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Why such Koth hatred?


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Koth was irritating from the start. Many of the companions are.


The way they talk, the attitude with which they address the character... There are a lot of little things that are just inherent to the characters that can make you dislike them even before they "give you a reason".


At this point, Koth tried to steal the ship. He can never be trusted again, which just proves that we were right to dislike him immediately. I think he is going to end up dead for most of my characters, when that option presents itself.

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Don't forget that Vaylin is the one that started the destruction of the power core on Zakuul at the beginning of the story. So in essence if you don't clean up the mess Vaylin creates he gets all pissy like we were the ones to overload the reactor. Hope he gets hit by a bus, or whatever the Star Wars equivalent is
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With two accounts, I got two free 60's to play with...so I made a Jedi Guardian and (a second) Sith sorceress.


With the Jedi, everything's been LS so far, so

Koth is still around



I ran across the DS decision on YouTube, and as I have not yet taken the sorceress through Chapter 10, I got to see the result. Well...



It will likely be a LS choice on a mainly DS character. Not because of any overwhelming desire to hold onto Koth, as I really couldn't care less if he stays or leaves, but during the Jedi's run through Chapter 10, Kaliyo really irritated the bejeezus out of me, enough that I was looking for a way to pitch her over the railings while she was installing those detonators. All I could do was say "DENIED!"



As for Koth...eh, he doesn't 'grab' me. He's like Rusk - he's sort of just there, and doesn't really contribute much (okay, he's not as bad as Rusk, but close). If I ever decide to work on his Affection levels or whatever, it'll be after all the others have been maxed out.

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He has always been a selfish jerk (IMHO) and he comes across as a big baby. He has always rubbed me the wrong way and I can only HOPE I can shove him out an airlock.


The blue haired freak we went to rescue (I forgot her name) rubs me the same way and I would have loved the option to also shove her out an airlock.



I enjoyed killing Tanno Vik



Other people I want to shove out an airlock - Corso, Skadge, Quinn, Jorgan and Saresh.




Koth is just the latest in a small group of people that are completely unlikable and seriously needing a blaster bolt to the head.


Couldnt of said it any better.


I just want Bowdaar and Khem in KotFE already. Ashara would be good too.

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Ok, let me start by saying I never played KotOR. So when I started playing SWTOR, it was all new to me. So all the names that were out there were unfamiliar to me.


I got companions during the story development and I really like some of them and don't care for others. But you do get attached to at least some of them.


The issue for me with KotFE is that the story, though I like it as such, has taken a 2nd place to question of when I get certain companions back. I do not wait in excitement for what will happen next in the story, but for which companions I can get back. I have a thing for messed up girls with some redeeming qualities. Kaliyo wasn't one of them, though I feel that in Chapter X she was more interesting. Still don't care. But Ashara and Jaesa are characters I do care about.


This is more important to me than the actual story line. I guess BW doesn't quite get that. What I do like is that with the monthly updates there is other stuff being updated like the EC, new warzones and those awesome QoL changes that are coming in April. Ok, so to each their own, but that's where it's at for me.


Now in FE we got a whole new set of companions. A couple we know from SoR but it's essentially a new set of companions. Koth is basically Warrick from CSI. Well I liked CSI so that's alright, but it does already make me start wondering about the quality and originality of the character. (Same with Kaliyo who seems to be a poor copy of Jack from ME). The thing is, he has an agenda and it's very clear. I don't hate him, but his agenda doesn't match mine. Essentially Koth and Lana are sort of opposites and I find myself more and more in damned if you do, damnd if you don't scenarios.



I still for the life of me don't get how Koth can remember my actions on Zakuul in Chapter X, when he wasn't actually there with me. This also annoys the crap out of me.



All in all the interesting thing is that it's created an interesting twist for my main character in her development so I can't be upset with that, but I am also not upset with Koth's decision at the end of the chapter based on my actions. In fact for me it's a relief.


So no, I don't hate him. I just can't work with him.

Edited by Tsillah
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-gives Vitiate Sue a free pass for doing far worse on a scale orders of magnitude larger.


