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PvP interview with Musco


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Also was it my imagination or did he confirm that the leap restriction in Quesh Huttball was a bug and not a nerf?


I was doing some other stuff while hearing the vid, but the way I understood was that sorcs' pulls working was the bug.... not the leap restrictions. It made sense to me that sorcs pull shouldnt work. But dont quote me on this :eek:


Anyways, thanks snave for arranging this. :)

Edited by wainot-keel
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I was doing some other stuff while hearing the vid, but the way I understood was that sorcs' pulls working was the bug.... not the leap restrictions. It made sense to me that sorcs pull shouldnt work. But dont quote me on this :eek:


Anyways, thanks snave for arranging this. :)


It's the leaping (and other movement powers) not working in that case that was the bug - they couldn't have said that more clearly. Around then Eric was saying that any significant (deliberate) mechanics changes like that would have been accompanied by patch notes.

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It's the leaping (and other movement powers) not working in that case that was the bug - they couldn't have said that more clearly.

Actually, they could have. They could have said it in spanish and that way I wouldn't have missunderstood anything :D

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  • confirmed that they're delusional about what constitutes "balance" (judging from leader boards, snipers looked weak and sorcs look strong, but that's not actually the case. [sic]).



In a roundabout way Musco was pointing out that sometimes balance issues are l2p issues which is true.


He never said that sorcs are or have been fine. At one point his wording on one of his examples (about sorcs) was a little "tricky", but you have to expect that in a long interview.


I thought it was a good, frank discussion. We didn't learn anything about future plans which was sad but expected. I'm hoping BW follows up on their stated intention to be more communicative (this time). The main thing that encouraged me was that I didn't get the impression that BW is intending to "let PVP go" anymore than they already have: if they were this would have been more sugar-coated and used as free marketing attempt to string people along (if it happened at all).

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  • confirmed that they're delusional about what constitutes "balance" (judging from leader boards, snipers looked weak and sorcs look strong, but that's not actually the case. [sic]).


Well, I've always said that FOTM is - at least in part - created through talk on these forums.

It's like a gaming hype.


PvP players, especially those who are new to PvP, look into the PvP forums to get advice, or at least serious information. They asume that pvP players talk in a rather serious way about PvP.


Then, people begin to say that Sorcs are so good ... And those PvP players out there catch this. They read it more often here, actually with some theories they believe to be honest and serious - people believe that PvP players know what they are writing about, no ?

And so, then, FOTM is created. Through sheer talk by and from people, who are considered as Experts by people on the outside.


Same goes with Gunslingers, maybe. They might not be bad - my personal problems with this class aside - but actually no-one plays them.

And people on the outside, especially looking at the leaderboards, judge : "If this class isn't played often, and does not appear on the Leaderboards, then it must be a truly bad class". Especially if there are no threads and discussions like "hooray, my Sniper is so strong !!!" created about this class, either.

People on the outside might even not be able to realize that people don't create threads and discussions about the class because they believe it to be balanced.

Everyone forgets what's mediocre. All what tays in the public memory are the extremes.

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And people on the outside, especially looking at the leaderboards, judge : "If this class isn't played often, and does not appear on the Leaderboards, then it must be a truly bad class". Especially if there are no threads and discussions like "hooray, my Sniper is so strong !!!" created about this class, either.


The only exception is jugg, which sucks in ranked while being 2nd represented. Because bads on forum still didn't learn how to kite ED and create OP threads.

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You have to admire Snave for his commitment to PvP, with his streams and PVP tournaments etc, but i think these interviews with Musco are a waste of time, its pretty obvious that these guys dont give a crap what happens to PVP, the lack of content and PVP class imbalances shows that already. Add to that the reaction time to OP specs ie Smash and now Sorc.


Musco annoyed me when asked about 8v8 ranked, he laughed it off and said he STILL gets asked that question all the time, well Musco what does that tell you? Maybe BW should listen what there PVP'ers want for ONCE and give us what we want for ONCE and see if that improves anything? But i think Snave missed a trick with 8v8, when he asked for 8v8 Ranked to be put back in, he would of been better off asking for non-Ranked 8v8. Simply allowing teams of 8 to be matched with other teams of 8. Not ranked but would proberly help premades from top guilds stomping all over PUGs all night long, and i think alot of the top guilds would organize it themselfs, like they did in the past on TRE for example, thats NEW content with very little if no new coding needed. Because BW will never bring back Ranked 8v8 because it will show people that they made a mistake and they will never own up to that.


I will take me as an example of an good pvp'er, when i say good i mean im good on ALL classes but im not GREAT on a single class, i have no main pretty much, and i think this is BW's fault. They have this great legacy system in the game which promotes playing multiple different classes all the time, so the problem with 4v4 Ranked is or even Solo Ranked is, that alot of the BEST players who play PVP are exceptional on ONE class and dominate most players, people like me, as mentioned before in previous posts, you can get away with it in 8's, but in 4's your exposed. Yet back in the day i played in a few decent 8v8 Teams and was really competitive. Yet in 4v4, the same 4 players will always 95% of the time beat the other 4v4 players who have little bit less skill. And believe me its alot less fun losing in 4 man ranked than it is 8man Ranked.


