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Name 5 Things in KotFE you wish you could do. (spoilers)


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1. Be able to do KOTFE expansion with my boyfriend without having to do it twice.

2. Having my choices really matter.

3. Being able to reject some companions and tell them to get lost.

4. Tell Lana to get lost.

5. Better customization for the new companions so they can wear what I want them to wear. I have some better armor in my collections that would look better than what they have.

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1. Be able to do KOTFE expansion with my boyfriend without having to do it twice.


So much this. I'm levelling my Sage with a friend's Sentinel. We still have a way to go, but we want to keep the characters together and do the story together... though it would present a small problem in KotFE. Which one of us would get the unwanted mental passenger?

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1. I worked hard to romance Lana. How about some interactions with companions - even the non-romanced ones. And can I please change her clothes?

2. Allow me to group up with others for certain fights.

3. As the alliance commander, let me have more say as to who gets recruited. My troopers hated Jorgan the first time around and now I am stuck with him again? And why do I have to do PvP - or other content that I dislike - to get a recruit. I would love to have M1-4X on my Sage but I sure as hell am not going to put her into a warzone.

4. Please get rid of that box style of having a conversation. Ridiculous.

5. Purchase common/glowing/radiant crystals in multiples of 100 that are bound to legacy, like with warzone commendations.

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1. Get Kira and Vector back for real without using the impatience terminal, and romance Kira with my female Knight.

2. Somehow weaponise Koth's whining and use it to break Arcann & Vaylin.

3. Change Lana & Theron's outfits.


I do like the idea of a "hug companion" emote that actually worked though :)


1. I might actually start to like my female JK if I could romance Kira.

2. Yes!


I'd love a hug your companion emote.

Edited by PrincessShAmy
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- Find Kira and have a second chance at romancing her.

- Customise the new companions.

- Find out that Valkorian has after all been just manipulating us and is not some kind of deity who knows what he's doing...then defeat him...only to have him escape and take another form for a future expansion.

- See Vaylin get fed up with Arcan, kill him and take over the throne.

- Defeat Vaylin with Senya and have Vaylin go into hiding.



Btw...has Valkorian ever admitted to being the Emperor? Maybe when we thought we were sensing him it was someone else in the room instead...perhaps it's Vaylin and she doesn't know it.

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1. Customize the new companions. I feel like I'm in a 80's cartoon where every character dresses the sme in every episode. Theron really brought it to the forefront when we meet him on Odessen and he says "it's been five years, everything has changed". Except you, Theron, you're still wearing that same jacket.


2. Bring the LIs back. They all don't need chapters, just alliance alerts to get back to your husband/wife. Seriously. Friends of my wife have met me and don't say a damn word about her.


3. Darkside corruption on Vaylin and Arcann. These 2 are bombarding planets to dust and arranging gladiator fights to the death for their loyal soldiers? That doesn't even include Vaylin blowing the sun reactor. NO DS corruption?


4. Smuggler companions. Please? Just 1?


I've really only got 4

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vaylin's dark side corruption is the most realistic of them all so far.


you don't instantly turn palpatine ugly, and the look of the corruption that happens to our characters is completely wrong. the eyes shouldn't go full orange and full red, it's suppose to be red outlined, yellow inside.

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Btw...has Valkorian ever admitted to being the Emperor? Maybe when we thought we were sensing him it was someone else in the room instead...perhaps it's Vaylin and she doesn't know it.


Yeah, he talks about eating Ziost and other stuff.

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I know I'm gonna get roasted considering the unconditional love for partners around here, but my sole request would be to have less companions focused chapters and more story focused ones.


I'm tired of Bioware playing on the nostalgia and neglecting the actual story. I want to learn more about the Eternal Fleet, the Gravestone, Zakuul history etc, and having entire chapters consecrated to recruiting long gone partners just feel like a waste to me. Make them part of it, sure ! But not the whole focus of the damn chapter. Chapter 10 and 11 were awfully boring for me because I didn't care at all about meeting back Kaliyo or Jorgan and there was nothing else story wise to keep my interest.

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1) Conquer the Galaxy. And have option to become next Immortal Emperor of Zakuul.

2) Eat Darth Marr spirit as Sith Inquisitor.

3) Kill Satele.

4) Have a choice to bring peace to the Empire and Republic, or continue the war

5) Play the main story with other players together.


