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Dark vs. Light Event


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It's 1-50. You can do that in a few hours with Heroics; I may even remember to check /played time when I hit 50 to crunch some numbers on class efficiency. If I go the two-slot route (depends on the sale price of extra slots), I'll just be naming them "Thing One", "Thing Two" etc and using whatever the default appearance is. They're fodder in my quest for 30 extra packs, a mount, and a suit of armour. They're the little people I'll step on to get to the top. I already have over a dozen characters I'm quite attached to, and will add two more, minimum, with this event. But I don't see anything wrong with rolling throwaways in this exceedingly rare occasion where it may be necessary.


Yep, same way I'm doing it. :D:D:D Still stupid and flawed design of this "event". :)

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On a sidenote however where the datacrons are concerned. It's not certain yet weither they will be giving you any form of stats. I would assume they do, but I saw mention on torcommunity.com that they might not.


Yep, no info yet about stats, so we shall see come the "event" starting. :)

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And that's good for you but there are people that take the time to create characters that would not even consider making a throwaway toon as they make and plan their characters how to fit with the rest of them. I have read a few of those posts from them after this.


So you see not everyone considers toons to be throwaways. You might can but not everyone does.


^^^ This is me. But remember...sadly I also have multiple personalitys, and when the achievement hunter takes over.....*sigh*. Still stupid though.:D

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You did all the class stories, many of which you found tedious and god-awful to get a pretty flag by your name in the game? I feel sorry for you personally. The amount of people who actually PAY to do things in this game they don't enjoy is becoming astonishing.


Wish I had star wars rights, I could probably bag up literal animal excrement and sell it as Star Wars Poo Doo "Great for your garden" and be an instant millionaire.


Hmm...I wonder why i have yet to see this in the background in some Star Wars media yet!, That's a great idea! Lawn Care for years!!! :D:D:D

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Hah I'd actually lol if the only update we got to this whole thread was "We've followed this thread and are pleased to announce that Makeb is now added to the list of things required for legendary! Enjoy!"


Imagine the actual rage some people wouldn't literally scream at their monitor upon reading it.


ROFL :D:D:D I wouldn't care to much about it, because if I'm stupid enough to go for legendary, whats another storyline or 50 kills on Makeb or what not? rofl:D

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What this event boils down to at its base is to drive players to play KotFE. The top two levels of the achievements, including the companion of which you really don't have any meaningful input on choice, are KotFE only. And that says an awful lot about both popularity of KotFE and the seeming desperation of the devs to justify the cost of the content.


Until I read that, I was a little intrigued by the event. As a responsible adult with a job and all that pesky grown-up stuff to do, I simply don't have time to take all 8 classes through (unless I short-cut - and I really detest a game that makes it nearly mandatory for an achievement - it's sloppy and disrespectful of their players).


I'll gladly take a singular Imperial and a singular Republic character through, and we're planning on making this a guild event.

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I understand that part, but I'm not putting all that effort and time and in-game credits and bound gear into a character, just to delete it.


Just sell everything you get afterwards, and then just send the credits back to a main. The companions are OP as all get out, I just leveled my mara to 65 from mid 20s and he STILL had lv21 gear on running around. no problem. And really I don't think its that many creds you need to spend? I mean just use some armor sets from collections and just run around with empty gear, works fine. I do it all the time. But I understand not wanting to put all that time into a character just to delete it. Like I said, flawed design. Just letting you know of some ways I find loop holes to get around stupid things devs throw my way. :D

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That's good for you then I guess.


This is my server; http://www.torstatus.net/the-progenitor/trends/60d


The odds might be favourable to you. This events' obejectives might be to your tastes. All the more power to you.

however, me, and I think it's safe to say a whole bunch of others, respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree.


Cool story, bro. Here's my server, lighter than yours. And yet my guild still has over 400 qualifying account holders in each faction, regularly trimming members inactive over a month. Don't blame Progenitor for your inability to find a group.

