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Dark vs. Light Event


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Damn I just returned to the game after a 3 month absence and was leveling a new Inquisitor, got her to level 35 already and put quite a lot of credits into her buying the Wicked Huntress set. Whatever I'll just account unlock it I guess and start some new characters next week.
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The merciless Darth Hexid Companion or the courageous Master Ranos Companion – your Dark or Light side decisions in-game will determine which Companion reward gets unlocked!




Answer this question please as there are different thoughts regarding this:


Is this based on your choices alone or with everyone's choices.


Can you get both companions if you have a light and dark character.


Thank you.


They will tally the choices of all players on all servers, Then they will award the companion to players based off which side got most votes. Then the other companion will go into a cartel pack later on down the road

Edited by RepublicDiplomat
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Ok, so for the getting the characters for lv 50 heres what you really only need, 2 open character slots, What im going to do is unlock 2 more slots, work my way up on the first one to grab the new armor set WHICH BOOSTS EXP GIVEN and then transfer it to a new lv 1, on the second slot, reach lv 50, send it back, delete, and repeat because we can delete the character after we grab the achievement for getting a lv 50 consular, smuggler etc.


And the people complaining i have this to say to you.

  • Already it takes 3-4 hours to get to lv 50 on a character and with the armor that boosts exp that time will be shorten drastically with something like a 40% increase.
    If you have max 40/40 characters on your server, well its crunch time, chances are you can live with taking 2 characters off your main server, i know im maxed for slots right now with 28/28 available but im deleting the 2 that are the least important to me to finish the event.
    The rewards are worth it and are easy to get with the exception of the last one, where packs are delivered immediately after getting the level the packs will stack so you can get 50+ packs, and if you do this on other servers it increases your chances of grabbing rare armor and stuff. which will unlock in collections which you can later global unlock. Im really hoping the Vented crossguard will be a drop (note they wont be able to sell like when you complete the shrouds datacubes).
    This will encourage more people to Try GSF, before each match i always say F1-F4 keys toggle power, spacebar accelerates, x stops you, holding s slows you down, red circle means ur in range, yellow triangle means your 2ndary weapons in range. and if its a death match i add don't self destruct, and i have seen those new guys who never have tried GSF before get 5 kills on a stock ship (Not as good as when i get 14 kills and 15 assits on a stock nova dive but still decent). Have a person explain the controls by copying and pasting and wonders happen.
    As for pvp, we all know with the lv 60 tokens and the required WZ 20 (unless ur 40 valor) was detrimental to the community, hopefully more new players will hit pvp at lv 10+ and get the 3000 coms they need for a full set of 204 gear before they hit lv 65.
    More people will want to do ops. If your a raiding guild and your numbers are demolishing THIS IS your chance of picking up new members because many people will now want to do operations, you can teach them and help them out. Same for HM flashpoints.


Overall after the responses we have gotten from Eric, on how stuff will be distributed, the tunings and other stuff being available in collections from this event. Which might i add the light and dark tuning looks epic. And a possibility of getting older armor sets which are going for 50+ mil per piece depending on server is great, also the pieces cannot be sold from the packs so it won't hurt the market that much because e people will still be looking for that 2-3 pieces they may have missed. If you unlocked HK-51 before hand you can spend 1 mill credits on his unlock, or CC to get that achievement so we dont have to redo his quest again. (Thank the Maker!). Getting that lv 50 character will be easy and then u can trash it until you want your 2 final L/D classes which im doing a jedi knight and sith warrior because i haven't played their main story in 2 years. And the special exp gear makes it easier to grab.


In Conclusion, from the information released to us right now in the clarification of many of the contents, i feel this event will be good for the reasons i have pointed out.

Edited by josephxp
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See that kids? that **** is 5 years of your SWTOR hardworking account flying away.


Start on a new server?? Transfer one character from your main so you keep your legacy and bring some credits over.



