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1.0.1 pvp xp nerf. thoughts?


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Im my opinion. Xp given was too much and it really needed a nerf. If u lose u get low xp. As simple as that. Y do u want alot of xp wen ur losing? May b do better then other team and win and get more xp? Xp for losing is fine now. Also there wouldnt b so much qq if bioware had this at release. Every1 will get lvl 50 eventually so ya. And for alts it still not bad to lvl with pvp. Btw ppl will always qq every patch over something
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I agree with you. But this might have to do with exploiting. I know people on servers that have 2 guilds on both factions and they queue up against each other and take a quick loss and get rewards. This nerf might have to do with that, while people not exploiting got hurt in the crossfire.


if this happened ( and from my ex-experience from other mmos . i am sure there are many guilds that exploited this way the warzones ) i would like to see some zeroing levels and baby cries in forums.


we are all lovers of the game , but also we are all customers that gave the SAME MONEY to play .


if there is anybody that exploited a game mechanism , he deserves to loose ALL THE XP that he gained through this exploit and also all the materials + credits that he earned.

there is not any better message from the message that come in time and straight.


this is the difficult decision right now for the managers of the game . it is always a risk to take negative feedback from the players that exploited a mechanism , but in the other hand "always the boat is loosing its direction from the beginning" .


difficult decision but they must decide what mmo they want early , before this turn to a plague for the game.


p.s. next time ( you know who i am talking about and ofc not the quoted person) please don't tell me again that this works as it is designed ....

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This and the space missions are putting me ahead of things far too quickly. I've skipped about half of Nar Shadda, some of Tatooine and about 1/3 of Alderaan. Feels weird skipping that much of the story.


You didn't skip story, you skipped sidequests. I appreciate being able to skip them because it lets me choose to do different planets on different characters to keep it fresh.


It's impossible to skip story.

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I liked doing the main story quests and PVP. I found most of the side quests to be boring and generic, with a few surprises here and there.


Dumb down the EXP to much and I will be deterred from making alts. Which in the long term means I will spend less time (and money) on this game before becoming bored.

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The big problem with XP in PvP was that XP was given out in too great amount for not playing properly; thus, a lot of people raked in the XP for playing poorly and ignoring the objectives. The nerf they put in still doesn't address the fact that you do not actually need to participate in the goal of a WZ to obtain the most rewards (this is now common knowledge; just go on a killing spree). Sure, winning now garners the best return, but you don't need to contribute to any of the goals to garner the most rewards on the winning side. Regardless of who wins, the people that actively participate in achieving the WZ's goals are the ones who should be rewarded. Right now, the system has been tweaked to support stretched out pug stomp games (this also brings up the point that there should have been solo/duo queue and group (3+) queues). Also, there is now little incentive to stick around in a losing game because any effort to contribute to the WZ objectives will not be rewarded properly. This band-aid "fix" is a rushed failed attempt to correct a much bigger problem.
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The big problem with XP in PvP was that XP was given out in too great amount for not playing properly; thus, a lot of people raked in the XP for playing poorly and ignoring the objectives. The nerf they put in still doesn't address the fact that you do not actually need to participate in the goal of a WZ to obtain the most rewards (this is now common knowledge; just go on a killing spree). Sure, winning now garners the best return, but you don't need to contribute to any of the goals to garner the most rewards on the winning side. Regardless of who wins, the people that actively participate in achieving the WZ's goals are the ones who should be rewarded. Right now, the system has been tweaked to support stretched out pug stomp games (this also brings up the point that there should have been solo/duo queue and group (3+) queues). Also, there is now little incentive to stick around in a losing game because any effort to contribute to the WZ objectives will not be rewarded properly. This band-aid "fix" is a rushed failed attempt to correct a much bigger problem.


the mvp award could be used to fix this issue. make it so that only a person who topped a catagory (kills, heals, dmg, medals, protection, objectives) could receive mvp votes and up the rewards from mvp votes but still allow everyone to vote. It would mean the losing team might have less ppl to vote for but they lost so not as much 'bonus' rewards from mvp votes go out to them while possibly allowing the winning team to give out more 'bonus' rewards through votes by having more ppl to vote for. i say might and probably because ive been on a losing team but still topped the chart at the end in a catagory or 2 and won but been low on the chart. There will always be outliers but more time then not i think this could work. Any thoughts?

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EA + BW = SOE Don't worry this game is destined to fail it isn't even fresh or fun. Just a big *********** grind like every other things. The only thing i even liked about the game was the pvp. Now i don't even like the pvp because they fked over the losing faction. I spend 15minutes in an arena to not even get a bubble of XP when i can go spend 10minutes questing and get 2Bubbles? Ya this is lame and I will be unsubbing. I called it BW will fail at thier first mmo. Don't implement a godlike system that all your pvpers love then take it away. I have no reason to make alts or even continue playing my char because I just know this is the start of bad ideas. I bought the game mainly because I love the idea of leveling through warzones. Well leveling through warzones is fking pointless now. Thanks for ruining my game experience.


Was a good 1 week run but Star wars is about to fail. The game is way to repetitive and boring. Now that they took away my one escape from questing I damn sure won't continue playing. FK EA, and FK BW.

Edited by Xenokane
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The big problem with XP in PvP was that XP was given out in too great amount for not playing properly; thus, a lot of people raked in the XP for playing poorly and ignoring the objectives. The nerf they put in still doesn't address the fact that you do not actually need to participate in the goal of a WZ to obtain the most rewards (this is now common knowledge; just go on a killing spree). Sure, winning now garners the best return, but you don't need to contribute to any of the goals to garner the most rewards on the winning side. Regardless of who wins, the people that actively participate in achieving the WZ's goals are the ones who should be rewarded. Right now, the system has been tweaked to support stretched out pug stomp games (this also brings up the point that there should have been solo/duo queue and group (3+) queues). Also, there is now little incentive to stick around in a losing game because any effort to contribute to the WZ objectives will not be rewarded properly. This band-aid "fix" is a rushed failed attempt to correct a much bigger problem.


