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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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HAHAHAHAHA!!! "PvP team"...you're funny!


Alex Modny | Assistant Designer


I'd assumed assistant implied more than one ... maybe that's just in terms of the game as a whole. Also has that title changed since last year? Didn't it mention something about PVP in it?

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They've obviously got it to a perfect place where it's completely inaccessible, confusing and unwelcoming to new players, and called it a win.


Then our recent spam-rage poster on the subject is clearly part of their target audience... nothing makes me want to change my mind about never setting foot in the toxic cesspit of PvP less than an attitude like his -- "Do you even PvP, bro?"

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Then our recent spam-rage poster on the subject is clearly part of their target audience... nothing makes me want to change my mind about never setting foot in the toxic cesspit of PvP less than an attitude like his -- "Do you even PvP, bro?"


You're just as likely to find an attitude like his in PVP as you are here on the forums. Sure, they exist, and sure they're vocal, but they are by far the minority. Using that as an excuse not to PVP is pretty weak.

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You're just as likely to find an attitude like his in PVP as you are here on the forums. Sure, they exist, and sure they're vocal, but they are by far the minority. Using that as an excuse not to PVP is pretty weak.


I'm sure it's not the solo reason to not PVP, however due to other contributing factors, a small toxic vocal group is enough to offset the balance to not PVP, or just adds another reason to not PVP.

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I'm sure it's not the solo reason to not PVP, however due to other contributing factors, a small toxic vocal group is enough to offset the balance to not PVP, or just adds another reason to not PVP.


Calling PvP a "toxic cesspit" when he has, by his own admission, never tried it, is by far the worst part of his statement. That says far more about his character than the fact that he needs to invent excuses not to try it in the first place.


Is PVP for everyone? Nope. Does PvP have a "small toxic vocal group"? Maybe. Is it a "toxic cesspit"? Absolutely not. There a lot of friendly, welcoming people that PVP on a regular basis. Calling them a part of a toxic cesspit is insulting, degrading, and COMPLETELY unnecessary. But that's Max's shtick. Playing as the victim, but acting even worse than the behavior he complains about.

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Calling PvP a "toxic cesspit" when he has, by his own admission, never tried it, is by far the worst part of his statement. That says far more about his character than the fact that he needs to invent excuses not to try it in the first place.


Is PVP for everyone? Nope. Does PvP have a "small toxic vocal group"? Maybe. Is it a "toxic cesspit"? Absolutely not. There a lot of friendly, welcoming people that PVP on a regular basis. Calling them a part of a toxic cesspit is insulting, degrading, and COMPLETELY unnecessary.


I just re-read the post... yeah, its sad Max had to call the entire PVP batch a toxic cesspit. IMO that is no worse than another poster calling all raiders a toxic cesspit.


There are good PVP players, those who teach rotations, gearing, and how to best play the objectives, and bad players who only bad mouth others and blame everything on someone else.


Don't let a few bad apples ruin the tree.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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I'm sure it's not the solo reason to not PVP, however due to other contributing factors, a small toxic vocal group is enough to offset the balance to not PVP, or just adds another reason to not PVP.


PvPed in FPS games so long ago that there was this thing called a "LAN party" because no one wants to play an FPS over dialup. Got sick of the bunny--hopping, spin-sniping, rocket-spamming nonsense. And the toxic crap in chat.


PvPed in WOW for a while, got really bored with in after not very long, stopped. And got sick of dealing with other people's nonsense, on both sides of the battles.


PvPed playing World of Tanks, got sick of being stuck between players who failed their way up to higher-tier tanks and lulzed around the battlefield saying "I play for fun!" as an excuse for shizzing up everyone else's game, and raging **********s who thought they were the reincarnation of General gosh darn Patton.


Eventually, I just swore I'd never touch PvP with a 10 foot pole, ever again, for any reason.



I just re-read the post... yeah, its sad Max had to call the entire PVP batch a toxic cesspit. IMO that is no worse than another poster calling all raiders a toxic cesspit.


There are good PVP players, those who teach rotations, gearing, and how to best play the objectives, and bad players who only bad mouth others and blame everything on someone else.


Don't let a few bad apples ruin the tree.


I didn't call all PvPers toxic.


My experience with PvP is that it brings out the worst in more than a few people, however, and for me it was an entirely unfun, negative, corrosive, nasty experience that got worse as time went on.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I didn't call all PvPers toxic.


My experience with PvP is that it brings out the worst in more than a few people, however, and for me it was an entirely unfun, negative, corrosive, nasty experience that got worse as time went on.


