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Episode/Chapter replay feature.


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I would love a feature where I could replay the class story missions for each class, as they are the highlight of this game and it is kind of sad that I have to create a new character just to experience the story again. I am not asking for any rewards from these quests again, just the option to replay them.
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I would love a feature where I could replay the class story missions for each class, as they are the highlight of this game and it is kind of sad that I have to create a new character just to experience the story again. I am not asking for any rewards from these quests again, just the option to replay them.


I'd say it'd be a worthwhile cartel shop feature. The ability to pay a couple of bucks to replay your class mission would be fantastic. Although - It should be made so you don't lose your legacy rewards for having completed chapters etc. I'd say that's almost a given though.

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How about, if we so choose, we can replay our Class Story with "Hardmode" activated?


I mean, once you complete your class story, you are likely at or near lvl 50. I'm not really interested in having to fight lvl 1 mobs all over again. We would have to do a lot of open world fighting against lower leveled mobs, that can't really be altered, but how about all the instanced zones having there difficulty knocked up to lvl 50, so we aren't just facerolling our way through about 3/4s of our class story?


If you choose to replay your class story normal mode, you don't get any rewards, just story imerssion. But if you replay it hardmode, it could be made worthwhile with some credits as quest rewards? 15% chance for lvl 50 Mods to drop from Elites? 15% chance to drop PvE Comendations from Hardmode Bosses...?


At any rate, +1. This is a fantastic idea.

Edited by Zenotraxium
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You lose a bit from the class quest by having to level up, do other quests in between, and the rest.


So, yes - a level 50 Class Quest replay would be great. See and enjoy the story all at once. Call it 'Cinematic Mode' - all the story, all the abilities!


The class stories are far and away the best thing about SWTOR, so why not?

Edited by smartalectwo
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  • 2 weeks later...
I still don't see why bioware hasn't implemented something like this to draw people in. They are after all bleeding subscribers.


It would definitely get me to stick around. I've levelled 7 alts now and I can't handle levelling even one more, no matter how good the story is. If the story was replayable, I would be a lifetime subscriber. I'm not going to be impressed with OPs and FPs trying to be 2007 WoW.

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It would definitely get me to stick around. I've levelled 7 alts now and I can't handle levelling even one more, no matter how good the story is. If the story was replayable, I would be a lifetime subscriber. I'm not going to be impressed with OPs and FPs trying to be 2007 WoW.


Couldn't agree more. There is so much things EAware could do that the community has been crying out for ages. Whether its pride or just flat out denying these ideas, it is a terrible business policy to not listen to your fans. Take the hood up/down example. People have been begging for this feature since the game released, yet they refuse to comment about it. My theory is that they are so egotistical since EA took over that they don't want to use any fan material in fear that it may show they are not "capable". ME3 was the perfect example of this, the fans gave bioware the indoctrination theory all the way down to the minute little details and clearly said "even if this isn't true, its free to use bioware". And look where that went. I must say over the past few months I have been getting more and more frustrated with Bio/EAware. Whether its their TERRIBLE customer service, to the simply ignoring of fans and their ideas. This one change in the game would renew a small amount of hope for me and the redemption of BIOWARE.

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Yes, I'd love to be able to replay my class quests! They are the best part of leveling up! I like the idea of a level 50 version, too. Add a little challenge to it. :)


Alternatively, even if I could just watch all the cutscenes again, I'd still be pretty thrilled.

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Throw in the opportunity to offer updated models or reskins of 'classic' story items, like Kallig's Countenance, the A-300 Needler pistol, the Republic Carbine, and possibly a set of iconic-look moddable armour rewards given at points throughout the storyline. A godsend for people who accidentally sold them and miss them.


Or - or, even, ooo - reward with armour and weapons that are meant to give the character the right 'look' for their story, like an actor's costume. 'Havoc Squad Chestplate', or 'Imperial Intelligence uniform'... you get the idea.


Throw in a title for people who complete their 'Hard Mode' class story.


Because, again, why not?

Edited by smartalectwo
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I'm about to finish my Sith Warrior class story and I'm growing increasingly reluctant to move forward because I don't want it to be over... :p


A hard mode (50 level) story quest would be most awesome. Easy win content.


I think that's a great idea! Not sure how that can be implemented regarding mob-levels, but during the Rakghoul world event we also had mobs with adjusted levels, so there may be a way to do it. A lot of the class story is instanced, anyway, so... yeah. (It isn't even necessary to have it all 100% at a hard mode level or even level 50, just where possible and easily implemented.)


In a more general way I'd love to be able to unlock a "story-only" play-through by hitting 50. (Restricted to the respective character or for all future characters of that class.) The unlock could also be tied to a certain legacy level.


But to focus on the most important point: Please give us a way to replay our class story!

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I would love a feature where I could replay the class story missions for each class, as they are the highlight of this game and it is kind of sad that I have to create a new character just to experience the story again. I am not asking for any rewards from these quests again, just the option to replay them.

Actually.. Getting the rewards again shouldn't be that much of an issue. Just exclude the titles from that, since those are more unique.


But I think it'd actually be nice to get the full outfits for several companions at various levels. Right now, every time you get a reward, you have to pick what companion to dress up.

And many of those companion outfits actually look NICE! I'd even suggest allowing a re-run of a players story at lvl 50, and scaling up all the enemies inside the class instances to 50 for those who do. And on top of that, instead of rewarding the low level companion outfits, giving them those same designs but in orange modable versions. Including that "pick one out of three" we get at the beginning of our story when we leave the starter planet.

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