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Can't romance Lana


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That reminded me, I started FE AFTER 4.2 and also flirted EVERY time.


In the cantina saw "Flirt/ theron" and skipped it, for "talk to someone alone" or something like that, thinking that it would be obvious to my intent, being ALONE and all, but then was confused when I didn't get a FLIRT, or a Kiss, and the chapter was over!



That's a separate question - you had the [Flirt] option, and like many of us (including me on my "test" insta60, poor dude), you were misdirected by the structure of the dialogue options to not choose it. The structure of the choices there is extremely badly done, made worse by the lack of a warning that you are giving up the chance to get horizontal with Lana. (I would say "the partner of your choice", but we all know that for 95% of us, that means Lana.)

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Right, its supposed to say something like "Flirt: choose a companion" or whatever.


MINE, said "Flirt: THERON" and I'd never done that, his influence was like 5, and Lana's at the time was near or over 20!


Heh. They should let us reset ch9, AND Fix the dialogue too! Shouldn't be THAT hard to do!?

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Right, its supposed to say something like "Flirt: choose a companion" or whatever.


MINE, said "Flirt: THERON" and I'd never done that, his influence was like 5, and Lana's at the time was near or over 20!


Heh. They should let us reset ch9, AND Fix the dialogue too! Shouldn't be THAT hard to do!?

Every time I've seen it, it was:

1. I want to talk to one of you.

2. [Flirt] I want to talk to one of you.

While showing us Theron's mug.


(I may have the wording not quite right, but the important part is that every time I did it, the two options differed only in the "[Flirt]" tag.)

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Ok, I just went thru on a Male Knight that didn't flirt with Lana or anyone from SoR to the Party.


I got "I was hoping to have a talk with one of you first." Koth/Lana/Theron


With a pic of my toon!




lol.. Heh.


(BTW, This was with all dummys under 10 influence, and I checked again with Lana over 10, no flirts either way, and did not get a flirt option when we talked)

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I'm pretty sure mine didn't say that. In fact I'm pretty sure it was a still of Therons mug while saying "Flirt [Theron]"


I may be wrong about the dialouge..But I'm pretty sure I was looking AT Theron, NOT past him... I'm going to try to redo all my choices on another alt and see if I can get a pic.


PLUS, with CSRs admitting its a bug, I'm going to wait to finish my main's chapters.

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I will never understand how people can interpret this as "exclusively flirting with Theron". :rolleyes:

The camera aims at your character, and it says "one of you", not "you".


Its because people don't read the options properly before chosing, me I read it about 10 times before clicking just to be certain.

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Hey everyone,


We have seen quite a few reports about the Romance system being broken, . . . . .


I have also seen mention of not being able to romance one of the new characters (Lana, Theron, Koth) being a bug. As far as we can tell, this is not bugged at this time. In order to romance these characters, you must consistently choose flirt options with them throughout KOTFE (having a relationship with Theron or Lana back in Shadow of Revan also contributes to their romances, but is not required) and you must choose a particular option in Chapter IX to pursue a full romance with one of them. If anyone finds that this is not the case for their character, definitely let us know!







So you say to let you know, so I'm doing just that with the details I feel are of benifit. On character Qel'sana (Jedi Covenant), I have taken every possible flirt option with Lana from the first of them in prelude to revan all the way through until "Relax in the Cantina" (Chapter IX). When I try to do Chapter IX, the normal dialog about "wasn't sure you would join us" starts up, then where is the typical "I need to see one of you" (with flirt option) script is normally at, it is replaced with “I was hoping to have a talk with one of you first” (no flirt option here) followed by Koth getting all indignant with me and gets in my face then storms off, Lana says she will reason with him later, then Theron says "I hope he was not the one you wanted to talk to." This has happened before where Koth and my character dislike each other and it made no difference in romancing Lana. This time however, again where the normal pre-romance flirt option normally happens, I only get the options to talk to Lana or Theron but neither has any flirt available, and the chat after that point is different than in the expected flirt sequence I have experienced before. I escaped out prior to completion so it did not lock me into the bugged sequence.


