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you killed the game BioWare


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i always said that people who say this game is dying are just idiots now i can see why they were saying it and yeah they were right.

you dear BioWare done messed it up, first you removed the tech tree then you destroyed the companions and their skills (now all of them are the same thing with different skins) nothing is unique anymore and above all you are locking away content with a dead line, yeah content not a mount, not a armor or a gun, companions and missions are been locked out (not that companions mean anything anymore).

companions are meaning less if you compare the companions from mass effect to swtor you probably lose your mind when you see the missed opportunities.

over all im done too after this month is over im unsubbing too and you can keep your lame hk 55 jet pack and guns to your self . :mad:

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i always said that people who say this game is dying are just idiots now i can see why they were saying it and yeah they were right.

you dear BioWare done messed it up, first you removed the tech tree then you destroyed the companions and their skills (now all of them are the same thing with different skins) nothing is unique anymore and above all you are locking away content with a dead line, yeah content not a mount, not a armor or a gun, companions and missions are been locked out (not that companions mean anything anymore).

companions are meaning less if you compare the companions from mass effect to swtor you probably lose your mind when you see the missed opportunities.

over all im done too after this month is over im unsubbing too and you can keep your lame hk 55 jet pack and guns to your self . :mad:


You don't know what you're talking about. That tech tree was an ugly unorganized assortment of skills. good riddance to chaotic rubbish. They perfected it with the neat & orderly discipline chain.

Edited by Aeristash
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I agree with the thread title, but not for the reasons you described OP. I do not think it is at a point, where it is no longer worth playing anymore however.


Here is why I think it is dying:


. The reason this game went free to play was because they were losing subscriptions at an alarming rate.


. Most of the original development team was laid off, and some quit right afterwards, and they introduced the cartel market to supplement the subscription profits, as there were no longer enough subscriptions to finance the game in its current state.


. The game has shifted from an mmo with single-player elements, to a single-player game with mmo elements. They told the public that this is because they wanted to focus on their strengths, but in reality, it was because they no longer have the budget or man power to do all the things they previously could.


. The main thing keeping this game afloat is the cartel packs and other micro-transaction items in the Cartel Market.


In conclusion, this mmo is dead without the f2p, but it is still worth playing.


A good example of an mmo that is not dead would be EVE. it is older than WOW, still is not f2p, and is going strong, and even has a sister game.

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I agree with the thread title, but not for the reasons you described OP. I do not think it is at a point, where it is no longer worth playing anymore however.


Here is why I think it is dying:


. The reason this game went free to play was because they were losing subscriptions at an alarming rate.


. Most of the original development team was laid off, and some quit right afterwards, and they introduced the cartel market to supplement the subscription profits, as there were no longer enough subscriptions to finance the game in its current state.


. The game has shifted from an mmo with single-player elements, to a single-player game with mmo elements. They told the public that this is because they wanted to focus on their strengths, but in reality, it was because they no longer have the budget or man power to do all the things they previously could.


. The main thing keeping this game afloat is the cartel packs and other micro-transaction items in the Cartel Market.


In conclusion, this mmo is dead without the f2p, but it is still worth playing.


A good example of an mmo that is not dead would be EVE. it is older than WOW, still is not f2p, and is going strong, and even has a sister game.


The one problem with comparing SWTOR to EVE (or even WOW for that matter) is that SWTOR is just a clone of the WOW model, along with so many other MMOs. It lacks originality, making its money because it's Star Wars (which frankly is the part I care about). Simply put, it doesn't attract the same kind of people. Very few have loyalty to the game, but lots of people are suckers for fancy new **** on the CM. I don't see this changing anytime soon.


EVE is largely a creature on it's own. It's the WOW of it's subgenre, and thus it dominates. Though it'll be really interesting to see what happens to it when Star Citizen goes live.

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The one problem with comparing SWTOR to EVE (or even WOW for that matter) is that SWTOR is just a clone of the WOW model, along with so many other MMOs. It lacks originality, making its money because it's Star Wars (which frankly is the part I care about). Simply put, it doesn't attract the same kind of people. Very few have loyalty to the game, but lots of people are suckers for fancy new **** on the CM. I don't see this changing anytime soon.


EVE is largely a creature on it's own. It's the WOW of it's subgenre, and thus it dominates. Though it'll be really interesting to see what happens to it when Star Citizen goes live.


But but but I LIKE the SWTOR story lines.

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Why you chose to tell all and sundry is beyond me.


Feel free to mail all your unbound stuff and credits to me on the way out, that way I can keep the remainder of your awesome legacy alive in some small way...:rak_01:

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"A friendly word of advice: Don't click anyone's referral link for free. People will pay you big credits in-game for that favor. Don't waste it on forum spammers."


