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Dread Fortress SM Reaches, Hands, Brontes are broke.


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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






What ?? 4.3 ? Is that a joke ? A typo ? A troll ? :eek: :eek:

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Its about tme BW fired their entire dev team (since clearly 5 year olds could write better code) and hired some people who actually know how to write code


By writing this post, you have demonstrated you know nothing about coding beyond basic school stuff...

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Can you please define to use exactly what a game-breaking bug is? Because I'm pretty sure this qualifies considering just how much of the population runs Operations on a daily basis, in all difficulties, and most have added difficulty to them that prevents groups from completing them because of this one bug. Relics being BoP when crafted would be directly tied to the tier of players looking to advance their gear for the Flash Points and Operations level of content, not just story content that their companions and low level gear are able to breeze through. So without the Bosses that drop the materials to craft the Relics, what is the point of being able make and equip them to stone-wall against broken content? Please prioritize this fix ASAP, you've already alienated raiders by announcing no new OPs for an entire year, please don't push them further away but not fixing a game-breaking bug that affects the little bit of content they have available until then.

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"We'll never go this long without new raid content again"-sometime after SoR


The past year has brought less group content updates than a console title;

One of the most prominent raid designers leaves the team;

Widespread broken raids that could be considered gamebreaking, no fix for 2 patches;


Bioware is just barely hanging on to a thread in an embarrassing attempt to keep the world believing that they actually run an MMO; while they watch the insiders who know better flee.

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I think I figured it all out, if they piss off all the raiders and we leave....they don't have to make new ops for us and keep raking in the cartel and sub money without having to give us anything we want! Remember...only 10% of us raid (which is a number whomever said was pulled out of their ***) and 3 people said they waited more story. Story is cheaper and raids take time. 50 people are nothing to Bioware, but pretty much our entire guild is canceling their subs today, including myself.


I thought I at least got a reach-around after 5 years. Ugh, so sad Bioware!

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Wh-what?!?! You expect us who subscribe for raids to keep subscribing when you make most of them pretty much unplayable?


I don't understand. This is severe enough to call for a rollback to 4.0. But you're telling us we may have to wait MONTHS to see a fix?

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






What you're really telling us is, "just wait a month and a half, we'll try to have it fixed by then..."




Might I also say that the number of White Knights on the forums has seemed to drop to almost 0 at this point... Take that as a sign BW, your supporters have turned or fled.


Time to be honest with your community and tell us what is going on at BW for SWTOR.

Edited by RiVaN_
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"We'll never go this long without new raid content again"-sometime after SoR


The past year has brought less group content updates than a console title;

One of the most prominent raid designers leaves the team;

Widespread broken raids that could be considered gamebreaking, no fix for 2 patches;


Bioware is just barely hanging on to a thread in an embarrassing attempt to keep the world believing that they actually run an MMO; while they watch the insiders who know better flee.


These are just lies from Eric Musco and Tait, kind of like the whole "Better than cross-server" bs.


I'm not sure about you, but I have sent an email to: Kyle Cooper – Executive Relations, EA - Worldwide Customer Experience. I have dealt with him before when I have had issues in Swtor when I could never get a response from Bioware. I HIGHLY suggest we all contact him, even in a short calm email to let him know what is going on. I am confident that these issues will go faster, if we raise it above Eric and the community teams heads. It's clear they don't care about the community as much as we do.


Contact info is: kcooper@ea.com

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.





this job is definitely not for you and your team Mr Musco !

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These are just lies from Eric Musco and Tait, kind of like the whole "Better than cross-server" bs.


I'm not sure about you, but I have sent an email to: Kyle Cooper – Executive Relations, EA - Worldwide Customer Experience. I have dealt with him before when I have had issues in Swtor when I could never get a response from Bioware. I HIGHLY suggest we all contact him, even in a short calm email to let him know what is going on. I am confident that these issues will go faster, if we raise it above Eric and the community teams heads. It's clear they don't care about the community as much as we do.


Contact info is: kcooper@ea.com


Good idea.


