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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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What I posted in another thread:


Slicing didn't really need to be nerfed so much, the real problem was there are no level caps on crew skills. You could max out slicing at level 10 if you wanted to get level 50 credit boxes at level 10. This blew everything out of proportion and allowed low level characters to make a lot more credits than intended or needed at that low level. Problem is those credits ARE needed at higher levels.

Your crew skills should have had a cap based on level to prevent such a thing from happening. Level 10 toon should only be able to get level 10-16 missions. Had than been the case they would not have been able to amass a million credits in a week at a low level.


It's the best solution I can think of for the issue. Cap the crew skills to the missions at your level range and below.


Of course the downside to putting in a level cap like that is that if you want to roll an alt for just a trade skill, you would have to level it to max level to get max level items.

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Bioware I guess you are trying to recoup all of the money that was made by the slicers prenerf, but i just started and I am broke, I cant afford to keep losing money. I am about to either start selling spice or run up in one of these credit unions with my blasters blazing!! 210,000 for speeder training lvl 2 is nuts!!! And all the losers saying good it got nerfed. Get a life! Who do you think is buying all your crafted items on the auction house. Now you will be stuck with that crap!


Truth be told, I am actually not selling any of my mats on the GTN. I'm doing Bioanalysis and I am not selling my mats on the GTN. Broke, and I prefer it this way over having money coming out of my ears. Because money management is actually a challenge and I have to actually prioritize what I want to buy and such. Including training and the basic costs of getting your gear repaired.

Edited by VioletZero
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Wait what?

First of all your alt would at max have one crafting skill, as he, you know, can only have one.


Secondly, how on earth do you propose non-slicers go about "funding" their alt?


Oh, and by the way, even looking past all this whining and meaningless posting in this thread. You guys, the slicers, still have free credits everywhere in the world. You know the easiest money, right? Running around and taking the slicer nodes? Yeah, those are the same as they were before.


Eh, i entirely forgot about the one crafting cap, but still you get the idea.


By selling things to make money. that the slicers put so much of into the economy, or by..I don't know..dropping a useless profession(i, as an artifice, dropped treasure hunting as i never used it). or, getting a different alt to 10, getting slicing, and doing -that-.

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I bet they nerfed it extra hard so that when they fix it again next week (or tomorrow or who knows), everyone will be saying Hurray when in fact it's still much less than what it was before.


Mark my words: BW is so easy to predict.... :mon_trap:


IOW how do you hide a nerf?

First go down 50% and then up 25%. People will be happy that the devs reacted to their outcry and that it's not as bad anymore and will forget that they were nerfed anyways.


Psychologically smarter than just reducing results by 25% in the first place.......



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If you are bleeding credits with slicing, you are doing things ENTIRELY WRONG. Ignore the C5 and C6 lockboxes (they are not worth it).


If you stick with missions in the 25-32 level, you will make 25k credits an hour when sending out two companions.


How about you all get off the forums and instead use your time productively and logically and make credits.


there is only 1 mission worth doing, and thats the Automated Sabature, it's the only one that i have not lost on, and i'm getting about 150 credits per 11 minute run, 13 credits per minute is sad to be the only worthwhile mission.

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I bet they nerfed it extra hard so that when they fix it again next week (or tomorrow or who knows), everyone will be saying Hurray when in fact it's still much less than what it was before.


Mark my words: BW is so easy to predict.... :mon_trap:


IOW how do you hide a nerf?

First go down 50% and then up 25%. People will be happy that the devs reacted to their outcry and that it's not as bad anymore and will forget that they were nerfed anyways.


Psychologically smarter than just reducing results by 25% in the first place.......




A good majority of us wouldn't even be complaining though if it was only nerfed alittle. thats the problem.

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Here's what we do.


Let's zero in on a profession, doesn't matter which.


Let's slam the hell out of it for no reason and say it's OP or reliant too much on raiding or something. Spam the crap out of it in various threads, make new threads. If you can't find a reason, just make one up. Not like valid opinions actually matter.


Get new skill nerfed.


Repeat on another crew skill until every craft is useless like it was in WoW and everything is raid dependent.