Or you know, use your own brains and just click someones FREE link on the forums unlike the sad ***** who spam General chat every 30 seconds cos they want the Cartel coins or the Kurtob Alliance. Referral spammers are one step down the foodchain from Gold Sellers imo.

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I agree, and those make up a majority of the "Star Wars" part, which is awesome.


the PVP, raids etc are just reskinned WOW, and get old fast.

What WoW are YOU playing? SWTOR is FAR superior to anything in WoW. WoW is boring as hell. SWTOR doesn't get boring at all.

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What WoW are YOU playing? SWTOR is FAR superior to anything in WoW. WoW is boring as hell. SWTOR doesn't get boring at all.


Your mileage may vary I guess.

I haven't been playing WoW long enough to say whether It'll get boring any time soon, but grinding out the alliance, doing starfortresses and running through the skytrooper infested corridors of Zakuul on 23 chars to see the exact same story seems plenty boring to me atm.

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Your mileage may vary I guess.

I haven't been playing WoW long enough to say whether It'll get boring any time soon, but grinding out the alliance, doing starfortresses and running through the skytrooper infested corridors of Zakuul on 23 chars to see the exact same story seems plenty boring to me atm.


WoW's fine 'til "end game" and then talk about grindy. But hey, you may not find it so. Many don't. I find the concepts and implementations here in SWTOR vastly superior.

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This game is a themepark. WoW is a themepark. Themeparks are where we run scripted content and the game tells us what to do next. Over the years, players have gotten used to blowing straight through the lower levels as fast as possible to get to the "real game" in themeparks: ops and raids. And all the dailies, which are designed to take a while and keep the online count up by grabbing at the part of the brain which craves to do things efficiently (hello, rep tokens and operations lockouts).


It works until people get tired of doing the same mindless thing over and over again. Then they tend to never want to see the game again.


Sandboxes are a different beast altogether. They say "Here's the universe, here are the tools, here are the basics of how to use them, have fun!" All of the epic stories are player-created and only happen once.

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WoW's fine 'til "end game" and then talk about grindy. But hey, you may not find it so. Many don't. I find the concepts and implementations here in SWTOR vastly superior.


The 1-50 content and to a lesser degree Makeb were indeed vastly superior IMO. They had an excellent presentation with all the cutscenes and voiceovers and had a lot of replayability through the system of dialogue choices, class stories and faction specific stories.

Unfortunately they pretty much killed the replayability IMO. Since SoR and most prominently in KotFE, every playthrough feels nearly the same and I really have to drag myself through it.

Also a big selling point of the game were the concept of your legacy and its alt-friendliness with legacy gear and unlocks, shared rep grinds and now even shared datacrons, but with the advent of KotFE they suddenly pulled a 180° with the alliance.


EDIT: As for endgame, I find it tends to get boring in pretty much any MMO after a while(that is in between content updates). What helps with this is implementing fun things to do. SWTOR tried to do this IMO when they released the seeker droid and binocular mechanics with RotHC and GSF, but both have been utterly abandoned now with no new mini games to take their place.

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The 1-50 content and to a lesser degree Makeb were indeed vastly superior IMO. They had an excellent presentation with all the cutscenes and voiceovers and had a lot of replayability through the system of dialogue choices, class stories and faction specific stories.

Unfortunately they pretty much killed the replayability IMO. Since SoR and most prominently in KotFE, every playthrough feels nearly the same and I really have to drag myself through it.

Also a big selling point of the game were the concept of your legacy and its alt-friendliness with legacy gear and unlocks, shared rep grinds and now even shared datacrons, but with the advent of KotFE they suddenly pulled a 180° with the alliance.


Different strokes, I guess. Whilst I likely won't bring all my alts through KotFE, I see no issue in the "Big 8". I'm in no hurry and there's plenty left to do/see/clobber/learn etc.


Hope you find something you enjoy as much as I do SWTOR. I know it's frustrating when a game just goes blah on ya. All of 'em have, so far, 'cept SWTOR.

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Hope you find something you enjoy as much as I do SWTOR. I know it's frustrating when a game just goes blah on ya. All of 'em have, so far, 'cept SWTOR.


Oh I haven't given up on her just yet, but it's somewhat painful to see it deviate from everything that made it a unique and fantastic experience for me.

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i always said that people who say this game is dying are just idiots now i can see why they were saying it and yeah they were right.

you dear BioWare done messed it up, first you removed the tech tree then you destroyed the companions and their skills (now all of them are the same thing with different skins) nothing is unique anymore and above all you are locking away content with a dead line, yeah content not a mount, not a armor or a gun, companions and missions are been locked out (not that companions mean anything anymore).

companions are meaning less if you compare the companions from mass effect to swtor you probably lose your mind when you see the missed opportunities.

over all im done too after this month is over im unsubbing too and you can keep your lame hk 55 jet pack and guns to your self . :mad:


Game has been on life support for some time. Where have you been?