Might not be the same but at least you don't have to delete 10 characters :p


Could transfer a character back after with the rewards

Edited by Newyankalt
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Ok, so for the getting the characters for lv 50 heres what you really only need, 2 open character slots, What im going to do is unlock 2 more slots, work my way up on the first one to grab the new armor set WHICH BOOSTS EXP GIVEN and then transfer it to a new lv 1, on the second slot, reach lv 50, send it back, delete, and repeat because we can delete the character after we grab the achievement for getting a lv 50 consular, smuggler etc.

Not seen any where state that set is legacy bound yet.

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So the lightning weapon tuning tried to make my Ziost Guardian Lightsaber obsolete. Now the two new tunings are trying to make my Furious weapons and the Volatile Conqueror Lightsaber obsolete. How long before you try to take away my Furious armor set and mount?
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How about you stop heating and serving the old content and start something new for a change? Is it really too much to ask? People already have 643494676767 toons on this game. How can you take a proud on that? Edited by lord-angelus
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One final question from me before I go dwell on all this for a bit.



Will the new companions be like the old companions? Where you can customize armor, dyes and appearance?




Will they be like the KotFE companions? That have received no customization options since they were introduced?

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For the tactical and hard mode flashpoint requirement (which makes me cringe, btw, because it's so difficult to get queue pops and guild interest tends to run more expectedly towards ops)


1) Do these have to be done on a single new ls\ds toon, or can they be spread a-few-here-and-there to legacy ls\ds event toons?

2) Are these attached to any group finder-daily reward requirements?

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This is going to be the nail in the coffin. You are demonstrating how much you want to milk out of the game with minimal creative effort. Many of us have been playing since launch and have 15+ max level characters, and have leveled one of every base class to earn those achievements, and you're telling us we need to play through the old content again.


It has become abundantly clear that Bioware/EA does not care about the existing customers and instead are catering to either new players, or hope to squeeze even more money out of us. You give us no new ops - an hour or two content a month at best in the chapters, and then you try to feed us this?


First, you ruin the cartel packs with the Chance Cubes, making it so we'll hopefully keep putting coins into the machine for the claw to pull out something good, only to end up with things we got originally in the packs they were first released in. Over and over and over. Now, you're trying to regurgitate the old content as something exciting.


I'm not drinking the Kool-aid.

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I'm thinking hard about whether to let my sub renew in light of this. I played the game back in beta, but I didn't play it with any consistency, or really put any money into it, until a month or two ago. I subbed, I've spent money on this game, knowing what I might be getting into.


And honestly, when I first heard about this event, I figured it would be something that might not interest me and I was ok with that.


But the problem is, there is no event content and the content we are expected to do is stuff we've already done. Basically, it's like:

- If you're 100% new to the game, never even made a character before, this event means free goodies for you as you go along

- If you're literally anything else, you're not only not getting free goodies as you go along, but you have to actively disrupt whatever gameplay you were on to go back and make new characters specifically for the event, so that you can get the same stuff that 100% new players are getting simply because of when they joined the game


I have already filled most of the slots I have on the server I play on, with characters that I spent a lot of time getting right, so that I would enjoy playing them.


I am ok with not participating in an event. What I'm not ok with is the message that this event sends. I want to renew, but I don't want to stick with a game if the writing on the wall says that I'm going to be treated carelessly down the road. There is no reason for me to set myself up for future disappointment.


I know I'm just one guy and this is one event. This isn't Custer's Last Stand. Just know that if I'm taking the time to write something like this, it means I care. If I didn't care, I would just leave without comment.

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So what you are saying is anyone who does not have 8 character slots is screwed out of Legendary Level.


You mean to say, " What you are saying is anyone who's already leveled 2 or more of every class, done every quest / flashpoint in the game over and over and over for the past 5 years and is completely sick of leveling in this game, has to do that crap all over again to participate?"



Too bad all those people that were paying to support the game didn't get anything for it

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Here's a question for you: say you logged in after the 28 June maintenance window and the boxes that you've already done on old characters counted, and you get inundated with packs, titles, and cosmetics. What are you going to do for the rest of the summer and fall? The same thing you're doing now, right? Almost all of which you could do on a new character.


