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100% PVP Incredible Case Files Testable and Varifiable


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There has been a lot of stir lately about how much PVP matters in TOR. There is a certain camp of players that seem to think it means very little or almost nothing to the health and well being of this game.


I have a test that you can experiment with yourself in game to test those theories.


Open up your friends list and click on the who tab. In the who tab I want you to put in the following searches in there. The test should be given at peak time when TheHarbringer (a PVE server) is at standard level.


1. corellia square

2. orbital station

3. mesa arena

4. tatooine canyon

5. hypergate

6. coast

7. voidstar

8. the pit (covers both huttballs)

9. civil war


I want you to count how many active players are in those as you search each one.


After that then I want you to check some of these.


1. scum and villainy

2. dread fortress

3. terror from beyond

4. lost island

5. athiss

6. czerka

7. mandalorian

8. boarding

9, maelstrom

10. taral v

11. foundry

12. flase emperor

13. cadumimu

14. hammer station

15. esseles


And feel free to add in I might have missed like the raven stuff. Go right ahead and throw those in too. Throw anything you can in there and test it.


When your done with your test I want you to come back here and let me know what your results are. I can tell you what your going to find, but I don't want to spoil the surprise for you.


All I hear from people who could care less about PVP is how irrelevant PVP is to SWTOR. Whether or not you like PVP makes no difference to whether or not it is a deep rooted part of this game. Do the research for yourself and tell me what you come up with.

Edited by MadCuzBad
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Easy scripted PvE content that doesn't change or make you think or adjust to gameplay with better rewards and loot




Challenging PvP content with stale maps, lots of cc and knock backs, everything changes depending on the situation. War Zone Tourists just there for a few matches for PvE companions. PvE geared with no idea about their roll, rotations, how to guard, deal with resolve, don't know how to not break CC early. A higher skill set is required to be successful in a PvP environment.


Bads and simple minded casuals will always take the path of least resistance. They get carried in operations, don't know the fights and when they queue for a WZ, roll in with their PvE gear and little to no bolster. PvP is hard, they will backfill operations and Flashpoints all day more than war zones.

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Easy scripted PvE content that doesn't change or make you think or adjust to gameplay with better rewards and loot




Challenging PvP content with stale maps, lots of cc and knock backs, everything changes depending on the situation. War Zone Tourists just there for a few matches for PvE companions. PvE geared with no idea about their roll, rotations, how to guard, deal with resolve, don't know how to not break CC early. A higher skill set is required to be successful in a PvP environment.


Bads and simple minded casuals will always take the path of least resistance. They get carried in operations, don't know the fights and when they queue for a WZ, roll in with their PvE gear and little to no bolster. PvP is hard, they will backfill operations and Flashpoints all day more than war zones.


that's pretty funny coming from someone who thinks HM FP are impossible to solo now, can't kill exarch, uses mastery augments and thinks sleep dart and flashbang last 6 seconds.

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Everybody is a master and everybody else is a sh_tter. I guess the great ones learned through Osmosis. They never were new, they never sucked, they always knew everything without any need for experience. They always had the best gear, knew every nook and cranny of every WZ, never had any need for someone to show them the ropes, and were never carried in operations and knew their rotations backwards and forwards and no mechanics ever made them miss a beat. PVErs are sh_tters and PVPers are the only players who need skill to preform well. Operations require no skill whatsoever, HM, NiM, doesn't matter, there's no skill involved.


PVPers win everything all on their own, it's not like they have a group or can get assistance from a group they are apart of. A PVPers skill is more than enough to over come being attacked by three different enemy players at the same time while being stunned, rooted and slowed while being AOEed


There's no wintrading, there's no pocket healers, there's no stacked groups, there's no voice chat coordinating. Group make up is irrelevant [not that there is a group, see above], even if there's no healer. It's all skill. PVErs don't know their roles or their rotations because none of that is important or required in PVE Operations, even NiM. PVPers could walk into any HM/NiM Operation and beat the pants off of every hardcore end game raider because PVPers have superior innate skill than any PVEer no matter how much experience they have in Operations.


PVEers should not be allowed to do some casual PVPing in warzones, because they all should have gotten pvp gear before they ever set foot in any WZ because as everyone knows you don't need WZ coms to PVP gear up.


All PVE content is easy and scripted, it never changes, Operation bosses/ADDs never ever do anything differently from the last time people played it. They always move to the same places, use the same attacks at the same time, and nothing any player does effects what they might do in response to the players actions. Players in the operation never have to adjust what they do because the game play is exactly the same in every way no matter what anyone does. HM and NiM Operations are not challenging in the least. Only PVPers possess the requiste skill to successfully complete them, but sadly because they are doing PVP, no one ever completes them. Every single player who has ever successfully completed HM/NiM Operations was also a PVPer to a man. The only reason there are sunstantially more PVEers and raiders compared to PVPers is because most people are sh_tters who don't know their role or how to preform rotations correctly.


