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Can't romance Lana


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Lol, I had a post asking if there would even be a season 2 and then added to it insulting the devs and EA. Who knew that the devs and EA would get butt hurt over something that is true that they would then erase my post. Goes to show that EA and Bioware "Can't handle the truth!"
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Lol, I had a post asking if there would even be a season 2 and then added to it insulting the devs and EA. Who knew that the devs and EA would get butt hurt over something that is true that they would then erase my post. Goes to show that EA and Bioware "Can't handle the truth!"


Yeah, there will be a season 2.


Hope for something there.

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I have very little hope for this game if they can't get something as simple as this right. The developers have a lot of work to do before I trust anything they decide to come up with for the future. The only way they can fix this and get back my trust in them and this game is to allow a reset all the way back to either Chapter 9 or reset it all the way back to the beginning of Chapter 1. Even a reincarnation option where you start back at level 1 but keep everything you've gotten like items, mounts, credits, achievements, and other stuff would be preferrable. Starting back at level 1 and replaying the game with the same character would also help them cut down on people using a lot of character slots on every server. I'm sure they could even make a good amount of money off those if they set the price to a reasonable amount per reincarnation/rewind token. They could even add new titles and achievements like "A Sense of Deja vu" achievement for completing chapter 3 with a reincarnated character. Edited by Lunzatis
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I am at Ch. IX with a character who has


1) Flirted with Lana at every opportunity

2) Never used Valkorian's power

3) She came to rescue me at the end of Ch. IIX

4) I had to take a break part way through Ch. IX, before reaching the romance lock in

5) In between when I took the break and when I returned to the game, patch 4.4 dropped.

6) When I resumed Ch IX today, everything seemed ok, then in the cantina scene I chose "I'm not the party type?" When Theron asks "So are you going to have a drink with us or what?" my character automatically says "I was actually hoping to talk with one of you first" - there is NO dialog option to select "flirt"


The reason I love this game so much is that the characters are so well developed and I am deeply attached to them. I really, really, really want to lock in a romance with Lana and it breaks my heart that I don't have that option. It's not that I missed to opportunity to select "flirt" in the Cantina, it's simply not there.


Please, is there any way to fix this? I have tried resetting Ch. IX and the flirt option is still not there in the cantina. Is there anything that can be done? This is really hurting my experience with the game.

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From what I'm seeing, if you do chapters 1-8 and leave, for whatever reason, you basically fubar the flirt option. Now, I know people have things to do, but why not just continue the chapters until they're finished? Chapter 9 is you picking Theron, Koth or Lana to have a relationship with. Why would you get to chapter 9, and then log out? The ending, after you hit the cantina is only like 3 minutes long, including finding Senya after the cantina scene. Just continue and don't log or QT anywhere.


Pick a time, make sure kids/wife/husband/whoever won't bother you and you're not going to work in 2 hours and just do the chapters 1-13 now. You can stop when you're in a common area, but don't when you're in a phase. Don't log out, don't come back after a patch, just finish it.


If you're planning to do say chapters 1-9 to get with Lana, do it early enough where you can hop out to do anything else you need. Don't stop playing until you've lip locked and confirmed your relationship in the cantina.


Cause it sounds like anyone who didn't finish their story from 1-9 got fubar'd and now you can't finish it whatsoever.

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From what I'm seeing, if you do chapters 1-8 and leave, for whatever reason, you basically fubar the flirt option. Now, I know people have things to do, but why not just continue the chapters until they're finished? Chapter 9 is you picking Theron, Koth or Lana to have a relationship with. Why would you get to chapter 9, and then log out? The ending, after you hit the cantina is only like 3 minutes long, including finding Senya after the cantina scene. Just continue and don't log or QT anywhere.


Pick a time, make sure kids/wife/husband/whoever won't bother you and you're not going to work in 2 hours and just do the chapters 1-13 now. You can stop when you're in a common area, but don't when you're in a phase. Don't log out, don't come back after a patch, just finish it.


If you're planning to do say chapters 1-9 to get with Lana, do it early enough where you can hop out to do anything else you need. Don't stop playing until you've lip locked and confirmed your relationship in the cantina.


Cause it sounds like anyone who didn't finish their story from 1-9 got fubar'd and now you can't finish it whatsoever.


When I stopped playing, there was nothing after Chapter IX. I had already finished it with a couple of other characters, and then <insert whichever game it was> came out and I decided to take a break and play that for a while (I think it was Fallout 4, but I can't be sure). I had NO idea that subsequent chapters/patches would break the Lana romance.


And I came back AFTER it was broken. So I had no option to "just finish the chapter before the patch" on those characters I had started IX on but hadn't finished.

