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Dark vs. Light Event


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My plan for legendary:


do all 6 toons)









do flashpoints requirement to get them all to lvl 50; since we don't need to worry about any particular order. Do all crew skills requirements as well. possibly some pvp / gsf requirements in here as well. if rakghoul event appears then i'll do it on one of these toons.


do last 2 but keep them to level 65





lvl them to 65, have one do LS5 and one do DS5, since diplomacy doesn't count for this. i'm considering keeping these 2 and one of the priors in order to make it work. do eternal champ and event requirements with these toons. Definitely saving the operations and expansions for these two. Basically wrap up all remaining achivements with these toons.

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The achievements from the event are legacy bound or so I've read so that means once you've completed them they stay... I think... So you really don't need more then 3 toons cause you need 1 dark 1 light and 1 to do the other 6 classes... If I'm wrong then please feel free to correct me.


I was referring to a thing I said before (many pages ago, don't blame you for not reading) that psychologically, people hate throwing away things they put some effort into, even when knowing in advance that they are going to do that, so assume at least some players (50%?) wont like the idea of using 1 character for 6 classes (meaning, deleting 5).


And regardless, they will need to create and work on 8 characters, even if they want to delete and have no problem with that. So when looking at work and effort and time required, we are speaking of 8 characters.


Add-on: A lot of people on here don't like me so they probably won't even though I'm supporting them when they didn't support me. Hehe! :p


People who get personal in forums are childish, especially when this forum is all about a game. The fact people don't like you shouldn't pit them against you when your cause will do them good. [sWTOR example: The republic dislike the empire, but join forces against Zakuul :D]


So this is for people who don't like DarthEnrique: suit yourselves, dislike him. But if you agree with what was written in that quote above, try to ignore his name tagged on it, and quote it for your own cause!

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errr quite a lot to swallow ...


my question : I have two accounts both legacy 50, so if i decide to participate i would have to redo all on another server to trigger the legacy event ?


If yes, then i will totally ignore the event. My home server is EH and no where else. Leveling should be fun and not forced in any way like in this event.


I can though understand they probably made it to push the new comers to play the game completely, BUT for those who play it since long, even quite very long, this is rather a gauntlet in the face.


Well if anyone can answer my question, thank you

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You know, given how easy it is to level in this game now I might actually go for getting the companion unlock since it seems to have only three requirements: 1 republic toon to 65, 1 imperial toon to 65, round 5 of eternal championship. I might be able to handle that. However, I have a few questions:


1). Can this be done and credited on my main server? I currently have 9 empty slots so I'm good for space.

2). For the eternal level do I have to accomplish every task on the lower tiers as well?

3). Just to confirm, if I unlock a companion it becomes available to all toons on my account, yes?

4). Are any of the gear rewards legacy bound?

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Maybe someone already asked it, but I didn't see an answer to this in the Dev Tracker and I'm too lazy to read through the whole thread.


So, simple question: Do we need to do the achievements in any specific order?


Like the earning 1 Million credits one is on the legendary level, but you probably will have earned them way before you get to that step. So if you still haven't earned say champion level, will you still get that achievement regardless?

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it's running for 4-5 months. That's quite a lot of time. Legendary level will be a push to get, but the rest?


That's the problem, people had 4.5 years to reach that level and now they have to do it all again in a fraction of the time. Rip pugs and tacticals fps. If they were bad before, now it'll be even worse with clueless people rushing through content they don't understand trying to get rewards with absurd requirements.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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Many people here are posting that they made a mistake not retro-acting achievements. My guess is after reading the backlash they may do just that. In their mind this will give them a win. Unfortunately the true travesty is that they spent time and effort on this event recycling content in the most backhanded way possible instead of having created a new flashpoint, area of exploration, operation, or just anything that required programming and new art assets. I am now officially in the camp of this game is in real trouble and we had been giving it life support far too long. I am very disappointed by this event and the lazy thought process behind it. Management at Bioware needs a house cleaning, there is no urgency there, no self respect, and certainly no love for the customers ultimately paying heir salaries. You guys need to take a good hard look at your business model with dire urgency, hire level and content creators immediately, or throw in the towel, no one is standing for this crap any longer as you can see!
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Am I reading this right? For having to switch up to another server, levelling up at least three toons, and embarking on an obscene amount of grinding, I get some cosmetic fluff and some bland XP armour that is kind of useless?


Bugger that. The most I see myself doing is setting up a throw-away toon to link my level 50 legacy to the event and snagging the 'participation' rewards.

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There is so much to change in this event , if you want to lose any player . Whether you can do it by Tuesday ?

Starting with the bound out of the boxes Char that stuff .Otherwise, I see black for loyal players community .:p

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I have 40 toons already on my home server. I'm not deleting any of them, and I'm not going to level elsewhere. I won't even consider doing this event with anything less than 8 free additional server slots. Edited by UTlNNl
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I would recommend to scrap this, cancel it and back the hell up and rethink it. I think the repercussions will be far greater than when you guys jacked up the companions a while back... and we all know how that turned out.