I tried resetting the chapter hoping that may fix the bug, it did not. The option to lock in a romance is simply not offered even with consistently opting for all flirt chances with Lana.


The only difference in leveling I can note as different from other toons I have pushed through here is possibly that I waited to do the cantina part of Chapter IX until I had secured my HK51 (I just really enjoy the interaction with him and Tora) and did not get back to finish it for some time. The other likely contributing issue is the same bug many people have noted was introduced with a patch, like things getting reset behind the scenes so at the conclusion, all of our choices are not tallied appropriately.

Edited by katanaacredus
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Its because people don't read the options properly before chosing, me I read it about 10 times before clicking just to be certain.

NO. It is because the two lines have the same text on the dialogue wheel, and because the screen shows Theron's not-so-handsome fizzog. In all other scenes with a flirt, the target is the one you are looking at.


Well, all except one (two?) on Rishi, the one where you choose whether to continue flirting with Theron or Lana. You have:

1. [Flirt] Lana, (blah blah blah)

2 [Flirt] Theron, (something else)

3 Gibber about some crap.


So you can flirt with either of them, and it is clear which line goes with which person.


In the cantina, you have two identical lines (except one has [Flirt]) and the camera shows Theron. It is entirely logical to proceed on the basis that we first flirt with Theron then choose a person to talk to.

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I don't have any issues with the new companions however Kaliyo is pretending to be in love with my agent in Knights, who never flirted with her and it is ruining everything... I've not seen a dev respond to this issue except to say a couple of times that other agent issues were fixed, so i replay the chapter, only to find out it's still broken....
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NO. It is because the two lines have the same text on the dialogue wheel, and because the screen shows Theron's not-so-handsome fizzog. In all other scenes with a flirt, the target is the one you are looking at.


Well, all except one (two?) on Rishi, the one where you choose whether to continue flirting with Theron or Lana. You have:

1. [Flirt] Lana, (blah blah blah)

2 [Flirt] Theron, (something else)

3 Gibber about some crap.


So you can flirt with either of them, and it is clear which line goes with which person.


In the cantina, you have two identical lines (except one has [Flirt]) and the camera shows Theron. It is entirely logical to proceed on the basis that we first flirt with Theron then choose a person to talk to.



Not true, in SoR, when you get to the birdman village where your talking to the birdman elder, a flirt pops up, your still looking at the birdman elder, but the flirts for lana.


I was looking at mr birdman, so by everyone heres goofy logic, i should have been flirting with mr birdman, not pre kotfe Meltymethface Beniko :p


(Id rather flirt with the birdman then someone who looks like shed been using meth for a decade or two...)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I wanted to link another thread about this here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=870477


This is just straight up bugged for some people and not all people just making mistakes about which option they chose. I've taken two characters through the last few weeks, did nothing but flirt with Lana all through FA/SOR and KOTFE, told her the truth about Valkorion and never sided with him, but there is no flirt option in the cantina at all, with anyone. Not with Theron, not with Lana, not with Koth. For some people resetting works, for others like me, resetting does nothing. For another group it does make a flirt option show up, but the moment you pick it it defaults to Theron, you don't get to choose who to flirt with, it just automatically goes into the scene with him.

Edited by AmyBA
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Can't romance Theron, either. I've done everything that other players have, and yet I did not get the flirt option that starts the romance on Odessen.


I am also VERY TIRED of being told I DID IT WRONG when I did the same things others did.


Find some way to let us reset. I will GLADLY go through all nine chapters of KOTFE again on my Jedi Knight to avoid being stuck for all eternity with Doc, who I dumped but he still send me a kriffing letter. Ugh. I refuse to play any further with this character, or bring any but my Trooper through KotFE until this gets addressed and not BLOWN OFF.