Except Koth doesnt know this side of Valkorion, as doesnt Senya. This has been made clear to the player multiple times. All Koth and Senya has to go for is word of mouth, yet their personal experiences with Valkorion have clearly been mostly positive, if you listen to the story. It would be a personal dilemma for anyone, trust your personal experience with character X, or word of mouth.

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Don't forget that Vaylin is the one that started the destruction of the power core on Zakuul at the beginning of the story. So in essence if you don't clean up the mess Vaylin creates he gets all pissy like we were the ones to overload the reactor. Hope he gets hit by a bus, or whatever the Star Wars equivalent is


And the fact that I don't think any of the classes are obvious experts in repairing a reactor, a reactor that the ones who's job it is to keep under control can't fix. Yet Koth thinks you can go and fix it.

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It's not so much that he objects to the PC doing it -- it's that he simultaneously gives Vitiate Sue a free pass for doing far worse on a scale orders of magnitude larger. All while being an insecure self-centered twerp.


Also, in chapter 8, you tell him he's worshipping a genocidal monster. He doesn't deny it, he just saids that Valk was at least good to Zakuul.

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Ok, let me start by saying I never played KotOR.


Its probably the best game of all time at this point, not just my opinion check various ratings.


Anyway, if you have the time, I highly recommend, even 15 years later...


BW is trying to bring that feeling back with a good story. Which I do think they have done somewhat with KOTFE, though they have a lot of work to do still.

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Except Koth doesnt know this side of Valkorion, as doesnt Senya. This has been made clear to the player multiple times. All Koth and Senya has to go for is word of mouth, yet their personal experiences with Valkorion have clearly been mostly positive, if you listen to the story. It would be a personal dilemma for anyone, trust your personal experience with character X, or word of mouth.


The difference is that with Senya, she may not necessarily accept your words blindly, but having seen how the children turned out, and having seen how Valkorian was with the children, she is willing to follow you to see an end to the madness, and doesn't scoff every time you say something against Valkorian.


Koth, on the other hand...yeah, he's a lot more fanatical than the former wife of Valkorian and Knight of Zakuul, which is saying something. Comparing Koth to Senya just shows how insanely close-minded Koth is.

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Pretty much this.


Koth, and as we see in Chapter 10, all Zakuul people, lives in this magical rainbow utopia land in his head. It was only when he was ordered wanton slaughter of civilians that he got cold feet. When those civilians were collateral damage (as with all wars), doesn't seem to bother him, because they aren't from his magical rainbow utopia.


I honestly can't wait to see Zakuul burn.


My main character is diehard darkside Sith. I see no reason for Koth to be around my character as much as he does. Yes, he makes no sense. Yes, he lives in la la land. Seems like his only purpose in life is to complain about the decisions darkside characters make. Why would I like it?


If the game would allow it, Koth would have had an unfortunate accident long ago.


I will also mention for the umpteenth time I dont like the consolidation of stories and that darkside and lightside do same story.

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I didn't exactly dislike Koth but I wasn't a huge fan of his either. My Jedi Consular is all LS and even though we agreed all of the time, he's annoyed me greatly. What really gets me is....



If you go with the decision to allow Kaliyo to destroy the droids and blow things to smithereens, he'll leave. Even if everything else you've done has been picture perfect in his eyes, this one decision has him trying to steal the Alliance's ship, and when he can't, he steals a shuttle, and runs off like a spoiled child that didn't get his way this ONE TIME! He's a deserter and a thief to the Alliance and shouldn't be welcomed back with open arms, no matter if he comes to terms with the reality of the situation.



