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Phase walk cap exploit


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Start capping, phasewalk while capping, you will continue to cap even tho you're not in the area for people to stop cap. Is this getting fixed soon?


Thanks for the heads up can't wait to test this out! Sorcs grow more and more powerful by the day! Now we can phasewalk-cap stuff and not even be on the cap! WOOHOO!!!!!

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Phasewalk has its place (incredibly annoying though it is, for the classes that don't have it), but at the very least if Phasewalk is used that should stop the cap.

I am just guessing, but I would assume that the devs did not consider that particular side-effect when they introduced Phasewalk. After all, they wouldn't think about it and leave it in, unless they were trying to make Sage/Sorc OP enough to earn the kind of nerf-batting that I normally have to pay a Dominatrix for, would they?

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I use phase walk in hypergate and a few others on my shadow to get to points quickly. I've also gotten out to a pylon in hypergate before I could actually click the pylon itself. Is it an "exploit"? Only to those that don't have it as an ability. If you want to get rid of it in pvp then let's get rid of the commando/merc backwards movement ability and the outward push that slinger/snipers and merc/commandos have. All about knowing the class that you are playing.
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I use phase walk in hypergate and a few others on my shadow to get to points quickly. I've also gotten out to a pylon in hypergate before I could actually click the pylon itself. Is it an "exploit"? Only to those that don't have it as an ability. If you want to get rid of it in pvp then let's get rid of the commando/merc backwards movement ability and the outward push that slinger/snipers and merc/commandos have. All about knowing the class that you are playing.


That's not the point. What you're explaining is intelligent use of Phasewalk, but what is broken from what I've read is that you can put your phasewalk 60m away from the cap in somewhere hidden, go to the cap, start capping, phasewalk away and continue capping while your opponents are looking for you while you cap. This is not fair.

And I say that as someone maining both a sin and a shadow ;)

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So I reported this, took screen shots, etc. Even PMd Eric but I'm sure nobody will even acknowledge it.


Notice how there are never any Cartel Coin hacks though?


lol precisely, if this had any impact on the cartel market lord knows there'd have been a hotfix out asap.

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The funny thing about this particular bug is it seems that part of the reason why it's possible to do this, is because phasewalk doesn't make you disappear from the spot you were just in, and reappear in another, it just shift you very fast. So, no LoS occurs. Take for example, a sorc is using force lightning on you, and you have your phasewalk planted near them, still in their full view. When you use it, their force lightning attack will go uninterrupted and they will auto rotate in your direction. So if they do fix the capping issue, they'd also make non-LoS phasewalks more useful as well.
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Welp looks like we just gotta remove Phasewalk now since its messing up OBJ Kappa



I'm sure everyone is going to be heartbroken but It just has to be done.


LOL someone is super anti sorc :D never going to happen they will need to make it where once you phasewalk youll just stop channeling its an easy fix (maybe not for bioware). But with them being so busy(making next chapter) i doubt they will fix it fast enough we will just have to wait and see.

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