I'll email him asking him to ignore the vocal minority of SWTOR throwing a juvenile fit every time they are correctly put on the lower end of a priority list.


Oh and BTW your guild is terrible at pvp

Edited by JMCA
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Good idea.


I'll email him asking him to ignore the vocal minority of SWTOR throwing a juvenile fit every time they are correctly put on the lower end of a priority list.


Oh and BTW your guild is terrible at pvp


lol, so because you pvp and don't raid, its not a big deal if they completely break a part of the game?

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Something you should probably think about and may have overlooked:

This bug affects all enemies in instanced phases, and with the release of 4.2 will come new phased content in the form of Eternal Championships, so your story-content and main updates will be directly affected by this bug. If you don't prioritize to at least get this fixed with 4.2 you will literally shoot yourself in the foot. It's bad enough you don't give enough effort toward the MMO community of SWTOR, but you're even neglecting your main subscribers that are heavily invested in KotFE and anticipating the Eternal Championships. You said yourself the new content will be fairly difficult, so not addressing this bug will make it impossible for most solo players that haven't learned their class yet because they started at 60 without the trials of leveling and learning under their belt.

The only way newer players have the patience to learn their class and clear tougher content is by asking for help from the veteran players of the game, which by actions like your most recent dev post, are being forced to unsub and remove themselves from the community, causing more and more players to go without guidance and creating a bigger difficulty curve for all content in the game. As your metrics and gaming studies can confirm, most players will stop playing a game they find too difficult to complete, and not pay for any future releases for that franchise if they don't feel it's going to be fun for them to constantly fail at it.

Plain and simple: If you want more money from us, fix this sooner.

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I do not understand why everyone is so upset. People,there will be other patches till 4.3 hits and given SWTOR patch team general qualification it is very probable that they will simply introduce another bug that will fix this one,by mistake.
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Good idea.


I'll email him asking him to ignore the vocal minority of SWTOR throwing a juvenile fit every time they are correctly put on the lower end of a priority list.


Oh and BTW your guild is terrible at pvp


Yeah, we care why? WE are a PVE guild and not a pvp guild! With that said, when YOU and your pvp was not the priority, we were along with you complaining about no pvp content. Glad to see you are a productive member of the community...I guess you are when it comes to ONLY what benefits you....figures!

Edited by Thmsleon
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I just added some things up.


I've been a sub since pre-launch in December 2011. I went through my account listings and, to my astonishment, I've spend something on the order of $4,000 on this game since launch between sub prices and cartel market (If my wife knew she'd demand a Nieman Marcus shopping spree right the hell now!) Further, I just did a /played across all 22 of my characters on Jedi Covenant and find I've spent 9908 hours playing this game, including over 4000 hours on my main toon (Hypur) alone. I have a lot invested personally in this game.


This game got me through rough patches and boring patches and all sorts of patches. This is the place I spent time while recuperating from back surgery. Its where I spent time while I was putting the lovelywife through college and graduate school. Its a place where I continue to find new friends, rejoice in being around old friends, socialize and ***** and tease and whine and...


You get the picture. Nerf Operatives.


I am going to put the message out to our entire guild (I'm VP Hail Skroob) that I believe it is in our best interests to fold shop, put accounts on preferred, embargo the cartel market, and wait and hope and pray that the powers that be finally begin to understand that we expect better.


No game is without flaws. Technology is difficult at the best of times (I'm an Senior Infrastructure Architect for a Forbes 100 global company so I know better than all those crying for scalps and wanting new developers) and end users can be frustrating and have unreasonable demands. But they also have reasonable demands. People spend time in here expecting things to work. People expect that if something is broken, it will get fixed in a timely manner. People expect value for their time/patience/dollar/investment. Right now they are not getting that return.


There was an earlier comment in this thread about our guild sucking at PVP. We make no bones about the fact that we are a PVE guild. Some of us do PVP (Some are quite good at it). A minority of us enjoy the story and the content. The issue I have is that, no matter your focus, this game is broken for all of your end users.