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When I stopped playing, there was nothing after Chapter IX. I had already finished it with a couple of other characters, and then <insert whichever game it was> came out and I decided to take a break and play that for a while (I think it was Fallout 4, but I can't be sure). I had NO idea that subsequent chapters/patches would break the Lana romance.


And I came back AFTER it was broken. So I had no option to "just finish the chapter before the patch" on those characters I had started IX on but hadn't finished.


That's what I mean. All people need to do before taking a break is chapters 1-9. You get to 9, go to the cantina and tell whoever you want to lip lock with, you want them {flirt} and then you get Senya to talk to you, and you can wait until you're ready to come back. I also didn't know at the time, leaving would prevent someone from being able to have a relationship with Lana or the other two. I can see needing to log out, but if you know, after 7 months Lana won't let you near her in a relationship, may want to finish chapter 9, lock it in and then go off and do things.

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That's what I mean. All people need to do before taking a break is chapters 1-9. You get to 9, go to the cantina and tell whoever you want to lip lock with, you want them {flirt} and then you get Senya to talk to you, and you can wait until you're ready to come back. I also didn't know at the time, leaving would prevent someone from being able to have a relationship with Lana or the other two. I can see needing to log out, but if you know, after 7 months Lana won't let you near her in a relationship, may want to finish chapter 9, lock it in and then go off and do things.


That's all well and good, but I think I misplaced my TARDIS.


Anyway, it shouldn't have to come to that.


Bioware needs to FIX this ASAP. I need to be able to go back to characters I left in chapter 9, and simply pick up where I left off with Lana. I have a feeling that's not going to happen - because it seems that any flags triggered in KotFE romances other than Theron's have been lost - it'll be difficult for Bioware to ascertain who had which flags triggered. (I suppose they could put in an additional "conversation" in chapter 9 where we get a chance to flirt with Lana or Koth, but that seems like a lot of work.)


I waited a very long time for SGR in this game. When it finally arrived it was half baked (Lord Cytharat and Lemda Avesta), then it was intriguing but limited (Lana and Theron), and now it's bugged and still limited. I think I'm finally coming to the realisation that I'm just done with SWTOR. (This is not the only reason, though, just to make it clear - but it certainly is a major contributing factor to my dissatisfaction.)

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From what I'm seeing, if you do chapters 1-8 and leave, for whatever reason, you basically fubar the flirt option. Now, I know people have things to do, but why not just continue the chapters until they're finished? Chapter 9 is you picking Theron, Koth or Lana to have a relationship with. Why would you get to chapter 9, and then log out? The ending, after you hit the cantina is only like 3 minutes long, including finding Senya after the cantina scene. Just continue and don't log or QT anywhere.


Pick a time, make sure kids/wife/husband/whoever won't bother you and you're not going to work in 2 hours and just do the chapters 1-13 now. You can stop when you're in a common area, but don't when you're in a phase. Don't log out, don't come back after a patch, just finish it.


If you're planning to do say chapters 1-9 to get with Lana, do it early enough where you can hop out to do anything else you need. Don't stop playing until you've lip locked and confirmed your relationship in the cantina.


Cause it sounds like anyone who didn't finish their story from 1-9 got fubar'd and now you can't finish it whatsoever.


Wow, I think this is exactly what happened. But sorry to say, I simply can't finish all the chapters in one sitting and that should NOT have affected something so important -- and it didn't affect my earlier toons afaik

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You don't have to finish I-IX in one go.

But you have to finish them before the next patch hits.


I recently played I-IX with another character, basically did one chapter per evening, and all was fine. Flirt in the cantina, locking in the romance. As it should be.

You can log off, go to the fleet or stronghold, doesn't matter. Just don't be on I-IX during a patch. The patches erase the romance flags.


I've basicallly given up my bugged character. If I can't lock in the Lana romance, I can't continue. So I cloned my Sage, and I'm going through the class story again.

Maybe one day the broken romances will get fixed, but I don't have high hopes... *sigh*

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  • 4 weeks later...


I've basicallly given up my bugged character. If I can't lock in the Lana romance, I can't continue. So I cloned my Sage, and I'm going through the class story again.

Maybe one day the broken romances will get fixed, but I don't have high hopes... *sigh*


Yeah I never want to have to clone my character for a borked romance, as I do every quest I come across, bonus series etc as it's part of my characters personal journey, I don't rush so its quite a lot of effort and time on my part to re-level a character.


Another patch come and gone and it is still broken as of 4.5


I don't think Bioware can fix the romances that are broken as the patches seemingly wiped the romance flags up to that point, it would require re-running kotfe from chapter 3 onwards to get the flags back. I think at this point the best we can hope for is that Bioware figure out what is causing the flags to wipe on each patch.

