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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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if thats how u view crafting lol.


1) u can sell mats

2) u can sell crafted items

3) u can make items that are beneficial to u and save urself money


crafting is only a loss if u make it that way.



You can sell mats? Funny, I and my guild have two bank alts full of obsolete mats we've repeatedly tried selling, to very little avail. So now we're sitting on them to craft stuff for our eventual alts with. Is it different on your server?


You can sell crafted items? Sure you can...and you can even turn a profit at high level with purple gear and high demand mods/enhancements. Selling greens? bahahaha, no. Blues? Occasionally, though not for very much or very often.


Save yourself money? Ahaha.


I conclude that you're not a crafter, or if you are, you're not very far into any of it.


Or your server is a magical place.



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except thats nonsense. most people are going for the orange items (be it from crafting, pvp vendors, flashpoint/ops drops, whatever.. they all crave for the orange stuff) and stuffing them with mods. but did you ever see an orange item with an augment slots? no? thats because they don't exist. as it seems, there is no exception-augmentslot-crafting for orange items. and if you pack your orange items with purple mods/armor/enhancements, they'll be as good or even better than any non-orange item i've seen. thus, augments seem pretty much useless to me.


Not true. I crafted today my first 'blue' lightsaber (Artifice) and it was a crit - all slots modable + augment slot.

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You can sell mats? Funny, I and my guild have two bank alts full of obsolete mats we've repeatedly tried selling, to very little avail. So now we're sitting on them to craft stuff for our eventual alts with. Is it different on your server?


You can sell crafted items? Sure you can...and you can even turn a profit at high level with purple gear and high demand mods/enhancements. Selling greens? bahahaha, no. Blues? Occasionally, though not for very much or very often.


Save yourself money? Ahaha.


I conclude that you're not a crafter, or if you are, you're not very far into any of it.


Or your server is a magical place.




mats are useless..




wait until more and more people hit end game, are too lazy to gather mats themselves, and just buy them all.


Oh wait that wont happen because you guys just took out the only good money maker so far.

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I am glad its nerfed as it was so overpowered in gaining credits before, I also don't agree with it being a free source of income all you have to do is make one click and instant profit.


Making money and exp in this game is already too easy slicing needed to be nerfed but as always the damage to the economy and market is already done sooooo yeh nice job bioware.

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except thats nonsense. most people are going for the orange items (be it from crafting, pvp vendors, flashpoint/ops drops, whatever.. they all crave for the orange stuff) and stuffing them with mods.


what else do we get from slicing? every now and then, rarely, a mission that i can only gift to my guild, because nobody in the right mind would buy them, at least not at prices high enough to cover the slicing losses,


So everything is mod-able at 50? or mainly weapons and major armor like robes or chest pieces? The only "exceptional" items I'm getting at lower levels are belts so this is the only way I can actually use the augments.


As for nobody buying a mission? On my server they do and for just about as much as the mission to obtain it costs (and sometimes more) - mind you this is for slicing missions that are listed as "17-24".

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You do realize that missions are not the only way to make money for slicing right? Go around planets to get lock boxes which cost you ZERO credits to do and the gain is 100%.


Learn to be a pro-slicer like me. I am over 2 million credits doing that along with missions. I gain more from planet slicing then missions.


then probably you are the guy that slices everything away in front of me, because at least for me, slicing nodes are sooooo rare. i found at least 5 scavenging nodes for every slicing node..

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All crafting professions are "Free Money." As i said in the 1st post, the only difference between Slicer and the other gathering professions is that Slicers don't have to deal with the middle man (i.e. Auction House) and in a mature economy the other gathering professions will be just as profitable.


Even if we assume the metagame and AH-pricing would self-adjust to slicing in time, that may be months down the line. Maybe longer.


And until then, slicing would be far better in every possible way, than every other crew skill.


And even than, if slicing effectively gave money at every turn like it did before this nerf - that would most likely be preferrably to the vast majority of players, as they, like you put it, would cut out the middle-man and have a more reliable source of income.


Provided the majority gets slicing, maybe there will be a higher demand for materials in the future, as too few people actually have other gathering skills - and eventually the market will skew in the favour of the other side.


Just thinking "It will sort itself out" when introducing an element of effectively "People with this skill get free money" is risky, and meaningless. There is no reason for such a random element, let alone in an MMO that has to base their future existance on the coming couple of months.

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I am glad its nerfed as it was so overpowered in gaining credits before, I also don't agree with it being a free source of income all you have to do is make one click and instant profit.


Making money and exp in this game is already too easy slicing needed to be nerfed but as always the damage to the economy and market is already done sooooo yeh nice job bioware.


