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So why isn't advanced class change a thing again?

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Of course changing the whole class would be problematic, what with voice acting and storylines. But why is there no option to change advanced classes?


I picked Jedi Shadow for my main character when I started because I thought I'd be forced to wear those ridiculous hats otherwise. People in the comments for the YT previews were complaining about it, so I thought I was playing smart by doing this. Not to mention that you unlock both the lightsaber and the doublesaber as a Shadow. Little did I know, you lose out on most of your advanced techniques if you don't use the doublesaber. I could always switch to a doublesaber, but it just doesn't feel right after spending so much time with the regular one. I could re-roll as most people will probably advise me to do once I post this topic, but come on, I'm half way through the DLC stories. I REALLY don't want to do all of that over something so small, yet so limiting.


There's no reason not to have this feature. They don't need to get people to make alts, people are already doing that to play the 7 other storylines they have. They certainly can't claim it's for RP purposes when you can magically rewrite your DNA and change races mid-game. It's just silly.

Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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Advanced class is not truly labeled what it is it is more like the base class of a character on WoW warrior , mage and what not. When the class is set there are perimeters that get locked in.


But why does that happen? What is the purpose of locking our advanced classes? I don't see this changing any time soon, so I'll probably just restart before I go any further and regret it. But I just don't see why the developers would do this just for the sake of a pointless and archaic tradition from WoW.

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It took you until almost max level before you realized your shadow was suppose to use a double saber? You get your first lightsaber, with the increased xp now, likely after you hit level 10 and choose shadow, so you'll have the double saber before tython.
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I was originally against the idea of an AC change. I wanted ACs to have MORE meaning, not less, but with the recent changes to the ability trees, leveling, companions and the like I would now find it an acceptable change.


I would rather want to see this kind of change allowed after perhaps level 50.

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I would also like to have an advance class change option. I also have an SI Shadow, and while I'm fine playing as one, and I don't mind it, and I still enjoy the story, I prefer sorcerer. I decided to try Shadow after doing a sorcerer on another server, just to see if I'd like it more, and I ended up not liking it all that much. Like I said, I don't hate it, and I can still live with it and enjoy the game, but I would really love if I could switch her to a Sorcerer.
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But why does that happen? What is the purpose of locking our advanced classes?


To make some player choices actually matter, and as this is an alt friendly MMO, to give players more diversity that encourages trying different classes.


Don't have to like it, but it is what it is. Questioning it and complaining about it will change nothing.

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I would also like to have an advance class change option. I also have an SI Shadow, and while I'm fine playing as one, and I don't mind it, and I still enjoy the story, I prefer sorcerer. I decided to try Shadow after doing a sorcerer on another server, just to see if I'd like it more, and I ended up not liking it all that much. Like I said, I don't hate it, and I can still live with it and enjoy the game, but I would really love if I could switch her to a Sorcerer.

Back at release, I made a Shadow, leveled him to 40, and hated it. I changed my Advanced Class by making a new character and choosing Sage.

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I was originally against the idea of an AC change. I wanted ACs to have MORE meaning, not less, but with the recent changes to the ability trees, leveling, companions and the like I would now find it an acceptable change.


I would rather want to see this kind of change allowed after perhaps level 50.

Nice to have you on board finally!


It absolutely should be made available. Who cares if someone wants to change AC, let em. Charge 1000 CC for it and Bioware will make a ton.

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To make some player choices actually matter, and as this is an alt friendly MMO, to give players more diversity that encourages trying different classes.


Don't have to like it, but it is what it is. Questioning it and complaining about it will change nothing.


This "player choice" doesn't matter either way, it has no effect on the story or the character. It only effects your gameplay style. And you'd be surprised what complaining can do, not that this change is likely to happen 5 years in.

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Do you realize how game breaking this would be? Say someone needs a heal but your on your shadow and rather having an alt to switch to, you could just change to the sage advanced class. I'm sorry but I don't want this feature it takes away the need for alts imo. I like advanced classes as they are and they don't need to change that. Not to mention leveling is this game now is so stupid fast plus you can buy instant 60's so ya I just don't see them implementing this. Edited by fjyjf
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They do have an AC change, its called "Instant 60 Token"


As ridiculous the amount of xp you get now is, you can get from 60 to 65 in 2 hours.


Cmon people Bioware breaks things without even trying, the potential things they can (and would) break attempting this is off the charts.