PVPers Good.

PVEers Bad.


On behalf of PVEers everywhere......we are in awe of your LeeTness. We're not worthy.....we're not worthy....



Given the level of intelligence required to make such statements about untold amounts of players in this game so blanketly , I am in awe of the fact that you possess enough additional intelligence to remember to breath as much as you apparently do.


3 thumbs up.

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sure, then count how many players are online by doing the same for each planet, instance on the same server its still a minority. no one ever said pvp'er were not playing the game. just that they are not the majority as they claim. which they are not.


this is also Testable and Verifiable.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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The most popular online games are PvP or MMOs with competetive PvP. If u trying to do story based MMO and almost every time ignore PvP community - then u have too many servers for this. PvE is important too, but raiders are that kind of players - they close content and out untill new conent comes out. If they don't want to change their minds - servers merge is a way to go or they faced when more players out, coz ruined server poulation. Edited by helpmewin
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As a PvE centric player I will admit most PvPers have mastered the ego stroking game.


@OP...you're trying to hard to solve a problem that doesn't exist. :t_smile:


de·ni·al noun /di- ˈ nī(-ə)l, dē-/

Definition of DENIAL

1 : a psychological defense mechanism in which

confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality

2 : refusal to admit the truth or reality

3 : refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant

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Everybody is a master and everybody else is a sh_tter. I guess the great ones learned through Osmosis. They never were new, they never sucked, they always knew everything without any need for experience. They always had the best gear, knew every nook and cranny of every WZ, never had any need for someone to show them the ropes, and were never carried in operations and knew their rotations backwards and forwards and no mechanics ever made them miss a beat. PVErs are sh_tters and PVPers are the only players who need skill to preform well. Operations require no skill whatsoever, HM, NiM, doesn't matter, there's no skill involved.


PVPers win everything all on their own, it's not like they have a group or can get assistance from a group they are apart of. A PVPers skill is more than enough to over come being attacked by three different enemy players at the same time while being stunned, rooted and slowed while being AOEed


There's no wintrading, there's no pocket healers, there's no stacked groups, there's no voice chat coordinating. Group make up is irrelevant [not that there is a group, see above], even if there's no healer. It's all skill. PVErs don't know their roles or their rotations because none of that is important or required in PVE Operations, even NiM. PVPers could walk into any HM/NiM Operation and beat the pants off of every hardcore end game raider because PVPers have superior innate skill than any PVEer no matter how much experience they have in Operations.


PVEers should not be allowed to do some casual PVPing in warzones, because they all should have gotten pvp gear before they ever set foot in any WZ because as everyone knows you don't need WZ coms to PVP gear up.


All PVE content is easy and scripted, it never changes, Operation bosses/ADDs never ever do anything differently from the last time people played it. They always move to the same places, use the same attacks at the same time, and nothing any player does effects what they might do in response to the players actions. Players in the operation never have to adjust what they do because the game play is exactly the same in every way no matter what anyone does. HM and NiM Operations are not challenging in the least. Only PVPers possess the requiste skill to successfully complete them, but sadly because they are doing PVP, no one ever completes them. Every single player who has ever successfully completed HM/NiM Operations was also a PVPer to a man. The only reason there are sunstantially more PVEers and raiders compared to PVPers is because most people are sh_tters who don't know their role or how to preform rotations correctly.


PVPers Good.

PVEers Bad.


On behalf of PVEers everywhere......we are in awe of your LeeTness. We're not worthy.....we're not worthy....



Given the level of intelligence required to make such statements about untold amounts of players in this game so blanketly , I am in awe of the fact that you possess enough additional intelligence to remember to breath as much as you apparently do.


Wins the internet this week.

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I keep saying "a game needs all types, both in content and in players".


But then there's that certain type of PvP player who -- through their raw hubris and unmitigated self-centeredness -- makes it harder to care if a game has PvP at all, every time they open their mouth or type a post.


What that sort of PvP player might as well be saying is, "Do you even PvP, bro?"

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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de·ni·al noun /di- ˈ nī(-ə)l, dē-/

Definition of DENIAL

1 : a psychological defense mechanism in which

confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality

2 : refusal to admit the truth or reality

3 : refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant


At least you can admit you have an problem.

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de·ni·al noun /di- ˈ nī(-ə)l, dē-/

Definition of DENIAL

1 : a psychological defense mechanism in which

confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality

2 : refusal to admit the truth or reality

3 : refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant


You should look up irony.