That digression is to point out the following: every aspect of this game is broken with the exception of the cartel market, and even that is horrible. PVE raids are broken, sometimes for months at a time, with mechanical issues, mechanics that exclude classes, gear drop problems, etc.. PVP has been broken forever with no new content, stun wars, balance fixes that lead to matches like the one I saw earlier that had 7 operatives on one huttball team resulting in a 6-0 2 minute match. The cartel market is nothing more than new makeup on old designs, repeated every 3 packs.


And then we come to story. The focus on story. Chapters 1-9 were a great effort. Chapter 10 was an hour. One whole, entire, unsatisfying hour. The re-addition of HK55 took another 10 minutes. The great part was that it took 3 months to deliver that. I will guaran-damned-tee you it will not be one month per chapter from here on out.


And then there is the breathless anticipation every time you say there is a major announcement, and people wonder and speculate and hope, only to come away from those announcements angry and confused and disappointed. I don't get your mindset, don't understand the lack of connection with your community.


The apparent focus on income is great from a corporate viewpoint. I know you have shareholders to please, I know you have upper management giving direction that can be uncomfortable. I know you attempt to streamline your time to accomplish your goals. I also know that it is not working. You are keeping revenue up at the expense of user satisfaction. That is fundamentally unhealthy.


Anyway, this post could literally go on for pages. I am going to be encouraging our players to go on preferred status, join us in WOW, and continue to enjoy each other's company. Is it perfect? No. Is it where we want to be? No. Were we driven there? Definitely.

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I have NEVER been more angrier to see a Dev Tracker post than I was today when I saw what musco had posted about the ETA of the fix. This kind of ETA on issue like this, that literally affects not just us the raiding community but pretty much everyone as Scicle here pointed out:

Something you should probably think about and may have overlooked:

This bug affects all enemies in instanced phases, and with the release of 4.2 will come new phased content in the form of Eternal Championships, so your story-content and main updates will be directly affected by this bug. If you don't prioritize to at least get this fixed with 4.2 you will literally shoot yourself in the foot. It's bad enough you don't give enough effort toward the MMO community of SWTOR, but you're even neglecting your main subscribers that are heavily invested in KotFE and anticipating the Eternal Championships. You said yourself the new content will be fairly difficult, so not addressing this bug will make it impossible for most solo players that haven't learned their class yet because they started at 60 without the trials of leveling and learning under their belt.

The only way newer players have the patience to learn their class and clear tougher content is by asking for help from the veteran players of the game, which by actions like your most recent dev post, are being forced to unsub and remove themselves from the community, causing more and more players to go without guidance and creating a bigger difficulty curve for all content in the game. As your metrics and gaming studies can confirm, most players will stop playing a game they find too difficult to complete, and not pay for any future releases for that franchise if they don't feel it's going to be fun for them to constantly fail at it.

Plain and simple: If you want more money from us, fix this sooner.


Delaying a bug fix on issue like this, it's just totally unacceptaple and I keep hoping that this is a big joke, but sadly it's not the case. I count myself among one of those "veteran" players that have been subbed a long time and I currently have 75 subscription days left. And for the first time I'm faced with decision, whether to just drop my sub before it renews at the beginning of April. Actually I dont even know why I'm still subbed, when the descisions made by the dev team are this caliber time after time after time.


Seriously Bioware fix your damn buggy encounters... Whoever came up with this moronic decision, please just fire them. And Please for the love of god do us a favor and don't waste anymore raiding community's or for that matter subscriber time on this kinda of bulls**t. Come back to us when you have a better ETA and when you decided to A.) Implement bug fixes that aren't coded by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle B.) Get a Quality Assurance Department C.) Actually beta test the damn thing and D.) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid it out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE KotFE team over to fixing this issue and do it NOW. If you don't fix all these game breaking bugs, you will be the only ones playing the KotFE.

Edited by AnorienNightwish
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Anyway, this post could literally go on for pages. I am going to be encouraging our players to go on preferred status, join us in WOW, and continue to enjoy each other's company. Is it perfect? No. Is it where we want to be? No. Were we driven there? Definitely.


I probably have about as much time and effort in this game as you do, but this might be the last straw for me as well.

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