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3 Hypercrates 2 Super filled with cubes and decos... No Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber


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Thanks guys, at least I know I have a right to be pissed. Lesson learned I suppose, seems like a horrible business model in my opinion. I have plenty of credits to buy old items, how about no cubes and 1 guaranteed gold per pack?! I wanted the stuff that is BOUND for two more days dang it!


No you don't have a right to be pissed, you chose to take a gamble hoping it would pay off. It did not, it's like going to the casino and losing $1000. You don't run around screaming about how it's a bad business model and they should guarantee at least winning your bet back every game. Suck it up, sell the stuff you don't want on the gtn and save up your credits or buy more packs if you want it that bad.


I swear every new pack there is a thread like this...

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I'd already bought 5500 coins before the servers came up and so got a hypercrate wow like many of you a total waste, i mean if I wanted garbage from past packs i'd have bought said packs, I will just do what i did last time and not bother buying anything until they sort this out, when you dont buy coins they take notice.
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No you don't have a right to be pissed, you chose to take a gamble hoping it would pay off. It did not, it's like going to the casino and losing $1000. You don't run around screaming about how it's a bad business model and they should guarantee at least winning your bet back every game. Suck it up, sell the stuff you don't want on the gtn and save up your credits or buy more packs if you want it that bad.


I swear every new pack there is a thread like this...


its not like going to a casino, casinos have verifiable odds and cannot just change them at will. the odds of winning at a casino are much better than these packs. this thread has convinced me to not bother spending any money on these, and to ignore any new releases from bw

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Thanks guys, at least I know I have a right to be pissed. Lesson learned I suppose, seems like a horrible business model in my opinion. I have plenty of credits to buy old items, how about no cubes and 1 guaranteed gold per pack?! I wanted the stuff that is BOUND for two more days dang it!

You want the "super rare" category to occur in every pack? How would that be "super rare"?


I'd be cool with "one Platinum pack per hypercrate" like we had in the last few series before 4.0 came out, where there was an extra "platinum" pack in each hypercrate, and this pack contained ONE gold item.


But you know what? People would still whine about even that, because their Platinum pack didn't drop the gold item they wanted.


So I've changed my mind. No platinum pack. Devs: please leave them just as they are!

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I don't think some of you are getting what he is talking about. ALOT of us are pissed at this. It's not the "gambling" part or "rng is rng" that he is mad at, nor me or everyone else. What we are pissed at is that we barely got any thing from the pack itself, it was almost nothing but chance cubes.


I myself bought 2 hypercrates, hoping to get at least one of the gold sets or maybe the lightsaber. I was not expecting over 80% of my items to be these damned chance cubes. If i had known to begin with that the drop rate on them was so astronomically high, and the items from the pack was so skewed by this I would have never gotten any of these packs at all, nor do I think most of us whom have already bought them.

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I feel ya man. I spent $100 and nothing. Im calling customer support tomorrow and asking for a full refund.


1) That's not how gambling works.

2) You didn't get 'nothing'. You didn't get what you hoped for, which is something entirely different.

Edited by Tahra
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I don't think some of you are getting what he is talking about. ALOT of us are pissed at this. It's not the "gambling" part or "rng is rng" that he is mad at, nor me or everyone else. What we are pissed at is that we barely got any thing from the pack itself, it was almost nothing but chance cubes.


I myself bought 2 hypercrates, hoping to get at least one of the gold sets or maybe the lightsaber. I was not expecting over 80% of my items to be these damned chance cubes. If i had known to begin with that the drop rate on them was so astronomically high, and the items from the pack was so skewed by this I would have never gotten any of these packs at all, nor do I think most of us whom have already bought them.


Agreed they should have atleast done it to where you can 100% get a new item and chance at cube or another new item, or even have the chance cube completely separate from the loot itself as a random chance just like the revan champ armor before.

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I think some people are missing the point, a lot of us are not complaining due to the fact we did not get the item we wanted, most are complaining since the likely hood of getting grand chance cubes is so high.


I idea behind the grand chance cube is awesome, but for someone likely myself who nearly has everything unlocked, and enjoys the gambling packs, this new system offers very little reason for me to buy hypercrates, which in turn support the game. I stand by the notion that you should be at the very least be guaranteed one new item per pack.


Yes. I know I can buy the stuff I want via credits, and with this pack I will be doing that, but prior to the change, I have bought three hypercrates with the release of each new pack as a means of supporting the game I enjoy, but not sure with the current setup, I will be doing that, since going based off the consumer feedback, one is more likely to get older items instead of new ones.