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Since Bioware hasn't officially aknowledged it yet, I want to verify that I got this bug. For comparison, throughout KotFE I consistently romanced Lana, kissed her twice (almost 3 times, Koth **** blocks one). Then when Theron showed up, I flirted with him once and ignored the second flirt. When I go into the cantina, I only have Theron has an option, even though I've flirted with him a grand total of one time in all the content.


If bioware isn't going to fix it from where we are in the story, can they at least provide those of us affected with a story restart so we can try to get the romance again?

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Add me to the list.


I've run a Knight, SW, SI, Shadow and BH through all the chapters available. Romanced Theron on all of them since SoR and got the Cantina [Flirt] options. And the locked-in romance box.


My Gunslinger, however, has been sitting on Chapter IX right at the go talk in the Cantina part. He had flirted with Theron all through SoR, but then started flirting with Koth during KotFE. When I just, like, 5 minutes ago ran the Cantina scene, no {flirt} option AT ALL. Just the I want to talk to one of you.


Going to try resetting the chapter after dinner since my GS wanted to end up with Theran anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

Just ran the whole thing with my L&D light side sorcerer, no romance option. I used EVERY available chance to flirt with lana during SoR, ziost and Kotfe but still couldnt romance her. Same thing in my first char that played the exact same way.


Did the same with my dark side jedi -> romance... I just dont get it.


There MUST be another way to romance these characters for those that didnt get the option in the cantina. There shouldnt even be such a heavy requirement to romance those because there is a heavy glitch somewhere before the cantina not granting enough flirt power to the end result that grants the cantina romance option.


Just create a conversation so we can finally get this right.

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There MUST be another way to romance these characters for those that didnt get the option in the cantina. There shouldnt even be such a heavy requirement to romance those because there is a heavy glitch somewhere before the cantina not granting enough flirt power to the end result that grants the cantina romance option.


Just create a conversation so we can finally get this right.

The "standard" "wisdom" is that to guarantee that you avoid issues with the cantina conversation, do this:

  • Launch Chapter I.
  • Play without logging off until Chapter IX is done. (That is, until after the cantina thing is done.)
  • If you must log off, it must be while you are in a non-instanced area (no "Yourcharactername" instance ownership tag at the top of the screen).
  • Logging off and taking a break to visit the Fleet are equivalent in the damage they can do.
  • If you do log off in an OK place, get back in and finish the job before the next patch arrives.

The last one is definitely very, very important. DO NOT HAVE A PATCH BETWEEN WHEN YOU START CHAPTER I AND WHEN YOU GET TO THE CANTINA. If you can help it, don't even have a non-patch maintenance.


Flirt with your chosen target at every opportunity(1) (flirting during SoR was described by Eric M as "helpful" but not necessary). Do not flirt with the other possible targets. That is, if you choose, say, Lana, do not flirt with Koth, nor with Theron. Lana will still [Flirt] in the cantina if you follow the couple of flirts available with Senya, I think because they don't lead anywhere and don't even involve kisses or hugs, much less fading to black.


And the final note: It has been said a thousand and one times(2), but bears repeating. If you have done the above correctly, you will get a dialogue wheel offering:

  1. I need to speak with one of you.
  2. [Flirt] I need to speak with one of you.

(Note: the same text in both options.) The camera will be looking over Theron's shoulder at your character. Neither Lana nor Koth will be visible.


If you want to romance someone, even if that someone is NOT Theron, pick 2. It does not mean "Flirt with Theron then speak to one of them." It means "Flirt with the chosen one." (Example: If you have flirted with only Lana, picking 2 proceeds directly to flirting with Lana.) You will get the "warning" wheel during the flirting conversation. It's a normal dialogue wheel with a {Flirt] option, but pops the "are you sure" warning if you pick it.


(1) There is one case where it is not necessary, during the "save the reactor" sequence.


(2) Not literally 1001 times. It's my casual shorthand for "an unspecified but large number of". My wife used to say "half a thousand" and mean the same thing.

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I just finished Chapter 9 with another character and got to lock in the Lana romance.

- I did not play chapters 1-9 in one session.

- I logged out almost everytime at the beginning of a new chapter, sometimes in a personal phase, sometimes in my stronghold, to continue the next day.

- There was no update during that time (that is the most important detail).

- I picked every single [Flirt] option with Lana, and no one else. Interestingly I also had the option to start a romance with Theron in the cantina, even though I did not flirt with him in Chapter 9, but the game apparently remembered my fling with him during SoR. ;)

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I just finished Chapter 9 with another character and got to lock in the Lana romance.

- I did not play chapters 1-9 in one session.

- I logged out almost everytime at the beginning of a new chapter, sometimes in a personal phase, sometimes in my stronghold, to continue the next day.

- There was no update during that time (that is the most important detail).