Also, after thinking about it, I think you guys forgot to add the damned seeker droid and macrobinoculars to all this for good measure :D

Edited by Degan
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You know, given how easy it is to level in this game now I might actually go for getting the companion unlock since it seems to have only three requirements: 1 republic toon to 65, 1 imperial toon to 65, round 5 of eternal championship. I might be able to handle that. However, I have a few questions:


1). Can this be done and credited on my main server? I currently have 9 empty slots so I'm good for space.

2). For the eternal level do I have to accomplish every task on the lower tiers as well?

3). Just to confirm, if I unlock a companion it becomes available to all toons on my account, yes?

4). Are any of the gear rewards legacy bound?


1) from what was said the character that finishes the last objective in a level gets the achievement (legacy wide) along with packs.

2) Yes see

3) Companion/vehicle is unlocked for all characters on account, delivered at end of event

4) Do you mean the packs? they are BoP but can be unlocked in collections, if you mean the armor we get Idk.


Maybe someone already asked it, but I didn't see an answer to this in the Dev Tracker and I'm too lazy to read through the whole thread.


So, simple question: Do we need to do the achievements in any specific order?


Like the earning 1 Million credits one is on the legendary level, but you probably will have earned them way before you get to that step. So if you still haven't earned say champion level, will you still get that achievement regardless?


Seems to be the case

Champion level is gonna be a pain..

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That's the problem, people had 4.5 years to reach that level and now they have to do it all again in a fraction of the time. Rip pugs and tacticals fps. If they were bad before, now it'll be even worse with clueless people rushing through content they don't understand trying to get rewards with absurd requirements.


The point seems to be "can you do it in the 4-5 month time period?" It's a speed run achievement.

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You guys really need to combine all info on the event and either post them here in first post, a new thread and link to it from the main page.


So far:

1. Packs/items are BoP

2. We can complete each objective on a different server and/or char, confirm? (Like I can jump on Red eclipse to get valor 5 TOFN IS DEAD I have valor 60,75,100 already but oh well..)

3. Last char who completes final objective in a level will get credit for the achievement and it's unlocked legacy wide.

3. Armour rewards are legacy bound?

4. Need to complete each tier in order

5. Start at 60 characters don't count

6. Hk-51 can be unlocked via legacy ( even though the main page doesn't mention this just the mission to acquire him )



Does anyone know if all the champion level [TACTICAL] flashpoints can be soloed?

I think like 70% of them could be, tried it before but that was before kotfe, and I can't remember which ones.

Edited by Azareya
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I would recommend to scrap this, cancel it and back the hell up and rethink it. I think the repercussions will be far greater than when you guys jacked up the companions a while back... and we all know how that turned out.


Also, after thinking about it, I think you guys forgot to add the damned seeker droid and macrobinoculars to all this for good measure :D


You've killed me with partt of Seeker and Macro :D



Guys You really going to destroy this game and rule the world. No ideas for content, so let's make them do everything again and 8 times for some rewards... <clap>

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Eric I'm just going to say it,

You know what, screw it! I am going to be that guy that makes 8 BRAND NEW characters. I feel like that would be a worthy challenge. Not the wisest decision, but it might be nice to have a small sacrifice for such a "prestigious" reward.


I will admit, the process of the rewards are a little ridiculous. While I like the idea of having a "Best of" reward system, I do not like the idea of regaining rewards that I already own and/or don't want, ever. These packs are the great example:


Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs

These packs are “best of” packs that are themed around the dark and light sides. Each pack contains two slots. One slot is a “best of” Dark vs. Light item, and the other slot will contain either a Companion Gift or an Experience Boost. Below are just a few examples of what items can be found in the pack:


Tulak Hord’s Armor Set

Satele Shan’s Armor Set

Revan Reborn’s Armor Set

Black/Black and White/White Dye

MSM J-37 Jetpack

Volatile Conqueror’s Lightsaber

Cathar Honor Sword

Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber

Two new Weapon Tunings, Dark-attuned and Light-attuned


Why not do this instead. Leave the XP boost but replace the armor pieces, weapons, or other items with something like the Cartel Certifications that you could get from the previous cartel packs. Add a vendor to the Cartel Bazaar that you can redeem these in for BoP rewards (Yes even make it to where the rewards and be collected and unlocked). Make the new 'currency' Legacy bound so that I can get dyes, tunings, and other things for my other characters. If I get 6 Black/Black dyes from opening these packs, then what's the point? With this, you prevent and/or reduce a lot of "Unwanted" or "Previously acquired" items. I get the reasoning for adding some of these specific items because there are some people who only farm Hypercrates to make massive amounts of credits and boost the price of said items and this will help people get things that are neigh impossible currently. I'd rather not spend upwards of 20M credits to get a helmet or chest piece of some kind, nor do I want to have a chance on getting something I already own and have unlocked.


