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Dark vs. Light Event


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yeah, apparently for lvl 65, payout reduced for single player from 18K to 7K. Not sure what group payout or lower levels is.


Thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=886960


How come this was not in the patch notes? And WHY!?!?!? :( That was the only way for me to get 60 million to buy items on the GTN -_- now there is no way. *sigh* :(:(:( Me very sad. :(:(:(

Edited by Lakemine
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Hate to break it to you but there is no operations team anymore all the main operations designers that made all the operations we have no longer work at BW Austin all that is left from the raid team are a few guys who designed some boss fights but no one with experience in designing raids and from EA point of view they don't need to give us raids when people keep spending money hand over fist on the new CM packs.


Nope. Matt Pucevich is still here. He made Revan HM, Brontes, etc.

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"Choices matter!" Sadly you will only be able to get one, and that choice is made overall which side wins at the end of the "event". Even if your fully lightside on every character, and darkside wins overall, you will ONLY get the darkside companion, and vice versa.


The other will be available on the GTM... count on it.

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




*golfclap* Well done. Nice corporate spin job there, Ben. You guys allude that maybe, perhaps, possibly you could potentially make changes to the event (and also insinuate that you might even consider increasing the max characters allowed on a server if feasible), but you don't actually commit to anything. Instead, you push your little marketing event livestream instead, where we have no real feedback because you can just ignore everything people type at you.


And so what we're left with are two possibilities: 1), nothing changes at all, or 2) something (or maybe more than one something) changes, weeks or months after the event has already started, giving those who you are making the changes for considerably less time to fairly complete the event before it's over. Instead of doing the sensible thing, which would have been to delay the event until changes to the event and/or character maximum limits on servers had been implemented.

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yeah, apparently for lvl 65, payout reduced for single player from 18K to 7K. Not sure what group payout or lower levels is.


Thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=886960


You know what? If that is true, I'm done with this crap. If I think of what the repair bills for that bloody EC are....if they really reduced heroics payout like that WITHOUT PUTTING IT INTO THE PATCHNOTES I am done.

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Okay, there is no polite way to put this.


Have the managers at bioware been lobotomized or who signed off that change?


You screw people over with that do-everything-again event, just to make them buy more character slots, and at the same time reduce payouts for the stupid grind people will have to do to participate in that event.


Well done. I'm actually speechless. I'm used to really bad business decisions from this company, but I think that one takes the cake. Either this is reverted by next Tuesday, or I'm out of here.

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Okay, there is no polite way to put this.


Have the managers at bioware been lobotomized or who signed off that change?


You screw people over with that do-everything-again event, just to make them buy more character slots, and at the same time reduce payouts for the stupid grind people will have to do to participate in that event.


Well done. I'm actually speechless. I'm used to really bad business decisions from this company, but I think that one takes the cake. Either this is reverted by next Tuesday, or I'm out of here.


Or revert it sooner, I mean they had a patch less then 36 hours after Nico was broken to fix being able to summon him.

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




Reminds me of when you were taking feedback about the tuning mods and would look into the request of bringing them into collections or change the rarity or weither other changes were needed. Yeah... good times....


Here's simpler way to say ;


That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming


It is ;


That doesn't mean anything


I would love to thank you for responding Ben. I truly really really do. But I'm having alot of trouble trusting you right now.

Edited by Osgorion
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*golfclap* Well done. Nice corporate spin job there, Ben. You guys allude that maybe, perhaps, possibly you could potentially make changes to the event (and also insinuate that you might even consider increasing the max characters allowed on a server if feasible), but you don't actually commit to anything. Instead, you push your little marketing event livestream instead, where we have no real feedback because you can just ignore everything people type at you.


And so what we're left with are two possibilities: 1), nothing changes at all, or 2) something (or maybe more than one something) changes, weeks or months after the event has already started, giving those who you are making the changes for considerably less time to fairly complete the event before it's over. Instead of doing the sensible thing, which would have been to delay the event until changes to the event and/or character maximum limits on servers had been implemented.


As much as I am <insert a word you think is best as I don't curse because that's how my mom raised me and I can't get it out of my head> at the devs atm, (mainly for the heroic cred nerf:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:) I have to be honest, they don't commit to anything unless it 100% confirmed. When they have said "Yes EC is coming with chapter 10!" It ran into bugs and they couldn't do it, ie: they "lied" as so many people put it. Hence why they take "Its not 100%, but we are working on it." Or they don't say anything at all, because if they don't say anything at all, then they couldn't have "lied."

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you guys totally loosing it?????

first make this silly event and force us buy char slots and then reduce payment from heroics.

and thx a lot for reduce char slots in market for 25%

very mercifully lol


just makes me feeling good i stopped my sub and dont give you my money anymore until you start realize what you doing.

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As much as I am <insert a word you think is best as I don't curse because that's how my mom raised me and I can't get it out of my head> at the devs atm, (mainly for the heroic cred nerf:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:) I have to be honest, they don't commit to anything unless it 100% confirmed. When they have said "Yes EC is coming with chapter 10!" It ran into bugs and they couldn't do it, ie: they "lied" as so many people put it. Hence why they take "Its not 100%, but we are working on it." Or they don't say anything at all, because if they don't say anything at all, then they couldn't have "lied."