But i dont think 8v8 is the be all and end all of PVP for the future i would like to see BW change it up completely as this Arena stuff has for me run its course people are bored of it, no one has really played 4 man teams in great numbers, people use 4 man ranked to wintrade for titles. Solo rank is rife with Q syncers. People only play a new season for the first 4 weeks then get annoyed and stop. TRE for example which is Imp heavy on PvP'ers, all good PVPers had to move to Rep side as Rep side has the exceptional Ranked players, so its easier to Q with them than against them, see leaderboard. We start the new seasons not having a clue for were playing for? whats the reward? Whats the incentive for us to Q for this rubbish over and over? How hard is it to have the rewards ready at the start of the season? You make new CC crap every week??


For me i want to see BW expand PVP into new Area's, see the following, these are hardly new in MMO but could prove popular and would be something new. If there not remove them?


1. Class 1v1 PVP. Have a leaderboard like you do now, 1 class per account allowed to enter per season (to stop cheating), best of 3 duels, over in 5 minutes. Give the end of season top 3 great titles (All Galaxy XXX or Best XXX you decide) and i think this would be popular. Bragging rights maybe but thats more of a Ranking system then Solo Q is.


2. 2v2 Arena. WoW has it, maybe you could try and do what WoW did, where 2 people make a team name then thats there team for the season, why not even link to it legacy, so any char fror this legacy can be in this 1 teams these 2 guys created. Bung it on the leaderboard. Would 2v2 be more popular than 4v4? Who knows isnt it worth a try.


3. 8v8 Ranked. Again like i said above, tie it to Guilds only. only people in guild XXX can Q together. Put it on the leaderboard, make it cross server. And see your PVP community reach new levels, all the guilds you killed when you added 4v4 will come back to life. Maybe all powerful PVP guilds might split into 2, as more teams will form. I cant see this one happening, but its an example of how it could work differently than last time.


4. PVP Q options, 4v4 or 8v8. Let people have the option to opt out of either. if someone would like to not play 4v4 they allow that. Id personally like to practice some more on 4v4 but it doesnt pop that often for me. And i refuse to be cannon fodder for people trying to build big ratings.


5. BW Hosted PVP events. I remember back on SWG when the Dev team would host large scale planet Rebel vs Imperial fights on a planet and we would get titles and rewards for partaking, think they was called Live Events, they would spawn in AT-AT's and Darth Vader etc, that could be fun no? What about a BW hosted live stream tournament, stop with the BS excuses we cant cos Snave swears, do your own then.


6. Ingame tournaments.. Open sign ups to the sever for a massive tournament lasting 1 week, make a dueling map, force the Q pop when you players agree to it or are logged on, put the brackets in game, this could work i think.


Just a bit of blue sky thinking for PVP. None of that would really require massive changes or affect PvE in any way.


I think the more PVP players that leave the game, the more the game will slowly die in my opinion. And i think its time you stop looking at numbers behind a screen and start talking to active PVP'ers asking them what they like and dont like then make changes based on that instead.

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  • 1 year later...
I have a prediction: absolutely, 100% of pure nothingness will come of this.


We are not going to get:

- cross server queues

- class balance based on community input

- harsher actions against hackers / exploiters / win-traders

- match making (e.g. no Pugs Vs. Premade etc.)

- a functional ELO system


Sorry for being negative, but he is not going to promise any significant change and he is certainly not going to offer any hard set date for anything. It will be a runaround of vague hints and empty concepts that will serve no purpose.


OMG, I was just reading this thread again after watching Snaves 2016 interview for another thread and saw your post.

You should change your name to Nostradamus. Because even after 2 years, everything you predicted has come true or I should say... had nothing done about it

Next time someone says you are being negative, refer them back to this thread and your prediction.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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OMG, I was just reading this thread again after watching Snaves 2016 interview for another thread and saw your post.

You should change your name to Nostradamus. Because even after 2 years, everything you predicted has come true or I should say... had nothing done about it

Next time someone says you are being negative, refer them back to this thread and your prediction.


Ha! I had forgotten all about that post :D

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OMG, I was just reading this thread again after watching Snaves 2016 interview for another thread and saw your post.

You should change your name to Nostradamus. Because even after 2 years, everything you predicted has come true or I should say... had nothing done about it

Next time someone says you are being negative, refer them back to this thread and your prediction.


hahaha. Trixxie wth. Nice necro and yeah the name Nostradamus fits Lundorff for that pessimistic prediction lol.

