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Subscribers check your cartel coin ledgers, BioWare may be ripping you off.


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We've all read the FAQ before, they'll tell you you're supposed to get your subscribers' grant every 30 days. Anyone who has put in a ticket about their cartel coins being late has also been told there may be a delay of up to 72 hours.


What they don't tell you is that every time your cartel coin grants have one of those delays, the 30-day countdown until your next grant doesn't start until after that 72 hour "processing" time. This has been happening consistently on the accounts of myself and several others, leading to cartel coin grants coming in on a 33 day cycle instead of every 30 days.


Trying to contact support about this has been a fun experience, with them trying to pass the whole thing off by saying that I don't know how to read a calendar. It took until my fourth ticket for someone to acknowledge there's a problem and that they would "look into it," but also saying there was nothing they could do to help.


The purpose of this topic is to show folks an easy way to check if they are receiving their cartel coins on time, and to show just how much of an impact this delay can have when it is allowed to compound itself.


To check your cartel coin grants, find two consecutive grant dates in your ledger, then head over to this site. Entering the two dates will give you a count of how many days there were between grants. If your grants are coming in every 30 days then you are good to go, but if you, like me, are receiving them every 33 days, then you may want to make a ticket.


And now for the boring math portion of this post. The left column below shows the dates I have been receiving my grants since I reactivated last year. The right column of dates are where I would have received grants had I been actually receiving them every 30 days. Dates are in MM/DD/YY format.


08/03/15 --- 08/03/15

09/05/15 --- 09/02/15 (3 days difference)

10/08/15 --- 10/02/15 (6 days)

11/10/15 --- 11/01/15 (9 days)

12/13/15 --- 12/01/15 (12 days)

01/15/16 --- 12/31/15 (15 days)

02/17/16 --- 01/30/16 (18 days)

03/21/16 --- 02/29/16 (21 days)


As you can see, initially the 3 days aren't so bad, but now they have built up to where my latest grant was three weeks late compared to a 30-day cycle. After ten months, the delay builds to a full 30 days, meaning you would only have received 9 grants over the course of those 10 months.


Despite repeatedly asking support to address it, I still haven't gotten an answer as to whether I could even receive my final cartel coin grant when my subscription runs out in September, since by following this pattern forward, my final grant wouldn't come until more than 36 days past the end date of my subscription. I encourage anyone who is seeing a similar 33 day pattern on their cartel coins to make a ticket and reply here, so we can show this isn't just a couple of isolated accounts, it's an intrinsic problem in the way their system tracks grants that they need to fix.

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Good catch. I think this is a big issue they should address as it directly relates to a false advertisement. The false advertisement is that you do get your cartel coins every 30days on a 30day cycle, when really you are in fact getting screwed by not getting them every 30 days as shown by OP, but it is not evident till a good 7-10months has passed. However, at this point, staying subbed for 7-10 months consistently right now is something rare in and of itself due to the state of game for a majority of players. Most take a good month or two break (Note: I didn't say everybody, but most do hit the unsub button within that time period at least once.)


Good work.

Edited by LegionAlpha
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However, at this point, staying subbed for 7-10 months consistently right now is something rare in and of itself due to the state of game for a majority of players. Most take a good month or two break (Note: I didn't say everybody, but most do hit the unsub button within that time period at least once.)

You have no idea what "most" do.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Good catch. I think this is a big issue they should address as it directly relates to a false advertisement. The false advertisement is that you do get your cartel coins every 30days on a 30day cycle, when really you are in fact getting screwed by not getting them every 30 days as shown by OP, but it is not evident till a good 7-10months has passed. However, at this point, staying subbed for 7-10 months consistently right now is something rare in and of itself due to the state of game for a majority of players. Most take a good month or two break (Note: I didn't say everybody, but most do hit the unsub button within that time period at least once.)


Good work.


So infact the company it's hurting the harcore players or what it's the same, their most loyal player base.

