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What's your secret pleasures in SWTOR? Spoilers inside.


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LOL you mean the ghamorreans (idr how to spell it) yeah they can be fun to fight ;o just go to the sarlac pit area xD --are those the lil piggies u mean? o_o


Oh lordie! I forgot about those! He hates those as well and can be seen twitching at Jawas. But no those weren't the little piggy things. Ugnaughts or something? Little horrific gremlins that he would love to punt.


If you're ever on Shadowlands and happen to see a Sith Warrior stalking an ugnaught, it's just me.

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On my 65 Jugg, when I'm doing a lowbie Weekly Heroic solo, I toggle the run/walk animation with my saber out and pretend I'm murdering everything slowly and then when an enemy runs towards me, I force push them to add to the pain.. Lol.
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Got to agree that NEVER gets old.


For the JK storyline at the end of Voss pushing the Mystic into Sel Makor, I just can't help myself. I wish there was an option to say, "Well you didn't see that coming did you?" :D


LOL, yeah, that part is awesome :D I love doing that to the Voss. :D

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Riling up Aric Jorgan every time I flirted with Jonas Balkar in the class mission. His reactions (especially the perfect way Tim Omundson delivered them) never ceased to amuse me (plus getting him all flustered when you ask if he thinks Elara is attractive), which made me sad that he had nothing to say -not even affection losses- when you flirt with the new folks in SOR.


So of course, I'm looking forward to having Jorgan back. My Trooper hates Theron, but if I can rustle a jimmy or two this time around, hmm... haha, I'm mean.

Edited by MetaRayMek
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I prefer force grabs or rescues xD something about comps or monsters being pulled in is also thrilling. xD

Although I can't say for sure, because my Sage experience is limited, the Sage friendly grab (rescue) is best used on friends who are a) beating you in a foot race or b) AFK...I know because I'm usually the victim of said grabs...and the "WTH" I mutter in Mumble is generally met with an inability to talk through their laughter...:mad:


Back when I was still on pot5 I used to stay stealth ed on the data cronies balloon and wait until it was half way to the sand crawler and then I would uncloak and push everyone off. Omg the hate tells were so so yummy.

Duuuude...that's freaking LOW lol. You make bad people look like saints :p

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I must stress, this is not all the time, just every now-and-again when the devil is in me.....


Alderaan PvP Civil war. - - having one of my snipers specced into all the roots & slows, then dotting and leg-shotting the enemy as they get off the transport speeder, and watching them all limp slowly and lamely to their objectives while my team-mates kill them.


(also while winning) with a stealther - Sapping from stealth but not capping, while I give them all the runaround trying to find me.


Suiciding off the plaza in Coruscant.


Dressing in evening wear to do Endgame content and WZ.


Force push / knockback any mob that's too near an edge.


Fast capping in GSF domination. Getting the first sat capped before everyone else has laced up their pilot's boots.


occasionally following PVP flagged players around, like I'm going to flag myself and jump them. Then not....until they let their guard down - then jumping them. - But never more than once. - and I say sorry and offer them a rematch, so no hard feelings.


Sending friendly random comments, like "nice outfit", or "nice speeder."


Going to Nar Shadaa cantina where all the serious RP-ers are angsting into their drinks - and /saying "I need a man!"

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Although I can't say for sure, because my Sage experience is limited, the Sage friendly grab (rescue) is best used on friends who are a) beating you in a foot race or b) AFK...I know because I'm usually the victim of said grabs...and the "WTH" I mutter in Mumble is generally met with an inability to talk through their laughter...:mad:



Duuuude...that's freaking LOW lol. You make bad people look like saints :p



LOL Yes, i agree with you on the uses of the Rescue ability. It's also fun to just pull them in if they're lagging too far behind. Never used it during PvP or even PvE

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Alrighty then capt. barbosa. XD


LOL, me holds are burstin' with swag!


Watching Hutts trying to escape when you're about to kill them on Nar Shaddaa is fun too. They look so surprised as they try to shuffle away. :D


Also I live for repeatedly pressing on my Kowakkian Monkey Lizard just to make him laugh. :D

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I must stress, this is not all the time, just every now-and-again when the devil is in me.....


Alderaan PvP Civil war. - - having one of my snipers specced into all the roots & slows, then dotting and leg-shotting the enemy as they get off the transport speeder, and watching them all limp slowly and lamely to their objectives while my team-mates kill them.


(also while winning) with a stealther - Sapping from stealth but not capping, while I give them all the runaround trying to find me.


Suiciding off the plaza in Coruscant.


Dressing in evening wear to do Endgame content and WZ.


Force push / knockback any mob that's too near an edge.


Fast capping in GSF domination. Getting the first sat capped before everyone else has laced up their pilot's boots.


occasionally following PVP flagged players around, like I'm going to flag myself and jump them. Then not....until they let their guard down - then jumping them. - But never more than once. - and I say sorry and offer them a rematch, so no hard feelings.


