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Rumors can never be taken too seriously. Just look at the commitment the Devs and publisher have to this game if you want reassurance...


The sarcasm is strong in this one....

Though I do agree with you to some extent, that doesn't mean I think the game is getting its plug pulled. People have been spouting this crap since the first week after launch (the OP's question btw).

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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EQ1, 30,000 players (last count I saw) and still kickin'...just sayin'.


Yes the development slowed (in its heyday there was an "expansion" [equivalent to a WOW content patch] every six months), but they released the 22nd expansion for that game in October 2015 (https://www.everquest.com/news/september-producers-letter-holly-longdale-everquest).


The point is that if you have enough diehard fans you can sustain an MMO indefinitely. And the Star Wars IP alone should accomplish that. SWG shut down ONLY because SOE did not/could not re-up their license (the specifics of what happened have never been released).

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Not only that, but MMOs aren't very console friendly. The next movement will be to shared online worlds, not necessarily the same thing as an "MMO".


You thinking something along the lines of DCUO where console and PC are merged? Designed that way from startup with fewer buttons and all that.

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You thinking something along the lines of DCUO where console and PC are merged? Designed that way from startup with fewer buttons and all that.


Those just make for bad compromise setups that don't take advantage of the strengths of each platform and have to cope with the weaknesses of all the platforms.


Lowest common denominator; a product that tries to be all things to everyone ends up being just about nothing to almost anyone.

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The sarcasm is strong in this one....

Though I do agree with you to some extent, that doesn't mean I think the game is getting its plug pulled. People have been spouting this crap since the first week after launch (the OP's question btw).

I don't think the plug is being pulled either - we'd sure as hell not be getting new chapters if it were, EA isn't stupid enough to try to string people along by flushing away $, but I don't believe there will be much beyond the new WZ, the new arena and the final chapters...I hope I'm very wrong though :)

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Those just make for bad compromise setups that don't take advantage of the strengths of each platform and have to cope with the weaknesses of all the platforms.


Lowest common denominator; a product that tries to be all things to everyone ends up being just about nothing to almost anyone.

I agree completely Max...it's a terrible way to develop new games...but...it's also the biggest bang for the buck, right? Isn't that what seems to be guiding major development these days?

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Let's start a new rumor, just for fun. I vote the next rumor be "Droids will be a playable race, but they will only be HRD-style droids due to technical limitations." Just enough insight into the "why" so as to be believable, using obscure Star Wars jargon to sell it, but clearly false because it's like saying "Let's add laser guns to Far Cry Primal!"
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Let's start a new rumor, just for fun. I vote the next rumor be "Droids will be a playable race, but they will only be HRD-style droids due to technical limitations." Just enough insight into the "why" so as to be believable, using obscure Star Wars jargon to sell it, but clearly false because it's like saying "Let's add laser guns to Far Cry Primal!"


CONFIRMED! We get the bonus chapter where we play as HK-55.

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The Game currently is basically Mass Effect Multiplayer, but with more often updates and patches.


Not sure what's the ratio of profit vs what it cost to keep the machine running but i don't see the game shutting down any time soon.

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Personally i never normally believe all the negative talk.. However if we could just get some reassurance its not gonna happen anytime soon that would be great

And what if it were true? What kind of tragedy would that be, exactly? The will eventually end. Until it ends or until you stop having fun playing, just play it.

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Hearing lots of rumours in game that the plug is about to be pulled on the game.

I just wondered if the Devs could give us abit if reassurance it's not.

The rumours stem from

With a talked about bug fix that was due to take place Tuesday not happening with no word from Devs

Credit spammers have halved there prices overnight many see this as they are ITK so to speak

The fact the PTS was pulled early last night


Personally i never normally believe all the negative talk.. However if we could just get some reassurance its not gonna happen anytime soon that would be great



i think the credit price is from massive exploiting going on that the devs do nothing about.


credit spammers spam for weeks, botters bot for months, exploits are left alone for months


basically they don't care about the game, we don't know if it is because of incompetence or because the plug is being pulled. my guess is incompetence and the higher ups have no idea how poorly run the game is and how it could easily generate more revenue if they actually policed the game and stopped botters and spammers

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i think the credit price is from massive exploiting going on that the devs do nothing about.


credit spammers spam for weeks, botters bot for months, exploits are left alone for months


basically they don't care about the game, we don't know if it is because of incompetence or because the plug is being pulled. my guess is incompetence and the higher ups have no idea how poorly run the game is and how it could easily generate more revenue if they actually policed the game and stopped botters and spammers


It's not enough for you to spam your own threads with this tinfoil hat crap?

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my guess is incompetence and the higher ups have no idea how poorly run the game is and how it could easily generate more revenue if they actually policed the game and stopped botters and spammers


Insert my standard "If you give the quarterly stockholder chats a listen, they never talk about customer retention or churn. It's just bottom line and future projections" comment.