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Oh... and they erased our "Show your payment history" so we cant see how much CC they owe us already... Im a sub since 2012 but now I can see just my last 15 payments from 2015 to present day. Can you see your older payments?
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Yeah, something's off. I'm seeing perfect 33-day intervals right up until year's end (12/30), but then on 01/02, I have another grant. Whew, looks like it sorts itself out, right? Wrong. Next grant is on 03/05, 63 days later. I'm assuming I won't see the next one before 07/04.


Evidently this is on an uninterrupted subscription. I'd send a ticket, but my ability to trust M0-T0 to do anything beyond copy-pasting an irrelevant reply has been greatly diminished...

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And now for the boring math portion of this post. The left column below shows the dates I have been receiving my grants since I reactivated last year. The right column of dates are where I would have received grants had I been actually receiving them every 30 days. Dates are in MM/DD/YY format.


08/03/15 --- 08/03/15

09/05/15 --- 09/02/15 (3 days difference)

10/08/15 --- 10/02/15 (6 days)

11/10/15 --- 11/01/15 (9 days)

12/13/15 --- 12/01/15 (12 days)

01/15/16 --- 12/31/15 (15 days)

02/17/16 --- 01/30/16 (18 days)

03/21/16 --- 02/29/16 (21 days)




I think some folks are misinterpreting this to mean that the interval between grants is slowly increasing. I don't think this is the case, as the interval you show seems to remain at 33 days each time.


If it were truly adding an extra 3 days on and compounding, then your intervals would be 33, 36, 39, 42 days, etc. eventually stretching to over two months between grants. I don't see this in the pattern you posted. It seems to remain a steady 33 day interval.


Can't speak for others but I'll take 33 days; it's not that huge a deal to me.

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Fine, but to most I bet it's quite a big deal. It would be to me.


That's fair enough. If it can get changed via CS tickets it would be kewl. I'll even check my dates and put one in myself if it's happening to me.


Time will tell.

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I think some folks are misinterpreting this to mean that the interval between grants is slowly increasing. I don't think this is the case, as the interval you show seems to remain at 33 days each time.


If it were truly adding an extra 3 days on and compounding, then your intervals would be 33, 36, 39, 42 days, etc. eventually stretching to over two months between grants. I don't see this in the pattern you posted. It seems to remain a steady 33 day interval.


Can't speak for others but I'll take 33 days; it's not that huge a deal to me.


It is an increasing interval, relative to the actual date the Coins are supposed to be issued.


If I bought a 180-day subscription on Jan 1st 2016, with the understanding that I would get CCs issued every 30 days, then I would expect to get Coins on:

Jan 1st

Jan 31st

March 1st

March 31st

April 30th

May 30th


But by getting them every 33 days - tolling from the date of the actual issuance, not the original due-date - you get an expanding interval:

Jan 1st

Feb 3rd (3 days late from Jan 31st)

March 7th (6 days late from March 1st)

April 9th (9 days late from March 31st)

May 12th (12 days late from April 30th)

June 14 (15 days late from May 30th)

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Perhaps it's a matter of principle, rather than raw dollar value.




It might not be a big financial loss depending on how long this has been going on and how long a player has subscribed, but the "Whatever!? I don't care attitude" displayed here sure serves to explain how certain companies can get away with their less than honest behaviour.

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It is an increasing interval, relative to the actual date the Coins are supposed to be issued.


If I bought a 180-day subscription on Jan 1st 2016, with the understanding that I would get CCs issued every 30 days, then I would expect to get Coins on:

Jan 1st

Jan 31st

March 1st

March 31st

April 30th

May 30th


But by getting them every 33 days - tolling from the date of the actual issuance, not the original due-date - you get an expanding interval:

Jan 1st

Feb 3rd (3 days late from Jan 31st)

March 7th (6 days late from March 1st)

April 9th (9 days late from March 31st)

May 12th (12 days late from April 30th)

June 14 (15 days late from May 30th)


This is a mathematical illusion. Regardless of the calendar dates appearing to shift, the interval remains a constant 33 days. What would seem to happen, as some have observed, is that it adds up over the course of a year to only 11 grants instead of 12.


Again this is not a HUGE deal to me, but I'll still put in a ticket of my own to support the cause.

Edited by Taramayne
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