You're right...we're silly to expect anything for our sub fee. It's not like any other MMOs update their games right? I mean, for $15 a month, we should just be happy they allow us to pay them right?


One thing you may not have considered though....if they're so afraid of being called names, perhaps this isn't the industry for them. EA hates being called the worst company in America...you see how sheepish they've been since that label huh? I don't think they've released a product since...have they? Or...maybe they understand they're part of the entertainment industry...?

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You're right...we're silly to expect anything for our sub fee. It's not like any other MMOs update their games right? I mean, for $15 a month, we should just be happy they allow us to pay them right?


One thing you may not have considered though....if they're so afraid of being called names, perhaps this isn't the industry for them. EA hates being called the worst company in America...you see how sheepish they've been since that label huh? I don't think they've released a product since...have they? Or...maybe they understand they're part of the entertainment industry...?


Yeah, it's no longer worth the money. The nerf to the heroics is the final straw for me. Either this is fiyed by next week, or I'm done with this nonsense. There are limits.

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I noticed one glaring issue by reading through posts someone mentioned a dev posted on twitter that each tier would need to be completed before unlocking the achievements for the next tier. This could open a whole bunch of problems if you cant get achievements until a tier is unlocked.


EX: Valiant Tier requires you to complete kotfe 1-9 This will absolutely get your char to level 65


Now eternal level requires you to have a level 65 char from each faction. If the achievement for this was not credited when I finished valiant tier I would need to make a 3rd char to 65.


Now if none of what I did above applied to the legendary achievements it gets even worse. Not to mention Eternal isn't even achievable until august when the final chapter is released thus cutting down the time available to even do champion if this is the case.


I hope it was just someones misinterpretation of a tweet and that achievements do credit no matter your current level and will be considered finished when you do finally reach that level . Otherwise you're looking at two maybe three maybe less months to complete every objective on legendary tier making it even less likely to do.

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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




So how is this supposed to work? Do we just play normally or are there Light or Dark Missions for our characters to complete? I am not clear on how this is supposed to work.

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Sadly it is the latter option. Everyone will only get ONE companion (If you made it to the Eternal tier by the end of the "event" that is.) based on the total of lightside and darksides points made by all characters made on June 28th or afterwards.


That was what I initially thought, and was my fear. I just had a slight bit of misguided hope that they would have actually done something cool with this event after reading all their vague info. But sadly, it seems like this entire event was designed to piss off as many people as possible. Thanks for the info though.

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So how is this supposed to work? Do we just play normally or are there Light or Dark Missions for our characters to complete? I am not clear on how this is supposed to work.

1) Start a new toon

2) Level new toon to 65 doing all LS/DS choices

3) Delete toon

4) Go back to step 1

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I noticed one glaring issue by reading through posts someone mentioned a dev posted on twitter that each tier would need to be completed before unlocking the achievements for the next tier.


The Twitter post said:

Correct. You must complete the previous tier to complete the next tier.


It was in answer to the question:

Do you have to complete the previous tiers to qualify for Legendary level?


So all that means is that you can't, for example, complete Eternal Level (to get the companion) by just doing its three challenges, without having completed all the challenges in the previous levels.


What we still don't know yet is if a challenge is completed early, will it still count as completed within its later level. For example, Valiant Level calls for the completion of the Introductory Stronghold mission. However, that can be done much earlier, way before Valiant Level. So do people have to wait for Valiant Level to do that, or if they complete that early, will it still count as towards the Valiant Level completion.


I can't imagine that they would have it set up that if someone did the Stronghold mission at Level 15, it would cause them to not be able to complete Valiant Level. I suppose, though, we'll get an official answer soon.

Edited by Trynitris
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That was what I initially thought, and was my fear. I just had a slight bit of misguided hope that they would have actually done something cool with this event after reading all their vague info. But sadly, it seems like this entire event was designed to piss off as many people as possible. Thanks for the info though.


Oh trust me, that's why I have multiple personalities. One for hoping against hope and reality that they will listen and add what the players want. (Looking at you Hood Toggle and Back Handed Lightsaber stance and Ops) And another for knowing the reality of life and lowering my expectations to them. So that when something like this comes up, yes I wish for more, but when its less I don't get to upset because I already knew it was going to be this less anyways. Though I will say, nerfing the heroics and not putting them in the patch notes? That's low. Really a low blow. :mad:

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How come this was not in the patch notes? And WHY!?!?!? :( That was the only way for me to get 60 million to buy items on the GTN -_- now there is no way. *sigh* :(:(:( Me very sad. :(:(:(


Not the first time they sneak things (which normally means a nerf on credits or they take something out) but this is getting aggravated. Now they are cutting credits almost in half.

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Not the first time they sneak things (which normally means a nerf on credits or they take something out) but this is getting aggravated. Now they are cutting credits almost in half.


Nope, definitely not the first time. Like all the class changes they snuck into the 4.0 release without any listing in the patch notes, just to give one particularly egregious example. Looking at you, complete redo of the Watchman rotation!

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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




haha this is why I hate mmos. I'm never gonna do this and anythime I see someone with the perks ill think:


1) dork actually did it.

2) wish I did it

3) glad I didn't do it. cause meh

4) mmos suck.

5) its a scam.

6) you clearly don't play mmos

7) who has time for this crap

8) why am I still talking...

9) bye

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