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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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Now you're like every other craft where you don't earn money going on missions.


Slicing was supposed to be an alternative to making money without having to craft. Why are you so upset that people can make money without crafting. Anyone and I mean anyone was able to pick up slicing. It's not like they said only X class could use slicing.

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Flipped through the first 20 or so pages here, 150 is a bit to get through. Just a couple of things, probably nothing new, but worth reiterating if that's the case.


1.) A tradeskill who's only function is to increase inflation is bad for the long term health of the in game economy. All characters rely on credits, the ability to generate credits without gameplay is silliness. Cash sinks (repairs, mounts, training) are added to MMOs to maintain the balance of intake and outake of cash. Trivializing those costs is harmful to all characters who are NOT generating mass credits in this manner.


2.) The fact that a small sub-set of the players were able to generate millions of credits within the first week, through a single crew skill, does in fact warrent immediate action. The fact that they did so within the game system does not change the severity of the impact on the economy. The fact that it was "legit" makes it a nerf, not a bug fix. Semantics do not change the necessity.


Slicing was poorly designed from the start, and the issues with it should have been evident before the game was even put to beta. A couple of things would make the skill more in line with others, without the current net loss that people are reporting.


1.) Change the credit drop rate to yield a 0-5% increase over time. People should not be taking flat losses on mission running for missions that *only* yield credits.


2.) Slightly increase the drop rate of recipes and missions from successes. Monitor the quality/desirability of the drops.


3.) Also add unique, slicing only, recipes to the drop pool.


4.) Maintain drop rate of world spawn nodes.


Slicers would still have a skill that over time would be "free" to level. They would also see an increase in sellable items from thier trade. All of the other trade skills require finding another player who wants the thing you have/can make in order to make a profit. Slicing did not. That's a poor design from the outset.

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so has there even been a Blue post on this topic yet??


who's to say they arent reading every single post now which wouldnt be too far from the truth as they are closing all other threads and bringing us here that would mean they either

a) want it all in one place to read over

b) lack the f's to give about the reactions of the populace and dont want it clogging up the forum thats about all crew skills


the only reason why i believe A is because of the fact of the populace causing this in the first place.

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Do you all honestly believe that you should be able to make millions by making 8 level 10 toons with slicing then standing around doing nothing but logging in and out of each toon sending companions on slicing missions?


It was broken badly before, now it's where I think it should be. Slicing is still a money maker if you gather nodes like it was meant to, and missions are a gamble for obtaining rare items to sell, with a bit of payback when that doesn't happen.


Seems fine now to me.


/\This ... EXACTLY this/\

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Do you all honestly believe that you should be able to make millions by making 8 level 10 toons with slicing then standing around doing nothing but logging in and out of each toon sending companions on slicing missions?


It was broken badly before, now it's where I think it should be. Slicing is still a money maker if you gather nodes like it was meant to, and missions are a gamble for obtaining rare items to sell, with a bit of payback when that doesn't happen.


Seems fine now to me.


So you concede the fact the did this for a VERY small portion of the player base, I.e. because of a few players. I dont know anyone who was doing this and while im sure there was people who engaged in this practice, I can guess it was a VERY VERY SMALL LIFELESS PORTION iof the players.

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so has there even been a Blue post on this topic yet?? Wow would have a blue post telling us to turn off our mods and tell us they are aware of the concern and attempting to address it. .
They have already addressed the problem. The problem was that slicing was a license to print money. The fix was the nerf.
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I don't think they base any decisions 100% off the forums. I think they based this off a number of things including feedback from the forums. Id suggest next time not bragging about how you make 200k creds a day off slicing next time. I saw a bunch of people ragging on the guy who said 40k was too much to learn speeder 1. They said he was stupid just to do slicing and explained how you can have 100s of thousands of creds easily with little to no effort. Backfired here I think.
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They have already addressed the problem. The problem was that slicing was a license to print money. The fix was the nerf.


So with 2-3k profit per hour, no crafting material/gift source, slicing is useful to who exactly ?

Edited by Repefe
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It should be noted that nerfing anything should be done very cautiously and as rarely as possible because it almost always angers more people than it satisfies. Sony never learned that lesson and has the very small (though hard-core) subscriber base to show for it. It's a simple numbers game really. Do you want a small but hardcore base or a large and happy base? Frequent and/or massive nerfing of players' capabilities in a game doesn't get you the latter. It only fuels resentment in your players until they reach their tipping point and stop subscribing. Kind of like SW Galaxies.


