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Dark vs. Light Event


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i have 22 characters already on my server. and while 1 character of each faction would be ok. you want me to level 8 more toons for this event? are you out of your mind? i wouldn't even know what to level at this point for 1, i don't have enough slots for 2. and why the hell would i want to have 4-6 of each character type? this is just the dumbest thing ever. when i first read the parts in the early stuff for this event i was excited.... until i got to the part where i have to level 8 MORE TOONS! 2, i was good with. 8 is insane.
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1) Start a new toon

2) Level new toon to 65 doing all LS/DS choices

3) Delete toon

4) Go back to step 1


Why would I delete a Character after having put all of that effort into getting them to 65? That seems like a waste of time if I did that.

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I noticed one glaring issue by reading through posts someone mentioned a dev posted on twitter that each tier would need to be completed before unlocking the achievements for the next tier.


I just created a level 1 character, and sent her a couple of million credits from my main character. As soon as she picked those up, I received the "Dark vs. Light: Big Earner" achievement. Since that achievement is part of the Legendary Level, it looks as though if you get any achievements/challenges done early, they will count. You just can't move from a lower event level/tier to a higher one until you finished the achievements from the previous tier.

Edited by Trynitris
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Why would I delete a Character after having put all of that effort into getting them to 65? That seems like a waste of time if I did that.

I'm not sure...Eric suggested you do that...that's Bioware's answer to your question. I wouldn't either...but there's nothing else new to do in this game so that seems like the best they could come up with.

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Dark vs Light packs should be BoL , not BoP. What am I going to do with a tuning on a useless character I made for the event ? It's not even unlockable in the collection... And if I don't get all of my packs on the same character my chances of completing a set of armor decreases dramatically , it really shouldn't be BoP. Edited by Ameraseth
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Dark vs Light packs should be BoL , not BoP. What am I going to do with a tuning on a useless character I made for the event ? It's not even unlockable in the collection... And if I don't get all of my packs on the same character my chances of completing a set of armor decreases dramatically , it really shouldn't be BoP.


Can't you put a tuning into a legacy weapon and move it around that way?

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Man, you guys really don't want me to keep paying this game, do you? You continue to strip away any and every consideration for the many MANY (dare I say, majority repeat subs) that have already completed so much in this game only to have it count for ZERO during situations such as this. Look, I totally get that you want to level the playing field for your newer players, but you can't just keep ignoring the veteran players repeatedly like this. This is the last straw. I'll stick around til this sub wraps up and unless you guys pull out some serious rehashes over the DvsL event, I'm out. DUECES! Edited by -Calypso
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I think I saw similar sentiments elsewhere in the thread, but I just wanted to contribute since I'm a big fan of the game and was initially really excited for this event...

I don't get anywhere near as much gaming time as I'd like, so even when this one is my top gaming priority, I seldom get more than a couple of hours a week. I used "casual" as an insult when I was in the few-hours-a-night gaming camp but I've been here since early access and I still don't have any 65s and had only completed one class story to chapter three before KotFE was announced.

But KotFE really got me excited, and the XP revamp made even fairly completionist alt-ing a lot smoother. Even then, I'm still not Legendary and I wanted to get there before picking a toon to be my Outlander and catching up so even the chapters already released are still long term goals for me.

I know this puts me in a possibly insignificantly small minority for forum-goers but I still felt compelled to post because reading through the event description was so disheartening.

Heroic Level

Ok, trivial even for me especially since I still have several class stories on my to-do list, but still inconvenient. Even some of my mostly-unplayed alts have discontinued titles/gear so re-rolling is a bother and they've been characters in my head for so long that I'm kind of sentimental about just rolling a new toon of that class and coming-back-around-to-them-but-probably-not-really but as long as I'm whining anyway, I'll bring it up.

Legacy Level

Basically the exact same comment.

Valiant Level

At this point, I definitely either commit to my Outlander being a class I haven't played yet or dustbin an existing toon. Doable, but yuck.

Champion Level

Unless I can't beat the clock, I'd almost certainly get here if I made it to Valiant, so nothing new to say here.

