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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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At first it seems like a stupid thing to quit the game over, but I'm considering it too. Everyone spent time levelling a skill and they've destroyed it without a second thought. All because some level 20's were crying that people had more cash than them. At level 50 slicing wouldn't have been unbalanced at all. It was BW's fault for allowing people to max out the skill at level 10.


People could level UT to 400 when they reach level 10 and they'd be rolling in credits by selling rare mats. How is this less unbalanced than slicing?

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Even the nodes in world seem to be pulling in less cash...


No way in hell I'm going to risk wasting my time on another profession only to have it nerfed into uselessness ... In principle I can understand why some people are quitting over this. One week in and already something a lot of people have spent time and effort on has been wrecked. It's another nail for me.

One week in and you and the others are still as dumb as they look. You don't get it, do you?


One week in and the devs are supposed to do/be what? Have an epiphany how all the thinks now and in 5 years from now in SWTOR will work?


Are you seriously for real right now? You sure, you are?


Yes, I don't like the nerf at all. I liked having 100k+ credits an hour. I liked being Scrooge McDuck. And I don't agree with the nerf at all.


However I do understand it from BW point of view. It's 1 week in, they're gauging, prodding and poking around to find the best setting for slicing.


NO, it's not obvious if this move was a bad one or not, nobody knows. 1 week in everybody swam in cash, 1 day into the nerf all we see is rivers of QQ, barely constructive feedback. Until there's a good pool of samples to test from, we don't know if this move was a bad or good one.


Obviously without doing an in-depth analysis I'd say offhand that slicing missions which cost more than what they return make absolutely no sense at all. But I don't know how it affects me in the long term of say, 1 week worth of slicing.


Man all this QQ, barely anything helps BioWare.

Edited by Picoom
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I am really tired of all the mmo dev listen to those brainless QQ and fire nerfing missiles to the game. Seems like tor is no exception. People arent even past level thirty and come to the forum qq about one million credit. Seriously skills later on could cost up to 10k+ per one. This is not Wow. One gold does not equal to one credit! People have misconception of game currency. With the nerf to slicing. BW litterally deleted an entire crewskill.


BW can you actually run some data testing before applying nerfs? It just show that you merely listen to the QQ without even doing any data research. Do you even realize not all of us hit the level cap?


If this unreasonable nerfing continues, i am sure you would upset lot of players and turning TOR into another nerfing cycle mmo.

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At first it seems like a stupid thing to quit the game over, but I'm considering it too. Everyone spent time levelling a skill and they've destroyed it without a second thought. All because some level 20's were crying that people had more cash than them. At level 50 slicing wouldn't have been unbalanced at all. It was BW's fault for allowing people to max out the skill at level 10.


People could level UT to 400 when they reach level 10 and they'd be rolling in credits by selling rare mats. How is this less unbalanced than slicing?

I think you've hit the nail on the head, there. What cuts the deepest is not that BW nerfed slicing (c'mon, we all saw it coming), but that they did it in such an arbitrary and capricious manner, completely destroying the profession a mere week into the full launch and three weeks after pre-launch. This clearly shows that they took no time to investigate the matter or to develop a balanced solution before acting. Furthermore, there has been no BW response to the issues raised in this thread, leaving the community to assume the worst. So, UT types, what happens when a few hundred players start complaining about YOUR lvl 400 profession?

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Man all this QQ, barely anything helps BioWare.


It helped them nerf it. Don't you see that ?

If you QQ hard enough on forum they will do what you want. Lots of idiots whined about sliceing and that BW should nerf it. So they did.

So now we will QQ about restoring it to a prewious state even harder.

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the game is not even out for 1 week and Bioware is going to be Blizzard x10...gratz to listening the morons that was crying to forums because they don't have a minimum idea of economics...


and also to all of you crying babies, good luck on making money by selling your crafts to NPC vendors from now on...


I don't understand, all of you morons cried in forums that slicing is OP why you didn't got slicing?I ll tell you why!because by taking slicing you sacrifice your crafting ability to provide valuable things to sell or use yourself while leveling...