It's as if you're saying "I want to get new rewards for having done stuff before; I don't want to have to do anything to get them, chop chop bioware, send them to me." These are not subscriber rewards. They are rewards for doing certain things during a certain time period. It's a little disappointing that there's not any new content (other than 5 datacrons which are using a busted model of "difficulty through obscurity" to obtain); I'm not going to say I wouldn't have liked to have seen something all-new. But to do a whole new set of content to the scale that this one uses? The entire game from the starter planets to Ch.XVI of KotFE, PvP, GSF, Ops and FPs is involved. I think literally every system in the game and most of the instances thereof they've ever done is involved. That's an enormous amount of content, and the rewards are commensurate with the effort needed. If you complete Legendary Tier and all the ones below, you get 85 packs. They're equivalent to "curated" Chance Cubes (not counting the XP boosts or comp gifts, but those are small change), but that's still 85 Chance Cubes. And the titles, mounts, and armor. And you can get 55 of them by making 2 characters, running each of them to 65, playing through to KotFE with one, and doing minimal PvP and all the FP. The FP requirement for Champion level is a little stiff, I'll admit, and I'm not sure I'll make it myself. But it's something to do, at least. What do you get out of a monthly event again? An armor set, a themed set of weapons, maybe a dye module or two. And some titles.And they all recycle sets and enemies and mechanics.


The glass isn't full to the brim, and it's the same brand of beer they've been serving for a while, but it's not anywhere close to half-empty, either.



I will reiterate this, though, the folks with no empty character slots have a legitimate gripe. Not cool, BW, to require character deletion, server change, or expenditure of CCs to enter for them. Not cool at all.

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Im assuming it will be, but even if its not its still easy to get a lv 50 right now and only takes a bit.


Most of us have already have more than enough blasted toons that we don't need 8 more stupid toons. I have enough problems playing the 10 I have without adding more to it and I don't play like some of the kids can play due to real life and neither does my boyfriend. He works very long hours and a lot of times we get to play once or twice a week and yet nothing we have done since launch counts.


It is like the ones that stayed here to support Bioware though everything are swept to the side and don't matter.

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You mean to say, " What you are saying is anyone who's already leveled 2 or more of every class, done every quest / flashpoint in the game over and over and over for the past 5 years and is completely sick of leveling in this game, has to do that crap all over again to participate?"



Too bad all those people that were paying to support the game didn't get anything for it


They got to play the game during that period. If that wasn't worth, on it's own, $15 a month, why subscribe?

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Most of us have already have more than enough blasted toons that we don't need 8 more stupid toons. I have enough problems playing the 10 I have without adding more to it and I don't play like some of the kids can play due to real life and neither does my boyfriend. He works very long hours and a lot of times we get to play once or twice a week and yet nothing we have done since launch counts.


It is like the ones that stayed here to support Bioware though everything are swept to the side and don't matter.


You don't need to have them all active at one time, once u hit lv 50 on a smuggler, you got it completed, then you can delete it and make another.

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I'm thinking hard about whether to let my sub renew in light of this. I played the game back in beta, but I didn't play it with any consistency, or really put any money into it, until a month or two ago. I subbed, I've spent money on this game, knowing what I might be getting into.


And honestly, when I first heard about this event, I figured it would be something that might not interest me and I was ok with that.


But the problem is, there is no event content and the content we are expected to do is stuff we've already done. Basically, it's like:

- If you're 100% new to the game, never even made a character before, this event means free goodies for you as you go along

- If you're literally anything else, you're not only not getting free goodies as you go along, but you have to actively disrupt whatever gameplay you were on to go back and make new characters specifically for the event, so that you can get the same stuff that 100% new players are getting simply because of when they joined the game


I have already filled most of the slots I have on the server I play on, with characters that I spent a lot of time getting right, so that I would enjoy playing them.


I am ok with not participating in an event. What I'm not ok with is the message that this event sends. I want to renew, but I don't want to stick with a game if the writing on the wall says that I'm going to be treated carelessly down the road. There is no reason for me to set myself up for future disappointment.


I know I'm just one guy and this is one event. This isn't Custer's Last Stand. Just know that if I'm taking the time to write something like this, it means I care. If I didn't care, I would just leave without comment.