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Just sell everything you get afterwards, and then just send the credits back to a main. The companions are OP as all get out, I just leveled my mara to 65 from mid 20s and he STILL had lv21 gear on running around. no problem. And really I don't think its that many creds you need to spend? I mean just use some armor sets from collections and just run around with empty gear, works fine. I do it all the time. But I understand not wanting to put all that time into a character just to delete it. Like I said, flawed design. Just letting you know of some ways I find loop holes to get around stupid things devs throw my way. :D


Tbh, I'm not even gonna bother with legacy gear if I go the "run it, delete, rinse, repeat" route. I'll just whip out my little Nico to get to 10, get to Fleet, and then rock the Heroics and use the gear I get from that as I go. Probably bring Treek along too to get the craft skills to 550.

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I have no idea what point you are trying to make here. A bit of a rambling mess.


The point is if you think monotony is boring ... *** are you paying to play this game? It's basic common sense.

Unless you are somehow fresh to the game and everything is new ( making the point about the event being completely monotonous moot as it wouldn't be repetitive if you haven't done it all ) then you are repeating content every day ... and paying for the privilege. Some would look at that as a form of masochism to punish ones self in such a way and to also pay for the privilege ... just wow. :rolleyes:


Are you arguing that monotony can indeed be fun? Really? Because by definition - it isn't. Check the dictionary.


If it's not fun why do people consistently repeat the same thing in this game over and over? It's game ... it's meant to be fun.


Are you arguing that doing something more than once equates to monotony? That also isn't true. There are many things people greatly enjoy doing repeatedly (i.e. sex).


Hey I'm taking your alternative words to monotony here ... specifically repetitive and repetitious, as I already stated, for giving other terms for monotony here.

So as you have demonstrated there are things that are repetitive or as you wanted to say - "monotonous" - that can be enjoyable.


Are you arguing that because I play parts of a game that I do enjoy, I am somehow tacitly endorsing all monotonous aspects of a game? That seems an odd and flawed assumption. I pay to play the parts I enjoy playing. Nothing more.


I'm saying the way you are trying to narrow down monotony earlier as being repetitive applies to all aspects of the game currently. Some of which you do enjoy even though they are repetitive or arguably monotonous.


What about the reward also? If you find the means monotonous but the reward pays off enough to give you a sense of enjoyment does that make the whole ( means + reward ) monotonous or enjoyable?


Are you arguing that because I have avoided participating in some content that I found tedious and monotonous in the past - that I should therefore now enjoy this event because it requires me to participate in that content? Because I guess it would still be "fresh" content to me? Really? You are really grasping here. Monotonous content repackaged does not become less monotonous.


I'm saying if you find it monotonous to the point you can't enjoy it for whatever reason you shouldn't do it full stop.

I've also been saying you CAN enjoy monotonous content for a variety of reasons be it the pay off at the end of it or for whatever feelings of enjoyment you may get on the way through.


Example: I find operations can be somewhat monotonous but there are aspects I still enjoy regardless each time I go through be it the gear drop I hadn't got before, the group I've never met I'm running with, a different way we attack the boss, exploring the environment that I may not have done before etc. etc.


So yes that operation I could easily say is monotonous, it is after all the same content I've done every time I've done it but it doesn't mean I don't get enjoyment from doing the content.


I enjoy quite a lot of this game. An event that would allow us to use our main characters and re-run missions that we enjoy as part of a light side points vs dark side points contest would have been awesome. As presented, this event is far from awesome. Good luck in your continued efforts to defend it.


So having the event as purely a points accumulation towards LS/DS on a whole as to which comp we get ( minus the tiered rewards etc. ) would be better than this event? How so? A simply LS/DS tally for doing content doesn't encourage anyone to do anything different.

Either way it's no new content but this event at least encourages players to go out there and do something they may not have done before, not done in a long time or willing to push through to get the reward they want.

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I've had time to think about and rethink about this. Forget my previous suggestion.


I won't be doing this event. I will stay subscribed until the last chapter of the current storyline/season/expansion is released (which should be another month) and then I will be letting my subscription lapse.


I won't be doing this event because I have been here since Early Access and I have 8 main characters, 1 of each class, that I play. Those 8 were created during the first week of this game's public existence. I have 7 other characters that I have created over the past 4 and a half years (basically to try out the other Advanced Class) but I never play those characters (however, they still exist).