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Rumors are nothing but noise. Someone probably thought it would be funny to start one up just to see how far it ran. And apparently succeeded since you're (OP) on the forums now trying to confirm those rumors.


Believe what you will. Only you can tell yourself what to think (unless you're a droid). :p

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I can think of 120 MILLION reasons for them to Max.


2 million players quit soon after launch - even if those 2 million just bought the new game and quit again, at $60 a game, that's a HUGE amount of $.


SWTOR has made money...tons of it...but it's best days are over and the investment required to make more, just isn't worth it. A new MMO is.


If the investment wasn't worth it, they wouldn't be traveling around North America doing voice recording (And voice actors such as Jennifer Hale aren't cheap to hire, even if they've been an unofficial part of BioWare for almost 10 years now), and animation recording, and cg trailers (Which aren't cheap to do either).

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basically they don't care about the game, we don't know if it is because of incompetence or because the plug is being pulled. my guess is incompetence and the higher ups have no idea how poorly run the game is and how it could easily generate more revenue if they actually policed the game and stopped botters and spammers


This is nothing and is unnoticable. This game is a bastion free of bots and gold sellers as far as i am concerned.


Now imagine half of every team during night hours in warzones to be bots.

Imagine all the mat nodes being constantly farmed by 6,7 bots per zone by bots which makes farming literally impossible.

Now that would be a problem. That's the way WoW was before i quit(this was not the only reason).


Can't tell you how funny it is to watch the orc/troll constant gold seller traffic marching in Orgrimmar from the south, while you are dueling in Durotar waiting for wz/arena queue. And i do mean constant. Level 1 after level 1 after level 1 after level 1 after level 1 every 20 min or so.

Edited by Kaedusz
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While I take comfort there is more voice acting being done, I don't think even the devs can ignore that the game is not where they or the player base may wish it was.


Nearly all the servers are light all the time, maybe a few standard but people aren't exactly beating down the doors to get in. I know, you can prove anything with facts!


But personal experience my guild has all but left for pastures new, a few remain, a few may sub and just not play but we no longer raid or conquest or pvp. From what is being said in chat and on the forums this is not unique.


When real questions are put to the devs they are ignored, in favour of when will the next cantina tour be or thanking they 30 people who played on the test server. Possibly more but the fleet and infact the search did not make it seem like many people cared for testing.


If the devs wanted to give hope to the player base that the game was going to get better they would post that chapters 11 and 12 where short chapters and all future chapters will be at least an hour long. But it seems that 30 minute chapters is the standard now.


If they wanted to encourage people to get back into the game they would start bring back companions a lot quicker. Especially the LI companions. Hell the trooper has seen 4 of his previous companions and the one that hasn't returned is the most likely love interest. Likewise they wont be announcing which companions we get back cause they are working through the least interesting and those that don't speak basic.


If they want to get people back they need to show what repeatable end game content there is going to be and make it worth completely. I.e. not the fixed stat rewards from the eternal championship.It appears they can't do this as they have no plans for end game content, with a very much delayed eternal championship that it still isn't clear how they are going to make it 'fun' despite this being the reason for this delay.

Edited by Costello
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Insert my standard "If you give the quarterly stockholder chats a listen, they never talk about customer retention or churn. It's just bottom line and future projections" comment.


dr mike could you check your private messages please, had a good question for you about something unusual in the game

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I did want to make a comment on the spammers as well:


Their prices are based on "Supply vs Demand." Not the state of the game per se. I look at the sudden drop as they have more supply than demand. If no one's buying, the prices keep dropping. Simple economics there. When I saw some spam last night, and the prices, I just laughed and thought: One day it'll be $1/10mil.


Credits are easily come by in-game. Up until 3.0 went live training had a cost, an outrageous cost at high levels. Now there's no cost leveling. You can even save your data crystals for end-game or companion gifts or decorations for your stronghold. Do heroics. Make money. Get gear. Everything's handed to the player now if you know where to look or what to do for it.


So now we have a lot of money sinks for those that feel the need to piss away their money. By the time a character reaches level 40, he/she should be sitting right around a mil easily. The only thing that's really necessary to spend credits on before end-game, in my book, is expanding the inventory - and the final row cost (200k credits) can be negated by the refer a friend inventory expansion token.


So yeah, let the spammers reduce their prices. I see that as a positive.

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If the investment wasn't worth it, they wouldn't be traveling around North America doing voice recording (And voice actors such as Jennifer Hale aren't cheap to hire, even if they've been an unofficial part of BioWare for almost 10 years now), and animation recording, and cg trailers (Which aren't cheap to do either).

I thought they said recently (past year or so) that voice acting wasn't really that much?


What CG trailer? The one for 4.0 that came out early last year?

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