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PURE PVP games make a lot more money they swtor can ever make let me name a few


World of Tanks AKA WOT I have spent 1000s into that game which is FAR FAR more then i have spent in swtor

WOT has made so much money and they replaced the engine twice to improve the game 100% every

time..and their recent PATCH HOLY beans. Since i been gaming online

Since 1992 I never seen a PATCH do so much...


Warthunder...omg SO much fun and as WOT i have spent around a grand.

Now that is some PVP which GSF flight model should have been.

I went right from a warthunder match right to GSF and was what why can my

Stuka out fly one of these star fights ***...


World of Warships Now i only bought 1 ship not spend much there "YET"


Mechwarrior Online....yeah....just go look at the Mech packs and I own all of them

I cold play swtor for 10 years and not come close

to what i have put into MWO



Is not reason there shouldn't be massive PVP in STAR WARS and MASsIVE PVE and the servers handling it.



OTHERS do it and have done it..but it does require a STAFF. Also a engine and what really matter people who care.

The amount of work WOT went though is a incredible story . They were willing to scrape most of the original and anyone that played the original can tell ya it didnt . A NEW ENGINE and some rewriting and a lot of caring to make that product work and WOT came back tremendously successful.


THIS GAME had a galaxy of potential. But 4 years later and it is what it isnt.


I play swtor and all those games mentioned.

NO excuse SWTOR COULDNT BE 10 times as big as it is...only 2 things hold it back

E A....sigh





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PvP is great, it's a competetive aspect of the game that keeps people playing.


However, PvP and PvE both need new content to hold new people. If that weren't true, then we'd all still be playing Halo: Combat Evolved with our Xbox's chained together in 16 man parties (*cough* I actually still do it's a blast *cough*). Most long-term players will do both PvP and PvE, but if one dies, it tends to take the other one with it. Without veteran players, the matches only get slower as fewer people want to do it and more lopsided as it's flooded with more and more new players who don't have anyone to show and teach them.


Content should be released for both sides of the game, but evidently a 1-hour bugged story chapter is far more important than either aspect. Face it, Bioware is operating on a policy where its veteran playerbase is expendable, where they can replace us with new players who sub long enough to go through the story and buy cartel packs, realize there's basically no endgame, and leave. Repeat. ??? Profit.


Just my 2 cents. I just want to point out that the successful MMO's are the ones who are releasing 4 times as much PvE AND PvP content as we're getting.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Easy scripted PvE content that doesn't change or make you think or adjust to gameplay with better rewards and loot




Challenging PvP content with stale maps, lots of cc and knock backs, everything changes depending on the situation. War Zone Tourists just there for a few matches for PvE companions. PvE geared with no idea about their roll, rotations, how to guard, deal with resolve, don't know how to not break CC early. A higher skill set is required to be successful in a PvP environment.


Bads and simple minded casuals will always take the path of least resistance. They get carried in operations, don't know the fights and when they queue for a WZ, roll in with their PvE gear and little to no bolster. PvP is hard, they will backfill operations and Flashpoints all day more than war zones.


You're exemplary of the kind of things that are wrong with the game.


Crawl out into the sun some time.

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2 pages of replies but none are on-topic with OP's test request.


What's wrong guys did you not like the results?


Wrong time of day for me to go check "the raven stuff" in the game.


Plus... he's comparing apples to badgers. And frankly, until he drops the "do you even PvP, bro?" shtick, it's hard to really give a damn.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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The most popular online games are PvP or MMOs with competetive PvP.

Almost every MMO has some form of PvP. Maybe every MMO does, so your claim is so broad as to be meaningless. What is the definition of "competitive PvP" in any event? In TOR, PvP is a marketing check box. Anyone who says they are here only or primarily for the PvP is either lying, does not really want to PvP all that much or simply must do their PvP in a Star Wars MMO.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I didn't do the OP's "tests", for a couple of reasons:

1. I couldn't be bothered.

2. Only BW, who has the actual usage data, knows for sure.

3. The populations of any given area, warzone, FP, or OP at any one time does not represent the actual proportions. You'd have to add up ALL the people doing any sort of PvE (which would include exploration, decorating, datacron hunting, etc, etc) vs ALL the people doing any sort of PvP to get a true answer.


Basically, I know from having played many MMOs that PvP is a part of most of them, but the basic thing comes down to that this is an RPG (Role Playing Game) and not an FPS (First Person Shooter) or MOBA (Battle Arena), so it would not be surprising if PvP was not the main thrust of the game, especially one that stresses Story.

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that's pretty funny coming from someone who thinks HM FP are impossible to solo now, can't kill exarch, uses mastery augments and thinks sleep dart and flashbang last 6 seconds.


not the heroic star fortress. hard mode flashpoints...theres a difference

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