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Everything posted by RoamFire

  1. It would be great to add an auto-exit option to all group members when the group leader changes the Ops/Fp difficulty, or trying to reset it. So many times we get people going in before the leader had a chance to make the change, going back and forth with "everyone leave plz".
  2. If you were my son, I would knock your teeth out. Should I remember each point you are answering on? Should I go and look it up because you were too lazy to write a proper reply? As stated before, improving the space portion of the game would be great, if only to provide a reason to board your ship.
  3. Bounty on players? have any of you given this more than 1 sec of thought? If you would try to use your brains, you got to have some, can't put it all on Aim! you may realize that you could place a bounty on other players when the new species added is a panda.
  4. So I got a few companions that love me, are well equipped, and can fill up roles in most flashpoints. And the question is, what next? Why can I not pull out my companion in any flashpoint/operation, even when the group is full? It is cool to have them go off and do your crafting for you, but one of them is always free, and there should not be any reason not to bring it with you.
  5. Your opinion is very one sided, so I will disregard the raid (Ops) comment since it is a personal preference. As for PvP, first I must state that gear separation is very important precisely because of players like you, who could not care less for Ops and therefore must have a unique way to gear up in PvP, for PvP. I think PvP gear drop can be modeled after PvE gear drop mechanism, where you get comm's to buy low to mid level tier gear while high end tier gear is obtained from succeeding in objectives and rolling for those few drops. And PvP in general, we need more zones, bigger zones, WAY bigger zones. The current warzones we have are more like arenas, a true warzone should have multiple resources, way more than any group could hold, think "Alterac Valley". PvP in warzones should be more than just who has better gear and can gang on a turret, some strategy, some local NPC obstacles to slow down, etc...
  6. There is much to be said about how a great user experience would benefit the player population, the usage of the cartel marketing, and for full time subs. As it is now the game feel, once you have reach endgame, is of a collection of mini games, loosely connected by the star wars theme. Another thing about endgame reasons for playing, is loot. Yes, loot! and we don't have any! Sure we got lots of stuff and can customize our looks, but there is not gear so unique that it takes real effort and dedication to get it. The peak of World of Warcraft user base happens to be when loot was very unique and very hard to collect. Take for example the "Warglaive of Azzinoth", a unique drop from Illidan, millions ran the raid again and again for a chance to get those, to have a set of both was a mark of pride. That is something we should see in SWTOR, loot that makes the wearer proud to show off...
  7. The game is great, and has great potential, but it has one huge flaw, It is designed around a player story and through a miscalculation works as a single player game, missing the whole point of being an online game. What is missing is a smooth gaming experience, and I'll try to address the different problems that block the game from being a good mmo. The fleet. The center of player interaction and activity. The big problem with the fleet is that it is disconnected from the activity of the whole community, and by whole community I include both sides of the galactic struggle. It is a train station, a shopping mall, and a chat room. But is it an empty void, there is no possibility for "star wars" interaction, No bounty hunters will ever skulk around, no smugglers will attempt to hijack Ziost Shadow. There is no option for some excitement. This is not a PvP requirement, if you are on your fleet ship, even on PvP servers you can ignore anyone and do your thing. But should that Jedi consular, in their fancy nightgowns, /slap you on your own ship, will you really let is slide? But better yet, the republic and the empire should construct a massive base on the same world, a base comparable to the fleet base. All this is to create the feeling of a one big universe, a seamless continues galaxy for players to explore. The leveling experience. It is awesome to have 8 stories to explore, but, once you have done one story in each side, leveling by story and quests is boring. A good option to minimize the need to repeat the same world quests with new characters is to increase the XP gained from class story quests when one class has completed it's third chapter, per faction. Another option, and maybe better when it comes to game balance, more quests, more more more! The worlds themselves are very limited, some I feel could have been expanded much more, to include more varied leveling zones, Tatooine, Alderaan, Corelia, Hoth, Ilum, Nar Shaddaa, these worlds are untapped, they are too limited while having the potential to be expanded far beyond. Each of these is viable for a 3-5 level range, and 2-3 more for bonus content, while they could easily include areas to allow for 15-20 leveling range. These changes not only allow for players to choose their unique leveling experience it also offers more space and opportunities to expand on cross faction interaction, a.k.a camping the flight master! Ilum. What a waste... A whole world, alive for a week, each time the gree make an appearance, but a dead wasteland in any other occasion. This whole world that has lost its purpose when group finder was created, and the PvP zone that never worked was removed, this world should allow for a world wide PvP experience, and maybe a unique access to an operation or a set of flashpoints accessible only to the controlling faction.
  8. WHAT???? I most certainly do not agree to take a hit on my DPS just to be able to hold a stick. And nobody else should agree to that too! Putting it bluntly, anyone weilding a staff in my OPS will find a boot print on their back.
  9. A bounty hunting system was already suggested. If we ignore that it is simply stupid, and by that I mean forcing a player to be subject to other players judgement, the part of "Identified by BioWare" is the most ************** (use your imagination). Look at it this way, do you really expect anyone at BioWare or EA to actually go and start verifying the legitemacy of every player that happens to spam messages?