Eternal Level

I literally first paid any attention to the Eternal Championship after seeing it in the event description since it was in my mental "after I get to KotFE" bucket but what I've seen so far looks like that part might be doable. Going 1-65 twice by year's end is pretty much moves that out of reach for me though, so no point going over Legendary.

So I could probably get decently far, but it would also probably make the game a lot less fun overall unless the event rewards were really something. Judging by the blog about them, it looks like they're cosmetic items, some XP-boost armor and a new companion. While I'd *love* to have the last two items, the hassle seems disproportionate.

Hence, the sad-face wall-o-text. I'm hoping the live stream proves me wrong, though.

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Why would I delete a Character after having put all of that effort into getting them to 65? That seems like a waste of time if I did that.


Only reason would be because you are short on character slots and plan the slot for some other character.


If you plan to invest long term effort in the character, of course you would keep it. Since the event is a one time only, and revolves around a minimum of two character slots... some people may not invest heavily into the characters, and may just use them as a temporary instrument for the event.

Edited by Andryah
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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




Ben, I hope *you* have figured it out at least that this sort of thing is exactly what your players are asking for... COMMUNICATION. Seems like you're the only one who works on this game who ever addresses anything directly, rather than just endless hype that we've all pretty much grown tired of and no longer buy.


This is the first chapter release that I really couldn't care less about completing or not, because of the general apathy and malaise shown by your developers and especially by your "community managers" toward paying customers. I've spent my last dollar on SWTOR unless you guys convince me otherwise. Communication is key.


The ball is in your court.

Edited by damonskye
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I guess , I didn't really think about that. But I still think it should be BoL, it would be much easier to complete armor sets.


BoL would make the planning and logistics simpler for sure. But with a bit of planning in how you play the required characrters, you can makes sure that just one character crosses the line first in each tier.. adn earns all the achievements and rewards for each tier of the event.


Personally, I recommend everyone hold on to the character and all rewards, just in case they reverse themselves somewhere along the event and make them BoL. They have changed bindings before.. so we know they can if they choose to.


As for tunings .. you can move them across your account with any modable BoL weapon. For dyes.. you could use a suitable BoL chest piece and just move it around on our Legacy as you please. Of course you can't pull and reuse the dye, but you CAN move it around your Legacy with the BoL piece.

Edited by Andryah
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I kind of see this event as BS. I already have a 65 of every main class and have no desire to grind through yet another 1-65.


The event is a cool concept but not well presented. Also can we get some new end game content in the game for a change. Its getting really boring doing the same raid stuff that has been out for the last 2 years or more. This is getting to the point of I'm really considering giving another game my money instead.

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So I created a new character today; not because I cared much about the light vs. dark event, but just because I wanted to play through the storyline of a new class. And occasionally I like to play a pvp match, just to shake things up.


Well, I just played my third PVP match, and in the course of the match my character jumped six levels. All I did was complete two very basic PVP quests. I guess some people might like that, but personally I feel like it takes all the challenge away, which for me makes the game less fun. I miss the days when reaching a new level felt an accomplishment. Why even have levels at all if you are going to make it that easy to advance?


Is there any way to opt out of this light vs dark event for new characters? Or a way to turn off whatever insane XP boosts are going on?

Edited by Braktahr
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Let this be a lesson to the newer players here...


The bigger the hype from BW about something new, the bigger the let down.


"We have this great new event for you guys this summer. You're going to absolutely love it. It's the coolest thing we've ever come up with. We'll tell you more when we are ready to launch it. You'll love it, we promise."


"Okay, it's ready for launch. We love this idea and know you will too. Are you excited? Are you ready for this? We are, so here it is...you get to...you'll love this...you get to...


Replay everything you've done dozens of times all over again.


Isn't that great? We just knew you'd love this as m7ch as we do."

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Why are the items from the DvL packs BoP when you are specifically encouraging players to delete DvL characters when they are done. This is especially ridiculous for armor pieces which won't unlock in collections unless you are lucky enough to get a full set. It would have been OK if you put armor boxes of the full set in the DvL packs but you haven't done that. Therefore a large number of these rewards are functionally useless.
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1 Pet.

