. I do know that quite a few of the tactical fps can be done with two people, with high ranking (I'd suggest rank 35+, depending on the flashpoint) companions, though.


The question I'd have to ask would be will they require the fps to be done as random flashpoints using group finder or can we either pre-form a group and do specific ones using group finder, or if we can just run in at their physical entrances with a friend, after choosing the tactical version. It'll be interesting to find out.


Still not sure I'm going to participate. Still feeling very overwhelmed by this whole cluster... of an event.


Solo modes (for the ones that have solo modes) queuing for them and just walking in with a friend all count. Does not have to be the daily random, you can pick the 1 or 2 you are missing or want and queue for only those. Though....with that, does that mean there will be less pops? As the daily reward is really kinda luckluster and no reason to do, I NEVER use the random queue (not even for conquest, I just pvp all day) because I hate CZ fps because I have done Meltdown well over 210+ times (no joke I have a ticker plus I can link the achievements I have with the time stamps on them.) Then again I more or less only do fps with a premade of 65s lol Tac and HM are to stupid atm without it.

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Josephxp has said you can do them in any order. There is no dev confirmation atm. But finding out you can do them in any order because of them being achievements? oh happy day! :D EDIT: Ignore everything I typed here, Eric posted on twitter you MUST complete the previous tiers to get to the next tier.

Any chance of a link?

found it :)


Bad Feeling Podcast ‏@badfeelingpdcst · 22h22 hours ago

@musco @swtor Do you have to complete the previous tiers to qualify for Legendary level?

Eric Musco


@badfeelingpdcst @SWTOR Correct. You must complete the previous tier to complete the next tier.



Still doesn't make them mutually exclusive.


Yes you need to unlock Heroic before getting Legacy, and Legacy before getting Valiant, and so on...

But it doesn't necessarily follow that you have to unlock the Home Sweet Home achievement while you are Legacy level, for most they'll unlock it before they even unlock Heroic.


So, you can't miss out any levels to get to Legendary. But I still don't see how they could have it that you could only complete the achievements at the appropriate level.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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This comes across as incredibly disrespectful of veteran players that have already achieved the legacy status and yet their achievement is considered of no value because it wasn't done during the metric counter being turned on.


There appears to be nothing for veteran players to do in this 'event' and is really just trying to get people to rehash the old content. I really hope that people that think creating 8 new characters to repeat old content as a worthwhile use of their time appreciate how utterly worthless they must view their lives and their time to be.


To call this an event is a lie, it should be called a bribe campaign to get people to repeat old content while waiting for Season 2 to be released, as there is going to be no new content before then. This manages to be both desperate and pathetic in equal measure. I just hope that not to many people fall for this as new content or a new event when all it really provides is new bribes (many from the cartel markets back catalog so I hope people that spent CCs getting the gear feel rewarded) to ignore that there is nothing new to do.

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The flames about this event are about a thousand feet high, not just in these forums but also in social media.

I thought for sure I'd log in this morning and see a post that some of the requirements were lessened.

This would be a great opportunity for them to show that they listen to their customers and care.

If you knew you were out of a job soon, would you care what your customers thought? Austin has ONE project...SWTOR. There's no way this game is actively being supported or developed any longer...this has to be clear to even the most ardent supporter of the game. They aren't fools...they're good people. The signs are very clear imo, this indicates that a new SW MMO/RPG will be taking this ones place in the near future (next 18 months), and until it's announced, we will be strung along with minimal effort and minimal content...just enough to keep some $ rolling in.

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