This method can help in SEVERAL ways:


  • Help people collect missing pieces of armor sets.
  • Prevent unwanted/collected items.
  • Give a more viable sense of completing these challenges.
  • Give a personal feel to the rewards system.
  • Prevent people from getting duplicate rewards.
  • Allow players to redeem the rewards at their own pace.
  • Prevent unnecessary clutter within their bank.


Look, I know a lot of planning has gone into this, but actually stopping to think about how players are affected by these rewards is beneficial to everyone. How and/or what the rewards are is one of the key factors in IF a player will want to participate, and by making the rewards more flexible, you'll more than likely will have a higher turn out for the event. I rather have a assured reward rather than have a 'chance' of getting something I wanted.

Edited by Hollow_Screech
Forgot something.
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Does anyone know if all the champion level [TACTICAL] flashpoints can be soloed?

I think like 70% of them could be, tried it before but that was before kotfe, and I can't remember which ones.


I don't know of any that can be soloed at any of the group settings, unless you have a healing companion at rank 50 and are just that good at switching between DPS and running like a mad person for a kolto station. I do know that quite a few of the tactical fps can be done with two people, with high ranking (I'd suggest rank 35+, depending on the flashpoint) companions, though.


The question I'd have to ask would be will they require the fps to be done as random flashpoints using group finder or can we either pre-form a group and do specific ones using group finder, or if we can just run in at their physical entrances with a friend, after choosing the tactical version. It'll be interesting to find out.


Still not sure I'm going to participate. Still feeling very overwhelmed by this whole cluster... of an event.

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My plan for legendary:


do all 6 toons)









do flashpoints requirement to get them all to lvl 50; since we don't need to worry about any particular order. Do all crew skills requirements as well. possibly some pvp / gsf requirements in here as well. if rakghoul event appears then i'll do it on one of these toons.


do last 2 but keep them to level 65





lvl them to 65, have one do LS5 and one do DS5, since diplomacy doesn't count for this. i'm considering keeping these 2 and one of the priors in order to make it work. do eternal champ and event requirements with these toons. Definitely saving the operations and expansions for these two. Basically wrap up all remaining achivements with these toons.


Based on what they said earlier about needing to complete each level before you move to the next, this won't work. You have to do the 2 level 65's first, before you do the level 50's

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Dear Eric,


I have 40 chars and every char has all unlocks in legacy / storage / bank.

I dont delete any of my chars.


At least (this would be the easiest way for BW) give us some more slots (like 5-10).


So we can make the event without deleting any char or transfer to a dead server or more bad play on another dead server.


I post it again.


Eric please answer so that all people know what happens.


We need additional slots for chars <----- easy for BW and so we can play the event!!

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This is by far the dumbest thing you guys have presented to date. And the last few years has been pretty dumb. This event is so pointless the community director recomends creating toons. Getting them to level 50. And then deleting them. Thats the solution to the problem of having done this so many times people no longer have the space to do it.
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What is the last year bioware is in contract for this game? I would rather do this event in its final reincarnation the last summer of its existence. Then i can delete the entire thing and forget about all those years an monies i wasted on a company like yours. One that treats its most loyal fan base like garbage

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My main question ...


Is this event what is meant to tide people over between "seasons" of KoTFE or whatever it might be called next time?


I was hoping this was a bonus thing and there would be operations or something super interesting coming as Ben eluded to in his stupid "open letter" but now I'm worried this is actually it ... this is all we're getting.


Could we just get some assurances that's not the case and there is more unique actual content to come?


I've never thought the game was actually on the way out but if this is it ... I'm changing my mind.

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What is the last year bioware is in contract for this game? I would rather do this event in its final reincarnation the last summer of its existence. Then i can delete the entire thing and forget about all those years an monies i wasted on a company like yours. One that treats its most loyal fan base like garbage


I hope you are planning on unsubbing though because I am so sick and tired of people going on and on about how this treats their veterans and loyal long time subscribers so poorly ( and rightfully so, I support that view but then I don't give a crap about this event - it's crap so I'll keep doing what I always do ) and actually start voting with their wallets instead of their ignored words.


It's like people just don't get it ... as long as money floods in Bioware won't change anything, they'll call it a success and you'll get more and more repetitive ****.


True story.

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Champion level is gonna be a pain..


Only even remotely hard part of Champion tier is Valor rank 5 which btw is very easy to get. When you finish your first warzone you're already at Valor rank 2-3 even with just "I'm not good at pvp but I try to do something".


Legendary tier on the other hand...

Edited by Halinalle
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I've posted this before and will post it again...


The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.

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