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10 Good
  1. SWG at it's end had more players than this game have now, more fun and thrilling things to do way more active PvP players at mostly ANYTIME, a really fun TCG (best TCG after Magic I ever played) cantinas full of people (buffing, geting buffed, and BH chassing their marks LOL) and 0 gamble boxes, was only subscription and was a blast. Just take a look at this and see how many people were there crying before they plug the thing off. I'll hear about SWG coming live again and I'll joing instantly. This game it's a moneygrab grave and it was mean to fail since day 1 with most of SWG just hating it because what happened. Someone will come and say that they are different beast, no they don't both share same fantasy one recreated it better and the other don't one was designed to have fun and the other it's designed to milk money. At the end it's really nice to know that bad people get wht they deserve (no as often as good people will like) Came to this game trying to have fun but I come from other games (MMO's) and basically all of them are the same gamble thing now with mega crates, gold boxes and whatnot and it's the only reason that this game exist, it's artificially keep alive just because they still earn proffit investing the minimun on it even if that means having their player base dissatisfied. Pupulations Dropping hell yeah you can bet, I'm here waiting to run out of sub and didn't loged into the game for a week now, not like I'm willing neither, have way more fun things to do tbh.
  2. That's what I'm afraid off, a really smart guy behind the bussines desk.
  3. So infact the company it's hurting the harcore players or what it's the same, their most loyal player base.
  4. It's so dirty what all related SW it's becoming that I'm done with big publishers and SW rather i go play something like http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-polaris-sector-alliance which it's a mod that it's coming for a really AWESOME game http://store.steampowered.com/app/418250/ Polaris sector a brand new game of a modet company that it's aimed for fun and not a money grab that big publishers are now into. This game it's a money grab same as Battlefront and the only reason people are coming to this game it's because they have been already scamed in other games just to find that they are being scamed here too. Now days you will have more fun with modest games of modest publishers than big games of big publishers that just become to greedy to care of their player base.
  5. Confirmed on my account, it's happening and may no be a lot but in 300.000 players that make some bad numbers there. For me it's the last sub, coz the product it's not what I spected, but if I where a regular I will be really pissed out.
  6. Oh boy! you make my day bud, early in the morning with a beautifull ROFL!
  7. Even if they are competent but lack gear the game it's sided to the healer team again, problem it's matchmaking in almost every match I play, do pvp all days and with 5 different proffesions and the unbalanced teams it's the bread and butter of the problems that pvp suffers from. Because the matchmatching algoritm it's something like; you pvp? -> if yes random warzone ->pvp gear check ->null NN->Valor check-> null NN, rather than; you pvp? check gear -> if expertise < 2018 check valor if <10 you play with nobs and among them. Otherwhise you wallow in the blood and mud with all the other pigs.
  8. Actually what it's canon it's that LS are crafted only by force user, and obiously are not for sell in any randon AH or obtained on a gamble box that's for sure but we are in a free market world where the "owners" close good games to open other schemes of bussines and where they have all the power to bend all what it's consider canon and twist it in a way that the final product resembles little to nothing of what it was intended to. So yeah SWTOR it's everyday looking less Starwarsy and resembles more and more the STO* with all that gamble boxes and unnecesary and overpriced cartel market that at the end of the day seems that work better than anything in virtual worlds like to look different or unique among fellow players it's the only achivement that people can overcome with ease "for a price" *STO: Star trek online = gamble box online.
  9. Worked in other games, may work here aswell if there were some kind of organized pvp or RvR event that were worth the effort. But the lack of objetives, or "ground control game" conquest doesn't count as it's the most lamest content that this game have, so yeah although warzone are somehow fun it's as casual as it could possible be since the lack of transcendence in the game make it redundant, repetitive and due to class inbalances sometimes boring. But if there were a pvp TS3 for pvp you can bet that pvp'rs will hop on it.
  10. /signed Devs listen your playerbase they are screaming for something with unanimous voice.
  11. If you are let's say a smuggy born of perhaps a noble house in Alderaan and in your youth you learn fencing technics you could prolly use a light saber with good results, but I guess that the technics and technology to build one are only revealed to force users so probably it's a somehow restricted for the common folk. That bring us to the point of questionig why the hell are LS selling in the GTN? or the cartel market.
  12. Usually if I want a good history I read a good book, in games however y try to use my imagination more than anything else, usually when it comes down to classes the problem comes of inbalance between them that comes with the problem of Alpha classes and everybody playing them because they are OP whereas on hybrid class systems people feel more freedom and tend to play what they like more furthermore since you have more options for specialization you can always find a combination that it's suited to take down another and so on. I guess it's good to observe that we are playing a game in a distopian technological universe where a society will prolly have way more specializations that we get here and the advanced class system it's not reflecting that accurately IMO, neither it's reflecting it in means of technological equipment, or the lack of space that being a STAR WARS tittle this game have. So if the main aim of the dev team it's on storytelling they should provide players the tools to create their own adventures.
  13. Plus doping no doping no win this days where childs of 16 in humble teams struggle with teams where all of the members follow stric mediacal care and suited and personal doping programs to win all the big prizes on the best competitions. Have been 6 years on a cycling team, worst experience ever so far, later get into triathlon and it's ever more nasty it's widespread and EVERYBODY it's cheating.
  14. The lack of a good matchmaking systems it's what it's hurting a lot PC multyplayers games now days look PC Battlefront for instance of a really big problem. Match making loby, the ability of a game to provide a user of a way to pick his desired fighting scenario it's by no means necesary in multyplayer games, hutball, arenas, why I have to play those if I don't like them a bit? Why my team it's full of dps and non a single healer while the enemy team have 2? Why I joined a match which it's already lost? Why I have to play whit people that don't even have PvP gear, why pvp gear anyways?
  15. Perhaps a light saber it's to much for a smuggy but a smuggy fencer could be pretty cool, I will change on the fly my scattergun witha vibro-cutlass or sword ^ ^
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