My bad for the assumption, but you didn't specify a certain part of the PVP community and just said PVP, I realize I shouldn't have assumed, but it may help to say toxic part of the PVP community, rather than just stating the subject to avoid confusion for skrebs like me.


I believe the worst comes out in PVP due to confrontation with other players. People are low and cheap in video games, doing whatever they can to win. This may include the lowest of the low tactics like using the FOTM, team stacking, deliberating facing lower levels to stroke there egos, and if using player owned servers, admin abuse. Some may disagree with some of that with the "if its in the game, use it" type, but be honest, using a blatantly OP thing in a video game is dishonorable. It also brings in conflicting personalities when playing with overs such as the "I play for fun" and the "PTFO OR ****!" types which not everyone agrees with.


Not everyone is sadly going to compromise with each other... so it stems confrontation.

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Everyones playing The Division right now, its actually rather insane just how many people I know that are seriously hooked on that game...


I've heard the same thing. Haven't tried myself, yet, but am tempted. =D I'm hoping that's all it is. Would like to see the population pick back up.

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I hope I'm proven wrong...but the lack of quality and content speaks volumes.


People have been complaining about the bugs since I started playing. And lack of content is subjective, and somewhat short-sighted; roll all the chapters together and release it as a "standard" Ex Pack, and it would have at least as much as Makeb.


Other than bugs related to companions, I haven't really seen much higher rates of bugs in the game than before.


I excepted companions because there really does appear to be something wrong with the companion subsystem, one that the current devs do not have a full understanding of. But that's not (necessarily) a lack of quality so much as having to deal with someone else's shortcuts. The only bigger "systematic" change in 4.0 was Level Sync, and that went through with few bugs. And given some of the things I've seen people complain about with regards to companion flags, I have to wonder how stable the pre-4.0 companion subsystem was, or whether they just never touched it after launch...

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People have been complaining about the bugs since I started playing. And lack of content is subjective, and somewhat short-sighted; roll all the chapters together and release it as a "standard" Ex Pack, and it would have at least as much as Makeb.


Other than bugs related to companions, I haven't really seen much higher rates of bugs in the game than before.


I excepted companions because there really does appear to be something wrong with the companion subsystem, one that the current devs do not have a full understanding of. But that's not (necessarily) a lack of quality so much as having to deal with someone else's shortcuts. The only bigger "systematic" change in 4.0 was Level Sync, and that went through with few bugs. And given some of the things I've seen people complain about with regards to companion flags, I have to wonder how stable the pre-4.0 companion subsystem was, or whether they just never touched it after launch...


I generally agree with you, though the overall quality of patch releases continues to follow a somewhat downward trend. Not anything massive in terms of trend like some people like to present. Bugs, sometimes persistent ones, are part and parcel for an MMO, but some of the bugs released beginning with 3.0 and continuing through 4.0 are kind of absurd, as is the flip/flop over-reaction/under-reaction behavior by Austin sometimes.


But as evidenced by the person you were responding to... some people tend to over-state and catastrophize.. I guess either to vent frustration, or to make a point, or just to stir up drama.


I do feel that when they start reworking a whole sub-system in the game (such as what they did with companion redesign for 4.0) that they run into a lot of bad code, rats-nest functionality, bailing wire and chewing gum patchy-patchy codework, etc. left over from pre-launch coding/testing/changes. I don't envy the poor developer that has to open that can of worms and try to sort it all out.

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Sometimes the truth hurts a little. Relax a bit.


And with some people I see it stings a bit too.


There there.. don't be too critical of yourself. Others will generally do that for you. :)

Edited by Andryah
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You still claiming the game is dying, MadCuzBad? Keep it up, one of these days you'll get it right.


"Don't worry, the game wont last that long. If you dont believe me just read the forums."

MadCuzBad, 8th February, 2012

Edited by CrazyCT
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You still claiming the game is dying, MadCuzBad? Keep it up, one of these days you'll get it right.


"Don't worry, the game wont last that long. If you dont believe me just read the forums."

MadCuzBad, 8th February, 2012


True, true. If MadCuzBad sits here every day for the next four to six years, saying the game is dying, well, eventually, he'll be right.



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Just want to throw this out there to those that request hard numbers on server populations.....


Don't need them, my friends list and guild lists are enough for me to see a trend. The sheer number of buddies and guild mates that have not logged on in months or years is enough documentation needed to see what is happening.



Sad to see 10 people online at a time currently when I used to have to scroll down through online friends and guild mates currently online in past years.




LOL Friends List is bugged and your "popularity" actually has zero to do with the game being dead. New players join all the time. They're not your friends. You could try making friends with them. I'm not totally disagreeing wth you. But I thought numbers have been steadily increasing for the past year or so....

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