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Everything posted by jubakumbi

  1. Wow. A rational gamer. Kinda like seeing a unicorn....
  2. You don't even stop for once and think, "Am I the one with incorrect expectations? Could this game simply not be the one for me?" They are keeping plenty of customers happy, just not the handful than kvetch on the forums like incessant little parrots.
  3. I have purposely played on 'quiet' MMO servers for the last 16 years. They always exist, and there are always players fighting to shut them down, because they cannot seem to take responsibility for their own happiness. If you want to move and it means you have to re-build - then Boo Hoo, it means you have to play the game some more, get over it. if it feels like work, you are already doing it wrong. IMO. The same circles, round and round - these are arguments players have had for more than a decade. This has nothing do with the technology or the game - this is a pure people problem. Some of us are extroverted and need the crowd of others around to re-assure us we made the right choice. Some of us are introverted and just want a interaction with a only few other players, now and then, or we get anxious. Some of us fluctuate through the spectrum of the introvert/extrovert rainbow. If you don't like the server you are on, it is your responsibility to change that, not EA. If you like a game but won't play it when there are servers that cater to all levels of the introvert/extrovert rainbow, then I don't want to play games with you anyway, TBH.
  4. You really believe your own, made-up numbers don't you? Your mind is so closed to the possibility something other than the death of the product is occuring because of your myopic viewpoint. You apparently cannot conceive that other play the game for different reasons and still support the game, seemingly _more_ than the 'elite players'. PvP/Elite Raiders just cannot conceive that MMOs are not, in fact, dependent upon their good graces or even having such features in an MMO for it to be successful. I have played many that are/were plenty successful with little to no support for these playstyles. All of your information, much of it I realize in your mind was 'researched', is, as has been pointed out to you, anecdotal at best. That is just how information and facts work. You might have some facts, but they are anecdotal in nature because of the methods involved. Only EA has the real statistics on the usage of the game, period. No matter how much you love to ignore that, they know more than you do. Now, while the PvP/Elite Raider aspect of the game _may_ be dwindling, as your 'evidence' and the anecdotal evidence of others seems to indicate, that does not, in anyway, automatically mean the game as a business is dead. It just means the game changed and you cannot or will not accept what it has become. If you _really_ think you know _so much more_ about running a financially successful game, then perhaps you should be sending EA your resume. All financial information we have at this time points to the game doing just fine - just not what You want to to be doing. You appear to still be young enough to know everything, but that too will change, or you will lead a very lonely life.
  5. To quote a long forgotten user on the forums of a dead MMO: "There was less uproar when they changed health care providers at my huge, publicly traded company." Some of you really don't have much else in life to do than kvetch about videos games. Wish I had that kind of time, all the time and still afford to pay my mortgage. So your preferred method of entertainment has/is changing...learn to live with change or get mauled by life. SWTOR is just entertainment, nothing more and it will not last forever - enjoy it while you can.
  6. Or that the dynamic of the player base has shifted to more non fleet oriented players.
  7. Is it so difficult for some of you to grasp that you have outgrown what this game has to offer? Nothing lasts forever. No MMO or any video game can fill the void in your life forever, nor is it intended to do so. If you are done with this game, move on to another and please stop yelling at the rest of us, and the developers, that like the game. How is it so difficult for some of you to realize it's just time for you to move on; there is simply no video game in which you can live forever and avoid the RL...yet. If you have 'done it all', then move on to the next thing that makes you happy and stop trying to make the rest of us as unhappy as you are! Just GO and let the rest of us enjoy the game.
  8. And you guys wonder why they don't give out more information. Really, raging gamers with all their problem and puzzle solving abilities still have no clue about how to interact with other people. It makes me wonder why anyone would even try to make a game for such rude bags of mostly water.
  9. They are trapped by their brain chemistry, don't be too harsh. But, yeah, I am laughing about it as well - a ton of gamer rage from having too much testosterone and not enough patience - as if 2 weeks is any real length of time unless you cannot yet drive a car I guess. Oh wait - I guess I am laughing at you, not with you. So, you think fact that no one said anything about a fix, that they were possible either not informed of or told not to mention, means they failed. Yeah, I am laughing at you.
  10. Thank you for posting this, even though I hate that you have to placate the minority of loud, raging gamers that do not truly represent your player-base, so that they do not cause PR nightmares for the game for no good reason. Rabid fans are the bane of any good thing and they are blind to that fact. As you can see, forum posters already in this thread are clueless as to how these things work, much less the ability to converse in reasonable discourse, so I always applaud you guys for taking the time to post, knowing you will get so much unfiltered gamer rage-hate. Please keep on working hard to make a great game; there are thousands of us enjoying it, regardless of the hate and ignorance tossed around the Internet about SWOTOR.
  11. Then vote with your wallet. That is your recourse. As for the rest of your response, do you _really_ want to lay down the 'revolution' thing over MMO code? Really? We are all going to rise up and tell those MMO developers that we will be heard and they will clean that code right up? Really? That we won't accept medicrity, blah blah blah.. This is not a country - it's video game corporations. Have you looked at the state of most large code bases that actually run things, like the money that tracks you credit card bills? It sucks. And the code in these video games is generally more complex. Guess what? It has bugs too. The whole "We are not going to stand for this! We will rise up!" over a video game is laughable at best.