"I want to make blues and epics with my synthweaving dady to gear my toon and then I want to sell the rest on GTN to make money BUT I don't want the others get money from slicing dady"


Not a good start Bioware...in only 1 week you come to please the crying babies..I swear it takes months for blizzard to do this and still they destroyed their game...I am dropping slicing and get my crafting profession and until some rich crying babies start buying credits from gold sellers I am not even passing by the GTN...

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I agree that the nerf to slicing was a bit to much. Why people complained about something anyone can make an alt and use it to help fund their crafting expenses is beyond me. I'll just try to use all the crafting mission schematics I came across to make some kinda profit. Atm, its not worth waiting 40mins to lose credits. Is it worth quitting over? No, I've found a few places that are easy to farm and yield amazing amounts of credits without using slicing, but I'll keep that to myself for fear of them being nerfed as well lol.
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At first it seems like a stupid thing to quit the game over, but I'm considering it too. Everyone spent time levelling a skill and they've destroyed it without a second thought. All because some level 20's were crying that people had more cash than them. At level 50 slicing wouldn't have been unbalanced at all. It was BW's fault for allowing people to max out the skill at level 10.


People could level UT to 400 when they reach level 10 and they'd be rolling in credits by selling rare mats. How is this less unbalanced than slicing?


Exactly. If you're making level 50 cash at level 10 it seems much. But now level 50 players are going to make level 10 cash from the skill....

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The people that were crying for the nerf will be wondering why their stuff isn't selling in the GTN anymore. I spent most of my slicing cash on UT mats for cycbertech, and gear upgrades even if it was only slightly better than what I already had. Since the nerf I haven't bought a thing.
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Because, honestly, it doesn't matter how we feel about it, it's their game and they will balance it how they see fit. If they took an poll, absolutely no one with Slicing would say yes, please nerf my income.


Did they overnerf it, yes. Would the community have agreed to -any- nerf? no.


So you would rather they make their changes based upon a vocal minority screaming 'foul' rather than get the input of the player base as a whole? The game had at least 10,000 times as many players than the # of whiners that cried to get this nerf. So the other HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of players that weren't whining don't matter?


Wow. Talk about supreme arrogance.


Most businesses seek to give their customers what they want. To provide a product or service to the satisfaction of the largest # of people possible. Only foolish businesses make massive changes to their products based upon a few hundred whiners. No matter how you cut it, this nerf will have a massive impact on the game economy - one way or another.


When people continue to find it difficult to earn enough credits to buy skills, pay repairs and gear their companions without having to grind for endless hours like has become the norm for every other MMO out there. They will leave and SWTOR will become yet another clone of every other MMO out there with nothing to set its economy different from any other MMO where people tire of the endless grind. If they are going to make slicing a non-entity for introducing credits into the economy, then they are going to need to seriously increase credit rewards from quests and loot.


As it stands now, once you get into the mid 20s and up, you'll find yourself broke all the time unless you can grind for hours a day w/o being defeated (and thus earning nasty repair bills). I used my slicing to give me just enough extra credits to work on crafting when taking a break from the story and quests. That is no longer a viable option as I can no longer afford it. Few can afford to buy crafted gear as it was before the nerf. Now that credits just became even more rare, it will only get worse.


You other crafters that were whining about lack of profitability compared to slicers, enjoy what you have wrought since slicers were your biggest customers for what little you did sell.

Edited by KalenDarkmoon
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I think everyone can agree that this nerf was horribly implemented. When changes so drastic are made 1 week after launch, it makes you wonder what they were doing with all the beta information? BW, I'd like to see some numbers from your research and data cramming to support this nerf. I understand slicing might have been making more than intended, but now what's it's purpose? This really makes me fear for how this game will turn out. Some level 20s complain because they can't afford their speeder yet and you completely demolish a crew skill? If this kind of reckless patching is what is in store for TOR I can honestly say this game will be one of the biggest let downs in the history of mmos. Get your act together BW.
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Seems i got slicing to 400 just in time, completely unprofitable now. I have lost money on the last 5 rich/abundant missions and not even received a schematic. I see no point in sending companions on slicing missions any more.