I've already began that with Underworld Trading... :)

Edited by ImperiumAlpha
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You're not really supposed to grind slicing by sending your companions out on missions. Unlike mission skills, you can grind slicing, for free, by opening up resource containers on the map. The bottom line is you can walk out into the wilderness and come back with credits. No other profession can do this directly.
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I just cancelled my subscription because of this. If they nerf a crew skill this badly there is no telling what they will do next time. I will not continue paying for a game where they nerf skills so hard that they are completly worthless.
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Yeah but other crafts give you items to craft With. Unless you crit on a lock box mission it is just a pure credit sink no benefit no nothing. Did you not think for a few seconds before posting?


I got a crit lockbox on a treasure hunting mission that cost about 1800 credits and got 1175 back and yet these idiots are ranting because they cant click their mouses 3 times and make an easy as hell profit

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IOW how do you hide a nerf?

First go down 50% and then up 25%. People will be happy that the devs reacted to their outcry and that it's not as bad anymore and will forget that they were nerfed anyways.



Tell that to LoL. That was always their procedure to nerfing champions, but it backfired pretty hardcore. They would nerf a champ to the ground, then buff them, rinse and repeat, but all it managed to do was make people quit playing the champ because it was constantly in flux.

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I just cancelled my subscription because of this. If they nerf a crew skill this badly there is no telling what they will do next time. I will not continue paying for a game where they nerf skills so hard that they are completly worthless.


Talk about rage quiting have fun in wow where EVERYTHING is nerfed to high hell

Edited by Phadian_gess
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What's your point? When making a blanket statement like, "you shouldn't be able to have a maxed profession at level 10", that is a statement about the entire GENRE. I can name at least 4 other AAA MMOs where people who primarily do crafting have level 1 characters with maxed craft skills.


Hell, I can guarantee you that that will be the case in TOR in the near future as well.


My apologies. My point is because of the random level 10 sitting at Imperial Fleet spamming slicing missions is a big reason for all of the Anti-slicing crowd. If said level 10 were skill capped according to his character level then he would be either wasting his time or compelled to get out and level further.


I want it all to be fun for everyone. I think many of the complaints on the forums are knee-jerk reactions to something they don't understand so, in turn, here come the devs to knee-jerk it back the other way.


Skill capped according to character level would eliminate it. And, as was said earlier, this extreme "change" will only invite (embolden?) the account hackers, credit sellers and buyers.

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Worst nerf ever!


30 min miss pay 1930 to get 2140 and its was rich one. What is point of slicing now? This is total disaster.


Too bad i been spend a lot of time to lvl up to 400lvl.

Lets see who will buy now from GTM. Atm i wont buy anything and lets see how all prices go down and crafting become worthless even more then slicing. Without of money on market GTM will fail.


Without of money game will fail so badly, cause we spend more then we earn. Look just at skill price. We lvl up realy fast and dont get anything good from quest.

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there is only 1 mission worth doing, and thats the Automated Sabature, it's the only one that i have not lost on, and i'm getting about 150 credits per 11 minute run, 13 credits per minute is sad to be the only worthwhile mission.


You must not be doing these missions over a long enough period of time. I'm getting far, far better returns (roughly 10 times what you are) per minute (~130credits/minute)

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Eh, i entirely forgot about the one crafting cap, but still you get the idea.


By selling things to make money. that the slicers put so much of into the economy, or by..I don't know..dropping a useless profession(i, as an artifice, dropped treasure hunting as i never used it). or, getting a different alt to 10, getting slicing, and doing -that-.


I never had any credit problems, and I never had slicing.


Before this nerf, I can't believe how much money I would have had, and how ridiculous it would have felt.


I could easily fund my alt *now*, and I am level 47, not level 50. I am spending credits left right and center currently, yet I still have a steady 600k.


Stop making slicing seem like the only way to "earn"(used very loosely in conjuction with slicing) money. Money was never that hard to come by, and the introduction of slicing, easily the most stupid skill (press button for free credits) I have ever seen, Bioware basically ruined the economy.


People still have money to spend.

No, slicer were not carrying everyone elses weight.

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