Now, with that being said, I like to think of my character as a Jedi Consular still, not the Outlander. Her role was to protect the innocent and the Republic, even if it didn't exist any longer. Her code of honor and morals were to uphold the Republic and its ideals or try to bring it back to the way it was before she was frozen and all went to hell. With Koth being a deserter, AGAIN, over one decision really boils my blood. Zakuul is NOT part of the Republic. It never was. It was home to the Eternal Empire which has done nothing but try to DESTROY the Republic I've been defending for the last 65 levels! Why in the galaxy should I have to sit there and take his lectures and trying to make me feel guilty, for not saving a few Zakuul that if they stubbed their toe they'd run crying to their mama to kiss it better? His hero destroyed a planet, not to mention tried to kill her multiple times. He nearly killed her Master and many others with his Children of the Emperor plot. His hero has done nothing but made her life a living hell but she's expected to bend over backwards because Koth may storm off if she doesn't? Her responsibility is to the Republic, not to Zakuul. The people of Zakuul don't even like her - she's the OUTLANDER and must be destroyed! Koth expects her to stick her neck out for people that would sooner see her head chopped off and neglect her duty to the planets she'd sworn to protect at the beginning of her Jedi career? I'm sorry, but I'd have the whole Alliance against me then, instead of just Koth. If he can't see and understand that this is a war - and for a soldier he must not of been a very good one - then tough. He can go and hope the door doesn't hit him on the butt on the way out.


People say to see things from his point-of-view, and I do and have done since the beginning because I could understand it may take him time. However, the time has come and gone. It has been long enough for the rosy glasses to be removed from his eyes and the true reality to set in. He either learns to handle it, or not, but I'm not going to bend over backwards for him just to keep him happy any longer. My job is to win this war, not coddle one companion that can't face the truth.


So, now he's gone to make his own way in the galaxy. Good. If there's anything that's going to open his eyes, maybe that will be it. The suffering, and have been suffering innocents on all the worlds can't be ignored by him forever. Arcann wasn't the ruler all that time so now Koth may hear/see what happened over 5 years ago when his beloved hero was actually the perpetrator and not Arcann! He can't go back to Zakuul, so he'll now see the Republic worlds and the suffering and agony they've lived through while he had droids catering to his every whim. His holier-than-thou attitude and superiority aren't going to cut it on the Republic worlds and certainly not on any Empire worlds that may be left. We may not even get the chance to kill him, someone may beat us to it.

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Why I don't like Koth.


1.) Thinks the gravestone is his ship even though you are the commander of the alliance and have out right told him that the ship was not just his.


2.) He complains about everything!


3.) He idealizes Valkorion even though everyone who knows the guy best keeps telling him how completely twisted the man is. Heck even his ex wife is saying Valkorion is bad news. But Koth just wants to stand there with his fingers in his ears yelling. "La la la! I can't hear you! La la la!" like a child.



This is kind of an extension of number 3. He makes no sense. He loves Valkorion. A guy that wiped out all life on a planet pretty much just for giggles. Yet he hates you because you burned down one city in an effort to hopefully weaken the enemy and gain another well connected ally. Also you didn't even burn down the whole city just parts of it.




He out right throws a hissy fit. Steals one of your ships and runs off to god knows where.



There is more but I think you get the point.

Edited by ClayPeopleCry
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One part that still makes 0 sense to me, and maybe someone has some sensible insight on this but.. Koth LOVES Valkorion. If it were at all possible, I'd dare bet he has posters of the man plastered all over his bedroom walls. His dearly beloved Valkorion is then killed, murdered by us, the Outlander. With Koth being the kinda guy he is.. this should infuriate him beyond belief for the rest of his life, he ought to hate the Outlander and expect the worst no matter what glorious stories Lana feeds him.. so why on earth does he then risk his life to go save and free this Outlander, acting like he expects you to be some sort of glorious hero? All I can think is that perhaps Koth figures Arcann's worse than the Outlander but even then you'd expect him to be semi hostile to you from the start, like he is with Senya.
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I'm trying to understand why everyone has such a problem with Koth. I understand from a character immersion/RP perspective especially if you're very DS orientated in your play but this seems to be a general thing across light and dark sides for both Republic and Imperial characters.