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This was sophist attitude from EM. He still believe he can trick us with black-white and white-black philosophy (some of us have PHD on this matter, so we can teach u even). EM, man: do u see yourself in the mirror? What do u smoke (we know Snave smoke something special) but u? My friend: is not too late to make the diamond shine so much that nothing will be able to ever compare with. But for now most of us agree that the central dogma is essentially dead. This lack of faith, devotion and lack of real knowledge to alter the environment and the consciousness of others, just makes me think how this will not be solved. There is only one solution: memayu hayuning bawana. Edited by Gingishan
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Idk whether to laugh or cry over the statement confirming the massive volume of cheating that goes on in ranked. They need to rework how the elo system works and start punishing the exploiters for the rewards to mean anything, otherwise they'll simply be gated behind exploits.
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Hello. I'm Snave, you may remember me from being the Operative Class Rep and such movies as 12 years a Snave, Snaveheart and Snaves on a plane.


You may also remember that about a year ago I held a PvP focused 1v1 interview with Eric Musco which many have deemed the best interview since Frost vs Nixon (apologies to all the people who have to google that).


Musco has agreed to a second interview so I can try and put across some common questions from the PvP community. If you didn't see the last one it can be found here -


Last week I sent my questions over to him so he can gather information on the topics and I'm still waiting for his response with a specific time and date but I just wanted to let the PvP community know that it's happening and the topics we'll be discussing.


In no particular order the main topics will be:


Class Balance


"Better Than Cross Server"

PvP Community


I've already sent over a preliminary list of questions so I don't have a huge amount of wiggle room in topics but I just thought it was important to let you all know that this is going to happen and that I will be pushing for answers. I was going to list all the questions but that kinda defeats the point of an interview.


If you have any comments please feel free to leave them here or email me directly at snave@torcommunity.com


The whole thing will be livestreamed on my channel - http://www.hitbox.tv/Snave and hopefully it'll be as well received as the last one.


visual queues being drowned out such as merc's shield that heals when hit (yellow) gets drown outed by a sorc bubble, operatives heal globe and mercs very own blue shield! same can be said for Jugs ED make the visual ques predominant and ez to discern especially if you are not going to balance the classes or fix the queing system so we don't have 5 merc's on the field!

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hahaha. Trixxie wth. Nice necro and yeah the name Nostradamus fits Lundorff for that pessimistic prediction lol.


Yeah, after I read the thread again to find something for another thread about Eric discussing bans. I couldn’t believe how spot on Lundorff’s prediction was, so I had to necro :D

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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visual queues being drowned out such as merc's shield that heals when hit (yellow) gets drown outed by a sorc bubble, operatives heal globe and mercs very own blue shield! same can be said for Jugs ED make the visual ques predominant and ez to discern especially if you are not going to balance the classes or fix the queing system so we don't have 5 merc's on the field!


Agreed. We simply dont have fast enough reflexes to pull back even when we can see the colors to avoid tagging them a few times usually. And the visual effects being blured compound that greatly.

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And the visual effects being blured compound that greatly.


I just thought I was old and my eyes failed me. It's really hard to follow visual queues for me as to what buffs are up on the enemy. Only a few really stand out.


I try to watch buff bars but that's hard too because so many buff/debuffs are running scripted on the bars at times.

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Yeah I just read the road map. Couldn’t believe the timing after I just necro’d this thread yesterday.


The roadmap looks awesome, as long as they fix the bugs and dysnc


I can’t believe they still haven’t fixed that leap bug... here’s hoping they fix it with this update

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  • 2 weeks later...


Guardian/Juggernaut Guardian Leap/Intercede and normal Leap/Charge is unavailable to use in Quesh Huttball's Endzone area in-between the acid pits. This is true for both holding and not holding the huttball. I know for several other classes, their charges work (ex: operative/scoundrel).


If this is meant to be something that will exist as a change, it was never listed in any patch notes. This is tremendously annoying as a bug.


Also fun fact, you cannot Intercede/GLeap teammates in the holding spawn areas either.


No, I was not LoS'd.

No, I was not Netted.

No, it wasn't on CD.


It literally says in red, "Target is unavailable to be charged at this time."


I don't have a screenshot of it, I'll get to work on grabbing one, but I'll edit this and add my previous thread.




Thank you.


This is not a bug, it actually used to work but the devs decided to change it because it was just too easy to score.

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Please go and watch the interview... Musco specifically says it’s a bug.


The day they "fix" that is the day operatives won't only roll around the quesh arena, but also teleport from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor into friends OR enemies standing on the corner and THEN roll twice straight into the line. It would require literally a premade of 1 op and 1 anything (though bh or snipers can do it better with their push immunities) to crush any pug group. I rather have them create more bugs of that kind ;)

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This is not a bug, it actually used to work but the devs decided to change it because it was just too easy to score.

It's a bug. Also, they should let people leap to the goal line. If the enemy players are stupid enough to provide clear line of sight for leaps, they should be punished for bad positioning.

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