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Game has been on life support for some time.




For me, personally, this game has been a failure since beta, which is never a good sign. Over all, it has, and still does, feel like more of a Star Wars knock-off rather than a full-fledged Star Wars game. They weren't even going to launch with space combat, which is a joke considering that the IP is STAR Wars. Around $200 million dollars to make and the game still looks cartoony, but not in the cartoonish Star Wars way, is too stiff (which is terrible as a game, but worse in an action packed IP like Star Wars), and the VO is really sub-par and overused (both in terms of the lines used multiple times, often out of context, or as in, VO actors clearly not even trying when being multiple characters), customer service is a complete joke for a good number of people (both paid and f2p) and numerous other issues, which they promptly topped off by supposedly blaming the fans for:



To be honest, nobody I know plays this anymore. The Free to Play model is atrocious, actually withholding rewards for not being a paying member, the store is way overpriced for how little you're getting (especially considering you have to pay extra to unlock account wide on the already egregious pricing), and anything good about this game is easily overshadowed by the sheer amount of terrible.


Admittedly, I have been enjoying the new story missions. I've liked that it seems like my decisions are actually counting for something finally (since it didn't until 2016 and they totally lied about it at launch). The missions have been semi-interesting, I've enjoyed coming across the various companions and seeing how they've handled the five-year absence of my characters, but even that is sullied by it all being a single story rather than one for each class. More so, when they're actually mentioning my other characters also being missing, so unless I'm getting my other characters as companions, it really does seem like a cop-out. And the HK inspired gear has been lackluster minus the helmet and jetpack. The only reason I came back was A) interesting story attempt, B) the Star Trek MMO is just as bad, but in different ways, C) I love Star Wars, so for as little as the game feels Star Warsy, it's the only Star Wars MMO out there.


At beta, I clearly remember seeing more people mad that this was a WoW clone than saying they needed it more like Wow, going so far as to even point out the jump animations had even been the same at that point. I've never played Wow, I doubt I ever will, but Star Wars needs to be more of a fast-paced action game than a fantasy with cast times. Hell, they couldn't even make this game feel like Kotor, which was the shame given that they were also advertising it to be Kotor 3, 4 , 5, 6, etc. And this was to the point where people started calling for an actual Kotor 3, and others are remaking Kotor in HD. The vision of this game was too narrow and limited, and they completely missed the point of Star Wars, even aiming in the right direction (story and character driven). They should have spent more money in character creation and customization, to allow for more options, actual race traits, and more species than just humans/painted humans/painted humans with stuff on their heads. Where are the Wookie players? Why can't we be Rodian or Bith? Nautolans, anyone? Hell, Togruta can't even wear headgear, and that's just new low in uncaring laziness. Most design decisions make little to no sense, or are really cool, minus that one thing that makes it unusable or so bad minus that one really cool part. Speeders (which have SPEED in the name) are insanely slow and stiff to use, even on the "fast" travel ones.


The animations are often terrible, kinda cool, or just look like I'm a kid flailing my arms about, rather than being a well-trained master saber duelist. And that's using the Ataru form, which you might remember as being the one Yoda used... not stiff, slow, or childlike flailing. I liked the idea of choreographing the combat, but even then, it still seems like two people flailing at each other, and not often (though sometimes) like a master combatant facing a worthy challenge.


Had this game not been Star Wars, I really doubt it would still be around. And after 200+ millions of dollars spent, they still haven't managed to capture any of the Star Wars feel, minus some of the music. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens, will have infinite more grasp on the Star Wars feel, better action and controls, VO, visual style, and will clearly be a better Star Wars Game for a lot less money.


Considering the fact that this is (barely) a Star Wars game, there was a record breaking Star Wars film released recently, there is new content, and there is already hype building for the next Star Wars movie and game, this game really does seem like a failure. While it's not dead yet, it's still too low a population for how big Star Wars is at the moment, especially with how poorly Star Trek is doing lately (their MMO sucks as well, just for very different reasons). When HardCore Star Wars fans are actively and angrily avoiding your Star Wars game, you know you've failed pretty hard.



I'm sure there are a million more things I could go on about, which lower the game as a whole (ship stuff, character stuff, combat stuff, the dumbing down of the game, etc), but this has already been rant enough for one day. I just... Star Wars deserved a much better MMO by people who understand Star Wars, not by people who wanted to tell a story and just happened to attach the IP to a bad product.

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"Life support"


These words you keep saying... I don't think they mean what you think they mean.


They are working an old ploy that has been common in societies fringe factions for hundreds of years. If they say it enough times, two things happen:


1) they start to believe their own propaganda.


2) low information players begin to believe the propaganda.


No objective person, who actually enjoys the game, is fooled by this nonsense.


One positive of this behavior though is ------> it shines a light on the propagandists and the low information players.

Edited by Andryah
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