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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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I'm pretty sure that soon i'll be accused of being the 3rd reincarnation of MCB. :)


Just start worshipping the ground he walks on, spout that you could totally kick our arses as if you were 9 years old, and tell yourself that being called out on ******** is an attack on you with some nice tears to go along with it. Then Killjoy will drop on by to give you the official fourm to fill out so that we can officially accuse you.

As a side note, I think that assuming Ownage is MCB was complete bull.

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Id say,that maybe it would be cool to increase odds of getting a cool item by PvPing; but ive seen,what happens by drawing in people who dont really want to be there. :mad:


Well, speaking seriously this time, i think they promised to shed some light on the season 7 rewards next livestream so there is still some hope for that.

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Whether the game died or not, depends on what is "game" for you.


If by "game" one understands cartel market and everything that comes from it; short story chapters similiar for all classes once a month; and rescaling of old content than rejoice! The game is more alive then ever and it will stay that way.


If the "game" for you is new operations,new FP, different class stories and planet quest chains - then yes. The game is dead as dodo and has been for quite some time, and I personally dont believe it will ever rise from the grave.


What happens now is the change of population. Those who were playing for a long time and want new and different stuff will leave. They will be replaced by newcomers and those who are content with how the things are and on their money the game will contitue to exist for a long time in its current state.


Nothing can be done about it. This is the way things work.

Edited by Gelious
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What happens now is the change of population. Those who were playing for a long time and want new and different stuff will leave. They will be replaced by newcomers and those who are content with how the things are and on their money the game will contitue to exist for a long time in its current state.


Nothing can be done about it. This is the way things work.


No MMO, or game for that matter, lasts a long time as you put it, after a major player dump. This is a total falsehood. A game remains healthy by maintaining its core players, and bringing in new players. But no developer has the goal of saying screw you to a major, supportive (ie: actually pays subs more then a month at a time), and think that is just the way things are.

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I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. I was forced to server transfer off of POT5 (PVP) server because it became a ghost town. 30 minute que times during peak time. After peak time (mornings and late evenings) no que pops at all.

At the time I had a choice. Goto a populated server with que pops and leave my current server. At the time and still is the most populated server TheHarbringer was really the best choice.

The past 3 to 4 weeks on Harbringer has been the longest que waits in the 2 years I have been playing here. And in the past month has been getting slower each week. I play everyday at the same times so I have my finger on the pulse of Harbringer and know it well.


TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.


I am on the harbinger both reb and imp, things seem ok, if it does go down the drain hopefully they will just do a merge, 1000cc per character and I have 16, and limited money. not happening.

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I am on the harbinger both reb and imp, things seem ok, if it does go down the drain hopefully they will just do a merge, 1000cc per character and I have 16, and limited money. not happening.


People have been saying the game's been dying since I started playing mid last year- fun fact, there are WoW players who spend their subs proclaiming that game is dying. There would be no new development, no London panel with the other big guns and no new players when there seems to always be newbies and returning players around.


Then we have the Star Wars movies and the fandom to sustain the game and of course, the gold spammers who would sell up and pack up shop and decrease in number off to another MMO, rather than multiplying where the money is.


On Harbinger, the complaining idiots who wonder why ranked PvP never pops have been happy with pops more than usual. It's US summer, which is known for lower television ratings and slower times in things regarding to indoors.

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People have been saying the game's been dying since I started playing mid last year


The guy who started this thread, MadCuzBad, has been claiming the "Game is Dying" since about two weeks after it launched - you can check back his history and see. Who knows, maybe one of these days his "prophetic" rants will come true, but it's not today.

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Speaking of which, where did we lose Killjoy - haven't seen him posting in at least a month


I figure he got bored and let his sub run out again. I, for one, hope he's enjoying his time away; I may not agree much with him, but I certainly respect him.

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I figure he got bored and let his sub run out again. I, for one, hope he's enjoying his time away; I may not agree much with him, but I certainly respect him.


Oh I don't know, some of what Max has to say surely resonates once in a while? He's probably still reading these forums, lamenting the part where non-subscribers can't provide feedback (which I have to say, is a poorly thought out way of handling a community as it pushes it out to other sites....)

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i do feel like my queue times on Harbs is starting to feel like they were on PoT5 about 2 months before transferring.


Same. When i transferred from ToFN to TRE( februrary or march this year) the moment i queued i got a pop. Now even in prime time i have to wait 5+ minutes.

Edited by Tsetso
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Same. When i transferred from ToFN to TRE( februrary or march this year) the moment i queued i got a pop. Now even in prime time i have to wait 5+ minutes.

Looong ago, in a thread far away...err...I mean in this thread, I mentioned this very fact...even Harb has slow pops these days. We did a GF S&V last night - lost our healer about half way through the Op (city phase)...I re-queued our group, but we finished the Op an hour later with only 7 of us because no healer ever joined the queue. A year ago, that slot would have been filled in an instant.

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Looong ago, in a thread far away...err...I mean in this thread, I mentioned this very fact...even Harb has slow pops these days. We did a GF S&V last night - lost our healer about half way through the Op (city phase)...I re-queued our group, but we finished the Op an hour later with only 7 of us because no healer ever joined the queue. A year ago, that slot would have been filled in an instant.


Don't worry - next year you'll probably be able to pull out a companion instead.

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I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. I was forced to server transfer off of POT5 (PVP) server because it became a ghost town. 30 minute que times during peak time. After peak time (mornings and late evenings) no que pops at all.

At the time I had a choice. Goto a populated server with que pops and leave my current server. At the time and still is the most populated server TheHarbringer was really the best choice.

The past 3 to 4 weeks on Harbringer has been the longest que waits in the 2 years I have been playing here. And in the past month has been getting slower each week. I play everyday at the same times so I have my finger on the pulse of Harbringer and know it well.


TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.


I just canceled my sub after playing chapter 16.

Ive been on harb since launch. It was a joke among my friends that reaper Harbinger was a colossal retard at the end of ME3, just standing there watching shepard have a cushy final moment with his crew, so we picked that server to be cheeky. Ive been lucky because I never had to move servers due to population issues (at least in this game, happened a few times in SWG), but you're right. I sincerely believe this game is going to get canned after this next expansion. Every expansion has been a narrative blunder for this "story driven" mmo. I play because I make up cool stories and RP elements for my characters to fill, but beyond that there isnt **** in this game anymore.

Edited by vabi
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Looong ago, in a thread far away...err...I mean in this thread, I mentioned this very fact...even Harb has slow pops these days. We did a GF S&V last night - lost our healer about half way through the Op (city phase)...I re-queued our group, but we finished the Op an hour later with only 7 of us because no healer ever joined the queue. A year ago, that slot would have been filled in an instant.


That is because no one wants to que as healer, they just want to pew pew so if they can hide with the other dps.

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