  12. I have no religion toward PvE or PvP. 2 weeks is nothing. Period. Unless you still think turning 21 is a big deal I guess. If people get angered and frustrated enough over a bug in an MMO to not play it, they need to not play MMOs. I am tired of communities online forcing this level of baby-care for these little immature demanding gamer jerks. There is no news. Grow up and learn to live in the real world.
  13. Sure, WoW might get patched faster if the ROI was there. In general, they have far more resources that could be re-tasked as well though. Expecting the SWTOR studio and the WoW studio to react in the same way just shows how uninformed most people are as to how companies work.
  14. Two weeks in the corporate software development world is nothing. In that time, you are lucky if you have enough meetings to decide what the agenda for the real meeting will be. Bugs are simply prioritized. If it really does impact the bottom line less, then it really will just keep getting pushed back. That's how corporate software development works. So yes, if it impacts the bottom line less in terms of ROI to fix a bug over another, it is possible, and probable, for bug to continually get pushed. Welcome to reality, welcome to MMOs - this has never changed. Additionally, until they are 110% sure the fix works and works on the live servers for any bug, they have been hesitant I am sure to say anything anyway, because we both know, no matter what, they get yelled at by the players. Too many forum goers treat the developers like slaves or worse. Learn patience and realize this is, in fact, just a pastime, not your electricity, and it does not, in anyway shape or form, have to be perfect. Do you do your job perfectly? I think not.
  15. Perhaps there is nothing yet to convey? You know if they say anything like that. "we are looking at it" then they will be crucified. You know if they say nothing, they will be crucified. Which is smarter?
  16. I have no ulterior motives here. I don't care if I get the last word - I woke up and checked the post. I certainly don't care if it's on the front page or not. I don't think I said desperate, but you do like to inflate language. To answer your question, I made the post to convey the information in the post. And then you lash out - kind of like trying to help a drowning person, which I have had too much experience with TBH. To further the thoughts of my last post... My hope that you will be able grow as a person. Look, you don't like that I think your outlook is paranoid and delusional. What you don't realize, is so is everyone IMO. A little bit of paranoia goes a long way though. You have to temper such things with wisdom, which only really comes over time, with patience. As for delusion, we all live in our our little delusions, it's how our brains work. Recognizing these things and actively re-programming ourselves in a positive manner to become better people is my goal. This all started over nothing more than a rant about a meaningless video game pastime. I read the post knowing it would be a inflammatory pile of crap before I read it; certainly with no agenda toward the poster because I hardly look at the names. I posted in it because I love to try and get people to think about they say and write; I think we should all challenge ourselves in that regard. I posted because I don't much like seeing people with hate agendas move them forward. I posted because I felt like it. The OP seems to think there is hidden meaning in everything; I was once young and in-experienced enough to think the same. Frankly, the entire viewpoint of the original post is nothing more than a young mind learning how the world works, IMO. I just love to interact with growing minds.
  17. Attention. It's pretty obvious. In case you were wondering, it's really big a reason humans make any soft of noise, including pain. You have made it clear that you think you have been wronged by both the game itself, EA, and the people that play the game, based on the posts I have read. Hopefully your interaction with SWTOR and it's community is a learning experience for you. I am really hoping you find a way to understand companies are not out to get you and everyone is not out to rip you off because otherwise, you are going to have a very unhappy life with that amount of paranoia. I know it took me and my friends until our 30's to realize how we had been in our late teens 20s, thinking we knew more than everyone else. This is all pretty normal. In our hyper instant information society, it allows humans that have not fully matured their brains (happens in the mid 20s) think they know even more, but they have not yet learned wisdom. You cannot really win over the genetic code and brain chemistry that make up your rig. Anyway OP, good luck.
  18. Makes me remember the quote: "I wish I was young enough to know everything."
  19. This is paranoid delusion. Where is even one tiny bit of evidence of this? I mean, even in the news from a game company doing something like this, ever.
  20. More paranoid, unsubstantiated delusions. Companies exist to make money. You are you now saying that the developers of the game purposefully lie and cheat the player-base. Show us on the wallet where the mean company bad-touched you. If one, single person claimed a issue with one, single small part of code, with no proof at all, why would anyone that allocates resources think it prudent to investigate this over other issues? Man, some people really don't know how anything in the real world works.
  21. Oh yes, could not possibly you that is mistaken, no possible chance at all whatsoever because human memory is 100%.
  22. So, your brain chemistry addicts you to Star Wars games. Since you think is the only available option, you feel like you have been kidnapped and you are taking that frustration out on the rest of us. And, of course, this is all somehow not your fault. Thanks so much...
  23. I see we will have to agree to disagree. There is no fault, because their is no problem, other than your attitude toward EA. I will never, ever, understand someone that gives money to a company they think are 'rip off artists' for entertainment, other than to assume thier brain chemistry traps them into doing so; I don't give my entertainment dollars to companies I dislike. Pretty simple. No need for forum drama, just leave. I have done so many times. Not all games or game companies are compatible with all people. Welcome to reality.
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