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I just came back after a longish absence from the game (since IX was new). I just started to play my SW again today, and came across this bug.


Prior to my leaving, I had started Chapter IX with her, but not finished it. She was at the stage where she had to go to the war room to talk to Theron and get introduced to her other allies (the Hutt Doctor, the Bothan General, the Mirilan Smuggler)... So I did that, did all the associated side-quests, and went to the cantina to "relax"...


Now, prior to my leaving the game, this SW had taken every single possible flirt with Lana Beniko in SoR and KotFE (to that point). I am pretty obsessive about this, so I KNOW I did it because Lana is pretty much my only flirt option in the whole game (long story short, I only do wlw romances). (I think I might have taken flirt options with Senya when presented with the opportunity, but other than that I took all the Lana flirt options I could. Not sure if that has some effect or not.)


Anyway, (another) long story short (too late!) - I didn't get a flirt option in the Cantina. I could say "I want to talk to one of you" and then select Lana from the three options - but there was no specifically flirt option (which I remember from other characters I had completed IX with before I stopped playing). So, of course, I reset the quest.


Tried again. Same thing.


Tried again. Took a flirt option with Theron (who is the only character who presents a flirt option during Chapter IX), just to see what would happen (ick)... And I get the option to flirt with him and only him.


I've reset and logged out from the character, she won't be played again until this is fixed.


Together with the solid week I spent trying to get the game patched, the ridiculous problems with mobs aggroing from halfway across zones and the continuous ambushes seeing through my agent's (companion's) stealth making it worthless in most situations (hello, my opening attack relies on stealth?), I'm on the verge of cancelling my account altogether and giving up on this game. (I have played through the two characters I got things locked in with Lana prior to my break, I basically have nothing to do right now in the game. ETA: Nope, I have two more characters I can play, both got IX finished before I took a break, yay?)

Edited by Zandilar
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I played Chapter 1 - 7 a few months ago with my smuggler und had the same issue when I continued chapter 8 a few days ago.


During the fight with arcann koth saved me instead of Lana, which was very weird since I flirted with Lana every time since the revan Expansion.When I reached the cantina-scene there was no flirt-option.


It worked in the past with different characters so I am 100% sure its a bug.

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What I do not understand are why the developers have such an apparent apathy towards looking into this problem - because clearly there is one. Countless people have written and said this. It has been this way for months. BioWare is releasing new content and updates for KotFE each month - why then does there have to be such a debate to fix something like this? Why does it have to be such an issue? Edited by Sanktchris
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Hey everyone,


We have seen quite a few reports about the Romance system being broken, and I wanted to clarify a few things. A number of the issues being reported are not, in fact, bugged.


<Dropped content as not needed for this response>


I have also seen mention of not being able to romance one of the new characters (Lana, Theron, Koth) being a bug. As far as we can tell, this is not bugged at this time. In order to romance these characters, you must consistently choose flirt options with them throughout KOTFE (having a relationship with Theron or Lana back in Shadow of Revan also contributes to their romances, but is not required) and you must choose a particular option in Chapter IX to pursue a full romance with one of them. If anyone finds that this is not the case for their character, definitely let us know!


<Dropped content as not needed for this response>








Dear Tait,


I see where you are coming from that you cannot find a bug in the actual core romance as there likely is not one. The problem being injected is that patching appears to cause an unexpected complication, please read below.


Having a character get the “Romance Bug” in chapter IX, I decided to try again with another character. I ran my Sniper through SoR, Ziost, and the KotFE chapters. I knelt, I used Valkorians power every time, I flirted with Lana every time I had the option, I think I even flirted with others occasionally (don’t remember which for sure) and I still was able to get the “(Flirt) I need/wanted to talk . . .” option and did in fact lock in the romance with her. This was all completed back-to-back in a couple days.