All that would do is punish PvPers. Honestly........who cares if the losing team gets only a little less than the winning team.....


PvP is already slower leveling than PvE due to PvP queue times compared to being able to do multiple PvE quests simultaneously or concurrently. The only thing lessening PvP XP does is drive potential PvPers away because it's not worth it while leveling.

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Im my opinion. Xp given was too much and it really needed a nerf. If u lose u get low xp. As simple as that. Y do u want alot of xp wen ur losing? May b do better then other team and win and get more xp? Xp for losing is fine now. Also there wouldnt b so much qq if bioware had this at release. Every1 will get lvl 50 eventually so ya. And for alts it still not bad to lvl with pvp. Btw ppl will always qq every patch over something


this would be fine if pvp was even remotely fair. the current pvp system is whoever has the most 50s win

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EA + BW = SOE Don't worry this game is destined to fail it isn't even fresh or fun. Just a big *********** grind like every other things. The only thing i even liked about the game was the pvp. Now i don't even like the pvp because they fked over the losing faction. I spend 15minutes in an arena to not even get a bubble of XP when i can go spend 10minutes questing and get 2Bubbles? Ya this is lame and I will be unsubbing. I called it BW will fail at thier first mmo. Don't implement a godlike system that all your pvpers love then take it away. I have no reason to make alts or even continue playing my char because I just know this is the start of bad ideas. I bought the game mainly because I love the idea of leveling through warzones. Well leveling through warzones is fking pointless now. Thanks for ruining my game experience.


Was a good 1 week run but Star wars is about to fail. The game is way to repetitive and boring. Now that they took away my one escape from questing I damn sure won't continue playing. FK EA, and FK BW.


Thats a bit over exaggerated and honestly, over dramatic. Yea i have my complaints and yea id like to see a lotta things fixed but still a better game what i was previously playing.


Ill give it a few patches to address some of my concerns before i go entertaining the idea of unsubbing. it helps to join a guild and play with friends....maybe you should try that. makes the little annoyances bearable.

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I stopped doing pvp because I was leveling up too fast. I literally skipped all of the side-quests on alderaan and am still above the end level for the next planet.


Must be rough lol. Since Empire wins most bg's because they have more higher level players than us (because they can quest unhindered as well) awarding their side even more points and taking points from us when we lose thus creating EVEN MORE high level Sith is a well thought out solution to the pvp woes that plague the game. So an even more imbalance ratio of 50's in world pvp is going to spark that particular genre? Enjoy huttball hell because my guild has decided to not pvp in any way shape or form til we get to 50. And doing that by only running flash points is going to take awhile.

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The XP nerf was needed but it felt a little too over nerfed. This is not necessarily game ruining. I treat warzones and PVP as a treat at the end of a level rather than main content of the game. However, I hope they buff the xp just a little bit to coincide with quests.


Also, I hope they add an after match choice for the team that wins to add light side/dark side points sometimes because there is no way to get them through PVP.

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i would like to point out that most pvp matches are between 8-15 minutes long with a very good xp gain win or lose. and in my experence the ques have not been longer than 5 minues between rounds.


now questing at certain points can get several quests done for bigger xp burst but on other pve parts can take well up to and over 30 minutes to complete. only exception i can see would be daily space missions being on a few minutes each with decent xp.


as for the xp loss for loseing. i think people shold be happy they are getting any xp at all for loseing, pvp is competitive and should be geared towards winning and doing everything in thier power to achive victorythe medal system is good for that, xp gain should be based on medals in a defeat so those that tried get the xp and those that just afk'd in a corner get sh$t on and then bonus xp for victor side.. the only problem i really see atm is lvl 50's in with the other lower lvl players only cause they don't need xp at all and practically just farm the lowbies trying to play and gain some xp as well. but as more 50's come along they will be bracketed and the problem will fix itself in time.


please note as well, this is purely my observation and i do both pvp and pve very heavly and usually together.

Edited by Zulimm
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I stopped doing pvp because I was leveling up too fast. I literally skipped all of the side-quests on alderaan and am still above the end level for the next planet.


I've had the same experience. I was only at Balmorra(16-20 I think) quest wise but i was already ready to go to Alderaan(26+ I think).

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People like you, wow, don't do them then? If they are putting you ahead SO much STOP doing them, why are people so retarded it makes bioware have to nerf things just so people grind more! Now its nerfed space missions suck (yes I'm getting 800 odd xp for a yellow mission) and 2k for a win for pvp, I do not WANT to have to repeat all BORING planet missions over over on each character, I'd rather pvp my way through the lvl's and just do the main storys on each.


thread necromancy!! (spooky music)

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PVP shouldnt allow you to completely bypass the entire story-driven-point of the game.


Why not? There's no harm in letting people level how they want to. You already can do it anyways. I rerolled from Empire to Republic. All I do for leveling is pvp and space missions. Outside of the starter planet I haven't done a single one on the Republic side.

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PVP shouldnt allow you to completely bypass the entire story-driven-point of the game.


and LOL and your "expect to lose subs" quip, Loving it


Er how does it even do this? The missions are green or grey yes, you can still do them if you choose, but you should NOT be forced to PvE if you do not want to and you should get the XP we were getting when the game launched.

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Eh dunno what the go with space missions are, think they are bugged, sometimes I do them get a nice chunk of xp, just then done one on my imp op and got 330 credits and 5xp for a orange space mission..... class it up to yet another bug with the game I guess. Edited by KalTorrak
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