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Everything posted by Aziran

  1. Great Scott! I was under the impression that said Terminal was non-functioning/ broken/ riddled with issues/ standard BW quality.
  2. In short, I've levelled my Guardian from 50 - 65 solely doing Heroics, and I've been getting the Alliance boxes. Now, I've no desire to do KotFE again nor lose my 50 Influence Kira. Given that, is it safe to assume these boxes can/ should be trashed? Thanks in advance.
  3. You're exemplary of the kind of things that are wrong with the game. Crawl out into the sun some time.
  4. I've unsubbed because I can't be dealing with more slow grinds. The companions made the older content efficient and blitzable so I could enjoy the end game. Not anymore! Combine that with the downright awful Cartel Market changes, I've no reason to stay.
  5. Holy necro Batman! However, this is still a matter that needa adressing.
  6. Nothing says ferocious like a bit of flamingo.
  7. I know many don't care for that crystal. Admittedly I trash it.
  8. "Diets are a lie, there is only carbs. Through carbs I gain calories, through calories, fat, through fat, bodymass, through body mass, a waistline. With a waistline MY BELT IS BROKEN! These burgers will set me free"
  9. I did come into ownership of a Cyan crystal. I had to flip a coin to choose between it and white for my Guardian.
  10. So today I went on a massive spending spree for myself and my girlfriend, and ended up buying many armor sets and color crystals. I found it easy to choose an armor set but really struggled to choose a color crystal for my many sabers. So I found myself wondering, what is everyones preferred/ favorite/ signature color crystals? (I essentially settled for White for my Jedi and Molten-Orange for my Sith)
  11. I suffered a car collision some few years ago and now my left wrist is prone to locking up and my fingers freezing, so I'm in a similar boat.
  12. Now allow me to interject with my own troubles. Please don't shoot me, but I've come from WoW where I have a total of about 20 Keybinds. My preferred Keybinds are 1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,C Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3, Alt-4, Alt-5. I've got piano-player hands (Very long fingers) and so it's quite uncomfortable hitting any other keys (Or doing so without hitting the wrong key. I'm notorious for hitting Windows key instead of alt) That being said, theoretically speaking, which would be the easiest keys to start working into my current keybind set up? (My mouse is, sadly, very basic)
  13. After finally coming back to the game and advancing past 30, I'm realising that my traditional keybinds quickly became used up with just the core abilities of my rotation, excluding stuns, cooldowns, root breaks, snares and additional tools. So I'm wondering, how many keybinds does everyone use? Be it from a PvP or PvE stance? Because there are a lot of abilities I just can't seem to fit on in a comfortable manner. That being said, I should probably look up some Macros to simplify the keybinds.
  14. So I've recently (Finally) come of level enough to start considering additional stats beyond Strength/ Stam for my Tank Companions and find myself given a choice between absorption and defense. What is the difference between the two? What do they do and which is more preferable for say....Khem'val and Corso Riggs? Thanks in advance.
  15. Maybe. Just maybe...I should have searched there. Appreciate it.
  16. You can't be serious. You can't... I just... Come on.
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