After reviewing multiple threads on the problems with romancing, Lana in particular, I have found a common element that seems to fit most (if not all) of the players who are not able to get the cantina romance option. As with my character that is not being offered that option even after taking every chance to flirt with Lana (posted on her earlier in this thread), there was at least one if not multiple patches between when players had started and then subsequently completed the KotFE chapter sequence leading to the romance in chapter IX.


It would appear that for some reason, the patching process is dropping/negating the flags that the system uses to tally the score which in turn makes the romance option available.


This dropped/negated flag issue may very well be the root of most of the reported romance problems where people are not getting the expected NPC romance that should be available after jumping through the correct hoops. The fastest solution would be to grant players the appropriate flags upon request or allow KotFE to be completely reset so that people can complete it without a patch messing up the flags.



TL: DR version

Complete KotFE chapters I through IX interrupted by patch(s) = failure for system to grant appropriate outcome.

Complete KotFE chapters I through IX without patch interruption = proper completion of the sequence allowing the anticipated romance.

Edited by katanaacredus
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I was about to say no, that's not what happend to me, at least, but I can't remember if there was a patch between when I started FE and the Cantina. I do know it took a few days to get thru, and I DID wait till 4.2 to even start it..


But, maybe 4.3 came in between it.


I'm gonna run it thru on my scoundrel, and see if it bugs or not. (in SoR now)

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I've been romancing Lana for most of the Knights of the Fallen Empire and the one time, THE ONE TIME, I didn't choose flirt and now I can't have Lana as a romance anymore. I'm done with this game. I'm fing done. This just pissed me off to the point that I no longer even CARE to play this game. Thanks Bioware for ruining the game for me. You couldn't put an option to have the romance option again in a later chapter? Oh no, of course not, that would just make too much fing sense. Thanks for ruining the game for me.


P.S. I have visual proof in the form of a video that I got NO warning about this changing the relationship with any of my characters. I want it fixed to where I can either redo chapter 9 or romance lana in another chapter.

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I've been romancing Lana for most of the Knights of the Fallen Empire and the one time, THE ONE TIME, I didn't choose flirt and now I can't have Lana as a romance anymore. I'm done with this game. I'm fing done. This just pissed me off to the point that I no longer even CARE to play this game. Thanks Bioware for ruining the game for me. You couldn't put an option to have the romance option again in a later chapter? Oh no, of course not, that would just make too much fing sense. Thanks for ruining the game for me.


P.S. I have visual proof in the form of a video that I got NO warning about this changing the relationship with any of my characters. I want it fixed to where I can either redo chapter 9 or romance lana in another chapter.

When did you do this? If it was recent, then you had the chance to read the discussions here on these forums where it says clearly that you MUST flirt with Lana (say) on EVERY possible occasion in KotFE. It has been all over these forums for the last six months. And of course you could have done what some non-zero number of us (including me) did, and used your free insta-60 token to have a sort of dry run, and mess it up (as I did) on a character with less emotional investment.


Also, we don't need to see your visual proof. We know. We've all seen that it does not warn you that you are not changing the relationship(1). I think it's a bit stupid that it doesn't, but OK, that's the way it was done.


(1) This is *critically* important. If, in the cantina scene, you don't pick flirt, you aren't actually changing anything about your relationship with Lana. The only option in that sequence that changes anything is [Flirt][Flirt], which does indeed warn you that you are changing something. And this warning and those in Chapters X and XI are new with KotFE. The forums are littered with references to the creepiness that follows flirting with the vanilla companions on their respective "critical" conversations, especially for Corso Riggs.


The number of people having problems with this indicates clearly that the scenario wasn't built correctly. They should probably have not included the "I want to speak to one of you" stage in the conversation, and gone directly to what would have happened if you had picked [Flirt], but OK, they didn't and it is too late to change that. There is also clearly something wrong with the old-romance detection logic, since we have reports of agents being *re*-hooked to Kaliyo when they were never hooked to her in the first place, amid other oddities.