Those 8 that I play forged the galaxy as I/we know it at this time.

They are my Havoc Commander, my Emperor's Wrath, my Hero of Tython, my Barsenthor, my Darth Nox, my Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, my Cipher Nine, my Voidhound and all of them are my Outlander.

Having to participate in an event where my main characters are locked out of the event is just not an option for me.


The reason I will be letting my subscription lapse is that I have finally come to the conclusion that apart from the current KOTFE storyline there really isn't anything new for me in this game. I really have seen and done it all.

Unfortunately, it took the announcement of this event for me to realize that. This event has taken the concept of "same old same old" to whole new heights.


The only thing that will/would change my mind is this new event not being limited to "new" characters. Since that won't happen......

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Having to participate in an event where my main characters are locked out of the event is just not an option for me.


Important point -- for many players the point of a new event is to have something new to do with the characters they've already put so much thought and effort into.

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This is amusing in some sense. Tons and tons of people are crying HAVOC and letting slip the dogs of forum war. But BioWare will come out with a new Cartel Pack with some super rare spiffy new weapon and people will love them whilst showering them with money. And BioWare will come back and say hey even more profits than last quarter, must be doing something right!
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What this event boils down to at its base is to drive players to play KotFE. The top two levels of the achievements, including the companion of which you really don't have any meaningful input on choice, are KotFE only. And that says an awful lot about both popularity of KotFE and the seeming desperation of the devs to justify the cost of the content.


Until I read that, I was a little intrigued by the event. As a responsible adult with a job and all that pesky grown-up stuff to do, I simply don't have time to take all 8 classes through (unless I short-cut - and I really detest a game that makes it nearly mandatory for an achievement - it's sloppy and disrespectful of their players).


I'll gladly take a singular Imperial and a singular Republic character through, and we're planning on making this a guild event.


I think the 8 classes is why it's targeted at the legendary tier. Imo it's not really legendary if everyone can easily do it thus it's targeted at those hardcore completionists willing to put in 100's of hours for a mere title or the thrill of knowing they've achieved no matter how "monotonous" ( lol ) they find it because to them the ends justify the means.


To be honest and I've said it before I respect anyone willing to go through all that to get legendary, it's quite an achievement imo.


A lot of the complaints are over the legendary tier in fact ... people need to face it though ... we're just not legendary enough to get legendary in this particular event. :(

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The reason I will be letting my subscription lapse is that I have finally come to the conclusion that apart from the current KOTFE storyline there really isn't anything new for me in this game. I really have seen and done it all.

Unfortunately, it took the announcement of this event for me to realize that. This event has taken the concept of "same old same old" to whole new heights.


The only thing that will/would change my mind is this new event not being limited to "new" characters. Since that won't happen......


I thought "wow what a great post, realizing the game for what it's become and realizing they aren't getting as much joy out of it as they thought they were anymore".


Then the last part has me confused though ... if they did the change that you wanted it doesn't actually change anything for the rest of your post and thus you should still ideally unsub for the same reasons?


You kind of shoot yourself in the foot in the end there with any point you were trying to make because it now reads as blackmail in the sense of "change the event to how I want it or I'll unsub!".

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Cool story, bro. Here's my server, lighter than yours. And yet my guild still has over 400 qualifying account holders in each faction, regularly trimming members inactive over a month. Don't blame Progenitor for your inability to find a group.


Way to sound of like a douche... Where in my post did I earn such a response?

I personally could care less about the size of your e-peen. So holler your biggotry at someone else.

It's not going to win you any votes.


Also,... Provocative/Hypocryte much?

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My view on all this: I've got 10 toons, 8 currently at 65 and chapter 9, two that I was intending to play to chapter 9 (and inadvertently to 65). That's one of each advanced class, plus a couple more for various reasons. I had no intention to level any more toons (I don't think there's enough replayability in the class stories to justify it, nor do I do enough with the ones I've got to need a second Trooper, third Knight or third Inquisitor), regardless of whatever new content arrives, I was just going to focus on at most two of those toons, leaving the others as crafting/mission alts (needless to say they all have 550 crew skills, some of which have been reset over time).