Id much rather they fix -already- broken things rather then break even more things for people too lazy to spend an hour or two leveling a insta 60 to 65.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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They do have an AC change, its called "Instant 60 Token"


As ridiculous the amount of xp you get now is, you can get from 60 to 65 in 2 hours.


Cmon people Bioware breaks things without even trying, the potential things they can (and would) break attempting this is off the charts.


Id much rather they fix -already- broken things rather then break even more things for people too lazy to spend an hour or two leveling a insta 60 to 65.


Totally agree they need to fix bugs and not implement this because I'm sure it would break the game.

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This "player choice" doesn't matter either way, it has no effect on the story or the character. It only effects your gameplay style.


Then why on earth are you complaining? :rolleyes:


For most people gameplay style IS important, for some it is the most important aspect of even this MMO. Based on the almost perpetual demanding and complaining about not having the ability to change an AC... yeah.. choice in this case definitely matters to a good number of players.


Choosing an AC in many cases freezes you out of a weapon choice, skills, roles, etc. And people who are hasty and make choices without thinking it through then come back and complain and demand an AC change feature in game.


Reality is: you can level 4-8 times faster then we could at launch... so the actual pain here now days is relatively modest in this alt friendly MMO. yet people still complain.

Edited by Andryah
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They do have an AC change, its called "Instant 60 Token"
EXACTLY Xiamara! They want to profit off your swap. That's why they develop this game, to make $. Because of the tokens, I doubt we'll ever see an AC swap option...but I would support it 100%!!!
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For most people gameplay style IS important, for some it is the most important aspect of even this MMO.
Agreed with this part.


Fact: Sage and Shadow share the same class story ... my choice of Advanced Class is irrelevant to that story.


Fact: Sage is awesome, with awesome game mechanics and awesome awesomeness.


Fact: Shadow is a filthy, illiterate class to play, requiring a hazmat shower each time you log out.


Fact: I choose my Advanced Class solely because of game mechanics.


I have recently created a handful of new alts (Consular, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, and Inquisitor). With, each, I reached level 10 and was prompted to select my Advanced Class having only completed one-half to two-thirds of the starter planet (Tython, Ord Mantell, Hutta, and Korriban, respectively). If I run Esseles or Black Talon to complete the Introduction to Group Finder mission, I am level 20 before I each either Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. This process takes 2-3 hours depending on (a) how quickly the FP queue pops and (b) whether we space-bar the FP.


Ten levels seems plenty to decide if a player enjoys a specific playstyle. If they reach their homeworld having (justifiably) concluded that Shadow is a filthy, illiterate class and they feel like they need a shower, they can delete and try again. So, I do not accept, "Oh, but the player doesn't like his class," as a basis for allowing Advanced Class changes.


I don't run OPs, but I can imagine that it would be more convenient for one player to change his Advanced Class if necessary rather than have that player log in an alt (not everyone has alts). It is, of course, more convenient to log in an alt than to replace a player. So, changing one's Advance Class might make sense for that limited purpose.

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pre-hot i suggested removal of AC but fanboys were like "no we love AC" ..well bioware actually did get rid of AC with fast leveling and level 60 tokens. after kotfe it really does not matter anymore. go through 1-50 story with any AC, just remember to use mods to upgrade gear every 10 levels..you get legendary status for completing all 8.

after 50 its same story.

either make new character with AC you want or just buy level 60 token.

Edited by bahramnima
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Ten levels seems plenty to decide if a player enjoys a specific playstyle. If they reach their homeworld having (justifiably) concluded that Shadow is a filthy, illiterate class and they feel like they need a shower, they can delete and try again. So, I do not accept, "Oh, but the player doesn't like his class," as a basis for allowing Advanced Class changes.


Ten levels? Thor...you can't honestly believe that character play at level 9 is even remotely close to what it is at 50. At 9/10 a player has a tiny fraction of their actual skills. At level 10, a Vanguard seems like a ranged class still...by 50, they're full on melee.


How about this for a basis: Who cares what AC you play? Pay to change it if you want. Whatever YOU feel like doing, please do it. I don't care what AC you play and nobody should care what AC I am playing...if switching it makes you want to play more or longer, that's GOOD!

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This discussion has been beaten into the ground. Long story short, you have one side who believes the AC's are actual classes. For example, Sorceror would be a mage, Juggernaut a Warrior, etc etc. On the other hand people think Jedi Knight is the class and the two options are specialization or extensions of that class. However, Jedi Knight is just the option you pick to be identified as such throughout the story and is not the actual class you play. That's how I see it anyway.
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