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Yep, bought a hypercrate, pretty much 80% of what I opened was chance cubes, and from those, I only got 2 non-bronze items. :rolleyes:


Just think, if you had gotten a previous pack, you would have gotten ALL bronze items, that are worth nothing in the GTN, so you had NO WAY of getting the lightsaber.


Seriously, I'm fine with getting unlucky RNG, but this **** is stupid. Bioware, please adjust the drop rates of these chance cubes. They should have a 10% drop rate MAXIMUM. We buy packs for the new stuff, not to get old crappy bronze items. Additionally, it'd be nice to have 1 slot of the pack be guaranteed to be a new item, so you can only get 1 chance cube if you're unlucky enough to get one.


Chance cubes are worth more than current pack bronze. Period, the end. There was NOTHING you could get from an older pack that was worth less than a Strategist Alliance Pack bronze after a month. This is an upgrade.

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Wow, you people are really bringing this nickel and diming and gouging on yourselves. $150?! Seriously? :rolleyes: As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."


Ineed. I stopped buying cartel coins long ago. Now I need to work on my friend referrals :p

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I idea behind the grand chance cube is awesome,



No the idea of the grand chance cube isn't awesome. They subbed the new shiny pack items for a random drop of old crap. It's only marginally better than when they only put one item in a pack.


If they sold the GCCs as separate items in the store and you bought them deliberately then perhaps they would be worth a punt. Perhaps.

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No the idea of the grand chance cube isn't awesome. They subbed the new shiny pack items for a random drop of old crap. It's only marginally better than when they only put one item in a pack.


If they sold the GCCs as separate items in the store and you bought them deliberately then perhaps they would be worth a punt. Perhaps.


I said the idea, not execution. The idea behind the grand chance cube is solid, as it provides a means to get older items, but still you should be guaranteed at least one new item per pack, since it is fair to assume one buys new packs with the exception of getting the new items. I have ready some people end up with 35+ chance cubes, out of one crate, which means that you can get double cubes, which personally I think is wrong since the new pack should lean heavier towards the new items.


I support the idea behind the chance cube, the drop rate and limit should be put in place.

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Bought 1 crate - didn't get what I wanted, will ask for a refund and also going to call the government and ask for all my taxes back as-well - since I didn't enjoy paying them too. Also, every other Saturday I play poker with my friends, will ask for all the money I lost over the years to them - because I like winning! Just my 2 cent.


And don't even get me started on the casinos - those guys going to hear from me too ... probably on Monday, after I deal with all the people I mentioned above.


Just really grind my gears, you know.



Edited by -FarStar-
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I feel for the op.

I bought 2 hypercrates and here's a tidibt of what I received:


1st crate- = 32 chance cubes = 2 Korrealis Marquis, 1 Resistance Fighter's Armor set, 1 Zakuul Knight Captain's Armor set , all 3 versions of the Vibrosword (2 each), 2 Uxibeast


2nd crate - 29 chance cubes - 1 Zakuulan Luxury sidecar, 4 Insurrectionist's rifles, 3 blasters , 1 sniper rifle, 1 Resistance Fighter's armor set, Darth Skotia's armor (supplementary and lower only) and 2 mercenary slicer's armor


everything else was comp gifts, bronze crap from old packs and jawa junk ( all 3 types)



No rancors or other gold mounts or fancy gold sabers

Bioware 2 customer - A big fat 0



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Really, I am not sure the OP is upset about he lost the gamble, more so how packs are littered with grand chance cubes. New packs should contain at the very least one new item. I think we can all agree on this.


Guaranteed one new item per pack, and roughly a 50% chance at getting a grand chance cube in the second item slot, I think this should be a fair adjustment.

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It's a gamble and luck game. I bought 1 hyper crate and got tons of the new armor, tons of chance cubes, 7 mounts I didn't have, 5 pets, several titles, emotes and companion customization, a bunch of the new weapons (vibroswords and rifles), several power & expertise copies of the new color crystal and 1 Unstable Arbiter's Dualsaber.
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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.

You should have spent $160!!! Imagine what 5 more packs may have contained. Don't stop now...you are SOOOOO close!!!!

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*Calls lottery commission


Yes... I'd like my money back please. I spent $20 on lottery tickets in order too win that $1.5 billion, and y'all gave me the wrong tickets. EVERY one of em said "not a winner" and one of em actually said "nope...you STILL broke. Get up and go to work". :mad:


I'd also like y'all to reimburse me the money I spent for the "Scrooge McDuck money bin" I'd started construction on. (I should be swimming in money right now! :(



See where I'm going with this?

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