There is no economy. Trust me, when skills are actually more expensive than orange gear that is actually modifiable, there is no economy.

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Welcome to the reality of non-Slicers, per leveling up.


Welcome to the reality of ignorance at its greatest! You can choose to do slicing... You choose not too, therefore you have no room to complain you can choose it its not like someone said you couldn't, Nope you need to grow up and live with your choices... oh wait you can drop a crew skill and pick up slicing... Its people like you that feel they need to tell everyone else how to live their lives and play their games... People like you should just go to hell already.

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So, now that you can't really send your companions anymore and seeing as some of you are actually saying that nodes bring a good income.. Anybody want to make a guide for me so that I can camp nodes?


Either the situation radically changes at higher levels, or they were lying to prove a point. You cannot make good money by using nodes, it's just a small bonus midquest. You'd be better off PVPing, to name one activity.

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Not true. I crafted today my first 'blue' lightsaber (Artifice) and it was a crit - all slots modable + augment slot.


You may wish to re-read the post you are replying to. Pay attention to the colors of the gear being mentioned. Specifically the word "orange".


Also? Blue? Heh. You'd have a better weapon for less cost if you were using an orange-quality 'saber with blue mods. You'd have a far superior weapon for about the same cost if you were using an orange-quality 'saber with purple mods.


Do try to keep up.

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Good News Sir - Mission Success You've lost 300 credits.



2025 credits cost of a class 5 rich mission


mission success, returned with a "Black Market Medium Credit Case"


Contains 1782 credits.








I've seen that so often tonight, I almost want to slap my companions.... :(


Why was Slicing not addressed in BETA?!?!??!? (I mean apart from nerfing it a couple times)

A blind man/woman would have seen that it would cause a problem........

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So let me get this right... People flood the forums whining about slicing, so they do something about it so people whine twice as hard? LMFAO THIS IS A VIDEO GAME GET OVER IT! IMO slicing should have been taken out to begin with and this would never have been an issue..



People are just pissed cuz everyone who had early access is sitting on a gold mine (760k here) and they didnt get a chance to exploit it... I dont know what ppl are talking about negative returns, you are doing it wrong... Im still making huge profit, just about 30% less then before... Put the effort into figuring out the skill rather then crying about it, and you would still be making a ton of money for doing almost nothing...


Take slicing out completely IMO, save everyone the tears! Slicing makes no sense.. If you want money for not crafting go farm like in every other MMo, go play the auction house.. Spoiled *** little kids....


To all the ppl still slicing and doing it right, keep the secret, we will laugh all the way to the bank!


Quite simply agree with you a 100%.


I'm one of those that actually didn't figure this out until I read about it just now (slicing wasn't my thing as a crafter). Don't see me whining about not having made a few 100k since early access. As long as it works as intended, everyone should be happy! ^.^

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I am glad its nerfed as it was so overpowered in gaining credits before, I also don't agree with it being a free source of income all you have to do is make one click and instant profit.


Making money and exp in this game is already too easy slicing needed to be nerfed but as always the damage to the economy and market is already done sooooo yeh nice job bioware.


Fail... go back to wow.

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Not true. I crafted today my first 'blue' lightsaber (Artifice) and it was a crit - all slots modable + augment slot.


now that is good news. if thats true, i might even stick with slicing. although i'm not sure what that means for the endgame/raiding, as the drops there probably won't yield augment slots and therefore even the best raid oranges would be less useful than crafted gear.. hrm... not sure i like that thought... or am i missing something again?

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Did two more tests. Two abundant and two Rich yield mission. 27-33 minutes and all 2-2.2k in cost.


One failed, two had an overall profit of 600 credits, and one lost me 400 credits.


I'm just losing money at this point. Doing slicing missions are taking money away.


Its clear that Bioware overdid the adjustment that was about 25% to 30% more than what it needed to be. I really hope they realize this.

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You may wish to re-read the post you are replying to. Pay attention to the colors of the gear being mentioned. Specifically the word "orange".


Also? Blue? Heh. You'd have a better weapon for less cost if you were using an orange-quality 'saber with blue mods. You'd have a far superior weapon for about the same cost if you were using an orange-quality 'saber with purple mods.


Do try to keep up.


Boy, you better re-read too. It was 'blue' in the Crew Skill window (hence the '), but it actually is an orange item with blue mods.


I was doing that so I may RE it, but since it crited I now have an orange item with augment slot. In which I of course immediately switched in my epic mods and bought the respective epic augment...

Edited by Bloodymoon
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You may wish to re-read the post you are replying to. Pay attention to the colors of the gear being mentioned. Specifically the word "orange".