Please fix this, otherwise i love this game!

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One of the things my wife and I both loved about SWTOR was that it had a skill that broke the old grind-till-you-drop model of every other MMO out there. With slicing, we could send companions out to make some creds while having fun questing and enjoying the excellent stories BW had crafted, instead of tediously grinding away to afford our training/repars/mounts.


I agree that slicing was op/exploitable and needed a nerf. But the proper approach would have been to limit the lvl of available missions to the lvl of the player/companions such that income would scale to game progression. This is how it should have been designed for EVERY crew skill in the game from the very beginning. It makes no sense that my lvl 11 companion can go on lvl 50 missions. The exploitation factor in slicing would not have existed had BW taken this simple, common-sense approach to game design.

Edited by Gimmelots
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Yep. After playing around since patching yesterday, slicing is pretty useless. The rare chance of mission and item drops with the money cases doesn't justify the crewskill now. After skilling up from 150 to 400, I have made 2300k 'profit' in credits and 6 prototype/rare mission drops. While the drops could be bad rolls on the table, the credits are pretty consistently low.


At this rate, it would be better to delete Slicing from the game and have the uncommon, rare, prototype, etc. mission drops and augments applied to a different crewskill.

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First of all slicing is/was filler ,the only extra is the possible drop of some that could have been with UT in the first place.


You need 3 skills to really be able to do a profession ,it does not fit any where !!!!


Now the only real use is robbed , making this skill useless :mad:


So gold sellers could get credits to easy SO COULD WE.

If we can get enough credits we will never buy credits so goldsellers and there hackers would move on because there would be no profit here !!


So the nerfing is backfiring and hurts the players and is in favorite for the goldsellers they will laugh shrug and go on there own way, hacking people ....


I did not invite the Goldsellers you just did :eek:

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the point remains that from how slicing works now (just as the rest of all the skills with lockbox missions) these kind of missions are not intended to flood you with credits...it´s a skillbooster that is not supposed to make you rich in the process. You pay a "fee" of a couple of creds loss and in return you get a skill point without having to move your butt.



WTH is the point of getting those skill points to level the skill if there is no benefit gained from it? What is to be gained from level 400 skill in slicing now (where I can pay a companion 2k credits to get me 1.4k credits in return 30+ minutes later - seriously, why would any sane person do that?) versus 400 in say Underworld Trading where I can sell the mats for profit?


The change made slicing useless to level since the return on investment of time and money is purely negative now whether you are skill 10 or 400. Why would any sane person put time and effort into raising a skill that no longer has any purpose as an economically viable craft/skill?

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One week in and you and the others are still as dumb as they look. You don't get it, do you?


One week in and the devs are supposed to do/be what? Have an epiphany how all the thinks now and in 5 years from now in SWTOR will work?


Are you seriously for real right now? You sure, you are?


Yes, I don't like the nerf at all. I liked having 100k+ credits an hour. I liked being Scrooge McDuck. And I don't agree with the nerf at all.


However I do understand it from BW point of view. It's 1 week in, they're gauging, prodding and poking around to find the best setting for slicing.


NO, it's not obvious if this move was a bad one or not, nobody knows. 1 week in everybody swam in cash, 1 day into the nerf all we see is rivers of QQ, barely constructive feedback. Until there's a good pool of samples to test from, we don't know if this move was a bad or good one.


Obviously without doing an in-depth analysis I'd say offhand that slicing missions which cost more than what they return make absolutely no sense at all. But I don't know how it affects me in the long term of say, 1 week worth of slicing.


Man all this QQ, barely anything helps BioWare.


Hey smart guy if i recall they have a test server dont they... Oh my yes they do. U want to get a postive feed back without fing people over use it for that tests. Now just because people may have abused it doesnt mean it justifies the nerf. And yes I considered quitting to. Not quite there yet but im not far either.

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