2 Mounts.

3 Armor Sets.

1 Companion.

6 Titles.


Those are the only real "rewards" here, for this enormous grind event.

Sure, you have a shot at some of the rarer Cartel Market items in the DvL Packs... BUT...

Bind On Pickup. That completely KILLS this reward type. Not so much because you can't sell or trade the items, but because they're not even BoL, you can't even trade them between characters. So every time you get a duplicate item, it's just completely wasted trash. (This has already happened more than once...nevermind the unecessary XP boosts you may get.)

Bind on Legacy would have made this MUCH more acceptable.


Or better yet, no binds at all. Unless I'm mistaken, these are all Legacy-driven rewards, not per character, right? So that greatly limits the amount of boxes in the wild. I highly doubt being able to trade or resell the items would have affected the GTN economy to any measureable degree.

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great so i just finished my first bit of DS V LS 1-25

managed to get a loads of items that i had to start with 3 crystals , 2 rug's of the lowest level 2 box's of gloves / bracers silver level and 4 crew rep items once again of the lowest level

what a waste of time as a vet who's played since closed beta and bought the CE ( and you've done sod all about adding any new stuff in ages really so what was the point or having the vip band), spends a silly amount on coins a month to be blunt this is just BS

would have been a better idea to add a vendor with some of the older rare items and being given tokens or gems so you could pick something useful


also are you having a joke with everyone with the cost of the new perks the cost is a total rip off


my 6th's months sub in fact renewed today

( only funny bit of the day it end's on chrismas day lol when i looked ),


if i'd have known about the laughable quality of items you decided on i'd have stopped it


it's a real pity as the idea is great ds v ls but you managed to totally screw it up :mad:

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Dear Bioware,


I had a question regarding the latest Dark versus Light event. I like collecting jedi/sith outfits and i noticed that i've had some rewarded outfits unlocked before, now this would naturally not be a problem if a player could sell these items, take for example the Sith Recluse set and the Satele Shan set; my concern comes with the fact that we are not able to sell these items and it would mean that for me personally I would have worked hard and tiredly for a reward that I already have unlocked and In turn becomes practically useless for me and other players who have unlocked it as well. Does your RNG count these sets already in the possible outcome for rewards so that players who already have gotten outfits in the past through spending a large amount of real life money or even in game credits for those who are not so fortunate to have the privilege of spending real life money on packs don’t get doubles?


I can imagine that I myself would find that my progress has been for nothing if I would get a part of the set that I already have unlocked with cartel coins and would be rather displeased with the situation at hand, and no doubt that a lot of other players would feel like that too. If I may ask, how have you taken this in consideration with the already existing and well established players in the game as I have a feeling this may be overlooked. Would it be possible for me to send in screenshots of the legacy bound sets and the cartel collections open with the collected set displayed and get a new reward box in the future to avoid feeling that my progress has been for nothing? Could I possibly change it in for a set that I don’t already have and feel accomplished in that regard?



With kind regards,


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Greetings everyone. I, of course, like everyone else, have a question about the DvL event. Is it necessary to have the previous tier in rewards to proceed to the next? Example given, do I need to have completed up to and including champion level achievements to be eligible to complete eternal level achievements, and thereby receive those rewards? It doesn't say so, since it says to complete the following to receive the rewards of eternal level:


Reach Level 65 with a Republic Character

Reach Level 65 with an Imperial Character

Complete Round 5 of the Eternal Championship


So are the other levels prerequisite, or not?


With Kind Regards,



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Greetings everyone. I, of course, like everyone else, have a question about the DvL event. Is it necessary to have the previous tier in rewards to proceed to the next? Example given, do I need to have completed up to and including champion level achievements to be eligible to complete eternal level achievements, and thereby receive those rewards? It doesn't say so, since it says to complete the following to receive the rewards of eternal level:


Reach Level 65 with a Republic Character

Reach Level 65 with an Imperial Character

Complete Round 5 of the Eternal Championship


So are the other levels prerequisite, or not?


With Kind Regards,




They are.

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