Also? Blue? Heh. You'd have a better weapon for less cost if you were using an orange-quality 'saber with blue mods. You'd have a far superior weapon for about the same cost if you were using an orange-quality 'saber with purple mods.


Do try to keep up.


nope, thats why he wrote 'blue' - gear like that appears blue in the crafting screen but actually acts like an orange item with scaling and modability and everything.. i think it even is orange after crafting. so, if he could really craft a fully modable lightsaber with an augment slot (that would be 5 slots total if i'm not mistaken), that be good news for augments. if he really did.

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So everything is mod-able at 50? or mainly weapons and major armor like robes or chest pieces? The only "exceptional" items I'm getting at lower levels are belts so this is the only way I can actually use the augments.
There exist examples of orange-quality gear for (nearly) every possible equipment slot. I do believe implants and ear pieces are the only ones without?


You can use a level 1 orange-quality or a level 50 orange-quality, with the same mods in it and get the same stats. Orange-quality gear are cosmetic wrappers for the mod's stats. (Light, medium and heavy armor designation does affect the armor stats.)


An augment is only usable in an [Exceptional] piece of crafted gear.


Said augment brings the gear up to the same level of quality as an orange-quality with appropriate-level same-color-quality mods in it. So an "exceptional green with augment" is the equal of an "orange with green mods"; without that augment it tends to be inferior to an "orange with green mods".


Crafting is fun. :D

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Definitely over-nerfed the crew skill into uselessness.


I did make some okay money with slicing. I only have 2 companions though and I'm level 27 now. I probably made 100k. I failed a lot of missions. More then a few came back with returns less than the cost of sending the companions out. BUT I did make money.


And I promptly used it to get my training and buy all kinds of weapon mods and armor and other components from other crafters off the GTN. To do that it sill cost me a big chunk of those credits.


Guess that's done with.


Far too often threads like these focus on the people who are just fantastic at making gobs of money and not so much on the average/casual player who made pretty good money.


I sell a few things on our AH, but definitely not enough to actually be able to afford things like...training.

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People need to realize that while you level your not supposed to be swimming in cash. Your not supposed to be making huge sums of profit. Sure you could if you really really worked it hard. Max level is when professions make money, thats how it is and thats how its supposed to be.


Explain to me where this rule of thumb came from? Seriously, it's no fun having to struggle for cash just to trian your skills. No one is asking to be rolling in cash but as this a crew skill anyone can learn, what is to you that they make money off it? You have your way of playing and other people have theirs. Yet no matter what game there is always going to be people who scream and whine for nerfs. Yet people get confused when players leave because of those nerfs.


I liked slicing. I got schematics I GAVE to people who could use them. In return most made one of the items if they could. I am not into the crafting scene and have no desire to be. So going by the logic others have used when it comes to crew skilsl they don't like, I should be screaming for all crafting skills to be nerfed.


'Oh look, they can make armor. I can't so it needs to be nerfed!' and so on. Yet I have no desire to do such either as I should not try and put my gaming ideals on other players.


So Bioware instead of listening to people who bomb your twitter page. How about actually asking ALL players their opinions of things in the game. We pay the same fees and the vocal minority but it seems we get tossed on the back burner.

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While I have only 1 slicer, I will say that slicing did need an adjustment. IT was too beneficial with no real dangers(other than failing the mission at about 18% of the time). However, this was not an adjustment, this was a nuclear implosion.


The credits needed to be nerfed, but not at the expense of 70% to 85%(maybe even 90%) on some of the missions. When a level 25-32 mission brings a profit on avg ranging from -160 cr to +648 credits, and an upper level mission does a range of -743 to +548 credits on avg, there is a real problem. Why the heck should I work my character to 400/400 in slicing when its more profitable to do lower level missions on average.


If they are going to keep the credits where they are, then they need to make augmentations more advantageous. Maybe have it to where a crafter synth armor could have 2 augmentation or have 2 skills on 1 augmentation might be a possible change. Or make it to where the missions we get could have random multiple uses, then I think you would see some of the negativety being posted reduce. Maybe even allow the slicer to get a message quest that allows them to do a mission in a random zone on 1 of the planets that could lead to gear drops or some other type of reward.


I don't think slicers are asking for the moon, but make it worthwhile to level a slicer beyond 150.

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Slicers, try the other gathering professions and talk to us about losing money. Your guys assume we can just sell things and make money, which is not correct. Novody is buying green items, which means even more money spent on learning blue, and even more money spent on purple. You really wont make any money until level 50 and 400/400 crew skills.
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