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I have been flirting with Lana since SoR and I didn't check the forums because I didn't know. I used my level 60 token on another server because I didn't think it would matter that much. Would have been nice to know that I needed to read the forums and spoilers before I did this. Doesn't really matter anyway, I'm done with the game. I'm now stuck with Quinn with that character and that was my MAIN. I spent hours upon hours upon hours getting her to where she is and now it was for nothing. Her story is completely ruined now and that makes me not want to play the game anymore. Again, Bioware should have thought these things through. You should have either had a warning or there should be an event in a later chapter where you can do it. They wanted to make it like Knights of the Old Republic, the problem is that Knights of the Old Republic had SAVE POINTS that people could go back to if they messed something up. We don't have that here and it really shows a lack of foresight that they didn't do something to correct this further in the story. Everyone involved should have given something like this a lot more thought. It wouldn't have been hard to put another event later on that you could do this.
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I have been flirting with Lana since SoR and I didn't check the forums because I didn't know. I used my level 60 token on another server because I didn't think it would matter that much. Would have been nice to know that I needed to read the forums and spoilers before I did this. Doesn't really matter anyway, I'm done with the game. I'm now stuck with Quinn with that character and that was my MAIN. I spent hours upon hours upon hours getting her to where she is and now it was for nothing. Her story is completely ruined now and that makes me not want to play the game anymore. Again, Bioware should have thought these things through. You should have either had a warning or there should be an event in a later chapter where you can do it. They wanted to make it like Knights of the Old Republic, the problem is that Knights of the Old Republic had SAVE POINTS that people could go back to if they messed something up. We don't have that here and it really shows a lack of foresight that they didn't do something to correct this further in the story. Everyone involved should have given something like this a lot more thought. It wouldn't have been hard to put another event later on that you could do this.


I'm hoping they add the option to activate it again in the next season. I doubt it will happen this season as there are a few chapters left and they've been finished already. It is actually bugged as well so there's people who couldn't do it because of that (like me on my main character) and not because we didn't pick the right option (it never showed up). My character is single at least and not stuck with someone like Quinn...ouch.

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I have been flirting with Lana since SoR and I didn't check the forums because I didn't know.

When content has been out for six months, checking forums for information about potential problems is just good general advice.

I used my level 60 token on another server because I didn't think it would matter that much.

Why does the server matter? The suggestion was to use the insta-60 to preview the content before having problems with the main. I did that and I am *so* glad I did. Doesn't help my insta-60 bed Lana, though, poor sod.

Would have been nice to know that I needed to read the forums and spoilers before I did this.

As I said above, that is *general* advice for this or any other game. If you aren't doing it on release day, check the forums to see if there are reports of issues. (e.g. when Civ III came out, there was no hope for me to see that sort of information because I went to work that day via a game shop to buy it!)

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When did you do this? If it was recent, then you had the chance to read the discussions here on these forums where it says clearly that you MUST flirt with Lana (say) on EVERY possible occasion in KotFE.

Too bad that the critical point is actually flirting with bloody Theron. :mad:


I see no reason why it shouldn't be possible to reset this conversation. Nothing critical happened in the chapters after it anyway.


I've been forced to put my JK main on ice because of this colossal idiocy. And no, I didn't use my lvl 60 token. I see little reason to play a "nothing" character as "test run". I'm willing to live with the choices my character makes in KoTFE, but choosing not to flirt with Theron is NOT a choice that should render void a Lana romance in full progress!

Edited by MadArcand
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TL: DR version

Complete KotFE chapters I through IX interrupted by patch(s) = failure for system to grant appropriate outcome.

Complete KotFE chapters I through IX without patch interruption = proper completion of the sequence allowing the anticipated romance.

This. 100%.



And you can indeed skip one (!) [Flirt] option with Lana, because if you choose a certain darkside option in Chapter IV, you will miss one possible [Flirt] option. If you go lightside, and had picked the [Flirt] then, you may skip the one in the swamp.

So that's not what messes up the romance. The patches are.

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