  10. Simply put, all weapon skills that are not double bladed lightsabre are useless, since shadow/assasin core skills require on a double bladed lightsabre. BioWare should fix that and allow any staff like weapon to be used as a double bladed lightsabre.
  11. So my guild and sub guild branches are about 400 people. If we decided you are enemy #1 for us, we could report and verify you... after all 400 ppl can't be wrong. put a bounty on you and get your account deleted, just cause we can. Any other bright ideas? Aside from that, seeing as this 'idea' will require a substantial amount of effort to make, from past experience with game breaking changes being added, what is the likelihood this CUI 'idea' (conceived under influence) will ever, EVER, be implemented? Of all the... insane ideas, this one takes the cake.
  12. I miissed some of the fine notes in this one post, A. Cartel items, rare or not, are for the cartel only... If you did not understand it yet, the cartel market is a way to make money, real money for EA. You can't make money if you let cartel items drop for people "patrolling". B. PVP idea, REALLYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Patroling while flagged??? This idea is as good as "stay online for 2 hours" and get your comms.
  13. What you are suggesting, will also become repetitive, and ultimately boring. Aside from the fact that weekend only mission is an inconceivable idea, simply because its discriminating, The idea to make daily events repeat 2, 3, or more times a day is ludicrous. It is already boring to run any of the daily FP's, you want to make something repeat even more?
  14. I agree, but here is something you should know... They started in a bubble, just like .com bubble, and the housing crisis bubble, people still don't learn from past mistakes. The bubble was made out of the Star Wars and BioWare names, and at the top EA stepped in. And just like any corporate, all they see is $$$, and just like any other corporate, they strangle any innovation and shove their defecations down the pipe. The game started great, real innovation over an existing formula. And now its just existing formula with the goal of making money with the least amount of effort. Its not all bad, but not all good. And it is sad, but do you really think it will change?
  15. Doing dailies vs. changing my spec because my team needs me to fill a dps spot and not a tank spot? There is no comparison, wtx are you blabbering about? This is not a content issue, simply convenience. I have unlocked respec on the fly, now I would like to have a talent/action bar layout/gear template I could apply on the fly. It is simply the next logical step to improve.
  16. Why not? We don't "need" dual spec, but it would be a very nice to have. And it would be a much more useful nice to have than /menace Although, /readycheck would be even better. Thank you, we get it, you pointed out the spellig mistake, good for you.
  17. Another thing to consider in open world PVP zones, Quests. Long quest lines, ending with daily/weekly quests... just for those that want to go quest where they can be sure that trouble will find them, and usually in the most inappropriate of times.
  18. because this is not designed for a different "aspect", just for those that have too much time on their hands. f2p players dont get all the content becasue.. lets see... they play for FREE?! maybe? PVP vs PVE get exactly what they invest in, and they can do their quests whenever. but content that is only, and ONLY for the weekend? just because you have nothing better to do than finish all the available content during the week? How about you avoid doing the weekly quests until the weekend, so that you have something to do? Sorry if this feels personal, but this idea is akin to things that would get me banned if I write them down.
  19. First you can play a googol warzones and have a full elite war hero set, and you will still be a smear on the floor in HM Ops. That is because PVP gear is designed for PVP. Expertiese is a mitigation stat, because not all classes are equal, and you need to balance out the damage vs defense diferrence between class combinations. It may be removed but that is a monumental task and I would not hold my breath for it. As for hating to heal because someone with way way better gear can stomp you to the ground... well, do your dailies.
  20. Here is a suggestion based on an existing idea. Open world PVP on Tatooine or Ilum, any side that conquers the area will get a two hour window to access a new flashpoint or an operation, exclusive to that faction and PVP location, with mostly PVP related rewards. After the two hour window expires, for a rally time frame the zone will not be PVP, and there should be a fleet wide announcement to prepare for the battle. And after a 30 minute wait time, have the objectives reset, and let the fight begin again.
  21. What you are suggesting is simply content exclusive to just a portion of people, which will give them an extra unfair chance to gain over others. And that is because you are suggesting a limiting time window. Add more content, yes. Limit content to specific days of the week, no!
  22. Do your dailies, and the hell with what delta-bravo think. As long as those comm's keep on coming. You'll get to full BM and start on your WH long before any change. Besides, considering your suggestion, unreasonable and way open for exploit. A simple example is, an over powered BM/WH can put on full recruit, roll in and dress up... with a full group doing that its easy picking. And I just thought on three more ways to go around nothing better than recruit limitation...
  23. How about just a replay, no chooses, no interaction. Just an automatic run through the conversations, and cut scenes.
  24. Can we get colored ground markers? colored smoke grenades, maybe? Or, "Stand Here" marker droids? Something to setup a battle field and help in troop deployment
  25. A ready check would be awesome, I know it's need has been voiced already, But, please get it done.
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