Now this new content with its "increasingly more epic rewards" would require me to roll 8 more toons, spend hours levelling them through content I had no intention to repeat, spend hours and thousands or millions of credits levelling crafting skills I don't need, get at least one of those toons to Valor 5 doing PVP which I hate (and I really objected to its inclusion in picking up M1-4X), max out light and dark alignment at least once each (probably through grinding crew skills so that it doesn't take forever or a billion Esseles runs), do all of the hard mode flashpoints and who knows what else.


For all of that effort, I'll get a set of armour with XP boosting, which I will never need since I still have no intention of levelling another toon, a bunch of crates which will inevitably be mostly filled with vendor trash, another companion which, if I really wanted to use, I'd then have to grind influence on, and some other cosmetic rewards, some of which will be (may be?) lost when I delete those toons that I only created for the sake of this event.




Purely and simply, as this event stands, I will take no part in it at all. I will not put all that time and effort into tedious grinding of old content on disposable toons. If there's no new content and/or no way to do this event on my existing toons (and no, I'm not going to reroll any of them just for the sake of this), then I will not take any part and I will, pretty much certainly, unsub until there is new content.


Swing and a miss, Bioware. 5/10 for effort, 1/10 for achievement.

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This is amusing in some sense. Tons and tons of people are crying HAVOC and letting slip the dogs of forum war. But BioWare will come out with a new Cartel Pack with some super rare spiffy new weapon and people will love them whilst showering them with money. And BioWare will come back and say hey even more profits than last quarter, must be doing something right!


Personally, I don't buy any packs or crates... I don't get any enjoyment out of gambling.

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This is amusing in some sense. Tons and tons of people are crying HAVOC and letting slip the dogs of forum war. But BioWare will come out with a new Cartel Pack with some super rare spiffy new weapon and people will love them whilst showering them with money. And BioWare will come back and say hey even more profits than last quarter, must be doing something right!


Actually I'm giving them (bEAware) the benefit of what little doubt I have left untill I've seen the actual update on tuesday.

But this stunt has been pretty much the straw that broke the camels back to me and my gf. We'll both likely unsub.

However easy it is to dissmiss the whole thing as "it's just a game"; Letting go of a passionate hobby you've invested both time, effort and money into for a period of over 4 years is not something you do lightly.


I've long cherished such vain hope in the deepest darkest corners of my mind. Hope that Bioware would eventually come around somehow and show us that those last years of ridiculous cash grabbing stunts, cheapskating production values and overhyped theatrics over mediocre 'suprises/updates' we're all worth it and that it led to something.

I do not regret the time spend enjoying the content that has been there and has been added to the game over time. Time spend with the great people that are the SWToR community.

But I've ended up giving this company alot more than they are worth and *This* I Greatly regret.


I'm afraid you're right in the end. But it won't be me and mine anymore.

Beyond that I think time has started begging for a good number of us to start voicing our opinions/concerns towards Disney instead. Their Star Wars license is wasted being exclusive to a company like EA.

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I thought "wow what a great post, realizing the game for what it's become and realizing they aren't getting as much joy out of it as they thought they were anymore".


Then the last part has me confused though ... if they did the change that you wanted it doesn't actually change anything for the rest of your post and thus you should still ideally unsub for the same reasons?


You kind of shoot yourself in the foot in the end there with any point you were trying to make because it now reads as blackmail in the sense of "change the event to how I want it or I'll unsub!".


You're right! It does read that way and to a certain extent it is true. But only to a certain extent.


If this event wasn't limited to "new" characters I probably wouldn't have realized (at this time) that the game has nothing new for me and I would have happily gone on logging on everyday doing the same old same old for a while yet.


That last line wasn't meant as "blackmail". It was an attempt to convey what I conveyed in the paragraph before this one. In other words, if this event wasn't limited to new characters I would have gone on playing.


I'm actually kinda sad that it has come to this...

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hi eric,

are the level 65 and the crew skills-achievements are retroactive?


Dear Muscoman,


Are these goals retroactive? So for example if you already leveled all classes to 50.




They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.





As you can see, they are not.

Edited by Osgorion
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