This. Thou, to be honest, they have done this kind of thing before, but usually there's at least SOME new content with an "event".

this is quite literally a "get em excited about a "new event", make em think " okay here's where they have been spending at least a little time giving us some sort of new content other than the sorry chapter content for the past year", then drop the "nope, absolutely no new content with this event bomb".

This game had such amazing potential, all the tools were there to make one of the best MMO's ever, and every damned year I am more and more disgusted with the way the game is handled, and especially how game vets are treated. Second class citizens. I could just FEEL EA execs laughing at me while reading this info.

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More than likely they way they are handling this event it will be bound to that particular character not legacy or they wouldn't have you making 8 more characters.




If that applies to the armor set, it may be unlockable in Collections? Which would kind of make sense since you only get the full set after reaching level 50, from when on 50%+ XP isn't all that significant anymore.

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You don't need to have them all active at one time, once u hit lv 50 on a smuggler, you got it completed, then you can delete it and make another.


Honesty having to do all the stories and revan and ziost again 8 more times not to count all the blasted achievements I have since launch and not being able to group up for the EC and having it count I am not sure it is worth it. I play with my boyfriend and we do things together but making the EC have to be solo for it to count is beyond words. I don't play this game to have to play solo.

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Not seen any where state that set is legacy bound yet.


They state in the Description for the Victorious Pioneer's Armour Set after the level explanation. It's just below the second image on this page...

Victorious Pioneer’s Armor Set


The armor set is a moddable set which can be worn at level 1 and is bound to legacy! That means once you have unlocked the set you can freely move it to other characters in your legacy to help them level faster than ever, allowing you to move even faster through the event.

Edited by Baby-Girl
I was corrected
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Here's a question for you: say you logged in after the 28 June maintenance window and the boxes that you've already done on old characters counted, and you get inundated with packs, titles, and cosmetics. What are you going to do for the rest of the summer and fall? The same thing you're doing now, right? Almost all of which you could do on a new character.


It's as if you're saying "I want to get new rewards for having done stuff before; I don't want to have to do anything to get them, chop chop bioware, send them to me." These are not subscriber rewards. They are rewards for doing certain things during a certain time period. It's a little disappointing that there's not any new content (other than 5 datacrons which are using a busted model of "difficulty through obscurity" to obtain); I'm not going to say I wouldn't have liked to have seen something all-new. But to do a whole new set of content to the scale that this one uses? The entire game from the starter planets to Ch.XVI of KotFE, PvP, GSF, Ops and FPs is involved. I think literally every system in the game and most of the instances thereof they've ever done is involved. That's an enormous amount of content, and the rewards are commensurate with the effort needed. If you complete Legendary Tier and all the ones below, you get 85 packs. They're equivalent to "curated" Chance Cubes (not counting the XP boosts or comp gifts, but those are small change), but that's still 85 Chance Cubes. And the titles, mounts, and armor. And you can get 55 of them by making 2 characters, running each of them to 65, playing through to KotFE with one, and doing minimal PvP and all the FP. The FP requirement for Champion level is a little stiff, I'll admit, and I'm not sure I'll make it myself. But it's something to do, at least. What do you get out of a monthly event again? An armor set, a themed set of weapons, maybe a dye module or two. And some titles.And they all recycle sets and enemies and mechanics.


The glass isn't full to the brim, and it's the same brand of beer they've been serving for a while, but it's not anywhere close to half-empty, either.



I will reiterate this, though, the folks with no empty character slots have a legitimate gripe. Not cool, BW, to require character deletion, server change, or expenditure of CCs to enter for them. Not cool at all.

I see where you're coming from, but game development is not a false dichotomy of choices. The options are not only "do it as they are saying it will be, or give out rewards retroactively." There are other ways they could have come up with to do this that are more inclusive.


Making the requirements more flexible, for example. One approach to this might be making all LS/DS points earned count toward a personal number that you need to unlock various reward tiers. Leveling up a certain number of times, or getting a particular amount of experience, rather than hitting specific levels. Completing any planet story arc. Completing any class quest. Etc. (all of this counted for pre-existing, as well as new characters) These are just ideas, generalized objectives that could have been used.

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