The way I see him, in a WW2 setting, would be comparable to a german soldier after the fall of France, but before the war with the USSR. He is a proud member of the Nazi Parti, fought in the french campaign, enjoy the spoils from the conquests, doesn't care about the jews and other peoples beside the German. Then a SS officer ordered his unit to kill prisonners and he ran away. He is now hidden with the french resistance, but still maintain that Hitler is such a great guy, it's just Himmler that is leading the 3rd Reich in the wrong direction and that keep complaining if you hit a german target. So a guy that is ok with everything the regime does as long as he doesn't have to do it himself.


A good asset to use for his Inside knowledge, but totally untrustworthy, since he support the enemy regime, just not the way it's going right now.


With Senya and other recruits with experience on Zakuul, he is just a liability for the alliance and a dark side option should have been to kill him stealthly one night and get rid of the body.

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My character is in a relationship with Koth and



I took the darkside choice to blow everything up and he didn't threaten to leave once, let alone actually go! He's a sucker for love apparently, more than his Valk worship!


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What's really sad is they made the one minority character in the new cast the one to pull this kind of stuff. I really wanted to like him. I tried to give him a chance. His character design is so great, but the way he is written? Argh! Damn it, Bioware, why?!


....No, its not. The fact that he's a 'minority' character does not matter.

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For me its more of his Chip and the fact he thinks he knows what best for his world. Forget the fact We as the player been roped into having him come along. Just give me 3 mins back when we first meet him and the rest i wish I did not have to go through. But out of this hole new story line I was hoping we get the chance to Make our own crew and enjoy the choices we made. BUT we have to go with what they feel makes this story line better. I have in my head few times come up with reason why to put another one in his place and two others so far but then again my main class has all but two of the old ones back so far and like most its not the one I married back in my class story line.;) Edited by higginsjf
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why I hate koth and don't like him


1.) when you get to the gravestone he immediately thinks that he is the captain of the ship and probably any other ship out there when he isn't the captain at all, the captain of the gravestone is the outlander and he gets really upset when u tell him that


2.)he complains about everything


3.) all he does is whine, whine, whine


4.) he idealizes worships Valkorion and when the people who know Valkorion more than him ie: Senya Valkorions wife, Outlander, and Lana he goes tra la la la can't hear you and says that no one knows Valkorion more than he does, which is a blatant lie when you have 3 people who know about him and one of them Senya Valkorions wife knows far more about him than anyone


5 He makes no sense. He loves Valkorion. A guy that wiped out all life on a planet pretty much just for giggles. Yet he hates you because you burned down one city in an effort to hopefully weaken the enemy and gain another well connected ally. Also you didn't even burn down the whole city just parts of it. if you did burn it


6.) he tells you that was ordered to kill some innocent people but didn't want to do it so he left and then he turns around and says that "civilians can only be killed when he says so" like he is the leader he isn't at all


7.) he throws a tantrum like a little 3 yr old and steals one of the alliances ship and leaves and you have no idea where he goes after that


so yes I want to throw him out of the air lock, I want to get rid of him for good

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I think it's a credit to Koth's writers that we all feel this hatred and dislike for him. :d_evil:



4.) he idealizes worships Valkorion and when the people who know Valkorion more than him ie: Senya Valkorions wife, Outlander, and Lana he goes tra la la la can't hear you and says that no one knows Valkorion more than he does, which is a blatant lie when you have 3 people who know about him and one of them Senya Valkorions wife knows far more about him than anyone


You raise a good point I never thought about. If you really think about it, Koth is the only one who has not personally known Vit/Val, but he chooses to ignore those who actually do know him. Lana doesn't know him either, but the Outlander can confirm her story.

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I don't like Koth because my character is the supreme commander of a military alliance and Koth acts like he can do whatever he wants within that command. This is the case even though Koth is absolutely no one at all. The random jedi masters and sith lord NPCs who don't even have nameplates should outrank him in the alliance. He's so small yet he gets away with acting so big.


I'm assuming that they're trying to replicate the Han Solo feel with Koth, but Luke Skywalker wasn't the supreme commander of a military alliance. Han Solo didn't belong to such an alliance and was doing favours, giving him enough room to act cocky.


At best, Koth should be one of Lana's flunkies and not someone standing around the war table.

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