- I picked every single [Flirt] option with Lana, and no one else. Interestingly I also had the option to start a romance with Theron in the cantina, even though I did not flirt with him in Chapter 9, but the game apparently remembered my fling with him during SoR. ;)

Hmm. OK. Well, Standard Wisdom isn't always reliable. No-Patch is the key thing, for sure.


And of course I knew that it is possible to log out in various places and not mess it up, not just in the "open world" places. I did it that way myself. I've never, ever had any issues with being unable to romance my chosen target (which is equivalent to saying Lana, of course) in the cantina, except on my insta-60 Sorc that I used as a dry-run testbed before doing any of my real characters. But on him, the problem was that he tried to avoid flirting with Theron in the cantina and ended up flirting with nobody as a result...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone know if the last few posts that gave advice on this actually work?


It looks like if there's a patch between Chapter 3 and Chapter 9 of your playthrough you lose your flags.


So make sure to do Chapter 4-9 before a patch.

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  • 4 months later...
It looks like if there's a patch between Chapter 3 and Chapter 9 of your playthrough you lose your flags.


That actually doesn't seem to be true.


I had this bug on several characters, but let's focus on three different cases:


1, My main char, Agent. Flirted with Lana every chance I've got since SoR. Never flirted Theron. In cantina conversation I had no [Flirt] option and I wasn't aware I missed something. Character progressed with the story and seems to be a lost cause for now :(


2. Sith Inquisitor. Started flirting Lana in KotFE. Everything went fine until Chapter 9, where no [Flirt] option was available as well. I reset chapter and flirted Theron on the landing pad. That was the only time I flirted him, but it seemed to bootkick the flags somehow, as both Lana and Theron became available for flirt in Cantina, which allowed to lock on Lana romance. This worked for some other characters as well.


3. Jedi Knight, Romanced Lana since SoR, got stuck on Chapter 9 and the method above didn't work. I didn't progress that character, hoping for a fix. I tried every now and then for a last year or so, without success. I thought it's a lost cause, but just recently I've tried to replay Chapter 8 from new selection menu. I got a kiss on ship ("Insufferable"), got rescue kiss after fight with Arcann (didn't used Valkorion power*) and then - boom - [Flirt] became available in Chapter 9 and Lana romance locked! I'm now in Chapter 10 and I have romance notice in Lana description, so I hope it worked for good.


Last case seems to confirm romance flags are still there despite many patches in between, but messed up somehow. That method didn't work for my Agent, though. It seems however, there's hope if your character is still stuck in Chapter 9.


* I have no idea if using Valkorion power in fight with Arcann has any impact on who will come to rescue: Koth or Lana. I mention that just in case it has any influence on outcome.

Edited by e-Sildur
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Server maintenance and new patches definitely seem to impact the romance markers. I only know this because I already successfully engaged in a romantic relationship with Lana on my main. I decided to go through KOTFE again on him and there was a patch done for the game before I got to Chapter 9. The option to flirt at the cantina wasn't there and I didn't even get to choose who I conversed with.


Luckily, since your initial choices are saved from your first playthrough, not having her romance trigger on this recent playthrough did not impact her previously engaged romance with my main. My only advice is to get through Chapter I-IX before a patching period. It's just safer that way and this nasty bug is more likely not to occur.

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Server maintenance and new patches definitely seem to impact the romance markers. (...)


It definitely has an impact, but it doesn't delete or reset them. It just scrambles them somehow, but they're still there - otherwise I wouldn't be able to rekindle romance just by replaying Chapter VIII alone. There is still hope for future fix if developers were willing to.


My only advice is to get through Chapter I-IX before a patching period. It's just safer that way and this nasty bug is more likely not to occur.


That's a sound advice, but only works for new characters. If someone has an old character that was affected by this bug, but did not advance beyond Chapter IX, perhaps - just perhaps - my advice will help them. Good luck!

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It definitely has an impact, but it doesn't delete or reset them. It just scrambles them somehow, but they're still there - otherwise I wouldn't be able to rekindle romance just by replaying Chapter VIII alone. There is still hope for future fix if developers were willing to.




That's a sound advice, but only works for new characters. If someone has an old character that was affected by this bug, but did not advance beyond Chapter IX, perhaps - just perhaps - my advice will help them. Good luck!


I just did it 3 days ago with a brand new SW jumped to level 60 to replay KOTFE. Romanced her just fine. Finally have a toon with lana at his side.

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Well, I had a romance locked with Lana. It got scrambled somehow after completing chapter 2 of KotET, romance flag now gone.


As a further test, I went back and played chapter 8 of KotFE to see if Lana comes after the last fight in the chapter. Got Koth instead.

Edited by TerraStomper
update info
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