Sending friendly random comments, like "nice outfit", or "nice speeder."


Going to Nar Shadaa cantina where all the serious RP-ers are angsting into their drinks - and /saying "I need a man!"


LOL i give u points for tour last one. xD

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I like making alts with names of my guildies and then doing weird things on them. For example:


Mintass and Mintasmcmanboob are an homage to Mintas.

Odinsun and Odinsmom are an homage to Odinsul

Reokafil is what happened when my Shadow got down with a guildy's Sage


Its a thing my guild does. You need to have at least 2 Mintas characters before I promote you.

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LOL Yes, i agree with you on the uses of the Rescue ability. It's also fun to just pull them in if they're lagging too far behind. Never used it during PvP or even PvE


There was one time I got force pushed off a ledge, so I quickly used used my grapple on the guy who pushed me and brought him over the ledge to fall to his death too, but at the last minute before I hit the ground a team mate yanked me back to the top. It was so awesome, and it all happened in the span of a few seconds.

Edited by Holocron
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Also I live for repeatedly pressing on my Kowakkian Monkey Lizard just to make him laugh. :D


Monkey Lizard, YES! I love my Monkey Lizard. The fact he laughs at the perfect of times is hilarious.


- Summoning my Nexu companion while running missions with my friend. My lovely Nexu has a habit of ruining all cutscenes as she takes up the whole screen with her face.

- Being a cyborg and scanning random people.

- Taking off my clothes and weapons with my friend and punch enemies to death while speaking in a russian accent through team speak on starting planets.

- Randomly flexing and asking people out for dinner, if they accept I give them corellian cocktail and peppered bantha steak.

- Watching people blow up during rakghoul event.

- Watching Zash go flying off screen when Khem intervenes.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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Monkey Lizard, YES! I love my Monkey Lizard. The fact he laughs at the perfect of times is hilarious.


- Summoning my Nexu companion while running missions with my friend. My lovely Nexu has a habit of ruining all cutscenes as she takes up the whole screen with her face.

- Being a cyborg and scanning random people.

- Taking off my clothes and weapons with my friend and punch enemies to death while speaking in a russian accent through team speak on starting planets.

- Randomly flexing and asking people out for dinner, if they accept I give them corellian cocktail and peppered bantha steak.

- Watching people blow up during rakghoul event.

- Watching Zash go flying off screen when Khem intervenes.


LOL, Zash flying is awesome :D She so deserves it. I like watching people go pop from the plague, that's fun too. I like your dinner idea, that's cute :D


And of course the Nexu that loves her closeups. :D

Edited by Lunafox
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And this is where we find out how strange Luna is...


On DK, I wait until the conversation turns to American politics and then start a game of Jawa Movie Titles...and the more people protest, the more titles I shoot out. :eek: Could it be Luna carries the troll gene? :D

What server are you on again?! lol Love feeding the Jawa movie craze. So amusing. Yes you are a troll there. lol


I like to vex Baras. Repeatedly.


I wish there was an emote where I could stick my tongue out at her when she get's trouble from her master.


I occasionally jump from high places to get that thrill before I die...

So I'm not the only one who gets that adrenaline rush...granted I don't jump off things for it. For me it's more OH CRAP! I have verbally gasped several times because of falling. lol



Favorite recent thing is to stand in stealth in the Ilum heroic, Imp side, and then gank unsuspecting players. No mobs to worry about either. :D

Other than that, no real weird ones I can recall. lol

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There was one time I got force pushed off a ledge, so I quickly used used my grapple on the guy who pushed me and brought him over the ledge to fall to his death too, but at the last minute before I hit the ground a team mate yanked me back to the top. It was so awesome, and it all happened in the span of a few seconds.



"Fly you fools."

That makes you the balrog. lol


rofl That's epic.

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Favorite recent thing is to stand in stealth in the Ilum heroic, Imp side, and then gank unsuspecting players. No mobs to worry about either. :D

Other than that, no real weird ones I can recall. lol


LOL that's evil :D


But yep, riling up politic chats with Jawa movies...that's where it's at. :D

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I love doing that to the droids on the way to get Khem Val. I lure them all out to the edge and then wham! :D






Yep, more alike :D


Y'know...the idea of that fleshraider holding a conversation with Satele Shan is just sadistic enough, that I'd let him live just to witness that.


Imagining the sour expression on her face is hilarious...

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I found a real player named "Name"


I felt disgusted, not pleasured. xD


Ah, just look at it from your characters point of view. Having them come across someone called 'Name.' My DS warrior would be pinching the bridge of his nose for a good hour.


Let us not forget smugglers imitation of that one guy on Corellia in their amazing British accent. I must have rewatched that far too many times. I could feel how 'Done' my smuggler was. Oh, and kicking people in the privates and having them go flying is very satisfying as is the backhand move.

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