Champions Online... nerfed into boredom. I call it being "Roper'd"

Edited by Straegen
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Anyone leaving because they adjusted Slicing MISSIONS (not even gathering!) is not the type of player which contributes positively to the environment of the game anyway. Find the door.


All slicing lockboxes were hit, nodes give same ones as missions. Find a hat.

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The epic whine of people who lost their credit printing press is priceless in this thread.


Please .. tell me again why you should be able to make MILLIONS of credits in less than a week of game release.




. :rolleyes:


The same reason that we keep the AH full of cash so crafters can make money while we buy their goods. NO MORE - sorry we got nerfed and the bank is closed lol! See what you do with your useless crafted stuff now :D

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They have already addressed the problem. The problem was that slicing was a license to print money. The fix was the nerf.


so, what you are saying is the game is so engaging that people were making 8 toons and chain running slicing missions instead of playing?



Tell me what happens in 3months time when gathering mats are worth a fortune and gatherers can chain run missions to sell the mats....


Do gathering missions get nerfed so that when you run them they take away your mats? Thats whats happend to slicing.



Total BS from BW>

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Everyone's still avoiding the issue that the REASON slicing was overpowered was because you could get 400 at LEVEL TEN!



If they just implemented a fracking level cap on professions, NONE of these issues would have occurred. There would be people hitting 50 and realizing that slicing was actually somewhat *useful* to foot their repair bills and buy mats.


Instead, we had a bunch of people making level 10-20 characters and abusing the system. So instead of fixing the issue, they just decided to nerf the whole flipping crew profession.

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To everyone saying you are quitting... YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED. Believe it or not, EA/BW doesn't care about you or your money. they tried to reasonably please you, and you were unreasonable, it would be too costly for them to keep you. you tried to ruin SW and got tired, have fun going back to ruining WoW and rift Edited by RobHouse
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Just cancelled my sub. This, along with all the other problems they seem to be NOT addressing is the straw that broke the camels back. Nice try bioware but you just didn't quite make it.


If your on Jedi Covenant Mail Cenewulf your stuff please as you wont be needing it since your rage quiting

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Honestly this is getting sad. I wuld figure after 150 pages Bioware would step in and make a comment one way or another. Instead they comment on this thread in another thread. Guess they are reading this, guess they dont care. I've seen forums in that other game that get in-put before the 2nd page. these guys only comment about how they are closing down a page. Getting out of hand quickly.



NB4 you say go back to wow, I am currently re-newing my sub as we speak.



BTW capping the mission for you current Level would have not be a good fix, THAT WOULD HAVE WORKED, and we can;t have that! Dont mention at lvl 30 something abilities are over 10k to learn each....



Like i said if this is a META-example of how they react to problem in-game, then we know what to expect from now on. O and they called thsi a High Priority patch, since you know Companion Volume was such a problem....

Edited by Engleheart
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The same reason that we keep the AH full of cash so crafters can make money while we buy their goods. NO MORE - sorry we got nerfed and the bank is closed lol! See what you do with your useless crafted stuff now :D
LOL, somehow I think we'll manage without your benevolence.
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Everyone's still avoiding the issue that the REASON slicing was overpowered was because you could get 400 at LEVEL TEN!



If they just implemented a fracking level cap on professions, NONE of these issues would have occurred. There would be people hitting 50 and realizing that slicing was actually somewhat *useful* to foot their repair bills and buy mats.


Instead, we had a bunch of people making level 10-20 characters and abusing the system. So instead of fixing the issue, they just decided to nerf the whole flipping crew profession.


Then you wouldn't have people who just crafted in the game. Slicing needed adjusting but they could have easily done that by making progression MUCH slower. Half the point raises and double the mission time. That would have put a huge dent into the skill and made leveling it take weeks if not months.

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Honestly this is getting sad. I wuld figure after 150 pages Bioware would step in and make a comment one way or another. Instead they comment on this thread in another thread. Guess they are reading this, guess they dont care.

They have made a statement, they adjusted slicing.


They do care, they adjusted slicing.

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