Oh, and also be able to make Kaliyo use blaster, make Aric use cannon, use SCORPIO customizations etc...

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1)have Satele and MArr lead this crappy Alliance

2)Force choke/Zap Koth

3) If you accept Valk powers , to keep said Powers !!!! not just use them during a goddamn cutscene..sheesh...cheapskate!

4)Hoping to be the one to Kick/Stab Arcanna and Valyin..

5)Get ride of the gravestone...man that is one fugly ship...

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1. I would really like the chance to tell Valkorian off for being a crappy Emperor. He basically calls the Empire a failure, but the Empire was doing exactly what he taught them to do! He gave them a morality, a drive, and a purpose, and they try to do it! If he isn't happy with it, that's his own damn fault! Furthermore, in Chapter 12

if you don't accept his help, he basically mocks you for not wanting to use your potential and questions himself for ever seeing greatness in you. When I was playing a Sith Warrior, I got really annoyed at this. I really wanted my Sith Warrior to say "Wait a minute, you expect me to trust you after what you did to me?! I was your loyal right hand, did not question, only served, and you rewarded me by devouring my people and throwing me to the side! And now you expect me to trust you after what you did to me before?! You're crazy!" But of course, that didn't happen.



2. I would love the chance to tell Koth (and Senya after Chapter 12) off for being hypocritical creeps. They want me to stop Arcaan, but not do anything that would hurt their people, their planet, or basically anything Zakuul? You two idiots helped to slaughter the Republic and the Empire. You decimated planet's economies, destroyed their cities, and laid waste to civilizations that had existed for eons. And you want me to try not to step on any of your people's toes? So basically, you want to save lives, but only if they're from Zakuul. Morons!


3. Lana, I realize that we have big things to worry about, but really, would it be too much trouble to try to locate my love interests? I realize that there's a lot of crap going on in the world, but if you can find Kaliyo and Aric, you can doubtlessly find our spouses with a little extra looking. Its not like any of them are good at being subtle.


4. It would be cool to have a moment where the Outlander just goes "Stop. Just stop, and let me breathe." They've missed 5 years, are in charge of an alliance, have their greatest enemy inside their head, and they're told to go, go, go. I would really love to see the Outlander just loose it, or break down. They deserve it. There's one coming to them, and no one could blame them for having an emotional meltdown.


5. Special scenes with our LIs when we get them back during future chapters. Even little things like flirting during conversations or being able to say things like "Don't die on me again. It takes forever to get the funeral arranged."

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1) ...-And have the option of becoming next Immortal Emperor of Zakuul.


Somehow I think that's going to be the Dark Side ending of KotFE. :cool:



1.) Rebuild HK-55 without having to have subscribed by X-date. :d_mad:




2.) Sabotage the Overwatch controls, so that when the Alliance finally attacks the Spire all their Skytroopers are disabled. This makes more sense then blowing it up!



3.) Kira Carsen vs. Lana Beniko cat fight. I romanced Kira and now Lana, so I'm expecting this. Please do not disappoint Bioware!

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Somehow I think that's going to be the Dark Side ending of KotFE. :cool:

3.) Kira Carsen vs. Lana Beniko cat fight. I romanced Kira and now Lana, so I'm expecting this. Please do not disappoint Bioware!


I bet on Lana , and if you get my wifey Hurt..I'm sending my wrath(s) after you and Kira! :D

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1) Get the last word in conversations at least 42% more often than we do. The entire game, the NPC always gets the last word. And if you want to give them a ticking off its annoying when they STILL answer you back.


2) Have a fight with Koth. Like an actual fist fight mini-game thing using the legacy jab, uppercut etc.... I think a lot of people would be really happy to be able to punch his lights out and then move on.


3) Use the gravestone! I mean, its been sat there for three chapters we need to have some gravestone action now.


4) have interactions without that stupid clasic converstaion thing


5) Romance Hylo!

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1- See Revan again, preferably as a major story character now that he's past his split personality thingy

2- Actually do something with the OMGWTFBBQ legendary ship that's been just sitting around since Asylum

3- Drive up to Saresh and Darth Acina (especially the former) and slap them hard for being stupid

4- See some actual changes in the base, aside from background chatter, and more interactions with characters from the class storylines (What the hell happened to characters like Praven and Scourge?)

5- Have some additional side missions while sitting around between chapters. Star Fortresses are Star Scrap, why are we still sitting around?

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